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Zurich Herald, 1917-08-10, Page 10
4. 4. +�1;+ 4. We have been fortunate in securing a quan- tity of Mill Ends. Pieces of from 2 to 10 yards of . Prints, Galateas, Nurses Cloth, 1 yd wide Dress Ginghams, fan- cy Voiles, Table Linens, etc. +y. Remnant Sale • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We are selling these at. •very Iow prices and it will be greatly to your advantage to come early and secure some of these bargains while they last, Warm Weather Wants We haye a well assorted stock of ladies' white voile waists, middy blouses, plain and porous underwear, wash skirts, collars, etc. lien's Wear For warm summer days. A nice range of Sport Shirts in different colors, Wash Ties, Straw Hats, Zimmerknit balgriggan Underwear, Socks, etc. A Few Specials Figured Muslins in calors at 8 ani 10a ayard Turkish Towels at 30 and 40e a pair Ladies' black silk ankle hose at 25c a pair Ladies' fine cotton hose, regular 25c, to clear at 20c Men's Socks in black, tan and grey at 15c a pair We have Canada Paint Co's. Pure Paris Green in stock AIso coarse cattle salt at 75c a cwt., and fine Sarnia salt in barrels.. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS. ON HAND 4. 4. 4. 4. a+ +b 4. 44 -3. +l+ +t+ +r+ +i+ 4 +3, +1+ J. Gascho & Son 4 a+ 4. w•ii0••NN••••••••O•••••• •••O•••••••••••••O•••••••• ii 2 •• • • • ��f1 rvN.r rt T?n'vllr ri Implements l-ci o • • • • 1 •• • • • WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY • • • HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. •• • We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs • Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. Y'Ve. haus `been re -appointed igenfir for the above named Implements and are prepared to take orders of all kinds of Massey-Harrismachines for next season. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••"••••••••M•••••••••••NNNNN••••• Square Deal PRESERVE EGGS NW The indications are that eggs will be dear next winter, dearr than ,they were last wiinter .o those who want eggs had bettr put some down now while ' they are 'comparatively cheap. DoQt use oats bran, salt or such nredi1- ms; moreover, the patent !mese - vatic es usually advertised as being so simple and effective had betted be adopted with caution. Better use something that has been tried and found satisfactory. According to Dr.Frank T,- Shutt Dominion Chemist lime water is one of the best presevatives and we quo'e the following from, his Exhibition Circular No. 42. • The method of preparation is simply to slack one pound of. good quuick lime with a small quantity :of water and then ,stili` the milk of lime so formed into five gallons of water. After the mixture has been kept well stirred for a few hours it is allowed to settle, The supernatant liquid, which is now "saturated" lime water, is drawn off and poured ova= er the eggs, previYusly placed ,in a crock or water -tight barrel. As exposure to the air tends . to precipitate the lima (as carbonate,) and thus to weaken the solution, the '-esel containing the eggs sho- ould be kept covered. The air'niay be excluded by a covering of wee et oil, or by sacking upon which paste of lime is spread. If, aft a time there is any moticeable1see cipation of the lime water sy be drawn or siphoned off an placed with a iu ther quanti ly prepared. General Precautions Necessary To Take It is essential that attention be` paid to the following points; 1 -That perfectly fresh eggs only be used. 2 -That the eggs should through. out the whole period of preser ;tat-• ion be completely immersed. Althouguh not necessary to the preservation of the eggs in a;: sound condition a temperature of 401 degrees to 45 degrees Iiahren-.' •keit will no doubt materially as-' sist towards retaining good flavor or rather in arresting that 'vstale", flavor so often chjaracteristtc of.: • packed eggs. • • Respecting the addition of. salt; • t.rf\1st stated 1 our exper- • • • • •• and oak • • • • • • • • • • • • • Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son The Old Stand 3+3++i++II++ ++E++ + +II++F+F++i++l»++ +II+3++D++F+I+ ++II++E+.1,,f Y++H+l+3++T•++II++ ++H+3++ ++++i++H+E++I++II+3++44-a tat If you intend to build a garage we have A. Lumber and Building Material material of all kinds for same on hand. Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order. Custom Planing our Specialty I F. C. XALIPLBISC • RICINE 19 - ZURICH 4. 4. I. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. i 4. er 4* 4. <l+ ++++++++++1e1.+4 -1-4.44+44+441,4.4i4.•4•44 f4.44++ .1.4444? +b+i4. •••••••••••••••••••••10•••• •••••••••!•O•••••••••••••• • • i► 1 Fos; ••• • This will staved "l-4.0. Herald • • _+ any address in Canada to • • January, 1918. c• ihi to !•AI••IF•�l�lal _ eez�: do , s ow any' ea nefit to be derived therefrom,' in deed, salt frequently imparts a limy •Plavro to the eggs probabyl by inducing an interchange of the •fluids within and without thhe egg Our advice ins, do not any salt to the lime -water. Miss Vera Siebert, of London is spending the week at her home here. Lieut, E. Holtzman left on Thurs- day morning for England where he will again join the over -seas forces. We handle all kinds of hydro sup-, plies, such as lamp fixtures, lamp shades, electric irons, electric toast ers, etc., at Hartleib's. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter `Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat 200 2.00 Oats 70 85 Barley 1 00 Buckwheat 1 25 Fleur . 6 25 7 00 Bran $40 00 Shorts 45 00 Low Grade bag 3.00 Live Hogs fob Hensall 16 00 .30 38 05 1 75 Local News JUST LIKE DAD. One of o.ur school teachers has received ;the following note from the mother of one of her pupils "Dear Miss..- You write me about whippin Sammy, I give you per- mission to, beet him up eny time he wont lean his •lession. He is just like his father and you' have to bet him up with a club ,to :ern him enythhag. Pound noledge in to him. Don't pay no attention tea what .his father says. I'll dle him. •ADA'S LIVE STOCK is estimated that the numbers, farm live stock in Canada on Tune 30th were as follows; Hor- ses, '3,035,25.4; milch cows, 2,542,709.; other cattle, 3,325,013;; sheep, 2.009,- 71; and swine, 2,513,526. . This is an increase over last year for all deeeriptions, excepting swine, which are less by over 300,00. The decline in numbers- of sheep, which has been annually continuous since 1913, appears to be arrested, the increase shown this year beings ov- er 44,600. REAL ESTATE CHANGES More terms have changed own- ership during the past week. Mr. Wm. ,Stelck has sold his fine farm. on the 14th can.; Hay, consisting of. 75, acres to Mr. Edward IStire, of . Dashwood, for , $5,000, ,passes; sion to' .„be given ,ne We give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay ' Customers. FURNITURE NEWS , . WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0 F FURNITURE WHJOH WE ARN SELLING AT THE OLD PRICES AND HAVE A CARLOAD CID*+ ING ALSO BOUGHT AT THE 0 LD PRICE, THIS WILL BE EXTRA GOOD BUYING FOR THOSE NEE3»-+ ING ANYTHING IN FURNITURE` . IN HARDWARE IWIE HAVE ALSO A LOT OF GOODS LEFT WHICH WE SELVA! THE OLD UPRICE. WE HAVE OVER $100.0.00 WORTH OF 11fi.ARTIN-$ENUUR'$ 100 PER CENT. PURE PAINT AT tTHE. OLD B'IitL COME QUICKLY IF YOU WANT TO PAINT, YOUR HOUSEA', i THE GOODS ARE GOING FAST AT THE, PRICES; T'anl ASK FOR ' THAM I-IARTL13IB, ztJI21'Ci� HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE 4Q0631ti OICNI©iOE7EACKAF3F ginizamiCielion3C10113011EXicit4CPIt Cream, Eggs and Butter 1 0 I, HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH W030,3101E IY3E3+E E3EB sEsE3E• NEWEROCUBCDOE f wF3+F31M3400113 4210 WANTED Will pay highest cash prri;ce for Cream Butter and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. [ Canadian Fertilizer Company BEST BY TEST a Vrij iYig to ill=hes ' . � a ,, ... ; l ; r.• . ?,urieli :}vita .hi "arniiy •in the fall to reside having purchased the house now• occupied by Mr. Wm. Thiel from Sol. Zimmerman. Mr. Wm. Mullholland has sold his fine 100 -acre farm, being lot 24, con 4, .Hay; to Mr. Ervin Wiltlort, who has had it rented for the past three years. The purchase price •is $6,000 and -possession will be giv- en or, April 1st, 1918. BOYS AND GIRLS The boys and girls under 17 years of age should take advanta ge of the Canadian' Banker's Com. - petition at Zurich Fall Fair. Priz- es of $5; $4; $3; $2;, $1 and ribbon are for the best calves, and also v;te same prizes for the best pigs ea Any person wishing to go on the harvest excursions make arrangements with J. ss- Merrier to go out with a car of horses. Fines under the Ontario Tem- perance Act In Hamilton to date: sincre September 16, 1916 total $44,600. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Heywood, and son Earl, and Mr. lean Sanders, of Ex eter, Misses Dora Kraft and Vera Sie- bert of London visited friends in town on Sunday.. Pick up a daily paper and as a rule an automobile accident or two usually form the headlines. When will people who run cars. learn to be careful on the public.; highway. Fast • driving is the usual cause of these accidents. 4 -es NEW CONFEDERATION POST The Post Office Department is issuing a post card in comenemor ation of the 50th anniversary of. Confederation. rrhe post card used is the ordinary post card, with an insert containing inform- acion with regard to the various, provinces existing in 1867 and nos and also statistical information as to area, population, general de- velopment and industry of the country since 1867. The inform- ation supplied is of a most inter. est:ng character, and illustrates the rapid growth of Canada. The de++1 partment also coni emplates the is- suing of commemorative three cent stamps., to consist of an en- graved reprodnci•i+gin of Rallis' voin'in'-, ' a'bt•- of_Corfederat-+ ion, f tl b staple leu in mule of prepr'ar&ttoo, t, 1 t , l . biled in this competitio'n.Ca1- and pigs entered must have born on or after March 15th, Entries must be made at st -three weeks before the Fair ,with the local bank. Make it a point, to fiend out the full partic-t Wars of this competitiuon as the prizes offered are liberal and be- sides show your neighbors the class of stock your father raises on the farm. LITTLE LOCALS Raspberries are being picked in large quantities. Send The Herald to your absent friends. 35 ets, to Jan lst. 1918 in Canada. It is expected that hydro will be turned on any day now. What about that celebration? The street spr;nkler has made its appearance for the summer. It should be out oftener. }The race track at the Fair Grounds is in good shape at pres- ent. Get your nag ready for the races at the Zurich Fair. If you have any visitors at your home or if you know of anything else interesting let us know. Our phone No. is 30. Our 4,wn is quiet these clays. Farmers are busy harvesting the bumper crops. IWe would kindly ask our cor- respondents to send in their news in Tuesday's mail. We usually go to press early Thursday fore- noon tared if we do not recerive the matter until 'Wednesday evening it grelatly delays us. Only a few more weeks and the fall fairs will be with us Now is the time to start to get your ib*hl,bits ready if you avant to 04 .prises: To - the. Farmers of. this 'sections ' I have ordered 3 car loads of 416 per cent Acid Phos. for this fall for Fall Wheat, which is the best for wheat. Anybody that wants some of this Brand will kindly order early. I sell it for $28.00 a ton. JOHN HEY, JR., ZURICH Seasonable Goods [ at popular prices MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Air, Light Combination Atheletic Underwear. $1.00. a suit up. MEN'S STOCKS Palm Beach, white .black, and tan 50c laind 75c (a pair. SPECIAL BLACK SOCKS 5 pair dor a ... ... ... ... $1.00 KANT KRACK LINEN COATED ;Colliers, all ,sizes, 25c. NEW SUMMER NECK WEAR At 25c, 50c tan,d 75c.. MENS UMBRELLAS At, $1,00 to $2.50 NEW (SUMMER SOFT COLLARS All sizes, 3' for 50e. MEN'S OVERALLS At $1.50 ,and $2.00. Silk Arm Bunds at 25 cents, ,SANITARY PACKAGE LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS At ;3 for ;25 cents. , SPORT.,SRIRtS Perfect fitting 'Standard $1.00, '$1.50 ;land 42,00, !wakes, t POTHER BELTS At 25e, 50, .and 75 celnts. 1:1. .WORM ,LADIES RAIN COAT$ All sizes and patterns, $4.50, 5.14 8.60, 10.00, 11.50 and $12.00. LADIES' IWAISTS In ,different styles and pattern's at. $1.00 145, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, $3,0Q, LADIES HOUSE D ,RESSE1 At J$1,25, 1.50, 1.75, LADIES' SILK CHOSE In RBlark, white, grey, nigger brown, •slate, 'Palm Beach. A NEW LINE OF CUSHIONI$`OIPS At 25 pants. A few only CHILDREN'.S STRAW EATS at a big reduction. PALM I3EACH SUITING A beautiful Material for Jul* and August: JUST ARRIVED, NEW, IDEA. FASHION SHEETS, free ail every lone. - (CHILDREN'S DRESSES At 50e 75, $1.00 and $1.25. SPECIAL IN LADIES BLACC HOSE at 15cts a pair. LADIES' SUMMER VESTS ;Cum!fty, tout 35cts. SPECIAL IWIFIILE rran'k LAST , 3 boxes Seeded rashes for 25 eta, Phone 28