HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-08-10, Page 11114 %, Vol. XV I.I I fr You Should Worry When you can buy Single Harness, Trunks, Club Bugs, Suit Cases, Water Proofs, Lap Ruga, Dusters, Fly Nets, etc., at almost ' the old price. Having bought a large stock early enables us to do so. We also carry a full line of Harvest:Mitts and Gloves, Look up your•Binder Canvas and if they need repairing bring them in early and avoid the rush. We also handle new ones. R. F. STADE ZURICH ZURICH OlNrNNoraMooeesoialm seseems0aaaaaaaiNaaNaaaN A Good Range of Boys' Suits and Overcoats still in stock: All sizes. Prices less than present wholesale prices. OYS' WASH SUITS at half price while they last. •'`ten's Straw. Hats Big Reduction in price. Men's Suits 'HUNDREDS OF ,SAMPLES OF LATEST GOODS si0 TO CHOOSE ''ROM. COME IN AND LEAVE YOUR MEASURE,, FRIG. HERALD GRNINQ. AUGUST 10, 1917. Mrs. C. Fritz visited relatives in Sarnia and Guelph for a few datya last • week. t r i Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, . Zurich, on Wednesday, and Wednesday of the following week. Mr. Tuffield Ducharme of De, troit spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Duchar•- me, ''of the Bronson Line. IThe Returned Soldier's Dramat-• ie Co., of London, has been enga ' ed for the concert for Zuriels. night. They will present the 1. entitled, "The Soldier's Swe• heart:' °A..demonstration of a Bull Tt,act or wil .be held on Tuesday after noon, Aug. 14th, on the Paul Bell roe or was purchased from the Mass Harris Co. through their salesinan at 'Zu'rich., Take no notice of any man'sel ling goods, either wearing the -g- ling form or in civilian clothing or pro ai fesng to be a mem,ber of the, Great iWar Veterans' Association of Canada, unless he can prod_u-ces a letter signed by the Secy start of the Great War Veterans' Assoeiat-•: ion of Canada eA dtreetors o they'pteu'R: ;w;e diton Brass Band has Been en g geF1 to furnish the music at the l n'iela Pall Fair. tVk . land Mrs. John Weseloh, of akterloo, and daughter, Miss Ella a' visited relatives here vex Sunday. 'r. and Mrs. •Woods, and child- , of London, visited at the home ;l4ir, J. Hildebrandt for a few ys last week. •The Pollee Trustees have built a OW short stretches of cement 'Walks which has improved the ap- pearance bf our town. ~'In la baseball game played at ,Dashwood last Friday evening be- tWeen the 'Zurieh and Dashwood teams, 'the former won handily bye the score of 13 to 4. rand Mrs. H. Kiser, of El- ^'oiMr. and Mrs. Sherar, of cGor ss Idel'l•a ,'Wrelsh, of Moor - n1 Mrs. Schwalm of Mild- ited at the home of Rev. s. F. B. Meyer over Sun All spent Monday at Grand id. • NQS w f e . +wsr»rw r$�$+r srar+w ff�rwr�reta4w411.41r 0111. w ••••••461114.41400114f410000444.111011148411110104 111111NI{1111111i1111111112I III!IpiIIITIIIIMMIIII111111111.4g11111111111111111111111111111111111111111fIlNIlIC1111i 11$111N1111111111111141fIIIIliN1111111111I11111111111111N11N1i11,11111111i111111111111111111111M1111NN111 Outing Shoes We have a complete line in White canvas, 'Running- Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Sport Shoes, etc Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes: C..FRITZ, Zurich 1 The Home of Good Shoes farm, west of $ensall. This t. t Mageeyill.,11111Miessizafsmisnomis .