Zurich Herald, 1917-10-05, Page 8,4. 4. 4. 4. 4. . ,4. ;4. 4 4. 4. 4 4 'i° For warm summer days. A nice range of Sport Shirts in different .colors, Wash Ties, Straw Hats, Zimmerknit balgriggan 4 Underwear, Socks, etc. t .�° A, Few Specials c Figured l�1uslin, in odors a: 3 ani. 103 ayari '§' Turkish Towels at 30 and 40e a pair 4 + Ladies' black silk ankle hose at 25e a pair 4- + Ladies' fine cotton hose, regular 25c, to clear at 20c 'l' '- Men's Socks in black, tan and grey at 15e a pair * .i, 4. We have Canada Paint Cos. Pure Paris Green in stock ' - Also coarse cattle salt at 75c a cwt., and fine Sarnia salt in barrels.. ,1, + A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS .4. ON HAND 4. ;, J. ii Cascho & Son 4. 4, 4. 0. at 4.44444+44+44++++++++444-++++++++++++++++++++444444÷44 4. *.eilleito400000001000111G11096,00 .•••••11N••••••••••••••••I •• • 1 Massey-fiarris Irnplements • • • • is ernant Sale We have been fortunate in securing a ' quan- tity of Mill Enas. Pieces of from 2 to 10 yards of Prints, Galateas, Nurses Cloth, 1 yd wide Dress Ginghams, fan- cy Voiles, Table Linens, etc. - We are selling these at very low prices and it will be greatly to your advantage to come early and secure some of these bargains while they last. Warm Weather Wants 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- 1I We have a well assorted stock of ladies' white voile waists, middy blouses, plain and porous underwear, wash skirts, collars, etc. men's Wear 4. 4 mfr 4 • • 2.,....1..-.--:e have been re -appointed Agents for the _above • •named Implements and are prepared to take orders of all • • kinds of Massey -Harris machines for next season. • • • do WE ALSO • KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY 00 HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. 0 0 • • We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleigha and e Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. To 1• • 0• ® "�'�'-' Oar Prices are always right •0 Square H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman •• • •• • • F. Hess & Son • • Deal • ®0MIIIIIIIMINIIIIIIMI The Old Stand •• • 0 , •.0er••••••••••1..•o•..•n•ar••••0•••••••01**00•••••01)• 44•44++++++++++++++++++++44,444+44++++44+44.4 -44-1444+4444 4•443 +++++++++++++++++++44,444+44++++44+44i4i44-1444 4 4. 4. If you intend to build a garage we have material of alllkinds for same on hand. • • • • 0 • 0 • • • Everything in 4. Lumber and Building Material Combination storm and screen doors made to orderLlt. Ij Custom Planing our Specialty :4, + Ye K. Cso K lw�, L FL` _ I SC C '. «1' PHONEI� =ZURlC11 K. touramnimmA 4. *44444444+++++++++++++444.44.H.44+++++.144.44+4.44+44401414 ,--4--+-+-+-+-+-+-4-+-+-. -4.-+-4,-4.-+- :•-+-d°-+-- SII• 4 NEW HARNESS SHOP '- ( a• 1 have opened up a new harness shop in. 1. Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, ..'+ 4. and am prepared to do everything in harness 4. i repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc. I ( A Trial Solicited' WOOD PUMPS rFRED THIEL ZURICH }) CALI, ONMR. E. BO$SENIiERRY I , : .H ZURICH, '.AGENT POR THE ONT- 4,...4 j, -.r-- - w .., --..a, .- AIl1J WOOD PUMP CO,. . �xw�...,,. " 1, r Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc Millinery ' Openif r. QUR many frienda and ' customers are invited to view our charming display oi. Autumn Hats, on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 19th & 29th and days following. Everything New and Up-to-date Idella E. Kline ZUri ch ,,,..Y., Local News FARMS SOLD More farms are changing hands During the past week Mr. Joel Bechier; of the Bronson Line, sold his 50 -acre farm to his neighbor, Mr. Jacob Ortwein, who gets po- ssession next January. Mr. Bech- ler intends locating on a farm east of Exeter. Mr. Theodore Schroeder has purchased the . 