HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-08-24, Page 8• 4:7 S4sistsi4+++++++i4+ 4. 4. 4. + 4. 4. 4. 4. We have been fortunate in securing a- quan. 4. 4- tity of Mill Ends. Pieces of from 2 to 10 yards of .1. + Prints, Galateas, Nurses Cloth, + 4.. 1 yd wide Dress Ginghams, fan- ; . +++++++++4r++++++++++++++++4+++++++4+44444 4, 4. 4. 4. Remnant Sale y Voiles, Table Linens, etc. •F 44, We are selling these at very low prices and it will be greatly to your advantage to come early and secure some of these bargains while they last Warm Weather Wants We haye a well assorted stock of ladieswhite voile' waists, middy blouses, plain and porous underwear, wash skirts, collars, etc. rIen's Wear For warm summer days. A nice range of Sport Shirts in different colors, Wash Ties, Straw Hats, Zitamerknit balgriggan Underwear, Socks, eta. A Few Specials Figured Viuslins in colors at 8 and 10c,ayari Turkish Towels at 30 and 40c a pair Ladies' black silk ankle hose at 25e a pair Ladies' fine cotton hose, regular 25c, to dear at 20e Men's Socks in black, tan and grey at 15o a pair wirumipi ;Our new honey crop is now ready or market. We thank our ,eustomers for their faVors in the past and hope to supply them, as 4. gain this season. The honey we have• is all god, 4. but not so imueli clover, •mostlyi ielover and basswood saixed, a7dt. "0,whtsep a,t thxecvpeotiloonai ci r not p. to last yi ear% 4 Prices are a little higher, but •BarleY ao not near as high as other farm, Buckwheat products. ' • 1 Four 4. Our prices for best No, 1 honey', •19Panitt 4. 4. 4. t . LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter .30 Eggs 40 Dried .. . . 05 Potatoes tutmt. ...... 150 2.00,2,005 70 8 1 00 1 25 6 25 700 Shorts $4405.0000 Low Grade... .. .. .......bag 8,00 Ilive Hogs fob Ilensall 17 75 if less than in 60 Ib: lots, in 5, 10 and 30 lb tins is 17ge to 18e pen lb. We 'charge 17e per lb when, we fill your own containers. 60-1201bs -1630 180-300 lb -16c -16%e; 360-60 ib -1.5g -16c. The higher price is for the smal ler 51b tins, the lower for the 10 and 30 lb tins gross weight, and. + 60 lb net weight tins in; 60 lb •erat;•• *es. Good clover andbasswood hob- ey, but lower in color 1 to 2 (sante leas per pound. J. HABERER & SONS !ZURICH Highest cash prices paid for prize it should bring out a large + live fowl. I. Hudson. Local News ••••••••••=m•••• NOTICE Ali parcels given to less must be stamped. ANOTHER SPECIAL 1.11:! Sterling Bank of Canada,who have opened a branch office in Hensall, are offering a special prize of $10.00 for the Gentleman's ,Best Outfit exhibited at the Zur- ich Fair. The pilzes will be awar- ded as follows; 1st. $2,00; 2nd, $3.00 3rd., pm. .&s this VI a liberal nail cour- • number of entries.- , We have Canada P' aint Co's. Pure Paris Green in stook 4. Also coarse cattle salt at 75c a cwt., and fine Sarnia salt in barrels.. * -a 4. * .1. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS 1.t 4. ON HAND 4. - !Pi. ss 2 J. Gascho & Son I rt. tesIossoesmosammeatoo•siroo **•••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 • • • • assey.liarris Implements."' *44 es •%Ai 0 • We have been re -appointed Agents for the above i g nagmed implements and are prepared to take orders of all • I, kinds of Massey -Harris machines for next season. dm • : WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY : : BARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. • • a We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and 1 Cutters, and We repair the same class of goode. • Our Prices are always right 1 i o' • : Square • Fi. DATARS, Travelling Salesman I • 0 • . Deal F. Hess & Son : • . . • a • • a • :The Old Stand • • • 0 • 0• : , •fa 041410**0•0111•0•••0•000•41111041400444•0400011109•011110000011.460 ..............