HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-10-12, Page 1ZURI • Vol. XVIII ZURICH, FRIDAY 01.0:..$04.1140 OCTOBER 12,. 1917. You Should Worry When you can buy Single Harness, Trunks, Club Bags, Suit Cases, Water Proofs, Lap Rugs, Dusters, Fly Nets, etc., at alma st the old price. Having bought u large stock early enables us to do so. We also Carry s fall line of Harvest, Mitts and Gloves, Look p your Binder Canvas and if they need re'p'a uiring bring them. in early and ovoid the rush. We slab handle new ones. R. F. STADE ZURICH NN.NM 110•NNSN NNseN have Satisfed Hundreds' I Can ;Satisfy You Mime Muriel •erecter vieiked, } e latives in Detroit last week. Mr. Alex. McConnell, of Yards, called on irie{nds here on .Tuesday'.. Mr. W. Lehman, of London, vh-' ited his mother here over Sun-,• clay. Mrs. N. Holtzman., of Preat -.. WE HAVE BEEN MAKING AND SELLING SUITS FOR MANY; YEARS' AND HAVE SATISFIED HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS. OUR EXPERIENCE GIVES YOU THE SATISFACTION THAT THE WORK WE TURN OUT 'WILL BE SATISFACTORY IN EVERY PAR TICU LAR . clothe a made by one who understands the measuring and fitting. We will make you your suit or, if pref erred,. will have .it city - Wade: �Hundrede of samples to choose from.. ' Get your All our Boy's Suits and Overcoats #li'C:'gOtt�j APPBL under :eo WHERE QUALITY COUNTS 19111110110110111•11111•01111111141100111101110111 WE WIN NO 14 Mrs. It. +Geiger. •visited relatives'$Mf$ _ft- 14.110 ri4“04.04 .00,11 .+ f in °Loader] over.theheiliday's. 1 . Meesr'd. W. Brown „and M. Wilber, visited relatives In Cretli,to'n over ! Sunday. Mr. and Mrs..P., 13end.er .spentil Tbankagiving Day with friends at'+; Tliedito,rd. ,. d•1 Mrd, M.Fritz, and • daughter, Veda, of London,, called on, friends.* here on Mdnday. Mr. and ,Mrs. J. D. biealnerr of Beepier, visited relatives here on Sunday and Monday. • ` •Mr. and .Mrs. N. Dohme - have; moved into Mr. F. Hess' house, iae,ently vacated by Mr. S. E. Visited at the home of 1MI1"G Hol !"Ceuet. tzman over Sunday. Rev. H. Remlie,'Miss G; Weber, Miss Annie Hudson, :of. Marlette, is• Miss E Schillee and 31r. H. Schilbe attended theLather League co'n- Ooing Shoes We have a completeBuie in White canvas, RunningShoes, Tennis Shoes, Sport Shoes, etc itepa1ring Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes,, Q. FRITZ, Zuric Mr. and Mr. is Mrs. I liudso�nsiting at the.: horns ofv tion held at New Hamburg on; The Home of Good Shoes Mr.. and Mrs. W;m. Finkbeiner, I'.M.osiday and dauriends here! Af Stratford] Mr, and Mrs, .Oscar Miller and ****1le-/it 11+—�4 4. {t �+ ♦fit Carl A. Miller from i Mrs. C � , over : •. d Mr � IIIIIIII(lii visited friends here f the hoh. Mr, an + n , •, .;i:1111111111!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II I days � 'Eitcirener, tivere the guest of Mr 1111111111111111{IlliipllllllllllllC',,,;'I!,1;IC�p1lulUilllllillllilllli,1111111111111111111111111111iIIIWlIII,I,,,�; Mr. and 1Virs. ,Tal: Wilhelm ainri :and 'B rs.:3a-ol . Iiowald over the family, of Baden, spentMondlt•y' holidays. at the home of Mr. C. O. Smith, ;St Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Voeising and sons. Dan, of Mildreay, visited at : the home of Mr. and Mrs. N.' Dahnis:,' on Monday. $ t Mr`s, J'« Wood, • of Howick, and: Mr. and Mrs. Sherar and .sons, Yie- tor' and Emerson, and Mr Bobt.. Dane, of Gorrie visited et the•. Evangelical parsonage -on :Moe. - day. Mr. II. W. Doerr, of Exeter,has been appointed superintendent;, of., the (Zurich Hydro Power • Systtem., His duties will :be to read the Feet iers, snake the eallectiens, end: .k Cp the pyatesit iii worhing,eopx ate. Maurice• Weber, son of Mr„ and Mrs. Chas. Weber,: arrived home on Tuesday. He was woun- ded at the first Vimy Redge bat- tle and later suffered shock from, an aerial raid behind the lines, He will visit heirs for a few days rNNNNMN��M�N��lNi t then he will leave fora military) hospital for tretatment. 1. 4. ', (Voile and lawin waist, 50c up to $3. House Dresses _ Cambric house dres s, in stripes checks and solid colo special sale at $1.00 and $1.50:,,- .1. Childrens- Dresses ;q3 !Children's white cluck blouse dresses. piped with blue collar and pocket, aige.