Zurich Herald, 1917-10-05, Page 1ZURI "Vol.XVIII . CYou Should Worry When you can buy Single Harness, Trunks, Club Bags, .Suit Cases, Water Proofs, Lap Rags,_Dustera, Fly Nets, ere., at almost the old price. iIaaving bought a large stock early enables us to do so. We also carry a full line of Harvest Mitts and Gloves, Look up your Binder Canvas and if they need repairing bring them in early and avoid. the Tush. We also handle new ones, R. F. STAD E ZURICH i•s+•s••s•••s••es11•••••••N••s sss••ess••s•eee••s•••• have Satisfed Hundreds I Can Satisfy You WE HAVE BEEN MAKING AND SELLING SUITS FOR MANY YEARS AND HAVE SATISFIED HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS. '?OUR EXPERIENCE GIVES YOU T+FIE SATISFACTION THAT THE `WORK WE TURN OUT WILL BE SATISFACTORY IN EVERY PAR ' TICULAR Get your clothe s made by one who understands the measuring and 'fitting. We will make you your suit or, if pref erred, will have it city- 'tnade, Hundreds of samples to choose from. All our Boy's Suits and Overcoats are going under cost Er, APPEL WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN s1emee•e••seassei •••••••• si• ilemessee••Nsi••sees•• Mr, C. Fritz attended McGii'ivary fall fair on` Tuesday. Miss Roxie Eilber is visiting fri- ends in London this week. • Ma Simpson Geiger of Cavalier, N. D., visited relatives here• last week. LieutEeHoltzman left for head- quarters on Monday. He expects to report in England for further duty by the .end of this .month, INc1, .00TOBER 5, 19170 ALD N O 13 eP G Mr, S, E. Faust has moved to the '''"+4'►H#wM"i'iiilr i4/i100011f r4#tiMNFifiw!'llf'!� ip=Invents above C. Uartleib's 'b1>cit. A nim,ber from here attended the 7a.ily 'Day services at Crediton on Si da+y aftei'n iori... + Mr. C. O. Smith, of the' Peach Grove Farm, St, Joseph, has in- ve,lited in a anew" Ford touring ear. Mr, and'Mrs. Tdny Ohleiser, Mr. 1105' , Ohleiser, and Misses Alberta, Mittelholtz and Genieve Zettel, of 'Kitoii'ener, visited at the home of Mr. : and Mrs. A. Mittelholtz on $4'5day. Considerable surprise and as match regret has been expressed at tie announcement of the resignat inti of Morley Pettit as Provincial A:niarist, to take effect on Nov- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ehlers of Harrisburg, and Mrs. E. R. Siebert and son, of Detroit, visited re- latives in town last Wednesday. Mr.• Otto Miller of near Dashwo od has sent a stalk of corn to. this office which measures 12 feet' 9 inches. This is surely a wander ful growth and ittakes the red ribbon for size. Mr, E. J. Hess, who spent the summer montq New Ontario, visited his home here for a few days last' week. He left again on Saturday to resume his studies at the School of Prac., tical Science, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rickbeil re- turned on Tuesday from a visit to relatives at Kitchener and Be !eton. While at the latter place they paid a visit to Camp Borden.. and witnessed many flights of the, aviators, who have an instruction; school at that place 'All the" Jr: High S eiroei,Enaranet Candidates in west `Huron,, , who worked on farms and had their applications properly sent in have been granted certificates by the De partment of Education. Under similar circumstances the Jr. Pub- lic School graduation candidates will receive their diplomas. hs at Ir uois Falls, ember, 1st. Mr Pettit will de- vo'..e his attention to the Petits Apiaries with 'headquarters at n +„eot.�getotvn. ':He explains that "th.e production of honey offers a gtoat•er future and less exacting than the life of a ciival servant. job f 1 i Outing Shoes We have .a complete line in `White canvas, Running Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Sport Shoes, etc Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in excha411 nge for shoes. e. FRITZ, .Zurich The Home of Good Shoes t�1f M�IF fti� #ts t� om f�� iffi n11111111111111n1111'Ln +a, hi�n911nIIIIIIi:Ullilllllnll!nIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIlniilllllBllllnllllllllnlllllllllni!;111111!G�IIiiIIlNinIIIIIIInInllilnnnlUilllnlllilnniln�llllhlllllnnl mnllln1111 _ liacorperated 1855. The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 _ 98 Branches in Canada A General_ Banking Bnsxness-Transacted,, CUAllit l.EAE '0 -CREDIT'. B.NK MONEY ORDER Savings Dank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Come and See our New Goods in _Prints, Gin•nghams, Galateas, Dress Goods Shirtings, Ready-made Waists House Dresses, Aprons Pants, Shirts a`n+cl Qveralls Also men'sand ladies' underwear. New Shoes. New 1917. Wall Papers. r resp sie�� : of Groceries. . Also new stock O'. Formaldehyde on hand. 111111110111111NiIIIIINGIINIIIRMWO111II 111111 ti7l111fiSi MOINIINNiil111111 R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82 • BLAKE iInI1111ili1131lil111111 J'.E 11111111111111111111113111lnllllllillllllllllllN111111111111111111111111;IIIIIIIIIIII111111II111H:';all!'