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Zurich Herald, 1917-09-28, Page 5
LES$ MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT if Bladder "bothers you -Drink lots of water. Eating meat regularly eventually prn Ewes. kidney trouble an some form or other, says a well-known authority, be. Ouse the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get *sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis- ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin- ges, severe headaches, acid. stomach, con- stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid* ;Heys aren't acting right, or if bladder bathers you, get about four Donees of iJad Salts from any good pharmacy; !take a � tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes And lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to 'aush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irri• totes/ thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; retakes a delightful effervescent Lithia- twater drink which millions of men anti women take now and then to keep_ the kidneys and urinary organs cleans j hyg Avoiding serious kidneye,diseeee, ---+--__- In loving memory of Warren Liv- tngood, who was killed In France, Sept., the 26th, 1916...- Sleep 916,-Sleep dear Son sleep and rest, On L' hat .field of the grounded arms, Where foes no more molest, Nor sentry's shot alarm. Ye have slept on the ground before, And" started to your feet, .At the cannon's sudden roar, Or the dream's redoubling beat. But in the camp of death, No sound your slumber breaks, ,Here is no fevered breath, No wound that bleeds aind aches. Pest Warren, rest and sleep! The thoughts of men shall be, :As sentirnels to keep - Your. rest from danger free. Your silent tent of green, We'd deck with fragrant flowers, 'Yours has the suffering been, The memory shall be ours. Gone but not forgotten. The parents and sisters. "Going like sixty" is well illus - Crated by the career of a Newi 'York gas .company'seforeaalan, iyho recently received sixty golden *eagles for his silty years of ser - Vice, : during which he has never missed a working day. 'And," says the company, "he's getting better all the time. ZurARi Mei# MKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASK FOR SKINS & Ii1DES Tinniblut & ea Deichut The Home Insuariee Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders 06,53$.,177.25 Insures your bars* against damage by wind rer tornado for 40 cents per $100 for `8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent . Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods If you are going to have your house painted this year, I can " save you money. ON THE J+oB Estimates cheerfully given on new ,or old work. NEN WORK A SPECIALTY H. Hs LITTLE Hensel! PAINTING, . GRAINING-, PAPER lEANGINGr i Also carry' a hull line of op -to date wall papers. .. , LOCAL NEW,. Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Dunlop and family spent Sunday at Dashwood. Mise Gertrude 1Iartleile of Lon- don, is spelnd 11g the week at her home here, . Highest prices paid for live poultry every Thursday foe uoon, .T. Gascho & On. Mr. Orland Jolrriston, of the 1Vlo'.sons Bank staff; Isirkton,spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. 'Guhr and son of Elmira, were .visitors at the Evangelical parsonage last week. Mr. Isaac Hudson and family are visiting : relatives in Marlette and Pigeon, Mich, this week. carload of shingles to hand, (Parties who need any should call early. F. C. Kalbfleisch. Messrs. A. J, Grigg, G. D, Robertson of Clinton, were busin- ess visitors in town on Wednesday. The annual Harvest Thanksgiv- ing services will be held in the Lutheran church next Sunday. rM. and Mrs. J. S. Wilhelm of Baden area visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 0. Smith, at St. Joseph: Mr. and Mrs, ,Henry Dumart and children, of Kitchener, visiaed fri- ends hare for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs, S. E. Faust; Miss Lydia Faust and Mrs. C. Hart-. leib visited relatives in Kitchener and Stratford over Sunday. Farmers are bu sily engaged har- vesting their bean crop at present. The weather is ideal for this work. Ah average yield is expected, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barry returned from their wedding tour on Sat- urday night. A reee.ption was tendered to the bride. by her :fri- ends. Mr. and Mrs, M. Lein weber of Stratford, the Misses and Mr. Biel, of Sebrin,gvil e, spent the week -end with friends and relatives in the village. FARM SOLD Mr. Robert W. Delgaty has.sold his 110 -acre farm, north of Blake, to Mr. Robert D. Scotchnuer, of the same neighborhood, who. gen possession next spring. 