- e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• If you intend to build a garage we have 1+ ' material of all kinds for same on hand. , + It. Everything in + Lumber and Building Material 3 Combination storm and screen doors made to order; ri• Custom Planing -our Specialty rr C. ik 141 ITLEISC PHONE 9 artimmuss +4**H.444.4444444+++++++++++++++++++++++++++41-144014-14444 •••••••••••••••••••••••00010001100000.000041•0•00000*** • • • • • A 1 gf. 4* 4* 4. 4* ZURICH IFor 35 Cents" We will send The Herald to, g any addressr inriCanada!lto January, 19186 i•--1- ' LITTLE LOCALS i .•Mow the weeds! , - Waste of Food Stuffs The speed hmi t for automobiles as fixed 'by the motor Vehicles Act ODDS AND ENDS THROWN . 4. in cities, towns and -villages is 15 WAY AMOUNT TO, VASTmiles an liour and on the country, AMOUNT • , roads is 20 miles an hour: Do not waste a slice of read. This weather is ideal for harvest - b There is an old saying, "Many ing- mickles xnak' -a muckle," and, if Our village fathers should make there are many individual savings rules tor parking automobilea On the total gain will be great Do the main streets, especially, on Sat - not be too tproud to notice whether ‘IrclaY evenings. anything usable ,is being wasted; ORANGE IN • BUSINESS do not he to proud to use odds mad Mr. C. Harileills has taken his ends which -might, otherwise, he son-in-law, }Ir. B. E. Faust, as a cast into •the garbage ears h -i). partner in the hardware business, -Chicago recently, the- garbagoW reduced from 400 loads per di 200 loads aslay, 'clue itirry ' preachments o'toitolW ,.-xt praetleed'hy those who live tnitlip 'change taking place last Mond,a.y ,eountry as ,well as by those 100 Mr, fiartleib deemed this 'change dwell in the towlns and cities. Get neeessarowilng to the advance in years and th3=dens of looking after the rainy branches of his business. Hence the change. HONEY pnbp REPORT In the Crop Report of the .Ont- ario Beekeepers •Association, which has prevent it. Do not leave it to the just been issued, it is reported other fellow. , Do Your Part. T 4that the yield per colony in the this matter prevention is a Moll- The 13 province is average this yea. sand times better than cure. Mira- south western countieshav inate all waste in your household. ,had short ° Speaking of advertising, here is the eastern ecrouIllwhila ies have done better than usual. Some in - what some publishers charge tor, space; Ladies Rome Journal, ;,,$8 a 'erease in price is noted, -best qua -1 s 'which he has so successfully •con- , duQtecl for many years: The -style f,qthe,firra will lie'ltritaxvIt as Flart-,, artalttOtV 'Xi. Faust takes szaleinteirest in' the business, the in the,use„ sifood stuffs siandi• the real vision lin of eeonomy and t it into daily practice. Every in- dividual must realize • the food shortage in all its magnitude slid he must realize what want and famine would mean and then '`he lity extracted is quoted at 1734 to line or $104 per inch, and A, -."-q (inn '-' 20e. per lb., •while best comb honey. for a full page each issue; tlikhaek tis quoted at $2,00 to $3.25 per doz- cover sells for $10,000, A.ftull en. -Mated Stateel prices are a - page advertisement In the Uttar- ,bove thcia. Roney at this price day Evening Post sells for A5 rino and the back cover sells for $t,000, ---s----0 is still chea.per and of more food the centre ,page in colors is $12;000. value than many other articles of similar nature which have greatly, As this advertising space is always increased in price. , % • filled it is evident that advertising pays even at these prices. MOW THE WEEDS This time of the year is a good The Women's Institute have arrang ed for a demonstration of canned fruits, meats and vegetables to be held in the Town Hall next Wednes day afternoon, Aug. 29th, at 2 o'clock A lady demonstrator will be present and give practical hints and, give practical hints and methods of calm ing all kinds of fruits, etc. Parties interested must