HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-07-20, Page 5, 't.4, ''.1:,;'4!."P,„1"431 • •,--,•,--"7-.', .' i• 4,A.., :,- ifin i; . ,.a,1111SIlteS'Your , WWII:40411st damage by wind or tornado for 140 cents per $100 for 3 years, and :our • )3house for BO cents per 41100 ;for :8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteca. . HOLT/MAN • Aged Zuri Dealer in Lightning Rods If you are going to rave your house painted this yer 1 can save you money. • ON THE JOB Ilstimates cheerfully given esti nt+W Or old work. Ie in physiology.; ';Dia, 0994 tell .igs," she asked; • 1'What is hz.• Ametliolnof the stomach?" "The 1unetipn of the 'stole -each,'" the little ;girl answered, ,‘"is to up the pettic'oit." • tWorleven ,have been ,bay thie eveek patting in place olei theestee- ets of the village, poles for the hydro power lines. It is eae, pected that power well Las read.y, to turn an jn a few \\leeks. What about a itable ,delebraticen .honor of th e Oven t. ) (When •anyone bands you alave .1dollar ;bill take a good !oat at jt betone 'accepting it at face, vethie It may ,ibe gee of the Meximtu mariety, of .tbe vintage of 191.t, Which, it seems have become fairly. common 'in Ontario lately and which -are worth about 13, cents. NEW WORK A SPECIALTY The imiarket never varies more than a Traction of a farthing ei- ther side of the 13mark, the banks istate. 'That there are quite a aitimben of the bilis in dr- eulation appears to be certain and many ,who do mot look closely accept them; as Ti -e dollar Canadi- an or American bills. +—+ H.11 H. LITTLE Hensall PAINTING, GRAINING, PAPER • HANGING I iAlso taery a hill line of up -to date Wall papers. VWOMEICIIIINIMICESISMININ ‘41 • , The Chucrhes EVANCrELICAL CHUIVIti es 'SERVICES .0031(Claft German ee Lee a., ire e " 'Spai de y School 11.00 a, m, '" 'Service Englitdi e.W.30 pan. Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A. 7.39 p,ea, Tueeday, Y. P. A. — 8,15 p. en, Tlaarselay Prayer Idegtelag 7,30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice 8 30p, at. leallies' Aid, first Neesday ev- 'ening of elach ,nelenth 8.p.rn, LUTHERAN CHURCH f:tellediay SChdol a3 1111.1 ti email) Services, Sunday 10 Man. SerViee, 'Slaladtay 17.30p.me 'Luther League, Velday 8. p. en. Ladies' Aid meets 'first Tuesday of each month ert'1.30 p. m. Zurich Meal A RIK E T;.3 Fresh and Salt Meat - Bologna IsSanxsages, etc Highest 'Cieshrilzeice for Wohl OASII FOR fgeINS & HIDE Tailat & Deichett Andrew C. Hess tz.. CONVEYANCZNO, ETC.. FIRE INSUal:-NCE PLATE GLASS +INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FONDS :TO Lover AGENT FOR GT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO.. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zuriehe The Home Insuarnee e. LOGAL NEW Mr, Wii, Dumart ef Kitehener, spent.,Selnday n tton. 'et Mr. Louis Weber, of Detroit vis ited his home here this w.ebk. Mr. •Ezra Koehler .of Kitchener is4.iisitieg 'at he hame here at present, • • 'Messrs. Geo. Hese and Jae. Del - Theta were visitors to London 0.)711 :$1111,dlay • v 4 \ Miss ',Erna Fritz, ol London, 'elted at the home of her unele, 1/Ir. ,C. Fritz, this week. Mr. Emerson Bossebberry .of Kitehener,visited relatives here,lor a,few .days !this weetk. Mr. 'Roy Appel left for Tosonto on`lVIonday where he has a.coepte•d a 'position in a jewlelry store. