HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-10-12, Page 5LEGAL, oARosi ,BOUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers', Soliettore, Notaries Peblie &c Offiee, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St, Goderiele Private funds to 1046 at lowest ;lace W. Paounrooe, K., C. J. L. K1LLORAN. if. J. D. Come Mr, Cooke will be in liensall cn"Friday and Saturday of each week. Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST , ukt UR/OH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE - HENSALL. Gc R. Hess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Repiriwg a Sfteczally THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. L ACKAWAN A GOAL E STANDARD ANTHRACITE .A. Cantelon Hensall hone, Office 101 4House, i0, B. BERAL CONSERVATIVE CON- VENTION AT CLINTON he Liberal -Conservative • ASS De- n of South Huron, as constit- d for Dominion Purposes will el an Open Convention in the wn Hall, Clinton, on Monday, ....ectober 15th at one o'clock inethe afternoon, for the purpose of sel- ecting a candidate Tier the "Huse Of Commons, for the election of officers, and the transaction of general 'busitness. Mr. Morphy, M. 1.Nrorth Perth, Mr. Merner, M. P., and Mr. Either, K. P. P. will addressthemeeting. The Executive will meet at 10.30 By order ,of 'Executive, r.Elorton, R. N. Creech, President. • 'Secretary. • • Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and 'Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Patine for 'Wadi CASH FOR SKINS &HIDES Tungblut & Deichert e Home Insuarnce Co. At*.111111. •••••••••-•••••• Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders .0, $19,536,177. 25 Wares your him against damage by winder tornado for 40 culla per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and Rio extra assessment guarani( ed. G. HOLTZMAN IlLOCAL NEWS. Mr. 'Earl Weido was in London Monday on business. Mr. 0. Davis spent the holidays at his home in Exetete Miss M. Brown of Kitchener Vis- ited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Zimmer of Dashwood, called on friends her on Tuesday, Mrs. Ed. Rupi , of Detroit, is visiting relatives heve at present, Bayfield Fair, held on Wedlnes .day, attracted nany of our citi- zens. • 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oelo. Wilhelm, 01 Milverton were visitors'ehere,over Sunday. Mr. P. McIsaac, of Dashwood, was a business visitor in town on Saturday. Mr. Clayton •Hoffmrea, who is at- tending Stratford Normal School, visited his home here °vet, Sun- day. NEW ADS - National Service, Chicked Supper, National. 'Resour- ces, H. C. Zapfe, H. Oestreicher. & Sons. Found -At the Zurich Fair Grounds. A chain bracelet. Own- er can have same by calling at the Herald .01 flee. A heavy frost visited this. Feecit- ion on Tuesday right. Much dam age was done to late garden veg- etables and beans and corn also suffered. The next regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Appel next Wednesday evening at 8 ozelock A „num be: of Inter:esti g papers wi' be given. All ladies are cordial- ly knerited. Master Bruce Klopp, son of Mr. E. Klopp. Bronson Line, has bro- ught 'to this office a stalk of corn which measures 13 feet in height, Bruce's corn should receive the. gold medal as it is hard to beat for size. • Final Word For - Medical Boards OFFICIAL BODIES MUST PASS ON EACH MAN-CALLED:UP UN- DER MILITARI7 ,SERVICE ACT agmber.of 616,CtOrs ethroughout :the country have been. writing here t� Oak if iQeatificate ,of phySical, Unfitness from a family physician wi 1 be accepted at faCe value by a Med- ical Board instituted' under the Military Service Act. The an- swer returned was a prompt neg- ative. • Experience has shown that some family physicians are liable to be placed in an awkward position feertifieates of physical un'itness granted by them are competent to secure freedom of responsibi ity under the Military Service Act foie the sons of some! cef their pat - lents. Doctors might easily be sub jetted to annoyances ot a most disagreeea.ble kind