HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-10-12, Page 8++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4*+++++++++sa 4. 41.• erririant S a le We have been fortunate in securing a" quan- tity of Mill Ends. Pieces of from 2 to 10 Yards of * Prints,Galateas,Nurses Cloth I+ Cloth, 1.4 1 yd wide Dress Gingharns, fan- + cy Voiles,. Table Linens, etc. t We are selling these at very low prices and + it will be greatly to your advantage to come early • and secure some of these bargains while they last. 1.0.1{SOCONMRSORNAW ..1111.11•01•11•111.** • Warm Weather Wants We haye a well assorted su.,ek M ladies' white voile waists, -a • middy blouses, plain and porous u lerwear, wash skirts, collars, etc. rlen's Wear .601.1.1.011••••101111110MIM •••••••11111111.•11•111 • For warm summer days. A nice range of Sport Shirts in different colors, Wash Ties, Stra v Fiats, Zimmerknit balgriggan Underwear, Socks, etc. I A Few Specials • ae • P -aural Niedias in c)lors Sava I 10a, ayar3 Turkish Towels at 30 and 40c a, pair • + Ladies' black silk ankle hose at 25c a pair 4 Ladies' fine cotton hose, regular 25c, to clear at 20c Lit .Men's Socks in black, tan and grey at 15e a pair ,th. • 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .F 4. 4. 4. - 4. + la- We have Canada Paint Co's. Pare Paris Green in stock 3: Also coarse cattle salt at 75e a cwt., and fine Sarnia salt in barrels., + + -1 4. WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS * + _ ON HAND + J. Gascho & Son i 4 +444+4 4444444444444444P+4 4444444444;444444444.441+ 11••••••••••••••••••••••• 11110•110041141411••••••••••••••11114 • • is i . Massey -Harris Implements : • • • • • • • • 'We have been re -appointed Agents ;tor the aloop -- aamed Implements and are prepared tc lake orders Of II kinds of Massey -Harris m.achines for next teasom. • • a"er 411 HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. • • • • We still sell Wagoes. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY 410 here h. far to • artle, Square • • Our Prices are always right • • 11. DATABS, Travelling Salesman • Deal • • • The Old Stand • • • 01111111•4111•11100111111•1101/11•000W114.000••••••••••••••••••••••• +4444444+++++++++++++++4,4-444444.4444444444444444444 If .you intend to build a garage we have material of all3kinds for same on hand. • F. Hess & Son Everything in Lumber and Building Material Combination storm and screen doors made to order. I• , Custom Planing our Specialty PHONE IQ + aressma _„ ', TICIFLEISC zuRicti 4.t ;i: +++++4++++++4+++++++++++9 .t4+44+44+4444++++4,44+4444.4 -+---+-+-+4-4-4 4. + +en+ + 4 NEW HARNESS SHOP ÷ 1 have opened up a new -harnes-s. shop in I. kerner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, 4. and am prepared to, do everything in harness + le repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc. 4, + Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc4. 01. • .1, A Trial Solicited J. * FRED THIEL ZURICH 1 =.2211411Siammimmaim Millinery Opening OUR many frienda and customers are /invited to view our charming display of Autumn • Hats, on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 19th & 20th and days following. Everything New and Up-to-date 4•111•1111111111•1••••••11M1111. Idelia E Kline Zurich Local News • was head on Tuesday afteanoon, .1=4101110.011••• IVIORL 'PROPERTY CHANGES' Mr. Valentine Gerber, Sr., of -C Stanley ownship, has parchaseal: the residence property in Zuriels owned and occupied by Mrs. H. Rupp.. Mr. Gerber will get pos- Session en November 1st, next, Mr. Walter R. Miller has sold internment taking plaice in the Bay- field cemetery. Rev. F. B. Meyer conducted the services at the house. ' / k THE NEW STAMP It is officially announced by the pestoffice department that the special 3 -cent stanan to commem- orate the fiftieth anniversary of his 100 -acre farm on the Goshen; confederation was put on sale on Line south, to his brother-in-law, Saturday Sept. 15th, The stamp Mr. Alex. Voisin, who will get pos- ,consists of an engraved reprodue- session of the same next spring. ction of Harris' well-known paint - Mr. Henry Reichert has sold his lag of the fathers of cOnfecteir- fine 100 -acre farm on the ation,Panr'd It is beautifully engrave Line, Hay, to his son-in-law, Mr. and in size is somewhat similar to, John Richardson, for the sum of the Quebec tercentenary stamp of $7,000. Mr. Richardson has reased ' af 1908 The issuel of the confed- the farm for three years from 1 eration stamps will a period of March 1st, 1918, and upo'n the ex- .three or four months; but, as in piration of the lease gets full pos-I the case of all other Canadiaal session, - ' , t• ' • . l'atamps the ndva one is of pernam- Z. P. S. .REPORT. , I eat validity and can always be us - The following is the report of led for the prepayment of postage. Room I. for the month of Septem- ' ber;- Jr. III.- Greta Merner, , Elda Callfas, Madelena Meidinger, Ethel Hess, and Frances Mittelholtz eq- ual, Edmund Bedard, Gerald, Bedard, Austin Schwalm, RuthBrenner. Bremner. , I Jr. II.- Dorothy Brenner, Freda Howes, Leonard 'Wagner, Aniia Mittelholtz, • Claude Meidinger, Wesley Callfas. ' • , Sr. Pt. II.- Lorne Foster, Alice Deitz. ' . , Jr. Pt. II.