HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-08-24, Page 5Tke Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVIOES $uncal, Ger narn ., ...... L45 a. m. » &today School 11.00 a.m. " Service English ...,i.36 part. Tuoatllay Jr. Y. P. A.. :., v.30 p.m: Tuesday, Y. P. A. .-- -.. 8,15 p. m. T.harsday Prayer Meeting 7,30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice --- 8 30p. m. Ladies' Aid, first Wednesday ev- ening of each month 8.p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH $Unday School ......1 .....a a a. 11•erteman Services, Sunday 10 30a.m. English Service, Scnday 1.30 p.m. Luther League, Friday 8. p. en. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each. month at 2,.30 p. m. - Zurich Meat IARKETP Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Melva Cas Price for Wool CASK FOR SKINS it HIDES Reichert, Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE ATITOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich The Home Insuarnce Co. aiil=uta Capital $6,000,000 iusia P61 i ldtisr'tk'x " ^ $19,536,177.25 is Oar. Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods If you are going to have your house painted this year, I can save you money. • ON (THE JoB Estimates cheerfully given on new or old work. NEW WORK A SPECIALTY H. H. LITTLE Hennall PAINTING, GRAINING, PAPER CHANGING ) +Also carry a full lime of up -to flute wt11 papers. UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate_Chargea Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses eLionmommoomour W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich. - � Ontario W. H. 1>rib. - Ontario II LOCAL NEWS Misses Clara Krait. and Mabel Elsie were in town on Wednesday. Misses Celia and Flora Hess visit ed relatives at Goderieh last week. Mr. Ezra Smith, of Detroit, cal- led on friends here on Wednesday. Miss Tillie Well, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IL Well, this week. Mrs B. Campbell and family, and Miss Rorie Either are spending the week at Grand Bend. Dr. Letterman and family of Kit- chener are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter this week. Mr. Geo, R. Hess left on Thurs- day for the western provinces where he will help to harvest the crops Rev. H. Bombe, of Hamilton. Ont., and Mr. Pant Rambo of New York, N. Y. spent a d ty with Rev, and Ms. R.ernbe. • Mrs. Alf. Heideman and • eon, of Detroit. are visiting at the -home of Mr. and Mrs, R. Heideman,this week. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Leinweber and Miss Tillie Leinweber of Tavistock were visitors in this vicinity over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 13'. Witwer, of Ex- eter, were visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. D. Koehler, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Ramiseyer and Mr. and Mrs. J. Yalntzi of Baden visited relatives in this visci;nity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bissett, of Saltford Heights, visited at •the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.Hess, Sr., on Sunday. The Misses Eidt., Miss E. Liest and Miss C, Maier of Hamilton, Ont., are spending a few weeks at the -Lutheran parsonage. Messrs. E. •Gingerich and E.Gas- cho, M. Steinsnaln and S. Kipfer of Now Haan u:g zi ited relatives and friends here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and son of Detroit, and Miss Ada Sie- bert of Toronto, are spencding their htl11'ti''a• t at ' ti, srr-'h me herd• NEW ADS— ,Hartleib & b''aust, J. Haberer & Sons, Farm foe sale. Rev. and Mrs. O. F. Brown, and Miss 'Miranda Brown, .and Mr. Wil- fred Brown, 'of Elmira were here for a short yisit this week. NIr. and Mrs. Thos. Stephenson, of Ethel, Mrs. A. Hoffmeir,. and Misses Georgina and Flossie Hart- man, of Detroit, Mr.amd Mrs. Wm. Hartma.n alnd family of Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclsaac, Dash- wood, Mrs. Mittel'- o'tz, Mr. at d Mrs Louis Dabus, and Mr. and /Mrs. John Foster of the BabylanLinei and Mr. John Hartman were vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mittelholtz on Sunday. A strange feature of the high', .cost of living in Canada is that. bread is selling in England at less' cost than in this count.y,•although Canadian wheat is shipped about three thousand miles across the ocean at a big cost, the British get.ing the ii:•i had lrodu•_t,w:.ich ys bread, at a lower rate than the people in the.country where wheat is grown. Even with the submar- ine campalam in lull blast, and Ger many sure she cam starve, Eng- land, the Eng:ish people are pay- ing 24c. for a three pound loaf, Much the • sure condition exists with bacon eggs and cheese. The hogs are barn, fed