if the ilea were to spread that any one of them, with a wave of his pen, might ex - OM -pt a young man .from mi:itary serVice. Under the scheme by which the Miaary Seevi 2,e Act is operated, the anthoritiies will be guided by the ,Official Medical Boards. F BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Agent Zurich Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like lead or Bladder bothers you -Neat far= uric aeid. Dealer in Lightning Rods Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIV SLAG will have large shipments of Basic Slag in for fall use. Part - ice wanting any should notify me ;at an early date. Ask your neighbor about re- sults froin using tthe Basic Slag. PRICES MUCH LONER THAN ,ORDINARY -FERTILIZER Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of Pertilizer made by one of the large eat Canadian Cornpaniee, Agency the Commercial Fertilizers for eVier.v• purpose JOSEPH RAU R. R, N.', 2, Zurigh. Moat" folkforget 'that the kidifirlo like the bowels, got sluggish and clogged end need a flushing oocasionally, else ws have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheu- matic twinges, torpid liver, aeid.stomaoh, sleeplessness and su sorts of bladder dis- orders. ;You simply must keep yourkidney active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Sad Salts from any, good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before 'breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice'combined with Mile, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer ,irritates, thus ending bladder disorders„ Jed Salto is harmless; inexpenaivo; inakee a delightful effervescent at drink which everybody should take slow sod then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious oomplications. well.known• local druggist gays bo Odle Iota°, ,fad Salts to louts Whobelieve !hi entroomiagkdntaalga 3,141411 Indy troubis, A Grand Cheekenwsupper and en- tertainment will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on MontlaYe Oct. 22nd. ICeep this data open for this treat. The last carload of cement of the, season arrived last week, Parties intending to do any eementing this toll should get their supply at once. -+Hartleili & Faust, Anthony Holland, a former res- ident of Exeter, died at Beams- ville on Oct. and, ge was one 'of the pioneers of this section and for many years farmed In Hay town- ship. ge _built the +Zurich Road front Hensel' to the lake, By the new law .now in foreein all the municipalities in the Prove ince of Oatario, the minimum fine which can be imposed by a police magistrate on a baker for selling short -weight bread is $10, while the maximum for the first offence is. $100. For the second offence the -minimum is now $2i and the max.-- imam$200. +Formerly the ,niax.:, imum fine was $5. and costs, .. At a meeting of the Wel'ington county publishers held at Elora en Friday last, iit was decided teoput the $1.50 rate for weekly newspap- ers into force at once, It was also: decided to revise the ,aelvertieingr and job rates which are altogeth- er inadequate considering, the exce cessive price now charged for paper and all other printing mat- erial. , HAY COUNCIL Hay council met for its Septeme leer sitting last Saturday in the - 'newt) Halt, Zurich. Andrew Mittelho:tz was authoke ized to have Zu.ich Drain South, cleaned out, the amount to he ex- pended in such work not to exceed $203.00. The following orders were, pas- sed; ' M. N. Nesbit, for C. Rupp to Dec 31st, $39.00; F. Farncombe, Smith Award drain, $27.50; Can. Ex. Co. 75c; G. Blackwell,. equalizing IT: S. sections, $4; W. Bell, pia:13k for bridge, con. 4, $1,20; D: Ducharme, sheep kireci and, injuried by dogs, $1; R. Turnbull, Work and lumber, $5.60; Jos. .Corriveau,, cedar and work, Cantin bridge, $7.50; M. Deitz, building bridge, con. 5; 180.00; J03. McDonald, culvertand work, con 5, $512; L. N. Denomme work and gravel, St. Joseph brid- ge, $24; D. Ducharme, work weed inspectiotn,• $12.90; W. G. •Hess, months salary, S305.4),;.P. IVIcIsaace