3. B+ LDS Obi COT EON, '$700, , The first thine ba_esnof Georgia's new cotton crop arrived in N. Y, were auctioned • from the steps fee the cotton exchange foy$70), near- ly 50 cents a pound. The money was given to the Red Cross -war fund, THe CONCERT The Hall was crowded to cap- acity at the concert. The pro- gram was somewhat of a disap- pointment as the manager of the troupe was taken ill a few days before ;the fair and a substitute had to be • procured acid so the expected prograve could not be presented. The proceeds of the: concert amounted to nearly $150.00. DEATH OF MRS. LINDENFIELD Mrs. Sadie Lindenfield, wife of Israel Lindenfield of 11 Brighton street, London, died on Mondayin her 37th year. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mil- dred Eleanor Lindenfield; her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Joh nston of Blake; two sisters, Ella and May Johnston at home. and four brothers. John at home, and Norman. Milton and Thomas ser- ving in France with the C. E. P. �L—yL SHE AND [1LPIIIIfl DARKENS GHY HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Colok, Gloss and Attractiveness. Almost everyone knoq's that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural color and lue'fre to the hair when faced, streaked or gray. -nears ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a largebottle of this famous olcl recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, for about 50 oents. Don't stay gray:! "Try it! No one can possibly tell that you. darkened your hair, es it does it so naturally and evenly„ You dampen a sponge or sofb brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking».one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair dis- appears, and after another application or two, your, hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive,` Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toiletrequisite for those who desire dark hair and a yotith£ul sips pearanee. It is not intended for the cure, eaitigittion or pr,©YentiCI of daseo,se. WHEN YOU WAKE-,. lP•DRINK :GLASS • OF HOT WATER Wash the poisons and toxins from system before putting more food Into stomach, Saye Inside -bathing makes Ay- one look and feel clean, sweet and refreshed. Wash yourself on the inside before breakfast like you do on the outside. This is vastly more important because the skin pores do not absorb Impuri- ties into the blood, causing illness, while the bowel pores do. For every ounce of food-and'drink taken into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out of the body. If this waste material is not eliminated day by day t Quickly ferments and generates )oisons, gases and toxins which are rbsorbed or srreled into the blood :cream, through the lymph ducts•which ,houle Buck only nourishment to Sus- tain the body. A splendid health measure is to ;Bins:, before breakfast each day, a eines of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in. it, which is .a harmless ' way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach, . liver, kidneys and bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. A quarter pound of limestone phos pirate costs but very little at the drag stare but is sufficient -no make anyone an enthusiast on inside -bathing. Men and women who are accustomed to wake up' with a dulls achiri;g head or have furred tongue, bed taste, narty arena), sallow complexion, others whc lave inions eitecks, acid stomach o' •onatinntion are assured of pre ,ouncea improvement in both healt' .nd a.ppeaeeee -' HENSALL Miss Jassie Buchanan, daughter of rM, and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan, is taking a course in the Nurse's Training School, Toronto, General Hospital. Mrs. E. Rennie was called to Oakville last week on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. J. D. Dick. Mr, and Mrs. John Bonthron, of Assiniboia, Sask„ are visiting re- latives here at present. The annual rally of the Epworth League was betd oin the Method- ist church on ].vtondayeveaing. .Mr. John D. Suchanan, of Prov- idence, R. I., visited his parents" here last weak. Rev. J. Knight aind J. Dingwall last week attended the funeral of the late Geo. Booth, evangelist, at London. Sirs. R. W. Fulton still confine. ues in very poor health. —.