75 -acre farm on the Babylon Line from his mother. He gets possession immediately. gr Sam Livingood of the 14th con.. Hay, ,has sold his farm to Mr. Leonard Klopp, son of Mr. ' Wm. Klopp, Zurich, who will get possession in March, 1918. CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION v The Conservatives of South Hur- on will meet in convention in Clin- ton, on October 15th to nominate a candidate for the Commons in. the approaching general election, to oppose Thos. McMillan, farmer, of Hullet Township, who was plac- ed in the field two years ago by the Liberals.. It is almost. assur- ed that J. J. Merner, the present member, will be the choice of the Conservatives. tI is expected H. B. Morphy, M. P., for North Perth, will address the gathering, The Liberal candidate is a son of J..MeMillaar; whb for many years represented the riding in the Commons; Mr; Merner's maj- ority in 1911 over the late M. Y McLean, was 114. ' •,Z, P. S, REPORT. The following is the report of Room II, ,1Z P, .School for • the month of September. Mark`s are based on -attendance, efficiency and conduct. . Sr. II; -Kathleen Siemon, 790; May Schwalm, 700; Raymond Fish er, 680; Lizzie Leibold, 670; Irene Decher, 670; Agnes Zettel, 660; John Kochoms, 6:0; Ivan Yungblut, 640; Idella Howald, 580; Fred, Davidson, 530; Vernon Davidson, 450. Jr. IInd,- Lawrence Reichert, 740; Alvin Gascho, 650; Kenneth Koehler; 580; aarnct FV Alper, 430. Sr. Pt. II- Elmer Leibold, 670; Tom Thiel, 590; Francis Dietrich, 570; Austin Hey, 480; Jerson Kel- ler, 220. Jr. ,Pt. II,- .Martha .Heidrem.an, 760; Leonard Prang, 650; Evelyn Ducharme, 640; Agnes Deitrich, 600; Luella Reichert, 130 Sr. Ise,- Roseline Thiel, 710; Beaulah Koehler, 690; Victoria Re- ichert, 650; Mervyn Schwalm, 630; Rose Albrecht, 500. Jr. lst.- Edward Thiel, 730; Bruce Koeh'er, 720; Willie 610; Russel Ducharme, 57); Miss M. A. Lamont, T Leebold cache, The following is the .report for Room 3, based on general work, attendance and conduct during the month of September. Jr. IV.- Inez Yungblut, 363; Kilda Neuschwanger, 350; .Dorothy Fritz, 307; Leninis O'Brien, 260; Euloine Geiger, 248, Whitney Tru- emner, 188; Gordon Waiper, 110. • Sr. III;- Mary Mittelholtz, 383; \•eola Prang, 371; Mabel Preeter, and Eva Fee, 338; Evelyn Howard, 316; Muriel Howald, 305; Ethel Dietrich 241; Clair Merrier, 178'; Theodore Deiehert, 120, Jr III,- Luella Decher, 337 ; Eleanor Ducharme, 251; Marguer- ite Prang, 239; E'rieda Deichert, 208 • Newell Geiger, 182; Lulu Al- brecht, 175, Milton Rey, 147; Peart, Tallman 80; Gordon Schwalm 76; Gilbert Ducharine, 45. Miss L Douglas, Teacher. . PARTTE;S WANTING ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION A reception was held at the home of Mrs. /Helen --Campbell on Saturday evening, Sept., 22nd for her daughter, Mrs. James Barr,y who with her husband,' returned from their wedding trip. A num- ber of the Women's Institute were present, end during the evening a presentation was made to Mrs. Barry and the following address was read. Dear Mrs. Barry ;- We your Co-workers of the Zurich women's ".Institute, have assembled here this evening ,to welcome you back from your wedding tour. We take this op- portunityto congratulate you on your recent marriage and we wish to express to you our hearty good wishes for the future happiness and prosperity of you and your hus band. The members of the Wom- en's Institute feel particularly in- debted to you for the pains taking and efficient manner in which you discharged your duties as secretary which position you held from the organization of the Institute until recently We also wish to convey to you our appreiciatian of the In- terest you have always taken in Red Cross work. The aid given tc, the Red Cross by the Zurich Women's I,rstitute placed a great amount of work on your hands which you always performed will- ingly and cheerfully. As a very inadequate token of the esteem in which ,you are held by ns we, the Womien's :I.nstitute andMrs. .West- `cvi.sh to' present you with this China'.tee set r .....pe thaty ou will longe reside among us and con- tinue to be One of our active work - We give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay Customers. Announcement The business conducted for many