®.M , Huron Wei Incorporated 1855 •The MOLSONS BANK APNTAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Branches in Canada Come and See our New Goods in Prints, Ginghams, Galateas, .Dress Goo ds Shirtings, Ready-made Waists House Dresses, Aprons ,Pants, Shirts and Overalls Also men's and ladies' underwear: 1 C WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN MANiI11a®aasaaaaaaaaaalaaa Sa1MMM•MNaaaaaa,a..aa s .or oMpany was transacted as foll- ows:— Claims to the amount of $467.15 were settled. Two hun- dred and sixty applications were passed and other business was at- tended to Everything is going along 'very satis`ractory, the board having the most satisfactory year, of its exislten,ce. t , " RC IILAELETTERO ' CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER Sa Dns Bank !Madmen' In •irest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. "DUNLOP, Manager resp stock of -Groceries. Also new .stock. Formaldehyde on hand. 1 DOUGLAS ri PHONE 11 on 821 BLAKE 1 UIIIiiilli IIgfNIillilillWlU.Ifl1i.,IIIIIIIliN11WIIIIIINN ig I @ III.IIIIIIIN11111111111111Lllllllll•,IWIIIUIIOIIIIaiIl1.11gidIIIItl111111N111N11millIIIINIdNIN 111111 milliIIIIIIINIIIINNINIIIInINlldlmn 4. �FYF�'f'��� i�'Y°'1�+��'i'�'�3�� F++.44++444+++++++++++++++++++++++114444+444444+444++++++ i•-++++++++++++++444.4444+444.+++++++++++++++++++4444+44 •-+++++++.N+fig++++443.4444+444.+++++++++++fir+'i'i ++++4444+4ds 4, 4. Clearing Sale of Ladies' W STRAW HATS, ETC. Hot Weather Hose ; Ladies' silk ankle hose in white and black, size 19 to 10 35 and 40e, .4. 2 4 4 Baby Dresses , In full white lawn from 35 to 50c. Girls ibik Drawers IA few doz. black drawers with lace trimmings, all sizes, 20-25c. Ladies' White Waist Sale Just a few ladies' white waists left for sell at half price. Ladies' Combina- tion Underwear 4 doz. ladies' 'fi'n'e white combin- ation suits, alt sizes, at ,75e to $1.25. Bathing Suits ,Swim. in your own bathing suit !A. 'ful ii anIge of one piece suits at 60e to 175c. • Boys Wash Suits In linen ,eham'bray made in short coat, style, the colors are blue and fawn, "size! 2 to' 8 years at 50c. Child's Rompers (Made of strong fine -woven cham- bray in dawn and blue shades,size h to 6 years, price 50e. Boys odd Bloomer Pants Of strong dark tweed, well made lined throughout, in all sizes and prices, Summer Underwear Porous -Knit cotton shirts and drawers Sizes 34 to- 40 at $100 a, suit, Ladies sport [-cats On sale at $1,00 each, i Wash Skirts lAdoz,i adies white wash skirts, in Bedford cords, plain styles at $2.25 e!aid s. i L ; V lr PREETER StS, Boys blouse Shirts In neat stripes of assorted colors made with attached caner. •Size ' to 14 ys(ars, all one price, 60c. Boys' Summer Jerseys Plain white 1S40y', with blue navy blue trimmed—With red, sizes 2i to 30, price 25e. and 40c, Men's and Boys Straw Hats To clean oat at a big reduction. Also men's Panama Hats on sale at half price. Bargain in Gasoline Stoves 1 only 3 burner gasoline stove was $20 now for $12.00, 1 oulyi 2 burner gasoline stove, worth $15.00 for $10,00, Use Oil Stoves for Comfort Why swelter in the heat el a wood fire when you c,a•n have the, coolness and comfort of a New P erfection or Puritah coal oil stove, ,Simple to operate and always ready,;• a •+ ° Electric Fixtures We have added •a line of electric sistures suitable for every roomi bf your home. Also sockets, bulbs, etc., of all kinds. Hydro Conveniences with the advent of Hydro power you will need an electric to- aster, electric iron, and other conveniences. 'See our line before you buy, '\Ve carry only the beet, . • 15c Graniteware Sale I«'e have received a ]urge shipment of graniteware, such as stew kettles, sauce pans, dippers, ets., etc. • PYREX, ' Transparent Ovenware We haveadded the celebrated Pyre. transparent oven -ware to ;our stock. Very simple in design, and the quality of absorbing and reta''ninrz heat to a remarkable degree, causing foods to cook qu a y, tl fo oa7,h ;q, abeo'ut±ely evenly. roods baked in Pyrex act- ually taster better. , : ,xa a Highest Price for Produce e,14L4L r > Phone 9 ZURICH 44 4.; AS ' .44 4. • 4. gor