HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-07-13, Page 4TUB HJR. , ,D issued Thnraday afternoons from:.the. HERALD PRINTING CFFICE !Tests of subscription $1 per year in lac( *ante $150 may be charged' if not s,o paid. U. S. erubscripti- mis $1,50 strictly in advance. No ;paper 'discontinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. 'The slate to ',which every subscription is paid. ';s denoted on ,the label. ,,g4 'leFtirsing Rates- Transient ad- verts'ements, 10 cents per line for first insertion and 4 cents pee line for each subsequent insertion toex- ceed Small advertisements men ts not one inch, 'such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., in- serted once for 25 cents, and each subsequent insertion 10 cents Communication intended for pub- ' 'locution mast, as a guarantee of good faith, lee accompanied by the name of the writer. (address all communications to THE HERALD PRINTING CO. ZURICH, ONTARIO. EXETER, Dr. Browning recently celebrat- ed the 50th anniversary of his med- ical tpraetice .in Exeter. Mr. Wm. Russell has been offici- ally installed es postmaster by D. J. McLean, P. 0: inspector of Lon- don. ► Dr, and Mrs, Sweet have left for Vancouver, B. C., and other western .points. 'They will return in October. Da. W. E. Dempster and Miss •Electa MaryStrong were married tat T'or'onto on June23rd. Premier 1W. M, M,ait'n, ale Exeter old boy, was returned as premier of Saskatchewan at the recent pro- vincial election by ; a majority of lover 40, COUNTY NEWS No iHuro 1 Old eye 'excursion will be held to t:n.s county this year lowing to the 'inability of the railways to provide train services. 'Thos McMillan, Liberal candidate for South Huron, u'nder'went a aucce:sul operation at Mayo Bros. Hoe ,ita1, Rochester, Minnisota, 'a iew days age for the remova(. of q.. ,. �. ., o ,loco in rt e i>' f. rn, olJ.. � e' Q -�6 atoneaeli.' (Word receivedlast week announced that he is making splendid recovery and would be estoi=e 3 to health in a few 'weeks. GOOD CROPS ' 'An ;optimistic crop report was Teaseled from the bureau of industri- es department of the Legislature on (Tuesday. Spring -sown crops of all lein,ds',are. looking well, while ,'winter crops, itneluding .fall wheat land clover, have picked up wonder Tully gas a consequence of warm ;mains .c"luritng the past week. Live stock. is now almost entirely sus- tained .on feed grass, but dairey- *n,en complain •of the decrease in the price of cheese, which, with .anereaseld cost of milk feed has robbed then' of much profit. Or- sebards throughout the province la -re (promising, the bloom having botial=ly escaped filost, a rare oc- .: leurrence in recent -years. Early. toaniatoes for canIning factories Sam given splendid pro=mise. Labor teoxaditiosis • have eased, but the tieineand will be keen when haying egins: . HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS kZ. P. S. Report.. The (following is the report of Room, I. for the month of June, Jr, III,--: Greta Merrier, Frances Mittrelholtz, Ruth Brenner, Mad elena Meidinger, Elsie Califas, Ger- ald Bedard, .Austin Schwalm, Ed- mund Bedard, Ethel Hess. Sr. I,I— An'n'a Mittelholtz, Dor- othy Brenner, Leon!atd Wagner, Freda Howes, Claude Meidinger, Wesley tCa'llfas. Sr. Pt. II..— Lorne Foster, Alice Deitz. Jr. Pt, II. •-- Mildred Geiger, Beatrice Kerner, Hazel Bedard. Sr. I, Willie Neeb, Dorothy Zettel, Maggie Zettel. . Jr. 1st. - 1Yl)anie Foster and Gol- die Uttley equal; Angela Mitte.l- holtz; Stella Callfas; Edward Br- emner. .J `W., Vtiiteh, Teacher: The 'following is the Report of Roam 11. for the month of June, marks are based on attendance, behaviour and efficiency. !Sr. I2— Kathleen Siemon, 72); John H. Koehexns, 720; Agnes Zettel, 680; May Schwalm 600; Irene •Decher 590; Idella Howald, 550: RaYmond Fischer, 530; 'Vernon Davidson. 