-- .---- EXETER Win. Higgins, of 'the 2nd Con., Usborue, has sold his farm to Chas. Ca;odbolt.. Last Saturday evening a mem-: orial service was held in Caven Presbyterian church for the late Pte. John Strang, who was killed in action. After an . iciness of nearly nine years, Jas. Kyle paused away at his home here on Sept. 14th ,in his 73rd year. J. W. Taylor has sold his res- idence to W. Fabbott of Centralia. Thos. Klurap's threshing out -fit operated by Hy. Staubus and Chris. Burmeister threshed 85 loads of grain on the Kestle :Bros. farm, Stephen, in ten and a half hours. G. EL Bissett of Winnipeg, is renewing friendships here. FARM FOR SALE For Sale;— Part,lot 29, South Boundary C'onceesion, .Stanley Tow nship, containing 75 acr"5s, On the premises are a • good brick house and a good bank baro with cement floors. The farm is well fenced and drained and in a, good state of cultivation. Co'ei- venietnt to school and ehureh,IIa •11 mile east of Drysdale,. Possession can be given in April, 1018, with privilege to do fall ploughing, For further particulars apply to Mfss. Jemima Johnston, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, or to James Dinsmore, R. R. No, 1, Zurich, executors of the estate of the late Thos. Johnston, Jr. L OK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. C. F. CASE & SON PRONE 3a HENSALL It he Parties who borrowed my wire etretr bare return 'them at case.: J. ('roster, Classified Ads LEGAL. OAROS, E'ROtT P00T, NILLORAN, , COOKE, ,Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ae. Office, on the Square, and door from Hamilton St, God.erioh.. Privets funds to loan at lowest rates W. I'notrn:i'oor, K. 0. J. L. Kaaaoa;,&rr.' R, 3, D. Score, Mr. Cooke will be in Hansail on Friday and Saturday of each week, . Hess JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS 4,1ring a Sftecaaley A Full Supply Stovepipes sand Elbows on hand. All sizes. Come and (look over our line off. SHOES nor everyday wear. A Urge stock of the kind that will stand the hardest wear. Our store closes every Tuesday and Friday evening at 6 o'clock. LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale _,AIN LOADE The BEST in the WORLD It is the angst popular and easiest rnnaih g loader en the market Simple, light draft andiope man nail ° easily operate it, No twisted or crossed chains, cogs or gears or Io'nig crooked crank shafts to use power and get out of order, Make haying a pleasure by buy- ing a DAIN L0ADBR. ' MOUS Fleury PLOWS that ARE PLOWS No other plow RUNS SO SMOOTHLY—has ouch EASE for HORS- ES and COMFORT for the PLOWMAN as the FAMOUS FLEURY PLOWS, We handle the origin hl No. 21; the !light, draught No, 13, and the beat one-horse plow in Canada, the No, 15a. Buy only the ORIGINAL and BIBST, We handle T7 pumpspiping ete L. PRANG zumcH r] E. 8. Hardie DENTIST ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN ,OFFICE — HENSALL. THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LACAYVANA COAL THE"STANDARD ANTHRACITE s. ifie �9)J} ;yds D ,A.Cantelon • Mensal! TELEPHONE Office NO. 10. House No. 10, B Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAC I will have large shipments of Basic 'Slag in for fall use. Part- ies wanting any should notify me at .an early date. Ask your neighbor about re- sults from using tthe Basic Slag. PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN ORDINARY FERTILIZER Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the la -g- 1 est Canadian Companies Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose JOSEPH RAU R R. N ). 2 Zurich. 0 Sea -Sea ' r{ _111F 71,11na, ; sly , . w• { T lLGet's,, _.. ,C ., ,.r�..t.. 41-44 noa sr- et f a heel RY it just once? Ask your friend to let you "pilot" his car on an open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven, If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some- thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding ---being a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford. Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them --- are driving Ford cars and enjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills its strength and power show to advantage. Buy a Ford and you will want to be behind "the wheel" constantly. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Runabout - $475 Touring - - $495 Coupelet - $695 Sedan - - $890 P. O. B. FORD, ONT. COOK BROS., EALERS, HENSALL 4 a