HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-08-24, Page 1:,r ZURICH Vol, XVIII ZURICH HERALD You Should Worry L,Johnston is visiting in Goderich, , Wesley Merner of Kitchener Wing relatives here. Julius Thiel has returned t a visit to her former horn "ineta' &Aet 1 Daniel Gaseho has received ••• We have a piomplete line in epp.ointmaelnt for anbther year q /Dories for mail route number White canvas, Running Shoes, 1 Tennis Shoes, Sport Shoes, etc Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. When you can buy Single Harness, Trunks, Club Bags, u Cases, Water Proofs, Lap Rugs, Dusters, Fly Nets, eta., at almost the old price. Having bought a large stook early enables us to do so. We also carry a full Zine of Harvest Mitts and Gloves, Look up your binder Canvas and if they need repairing bring'4o, them= - in early and av'oii the rush. We also handle new ones. ZURICH' 41®Id040M00i2yOY0NiONA0s'NNN®i i11rrON.1I1Nt/Mi0ON ging! G�ing! Gon� 1 Our large stock of men's furn ishing is going into the homes of eful-and wise buyers. Never a,gain will such an opportunity prey sent itself to residents of .Zurich and vicinity to' purchase high class ;ode at siu-eh remarkably low- prices. ! 1 (s i I (Everything must go. We wan it to ,mate a; lelean sweep of all of far goods. Do not nniss this chain'ee, , i i 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ALI; SUMMER WEAR, SUCH '' a M !TRAIN HATS, UNDERWEAR, SOCKS, (TIES, ETC. (Cale in and look over , us stock, • You will find that you can ve money, and lots' 'of it. DO NOrr PUT IT OFF—COME LAT ONCE. Men's Sits HUNDREDS OP'SAMPLES OF LATEST GOODS TO ROM. COME IN AND LEAVE YOUR MEASURE. • Mr, Hy. Dowsoti of fiViiitew40.011 Sask., is visiting friends and telat ivies here at present. Misses Edna and'Melvina Kuehl: of New ,Harnburg are visiting 'AO- friends ithfriends and relatives here. Mr. Geo. Applel and family' of New Hamburg visited at the home of his brother, here on Sulnday Mrs. Q. N. Taggart, and aunt;' Mrs. Minnie Hess, of South 'Bend Ind., are vi4ting relatives hereat present; t Misses Be1m Sippel and :Eliza beth Henke, of Detroit, are Viis-i' 3t` n re ins ,� iting relatives and ,Erse ds present. Mrs. Capling and daughter ,Mab- el, of Tavistock, spent a few days,' with Mr,, W. Siebert and Mr, r? OOSE Preeter. .'! Dr. E, S. Hardie, dentist, will at the Dominion House, Zurich, o V,'.edroesday, and :Wednesday.ot-th following week. r 6 NO 1 ON4}11r ►41 '+;+r•w10/11 i91r001011•tiii.0411011ztf $ Outing Shoes Ehrieh. .s.' San„ Brown alnd family of iton, and Frazer of Kitchener Sunday at the home oaf W. beet. Lingelllach and daughter, ar and Mr. and Mrs. J. 1Iof- , all of Tavistock were vis in our burg on :Sun'day. ever before such tremendous '.etions In high class clothing, ,^footwear. Hundreds of satis eustomiers have patronized selling out sale the past week, ailed beyond expectation. Ev- t' article in this en rne store has reduced ,in price to make the, aining: days the most phenom- 1 selling in the history of Ben - Store open every evening. . Raxhnie, Mensal', • Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Stoskopf, and Mr. and' Mrs. Cr, Studer and daug'ht, er, Florence, of Mitchell; spent Sunday at the horde of tit: Stoskopf. Mr. Norman Kibler, of Kitchener; visited relati '<e sand friends here on Sunday and 1V1"anda5 r Ki'f ler is ,conducts ng ii. progressrc shoe store With his'-hrother in tis' Ieity�. .s®s. ncoi parated 1855 .The OLSONS ANK APITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Branches•: ilk Canaq enerai BankK , 5` in ss raasaCtCE f e. PRITZ, Zurich..., 1 The Home of Good Shoes .t4}}ffMl`!!i«N�# "'4Mf 1fr+M1i BiV4rMM{tfMMf4l�IMrf IIS!44,1i!;i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 Come and See m a WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN 0.9111001100000000,0011•••••••40 .410000400•00004111101410•041000 • Cher relatives near ':;Iirllsgrec.n; has, joined the American army,. surgeon and expects to go 'avers- seas verseas shortly. Dr. Hagan is well- known to residents in Zurich hav- ing been on the staff of teachers of the school here a number of. years ago. m s Bank flepartmen1 • restat highest onrrent'rates Zurich Branch T DUNLOP, Manager our New Goods in Prints, Gingharns, Gatateas, Dress Goods Shirtings, Beady -made Waists House Dresses, Aprons Pants, Shirts and Overalls stock o omfGenr'oscaened ladies'unwes. Alsottc c: of R. Ne DOUGLAS 1• PHONE 11 on 821 BLAKE U{ IIIUI111i1u1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111111l111111111111111111111111111ui1?11iu1111111111111111111111ii1111181111111u11111111111111111atili11111111111�1i! 11:E dd»b3��A3� ���� 4444+404++ 4444++++++ 4.+444,44 01„4:+++++,1,^X1,4,4,443,44 �4,44.H..t.44.+ +++++ ++++ ++ ++++44+++.-14444-444-1-1-444-1-1,44++++44+++++++++++++++++++4 � 444.4 �4��444X44++++ +�1•++�r+++++�r�i^3�++++++4 ,z, 4i Bathing Suits Swim in your own bathing suit L . 4ul h{anlge of one piece suits at 14. 60e to 15c. Clearing Sale of Ladies' Waists, STRAW HATS, ETC. 1-IotWeather Hose , Ladies' silk ankle hose in white land black, size 19, to: 10 35 and 40c. Baby Dresses In full white Yawn, from 35 to 50c. Girls lbik Drawers 1A: few 'dot, blrack 'drawei s with lace trimaiimgs, all sizes, 20-25e. Ladies' White waists Waist Sale Just a few ladies' white left td eell at half price. Ladies' Combs a= tion Underwear 1 4 doz. ladies' dine. white combin- talion suits, all sizes, at 15e to $1,25. • J. Boys Wash Suits In linen (chambray made in short coat, style, the colors are blue and fawn, (sized 2 to' 8 years at 50e. Child's Rompers Made o'f strong fine -woven chasm - bray in fawn and' blue shades,size to, 6 years, price 50c. Boys odd Bloomer Pants Of strong dark tweed, well made lined throughout, in all sizes and prices, • ,t• ;�` 1j' I i., It Summer Underwear ;Porous -Knit cotton shirts and drawers Sizes 34 to 40 at $100 a suit, Ladies sport Mats ; On dale aft $1.00 each. t I . Wash Skirts %doz.l adies White wash skirts, in Bedford cords, plain styles at $2.25 eadh, Boysblouse Shirts In meat stripes of assorted colors made with attached collar. Size b to 14 years, all one price, 60c. Boys' Summer Jerseys Bain white Jersey, with blue navy blue trimmed' with red, sizes 24 to 30, price 25c. and 40c. Men's and Boys Straw Hats ITo 'clean o.ut"at 4 big reduction. Mao :men's P'anai 4a Hats on sale at half. pri'ee, . Bargain in Gasoline Stoves g 1 only 3 burner gasoline stove wee $20 now for $12,00. , 1 only .2 burner gasolitne stove, worth $15.00 for $10.00. Use Oil Stoves for Comfort !Why swelter in the heat of a wood tire when you .can have the, coolness mind comfort of a New P. erfeetion or; d'u` itah coal oil stove, Simple to operate and always rea,d'y, • . Electric Fixtures We have added leo sockets, electric bectri etc,, tures sul itable a for every room! bf your home, Hydro Conveniences With the !advent of Hydro power you will need. an electric to- aster, electric iron, and other conveniences, See. our line before you !arty, We carry only the best. 15c Graniteware Sale (We have received a large shipment of graniteware, such as stew kettles, sauce pans, dippers, ets., etc, PYREX, Transparent Ovenware We have aided the celebrated :Pyres; transparent oven -ware to ;our stock. Very simple in design, and the quality, of absorbing and retaining heat to a remarkable degree, causing foods to cook qu cl;ly tlo ou;h y, absolutely evenly, Foods baked in Pyrex act- ually tastes better. PREETER 'Highest Price for Produce. SS 414 4,1 Phone 9 ZURICH 1 , • -41 4 4 44. 4` 4 41.: itTP 01011 {1"413"4T4 Arlt: yi;