- Hazel Bedard, Beata rice Merner, Mildred Geiger.. Sr; let- Dorothy Zetter -Willie: Neeb, Maggie Zettel. k Jr. 1st.- Angela Mittelholte, Marie Foster, Edward Brenner,'" Stella Califas, Goldie Uttley.,_. Miss F. M. ,Kalbfleiach, Teacher. LAT.e.; MRS. WM., SPHRADER er many weeks of intense suf- le lag, Mrs. WmaGehroeder of the Line-pasded away on Twee day, The funeral was held yes - Le e....may afternoon, interment tak- ing place in the Lutheran eemet- .y. Two sons, Theodore a Fereinand, and one daughter, Eni)id- el,a, suraive her. DEATH OF IRENE POLLOCK The home of Mrs. Helen Pollock of this village, was, cast into deep .gloom on Sunday, when( the death took place of her seventeen -year- old daughter, Irene. The deceas led had been a sufferer of that dread disease, •consumption, and although everything possible was done for her it was of no avail] She was a bright young girl -and will be missed by her bereaved mother and a large .cirele of rel- ataves and /friends. The funeral Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit 1 " Opeli slakes of the system Mil morning and wash away the poisenous,. stagnant maatear "Ose 'of netchq are Itecuatotned reale dull and heavy - when we arise; 141ttting b.eadache.atuffy fronra wad, tongue. ,nasty breath, acid etOmach, • lame back, can, Instead, both look and feel as fresh as a daisy Always by washing the _poisons and amine from the body with phosphated • bot water each moraing. Weshould drink, before breakfast, eklass 'of real hot water with a tea. iwoonful of limestone phosphate in to flush from. the stomach, liver' kidneys and ten yards of bowels the arevious day's indigestible _waste, sour tale and poisonous toxins; thus cleans- ing,' sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary tract before putting .more food into the stomach. The action of limestone phosphate and *hot water on an, empty stomach is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, paste and acidity and gives one a !splendid appetite for breakfast and It is said to. be but a little while until the roses begin to appear in the cheeks. A quarter pound of limestone Phosphate Will cost very little at the drug store, but is sufficient -to make snyone'who is bothered with bilious - mew, ,constipatiOn, stomach trouble or rheumatism a real enthusiast on the snbiect of internal sanitation. Try it and you are assured that you will look better and feel better in every Ws, [hoCtlYs Eat! . Eat! Eat! Your Supp • Town Hall, Zurih on Monday, Oct. 22nd iThe beat hot te cken upper Of the eaeson will be served frola 5 (to 8 " 040*. J, food prices, a-7, going up this may be your !mit opportunity to have a high /nee; at a low priee. Nut this. ie. not all, a good musical pre gram wilt 'ae given during the supper.; yes, music with your meal; and las/ (not least, an illuetret ed lecture, on the beginning of the, Reform -a and Protestantism wal conclude the evening. COME, EAT 'r0f:a. SUPPER WITH US HEAR THE MUSIC AND SEE THE BEAUTIP'UL PICTURE'S. • • • $10-LTS 50 a Children §-12, yrs20e. niv-y ,iinder the auspices of tte Ladiets Aid and Luther League o 37 . 'r- '-a aan church, Zurich, Ont. • The proceeds to go for IAIS- SIO)TS YID RED CROSS. •' • 1 , aa.DNISSION TO SUPPER AND ENTERTATNMENT 1, • • . • We give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay Customers. rulouncementt -The business conducted for many years under the name of C. Hartleib will henceforth be known as Hartleib & Faust. Mr, S. E. Faust has taken a half share in the business dating from August 21st. The firm will be' betier prepared than ever to sup. ply your needs in Hardware, Paints, Furniture, etc., at the lowest prices. • Special attention paid to Furnace Work, Ea,ve- troughing, etc. - flartleib & Faust Hardware and Furniture Zurich „ HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE eallaflattiaMSCSICISCINiCitanit aaaamtaatiffatanalltflatHICatillat IMAM Cream, Eggs and Fowl WANTED Will pay highest cash price for Cream Fowl and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. I. HUDSON:Phone 5 ZURICJI.;1,',A WacloHEINICIMOMMIESECfacworiaCk4C/LacianicasClecioror 0 BIG CLEARANCE SALE will continue During month of August We are determined to- reduce our stock to.,•the lowest possible point beforeiour fall goods arrive. Summer GoodCandi all ready=to wear garments must be cleared ou entirely. Watch our windows fo Bargains then come and see the big display of bargainsiin every depart-, merit of .our store. This is your opportunity to Sae, T. L WORM• Phone 28 NEW IDEA PATTERNS^ D 14 I) DE 1 he BEST in the WORLD It is the anost popular and easiest running leader on the anarket Stinple, light draft and cone man can easily operate it. No twisted or crossed chubs, cogs or gears or king crooked Drank shafts ,tee use power and get out of order. Make hang a pleasure by buy- ing a DAIN LOADER. ttinou8 • Fleury Vows PLOWS that ARE PLOWS No other plowRIJN'S SO SMOOl'IlLY"--liaa such F4A.SX4 fat: HORS- ES and COMFORT for the PLOW MAN as the FAMOUS FLBUItir PLOWS. We hailalle the origin fat No. 21, the flight draught Nea anclalthe jaeetop-hoe plow in Canada, aahe Buy only the ORIGINAL and BEST. 1 We handle pumps, piping, eto, L 4140**, • ,.., !.; „ Kr< SANIIINgegat*"' "'''' 77'. . PRANG 4 -4-4-- 4 aaa --+-- - - -4e-a --a z. 11,1,94 1