W111111; clg ,difch C. R. 14.35; Reiehert work cop. 5, 520.00; T. Icyjeee corn. work C. R. $175'00;ditto gravel C. R. $17.25; Jno. Jeffrey, rep cul con 14, $2; Len Wurrn wrk.. Mousseau Award ditch, $35; W. G. Hess, wrk 'Dashwood switch board 2.50. The council adjourned to meet again on November 3rd, at 2 p. F. Hess, Sr., Clerk, CREDITON The' Red Cross Society has elec- ted the following officers foruthe year; Pres., Mrs. C. iZevicker; lst Vice -Pres., Mrs. (Dr.) Orme; Sec- retary, Mrs.' H. K. Eilber; Treas., Mrs. G. Nicho!opre Special graduation exercises of the Teacher's 'Training Class were held in the Evalngelical Church last Sunday ,evenirrg. Mr. Richardson, tel'er at the Bank of ,Commerce has severed his connection with the bank and will go into business Inc himself. Mr. Kerr of Thralls is his succes- sor. PARTIES WANTING WOOD PUMPS CALL ON MR, E. BOSSENBERRY ZURICH, AGENT FOR THE ONT- ARIO WOOD PUMP CO. FARM POR SALE • For Sake, lot 22, S. B., Stanley, containing 100 acres. On the prem ises is a good frame house, a large, barn with two driving sheds and other out building's. Well fenced and drainedand plenty of good water. The farmis in a first class state of cultivation,For full particulars apply to H. C. Zaple, Blake, Ont. LOOK! Why not use tbe best' coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. C. F. CASE & SON pang 36 H E N SALL' Pay Will Be The Same. Men selected under the Military Service Act will receive the same pay as those now on active service receive. Pay will Atart from the time a man reports for duty. Money from the Patriotic Fund and Separ- ation Allowance will also be available for seleded rnen. Canadian soldiers are well paid. The fact that wages in Canada are generally higher than those paid in Europe is recognized in the system of remuneration for men on active service. Clothing and all equipment in addition to food is also ... 4C•("1:;: supplied to the Canadian soldier, leaving 0 , . ,., him with no expense except personal •*i• incidentals. The rate of pay for men in the - Canadian Expeditionary- Force, other .: • than commissioned officers, is as follows: • Pay Allowance Warrant Officers . • . $2.00 30 cts. ee Regimental Sergt.-Major. if not 14 Warrant 05 . icor . 1.85 20 " Quartermaster -Sergeants . . 1.80 20 " Orderly Room Clerks . . 1.50 20 " Orderly Room Sergeants . 1.50 20 " Pay Sergeants . . . 1.50 20 "' Squad., Batt., or Co. Sergt-Major . 1.60 20 " Colour -Sergeant or Staff -Sergeant. 1.60 20 !* Squad., Batt.. or Co. (MS. . 1.50 20 " 1.3 15 " 1.15 15 " Corporals . 1.10 10 " Lance -Corporals . . . 1.05 10 " Bombardiers. or Second Corporals . 1.05 10 " Trumpeters,Buglers, and Drummers 1.00 10 .• Privates, Gunners, Drivers . , 1.00 10 " Sappers. Batmen, etc. . . 1.00 10 " As in the case of those already gone overseas, Separation Allowances will be "available for those dependent for livelihood upon selected men. The Separation Allowance is $20.00 per month for the rank and file, $25.00 for sergeants and gtaff-sergeants and $30.00 for warrant officers. The experience is that many men can afford to assign half their pay to dependents, in addition. A considerable number of men who have enlisted in the Canadian forces have found themselves better off under the army rate of pay, which is granted in addition to board, lodging, clothing,,,equiPrnent, transportation, etc., than they were while in civilian positions. Their wants are provided for, and they receive a steady addition to the bank account each month. Issued by The Military Service Council. 132 fpf omplete Service to Ford Owners Everywhere COURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always "among friends". There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners { -for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the most called, for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. , Runabout - - $475 Touring - $495 Coupelet $695 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan - - $890 F 0. B. FORD, ONT. COOK BROS., DEALERS HENSALL • •4.