and raised in Canada, but the product, bacon is cheaper than prices in Canada Cheese has sold two or three cents per lb. lower in the old country than in Canada where it is made, APPOINTED AGENT Mr. Andrew F. Hess has been ap- pointed local agent for the Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canadian Trust Co., of London. B.oth institutions are under the same management and control,and their combined assets now total over $25,000,000. The debentures issued by the Huron and Erie bear interest at the rate of 5% per an- num for terms of one, two, three, four or five years. The Canada Trust Co issues .guaranteed invest- ment receipts for any sum of $100 or over and pay.s 5% per cent on a five year term. All interest is payable half yearly. Persons look ing 1 or a safe investment at a good rate of interest should get full particulars regard'ng these de t bentures and investment receipts. Mr. Farmer "1f you need harvest help appl to !The ,Ontario Government Em- ployment Bureattz, 108 I u+ndas St London, Ont. Experienced help at the rate of $45 per month, $11 per week or $2.50 per day. FARM FOR SALE For sale, lot 14, eon. 13, Stanley containing 110 acres. Land in good state of cultivation also 8 acres of good hardwood bush. On the premises are a good frame house and frame barn, plenty of good water A never -failing spring creek at back end of farm, Four acres of young orchard, Can venient to, school and churches, Five miles from Bayfield, three miles from Blake and 63 miles from Zurich. (Will be sold at a reason- able pri^_e, on easy terms. Pose etlsion can be given any time For particulars apply to R. W. Delgaty, R. R. No. 3, Bayfield, <or. Phone 14 on 99, Hensall centrad. y Classified Ads FARM FORSALE Fine 100 -acre farm in Stanley Township for sale. First class dwelling, barn and sheds. About 12 acres good hardwood bush. nen ty good water. Convenient to station and market. High state of cultivation. An ideal hone. $2,000 cash and balalnce on first'. mortgage will handle this propei- ty. For further particulars ap- ply to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. G• LOCAL AGENT WANTED —for— ZURICH and district —to sell for— ',THE OLD RELIABLE FONT,. HILL NURSERIES" Splendid (list of Stock For Fall planting, 1917 and Spring pl+amtii,g, 1918 Including many new varieties which we alone control. Send !for mew illustrated carte alogue, also Agent's Proposition,. Handsome free outfit; ;Exclusive Territory. Liberal Comiussron5 ,. Stone ..& Wellington The Fonthill .NtdSer ee (Estab*ltsbefe 0511 - T S) )fit 0 LEGAL CARDS, 'ROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ' •'Public &o. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderieh. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PaouorooT, K. C. J. L. KILLoltAri. H. J. 17. Coma. Mr. Cooke will be in Hensel' on Friday and Saturday of each week. GHess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS : ,'e�Sairin<g a Sj5ecaalty THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LACKAWAN A OOAL THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE D .A. Cantelon I-iensall TELEPHONE Office NO. 10. House No. 10, B I O O K,! Why not use the ' best coal?':. SCRANTON .COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. C. F. CASE & SON PHONE E5 HENSALL FRUIT TREES We have established a lasting reputation for fair and 'square. dealing and are n 'ow prepared td meet existing conditions by offer-, ing our high, grade trees (and plants direct to customers at ROCK BOTTOM Prices. Don't delay planting fruit trees and plants, as there is nothing pays better, Send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can order direct and get thebenefit of agent's commission, Our prices will be sure to interest you. THE CHASE BROTHERS CODEONTARIO LTD. NURSERYMEN, ESTABLISHED 18 5 7. _ COLBORNE, ONT. FALL FAIRS Ailsa Craig Blyth ,... . Bayfield ... Brussels ,.. ..� Exeter ... ... ... t oderich . Lonrdon !Western Parkhill .., Seaforth ... . Thedford ..» Toronto ... ... W ingh+a m .., Zurich .,. ... Oct. 5,../ Oct.2-3 • ...Oct.9-10. <... Octal -5 F▪ air,..Sept Sept. .. 