years under the name of C. Hartleib will henceforth be known as Hartleib & Faust. Mr. S. E. Faust has taken a half share in the business dating from August 21st.. The firm will be better prepared than ever to sup- ply your needs in Hardware, Paints, Furniture, etc., at the lowest prices. Special attention paid to Furnace Work, Eaves troughing, etc. I-Iartieilb & Faust hardware and 'Furniture Zurich HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION STORE -§ t; 743811COM 3f3<KsC3f3F3£sE 3m3RiCRIC38F3811= iE•E3 Cream, Eggs andFowl WANTED Will pay highest cash price for Cream Fowl and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. Proi I. HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH 1 1 BIG CLEARANCE SALE will continue During month of August v Huron Co. Rd Cross 80 Wa( C. A. Report RECEIPTS Dec, 1916 County Grant .._ ...$25.00 June 1917 County Grant ... ...100.00 Total $125.00 EXPENDITURE De'. 1916, Mrs. Fitton, Sec, ... $15 00 De^, 1916 Mrs. Hamilton, Pres, 10 0) June .1917, Miss Esser'y, Exeter 5.19 Miss Alen, Goderich 1.05 Mrs. Axon, Clinton 12 95 Mrs. Gardinee, Blyth 6.21 Miss Brown, Treas. 2.38 Delegates dinner _.. 3.00 Mrs. Fitton, See. ... 5.00 Total ' $68.84 Aug, 1917 Bal. on hand $61.19( BYRON SANITORIUM FUND Total receipts --- : ....__ $1042.77 Total expenditure ,.. _._1000.00 Bal. on hand - $42,77 Guerra E. Brown, Treasurer, Jti'y 1917 SAGE TEA BEAUTIHES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that To. body can Tell. You can- turn gray, faded hair beau- tifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll, get 'a 50 -cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, im- proved by the addition of other ind edi- ents, are sold annually, . says a well- knowu druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied, Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded. have a surprise awaiting them, bemuse after one or two applica- tiond the gray hair vanishes and your loek5 become luxuriantly dark and beau• tient. " This is the age of youth. Gray-haired, unattraetire folks aren't waistedaround, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sul- , phut Compound, to -night and you'll be de- lighted with your dark, handsome hair Sid your youthful appearance within a ieitt'dayt. ' 7llvas rrehavation is s. toilet requisite and is not intended for the cure, raltiga - We are determined to reduce our stock to:the low eat possible point :before our fall goods arrives Summer ;Goods::and all ready=to= wear garments must be cleared out entirely. Watch our windows for Bargains then come and see the big display of bargainsin every depart- ment of our store. This is your opportunity to save. L. WURM Phone 28 NEW IDEA PATTERN S American dentists who have been at work at some of the hospital b bees in Europe say that wounded mea whose teeth are sound recover in half the time required by chose ~those teeth are decayed. report .gained groirncl in Han- ovor to the effect that the Food Controller would come along aft- er diligent and painstaking house- wi-:es had canned everything can- a{,le and confiscate all over fifty ph' ;s per family for the use of the soldiers overseas. So serious -did the situation become that the may: or wired the ,Governni,ent for an official denial, '«rhich was of course forthcoming without delay. It is funny how credulous people are w; =n an utterly foolish story is eoneenned and how' loath they are sometimes to accept the truith,. Tho fruit or vegetables canned he- locg absolutely to those who put themh up and ica;n be sold, given a-, way .or 'eo,isun'red upon the prem- iscc" according to the needs or. 'wishes of the householder, LOCAL _ MARKETS - Corrected every Thursday'. Butter Eggs - - Dried Apples Potatoes .38 40 05 100 What -2.10 215 Oats 70 -85 Barley. 1 00 Buckwheat 1 25 Flour.. ... . ....,6 00 6 75 Bran $40 00 45 00 8.00 17 75 Shorts Low Grade Live • Hogs 'fob Hensall bag DANCE at West End Hall, Zurich Monday Eve, Oct. 8th Armstrong Orchestra. It3 attendant. EVERYBODY WELCOME •