bring along the veget. able, meat or fruit which they want canned also the jars, the lady will can it in the latest and best way and the canned article can be taken home by the owner, Everybody should at- tend this demonstration. All are welcome. The Forestry Branch of the De partmentItif the Interior, Ottawa, has just issued the annual bulletin on the manufacture of pulpwood.. The total value of the pulpwood made into pulp in Canada and ,?x - ported for manufacture elsawhere in 1916 was nearly $20,000,000, which represents an increase of over • 28 per cent as compared The proportion Of pulpwood maxi- ufaetured into pulp in Canada cent pared with that exported in the raw state is steadily Arareasing. These and other particular -of this important indtistry are set, tint 111 the buliettn which may 'be had fte,hY any citizen interested 10i addreaeivg "the Direetor of Nirelitry, Ottawa, and askiag for Pic tut wool • Bulletin 14'1'!,a time to mow the weeds. They should be cut or burnt or destroy- ed. A weed cut and destroyed this year, before the seeds have a ebrnee to fall out, will save much labor next year, cutting the extra quantity. The little work and tine spent in keeping down the weeds along the roads, fences, etco will not only improve the looks of the town wed your property but is a necessary work, as it will keep the pest bens spreading. Too lit- tle attention is paid to the noxi- ous weeds. The study of these should be anade one of the subjects in our public schools. ZURICH 8, AILSA CRAIG 10. The 'Zurich baseball team suffer- ed its first defeat of the season last Friday evening when Ailsa ,Craig cacao out on top in a hotly contested game by the score of 10 to 8. The game was one of the fastest and eleanest played here so tar and the high score does not do credit to the class of bat'. dished ;up. The local team fie2red five- Pli,r9 1,0 the, 7th inning but 1Ailsa Craig Caine right back and &Stored. AIX ruins in the' 8th. A tow' thtielY, lilts and a tea/ loess "muff" Would have Seared the do for the atiritti lad% Score by innings, ' ! Ansa Craig i) 0 0 0 3 0 1 61-40 •*rich ' • ,0 020 OSO tatiariee- nienonath and Dor. wan P. Roviald and Ilowald; Vat pizbp $4.6 • lictiont, . , or- ;ft,40. oNt`t.,'".TMIt`qn • • • 11.4"*"1,11!..4.01•40,10 • We give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay •Customers. rinouncement N1,01.t The business conducted for many years under the name of C. Hartleib will henceforth be known as Hartieib giTf:- Mr. S. E. Faust has taken a half share in the business dating from August 21st. The firm will be better prepared than ever to sup. irry-irrrie-e-ds in Hardware, raints, Furniture, etc., at the lowest prices. Special attention paid to Furnace Work, Eave. troughing, etc. nartleib & Faust Hardware and Furniture Zurich HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION STORE 1 1 Cream, Eggs and Fowl WANTED Will pay highest cash price for Cream Fowl and Eggs delivered at -my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. I I. HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH 1 34:39CPEWMCMEMOCOEMBEItI3C108438413813E/C39C3OCKICIPE•20 Canadian Fertilizer Company: BEST BY TEST To the Farmers of this section: • I have ordered 3 car loads of 0.6 per cent Acid Phos.: for this fall for Fall Wheat, which is the best for wheat. Anybody that wants some •of this Brand will kindly order early, ----- I sell it for $28.00 a ton. JOHN HEY, JR., ZURICH •••-•• BIG. CLEARANCE SALE - [will continue During month of Augus We are determined to reduce our stool to the lowest possible point before )Ui fall good arrive, Summer Goods and all readyfttom wear garments must be cleared out 111111111111111rs- entirely. Watch our windows for Bargains then come and see the big display of bargains in every dupart- ment of ouKstore. This is your opportunity to save. T. L. WORM Phone NEW IDEA PATTERN