717--15 18 Sept.26-28 . Sep24-2a' Sep.20-21 a. Sept 20-21 Aug 25Sep10, Oet.9--10 • _Sept.19--20 Give :tis your next order for counter check books, We handle� I he well-known Appleford make. Any style. The Herald. Quantity of a It Edge and Silver Sheaf Binder Twine on hand. Our store closes every Tuesday and Friday evening at 6 o'clock. LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale 20,000 TONS RAGS WANTED Also all kinds of junk. RIGHEST CASH PRICES Will call s0oon Phone No. 35 A. Mittelhallz Zurich IN Y LOADS The BEST in the WORLD It is the most •.popu'iar and ea siest running loader on the .market Si+n�ple,, light draft and one man can easily operate it. No twisted or crossed ch'ai(ns, cogs or gears or long crooked crank shafts to use power land get out of order. !Make haying a pleasure by buy. ing a DAIN LOADER. Famous F'le;ury PLOWS that ARE PLOWS 'low No other plow RUNS SO SMOOTHLY—has such EASE for HORS- ES and COMFORT for the PLOW MAN as the FAMOUS FLEURY PLOWS. We handle the original No. 21, the (light, draught No. 13, and Vie beast one-horse plow in Canada, Rahe Ne. 15a. Buy only the ORIGINAL and BOEST, WTe handle pumps, piping, etc L. PRANG ZURICH Remember this, No merchant on earth can compete with these mai-. ces if he intends to stay in business, M. R. Ran(nie is positively going out of the clothing and shoe bus- iness and is offering his stock far below factory coat to -day. Store open every evening. M. R. Ren- nie, Hensel'. A remarkable railway bridge to connect New England and points west and south is the New York Hell Gate bridge. The bridge costs twenty-seven mil ion dollars ,and was ,four years in the building. It is said that the steel arch which crosses the river, a distance of one thousand and seventeen feet is the longest in the world. A galliant sergeant was walking down the street the other day, when a recruit approached hail from the opposite direction, aed as he got to within three paces of the brave three -striper, he gaca a most reg m pial salute. Sergeant Why did you salute me? I'm not an officer." • Recruit; '"No, I know you're not; but anything will 'ao"et o jaleti itice.on:" ; i species of grasshopper known to be capable of flying great dis- tances is at times found far from land, The Bureau of Entomology recently received one of these which had been captured at sea, twelve thousand miles from the African coast. The specimen was caught on the deck of a great Norwegian vessel, and was one of; great swarm, of the insects encou- tered in that region. A OHANCE OF A LIFETIM Two young Irishmen in a Can- adian regiment were going into the trenches for the first time, and their captain promised them five shillings each for every German they kilted. Pat lay down to rest; while Mike performed the duty of watching. Pat had not lain long, when he was awakened by Mike shou`ing; "They're comm t They're Comin" "Who's comin?" shouts Pat. "The Germans," replied Mike. "How many are there?" "About fifty thousand." "Beg orra," shouts Pat, jumping up ..nd grabbing his rifle, `Your for tune's made. Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG I will have large shipments of Basic Slag in for fall use. Part- ies wanting any should notify me at an early date. Ask your neighbor about re- sults from using tthe Basic Slag. PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN ORDINARY FERTILIZER. Ontario Fertilizer I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Companies. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose JOSEPH RAU R R. N ). 2, :Zurich. 1917 CLUBBING LIST He, rald « tG <t « and Daily Globe $4 75 Weekly Globe 1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire Weekly Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 3 25 <` Daily News 3 25 Weekly Star1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition3 60 Evening Edition3 60 Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition 3 60 Evening. Edition3 60 Weekly Edition 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star Weekly Montreal Witness Canadian Country- man « <0 « '' « « « 4 75 1 85 1 85 1 50 Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted forHarvesting in Western Canada "Going Trip West"—$12.00 to WINNIPEG "Return Trip East"—$18.00 from WINNIPEG GOING DATES All stations in Ontario West of Smith's Palls up to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Aussom $Isl Lice and Havelock -Teterboro' Line; also from stations between Kingston and Renfrew Junction,. M>.a� - inclusive, and from stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line. i'rom stations on Sault Ste. Marie Angus' sow branch. From stations on Main Line, Beaucage to Frans. inclusive. From stations Bethany Junc- tion to Port McNieo l and Burketon-Bobeaygeon. Anginal $;1s1 Frons stations West and South of Toronto Up to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont., en mud . Owen Sound, Walkerton, Teeswater +Kirin?ham, Elora, Listowel, Cioderich, St. Mary's, Port Burwell AtaaeR soth Rad Si. 7Chomais branches, and stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. S.PECLtL THROUGH TRAINS Wurtber parfiettlara from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. HOWARD. District Pesseager .A.gent, Toro .t&