`4 to 10 years. ea Incorperated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 S Breaches in CS .a' e!nerat Bankin fl r'siness Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Department Interest at highest) current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Come and See our New Goods in Prints, G nghams, Gal(teaS, Ivens Goods Ready-made Waists_ House Presses, Aprons rants, •Shirts and Overalls alsome s and ladies' underwear. , eal �.1�17 1P p� Fresh stock of Groceries. ,Also new floc' Formaldehyde on hand. PHONE11 ®n S2 ,,,,,, � ..I. , �. ;.,,I,I, Iiaiur•,umumnil, . , �;�!IIIIIiII!Ilili .l"P; ;, , I n.,;'iilliiillll111illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliili!11111111111illllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll{lililli1ii1111t a DOUGLAS BLAKE kie•g..g'.%.p..y'.pg,.g..g"p,3..gp,.y"p'.y.I.q,.l.'pg'.j'.g"l,!gg,.l..g"i'.g'.p'.l,.l,.l..l'.y,.p,.g..l'.y,%..y.';'.1,.1..;'.;.`g.'l..a' 4"p.;..i'.p+g'gg'.gg'.i..'13'•#•+•P,.i.,l.'1'.g'°g"g„F.'i.'1'.g„I„F„1.'f..g,!$'.t"l..l'.i,.F„p'g.'1„g1g..1.I'.l3'+p.'g, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ OME GOOD- SPECI 111111111111111111.111111.11111111111.1.10.11101 WAILR MERCHANDISE IS SCARCE AND PRICES GENERALLY HIGH, WE HAVE GATHERED MANY WORTHY LINES AT M ARIlecl 5.t1VINGS. BARGAING FROM OUR STOCK. PURCHASES WILL BE PLACED ON SALE TO-GETHER WITH MANY Ladies' Waists Large assortment of ladies white 4. Childrens colored gingham dresses Childrens 'colored Gingham dreg- sea, in fancy plaid and stripes agelt 2 to 16 years. , White Middies • Women's and children's fancy white middies striped collar and cuffs long sleeves, pockets and belts, ages 6 to 16 years at $1.00 to $1.50. •1 1i Embroideries Skirting, Embroidery some were. as high aa -$1.50 on sale at almost half price: - - Black Sateen Underskirts Black sateen underskirts Lull 'Sizes 36 to 45. OTHER Ladies' Furs A splandid showing of_ladiesfurs . see our window display Natural wTLynt Setts, •Mafnchurian Wolf Setts, .p. Dokota Wolf, Natural Opossium Blk, Fox and a large assortnnent 4 . of neck furs. ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++4-a. i°D.'.”'i"l.++%el•'1."#'+l.+'�"'F..E.+4-a. All Wool English 4. Men's and Boy's '° Suits 3 Men's ,and boy's suits of• the Fee - + . son's very choicest garment- e:r- +eeilent .patterns and reliable fab -7 +. ries in all sizes, at old pri,.�es. Felt. Hats 'r' Just received a shipment of e men's and boy's fewlt hats, eome and' make your choice early. T. den's and Boy's Dress Shirts Serges •i ,1. Pure wool. English serge 40 and T. 54 inches wide in light navy, dark e• navy,. brown copenhagen and black good e at $1.00 to $5.00 per -yard. .i. :• +f+++++444'.+/ 'llunninate and beautify your homes by fitting up the rooms with electric fixtures. We have a .mice assortment suitable for bed rooms, halls parlor, dining rooms and etc., at reasonable prices. Also a 'stock of Hot Point Electric toasters,. Irons Grille, call and investigate, we also have a -full stock of ' Tungsten and Nitrogen _lamps from 15 to 100 watts. A. full !line of general Hard ware always on hand and prices compared with quality 'just a little lower than your get elswhere. J. PREETER "4444 ii4 , 44+1'4 * • Flannellettes Striped Flannelette in light: and + dark patterns, excellent quality at ` 12%and up. These have been bought' some time ago and the et prices are much below present + 'r values, .; ++4 40 +++++1,•1•++ I`1`1 y4s,4+ s + A splendid display of eci,en's seri boy's shirts at old prices !sere is where we give you the beeefit of our buying ahead men's ties. ALL THESE Men's Ties A very nice assortment of men's ties at 25e. up to 75e. each. Men's and Ladies' Raincoats Stybsh serviceable garments fawns, tweed mixtures, navy, black and gray. A. large range to choose from alt sizes. Come and Oft them. I I 1 Sweater Coats Men's Women's and Children Swe- ater Coats, fancy knit and brush- ed wool white, navy, tan, cardinal, and maroon, all sizes. These are splendid value, at the old price. MENGES and I•.1[EXTERS The season is coming when you will need a Range or Heater and you naturally will want t'te best and we would invite you to see our stock before you make your 'purchases, we still handle the cel- ebrated Peninsular Line in ail the different makes high oven. Peerless Gilt Edge. Also meny, other makes. And we guarantee any stoev the turn out to give entire satis- faction or your money ba=k• Furnace work and pl irihing A specialty. Clover and Timothy Seel, butch Setts and live poultry, all kin - de of Farm Produce bought either tor eash,or in eXchange goods. Highest Price for Produce. Phone 9• ZURICH 00tHe~te,44++"+w+ : ++4.44 4+40+ e, 4,4 4 . 4' .411 41. 4 4 t 4 4 ++++1444-14.44.++.4+11-14+444.444.141, 444-144414040411444440