.;d!ill=11111111111111111ii1gIIL11111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111pn i++II++II+4 ++f f+++f+++++.++++. +++44+++4 +++++++++++++++$ 11^4+++++++++++++++++++3 ++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++v �� 3 . 3 OQME G • • D SPE I L 41.1101111151111. WHILR MERCHANDISE IS SCARCE AND PRICES GENERALLY HIGH, WE HAVE GATHERED MANY WORTHY LINES AT MAR Ked PURCHASES WILL BE PLACED ,ON SALE TO-GETHER WITH MANY OTHER BARGAING FROM OUR STOCK. Ladies' Waists White Middies • 'Large assortment of ladies white ;Women's and children's fancy 'Wile and lawn waist, 50c up to $3. white middies strirper], ;collar and -gin House Dresses - cuffs Iong sleeves, pockets and .,+ belt's; ages 6 to 16 years at $1.00 'i* .' 'Cambric house dresses, in stripes to $1.50. I I r . fe sheiks and solid co'_ors, special sale it.at $1.00 and $1.50. L .,5, i Children's white duck blouse =, , dresses. piped with blue collar and pocket, age 4 to 10 years. Childrens colored 1. gingham dresses .Childrens 'colored Gingham dres- sea in fancy plaid and stripes ages g 2 to 16 years. 44 Ilumina.tc and beautify your homes by fitting upthe rooms •°f' with electric fixtures. We have a nice assortment suitable for bed lerooms, halls parlor, dining rooms and etc., at reasonable prices. „l, Also a stock of Hot Point Electric toasters, Irons Grills, call and `.1' investigate, . we' also have a full stock of Tungsten and .Nitrogen lamps from 23 to 100 watts. .., h1^ A full tine ;of general Hard ware always on 'hand and prices compared with quality ' little lowver than you get.el:swhere. " lust- a Childrens Dresses Embroideries Skirting, Embroidery some were as high as $1.50 on sale at almost half price. Black. Sateen Underskirts Black sateen underskirts good full sizes 36 to 45. ':' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ladies' Furs .s. :• A,• spl:ndid showing of ladies furs F: see" our window display Natural + Lynt Setts, Manchurian Wolf Setts, Dokota Wolf, Natural Opossium '1' Blk, Fox and a large assortment of neck furs. 4. I All Wool English WL Serges +j _Pure wool English serge 40 and ` 54 inches wide iln light navy dark navy, brown copenhagen and black + - at $1,00 to $5.00 per yard. J, ]R.EETER 444444 4. +r4+++4.144.4 1.d.•t: ;.l:tti+y+++3+4. o Flannellettes Striped Flannelette in light and dark patterns, excellent quality at 12yi "and up. These have been bought some time ago and the prices are much below preaenit values. +,4.44+4+'+'..,++' 44.1.t -•:•••1-44+++,2i + 4111,10.0. SAVINGS. ALL THESE Men's and Boy's 4. ++ Men's and boy's suits of the sea - +i. son's very choicest garments ex - '1+ repent patterns and reliable fab- + ries in all sizes, at old prices, .. Felt Hats +I+ Just received a shipment of men's and boy% fewlt hats, come a. and make your choice early. in en's and Boy's + - Dress Shirts Suits + A splendid display of m,en's an 4 boy's shirts at old prices here is her -e we give you the benefit of our. buying a 4 head m,^.n's ties. Men's Ties A very nice assortment of men's ties at 25c. up to 75c. each. Men's and Ladies' Raincoats Stylish serviceable garments fawns, tweed mixtures, navy, black and gray. A large range to choose from all sizes, Come and see thein. IA Sweater Coats Men's Women's and Children Swe- ater Coats, fancy knit and brush- ed wool white, navy, tan, cardinal, and maroon, all sizes. These are splendid value, at the old price. RTE1milGES and ir{E2 TERS The season is coming, when you will need a Rangy or Heater and +you naturally will want the • best and we would invite you to see + our stock before you make your purchases, the still handle the eel- - + ebrated Peninsular Lin, in .11.1f. the different makes high oven. Peerless Gilt Edge. Also 'many other makes. +44+ And we guarantee any stoev we turn out to ++i+ faction o: your money back. 4 Furnace work and plumbing a specialty. + + Cloverand. Timothy Seed, Dutch Setts and live poultry, al kin- ds of Farm Produce bought either for cash+or in exchange goods. give entire satin - Highest Price for Prouce. Phone 9 ZURICH sir 4 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4. +ss 4. 4. Y • 404444:4,404++++4 1++1' I, 40:1 0) ++ ++ 444+4++4 44+444+444 4+4+4 14++++++...N14444444410