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hess, of London, ;visited .alt the home of the Torruer's parents .on Monday, Mr. Irvin ISmIth, of Bay City, Mich., visited at the home of his brother, Mr. Q. tle'Smith, last Friday. The Ladies' Aid of the Evangel, lea] church spent a social thud with the Das'hwood Aid on Thurs- day afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witzed, and Mrs. Sim. 1Witzel, and little Bernice Witzel, of Kitchemer, were the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Smith on Sunday. Mr. John Wurhm of Tomato vis- ited relatives here the tore part of this week. Mrs. Wurban and .daughter returned home with him on (W'eclineeday.., 1/1-. and. Mrs. W. .Finkbeiner of Stratford visited relativein town over Sunday. fthsMii dred Hoffman accompanied them home iancl ?will visit for a few, weeks. Me. and Mrs. W. Johneton, of Kippen, alnel son, of Toronto, ac- companied by Mr. ainel Mrs..Small- acorrebe of 1Western1 Canada, vis- ited 'at the home at Me. G. S., Howard this weefic. Large 'congregations filled the Evangelical .church ob ;Sumba at the ,Children's Day services: At Ate 'evening serviee a enitalbleeszo-• graen, was given by tire ,ya.ung toeles hih_,fl present enjoyed . • NBA/. tADS -,-, (1% 14, wiunin, A I . .. . . Gascho tez, :Son, . 1 1 ClaSSitied • See our line of white 'shoes ton 1' ' ' --- — — summer wear. A large shipment just received. Id, Birsson, )rya, . dale, LOST—A small vest rio2ket mere - (manila book, with imitation black leather cover, plase return te this office. /The prize lists i'or the 'Zinrich,Eall -Fair are pready for distribution, Copies of IRtme can be had by ape plying to the Secretary, A. •I -less. , • A boy ,\\las in the act of taking ta, phot road througli a plovveidi field, when the farmer, observing him, shouted; Ili, luau, there' e na road there!" The boy turned round, and feeling that as tevetityi yards lay between him 'and his 1r - ate ,acquser he was safe, cooly ree plied; "So I see but you needai trouble to mak' one. Ill (ree; lbe back this wayj again. 1W1 CROP FOR SALE About 35 acres hay crop foe sale. iSame will be sold at reat:. onable price. South east corti4T ol St.. Joseph.. • Apply Ed Bris- son, St. Joseph. THE WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, ONT. (The dates for the western •Fair, London, Ont., are September 7th to 15th this year. Several tho- usand Prize Lists, Maps, Hangers and other advertising material NVill be mailed from the General Office. Domination Savings Building, in a few days. Any person not re- ceiving a Prize List should drop a line to the Secretary asking Lor one. and also stating the •kind •of entry form required. ',It spaceis required in any of the buildings for an exhibit it should be applied far at once in order tthat suitable arrangements ,may be made. The programme af attractions will he of a, very high order and will be fully ,announeed later. • All inform' atiop regarding any department of the ,Exhibition Will be promptly given on appaitation to the Secret- sey A. M. Humt, Doniinton Savings Building, London, Ont. • ±4Aloughly, ' LOCAL AGI]? IWA..gze 1H9i: Prompt Service Moderate Charges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. H1 HOFFMAN Zuriek, - Ontario e I VOTERS' LIST, 1917 MTjNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- . SHIP OF HAY ' COUNTY OF HURON Notice ,es hereby given that I have (transmitted or delivered to, the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the "Voters List" At the cop les required in the said se•etioln be iso transmitted or delivered of the listmade pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the .last (revised Assessment Roll of the said eVlunicipality to be entitled to, e.'ote ;in the said Municipality at (Elections Tor members of the Leg- islative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was 'first pasted up at my office at (Zurich, on ',the .7th Day of Julee 1917, iand remains there for ii.. sPects;011; ; % 11 • ! :And 1 herbiby dale :upon all vote ers to 'take immediate .proceedings to [have 'any errors or ormsnissiobs, corrected'according to law. Dated at (Zurich ths Ith day WI 191. • . • FRED 11.8SS, ; Clorit cv( Ha z" Township. ItrEICIT • • - t arid Idistrict —to sell for -- "THE .OLD RELIABLE "FONT - HILL NURSERIES" Splendid (list of Steak . For Nall plant -lb -ea 1917 ia Spring plLid tieg 1918 Including un,any new varieties. eellich we lalone control. 'Send for mew illustrated cat-, alogue, also Agent's Proposition, 'Handsome Tree outfit; Exclusive iTeeritory Liberal Commissions. liktione & Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) lr0 R 0 N T ‘, ARE-WU GOING TO PAINT? WE elef.VVE A FULL LINE Elephant Brand Qeady=mixed Paints for 1 Buildings, in'eide and outside Floor Paints, Buggy Pant, Varnishes, ote. LOUIS B.RISSON Drysdale '14. tra -4,410 4141414....'".44 Registered Yorkshire Male FOR SERVICE. Proved a great sire. • Is of imported stock, and is of the long deep bacon type so much in demand now. ete KRUIEGER Ads LaGAL CARDS, PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitors, • Notaries Public ee, •Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St, Goderieb, Private funds Go loan at lowest rates W. Pnorrevour, K. C. J. L. KILLORAR. M. J. 1), Comm,. Mr, Cooke will be in Hensel' on Friday and Saturday of oaoh week, Gc P. Hess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS ROaimico,-, a ,S:peczalty THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S, LACKAWIIN A COAL THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE D A. Cantelon Hensall TELEPHONE Office 'NO. 10. • . House No. 10, B Manure Spreader good as new for sale at your own price or will lend. oat by the day. — PrangeZurich thce Herald to the end of 1917 to New Subscribers in Canada for t 114T.1.110014301.115•11.6., e:e1teeteel'ate4ekeeeeeee, . e• ••• eeeeee. • aleeeteeeafteateateeze•Wee DAIN RAY. 'LOAD 1 he BEST in the WORLD It is the tritest popular ;gaicl easiest running loader on the market Shnple,light dra,ft and Jane man cram easily operate it. isTo 'twisted or croesed chains, cogs or gearsor long crooked crank shafts to use power ktud get Out of order. Make haying a pleasure by buy-. ing a DAIN. LOADER. •1 • Famous Fletry Plows PLOWS that ARE PLOWS No other plow RUNS SO sivfooTHLY—has such EASE for HORS- ES and COMFORT for the PLOWMAN as the FAMOUS FLEURY PLOWS. We handle the original No. 21, the 'light draught No; 13, and (the beet one-horse plow in Canada, jibe No. 15a. Buy only the ORIGINAL and BEST.• We handle pumps, piping, etc L. PRANG _ZURICH .1111.0.01•MEMMINIMMO MOO ON SIM MOOMO 0.9**al• 20,000 TONS RAGS WANTED Also ali kinds of junk. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Will call sOoon Phone No. 35 A. Mittelhaltz Zurich LO K! Why not use tbe best coat? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. C F. CASE & SON HENSALL1R MBE BB Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG I will have large shipments of Basic Slag in for fall use. Part- ies wanting any should notify me at an early date. Ask your neighbor about re- sults from using tthe Basic Slag, PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN ORDINARY FERTILIZER, Ontario Ferillizer I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Compani_s. Ageeey for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose. JOSEPHRkti R. Zurich; • 411'111 IIM BaArils.) at the 4 ONTARIO Acutievr.zuRAL C9LVEG& Ovumn. on Your 01 Paint. Paint. protects. Paint wards off rot and decay. Paint is a property improvement that increases the value of your whole place. Paint is an investment that pays a big profit in prosperous appearance and long life to the buildings. % PU E" PAI T (Made in Canada) is saving the farmers of Canada hundreds of thousands of dollars by protecting their homes and barns from wear and weather.: This pure, reliable paint spreads easily and is the cheapest in the end, because it covers 900 square feet of surface per gallon and lasts far longer_than the cheap prepared paint or hand -mixed lead and oil. :Ask for "Farmer's Color Set" and "Town and Country Homes". Just what you'll need in planning your painting.' N.49 ":. 4 :+4 111 44,