530; Ivan Yungblut 5C0; Kenneth Koehler, 460; Alvin Gas- cho, 410; Fred Davidson, 400; Liz- zie Leibold 360. Sr. Pt:. II. -Promoted to Jr. 11 Lawrence Reichert, e6); Garnet Wal per 640.._ Sr. Pt. 1.1— tram Thiel, 590; Francis Deitrieh, 540; Arson Ke1- ler 490; Austin ;Hey 460. Jr. Pt.. II.— Luella Reichert 700; Leonard Prang 680; Martha Heid- eman 670; Evelyn Ducharme 520; Agnes Deittrich 510. Pr.- Rose Albrecht 400. Sr. 1st Class;— Mervyn Schwalm 600; Victoria Deichert 560; Rose line Thiel 520; Beaulah Koehler, 430. Jr. 1st Claes; — Edward Thiel 640; Bruce Koehler 640; Willie Leib old 32D. M. A. Lamont, Teacher ,The fallowing ie the report of CORRESPONDENCE 1 ST. JOSEPH 3"• --•IIS Miss Marie Mackay, who hap successfully taught the St. Joseph Separate Sebo'ol for the past year, has resigned and will enter a 'con- vent at Stratford where she will have charge of some classes. The big picnic tat Drysdaye );real on July, 2;nd was a splendid sue cess. Mr. J'erame and Mies Lizzie Bed, and of Port ;Laimbton are visiting at the home :of their brother, Mr. Chad. D. Bedard. Miss Louisa Jeffrey of Beaver - town, who has spent some time in Detroit, has returned to herhome here. Messrs, Leo, and Chas,. Bedard, of Courtright, visited relatives here Tor a few days last week. Mr. Bd. Brisson land sister, Miss Albertine, motored to Toronto; last week. Dr. S. Brisson accom- panied thiem hohne and will visit here. ,for a few weeks. The Dr. expects to open, a practice -in Toronto in a Tew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tied as d." and Mr. and Mrs. Jos..BedardJr•:. and faniltrly of 'Chatham, visited at the hoagie of Mr. Jos, Bedard last week. Mr. IWmi.. Ducharme is repairing- the epairingthe barn which he recently moved to his farm. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Miss Clara M'E niey.daughter f7•" Rev. Geo McKin'ev, of Seaforth,ip; spen cling her "holidays with her friends in this vicinity. Mr. Nelson Yeo end fanelly of Goderich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Hernry Bereft. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reid of Parr'. Line, have been visiting the lat-' RoomIII. for the month of June.; ter's father and sister at Adelaide. 'for, (a few days. Jr. IV, Inez Yungbiut: 316; Dor- i Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh of Var othy Fritz, 337; Lennie O'Brien 336 sl ;Witney t ruemtner, 335; Emma Wurm 332; Gordon Wlalper. 288; Kilda Neuschwan'ger 281; Euloi,ne na were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Talbot on Sunday. Mrs. W. Wheatley and son, . Per - Geiger, 273; Gordon Zettel, absent. ey, of . Cllintdn ,anti her mother, Sr. III. - Eva Fee, 384; ' 354"M7atrhy�.I .Merrs. iiJY'oaxhgnauAermu:sntrdo..n,dagl, spent nart .S n- Mitte holtz 373 Veola Prang, 365;day atMr. Robt -Armstrongs. M ieer,JS9 Muriel gowej Mrs„Ihos.Releils!nSiazd,ds a1d735Eitelyn Travyw,. , •el Dietrich 298, Theodore. Deichert ',Sting friends in Hamilton this 288 Clair 1Vlerner, 236' Pearl Lei ' week. bold 103- Ervin Fisher, absent. y I 'On Sunday July 3th death re - Jr. III. Pearl Gallmlan 380, eneved' ane of the oldest residents' Eleanor Ducharme 356; Luella Dech ofthe county in the person of er 350•; Milton (ley 319, Marguerite! i Mrs. Jane Wilson, aunt of Mr. Wm. Prang 288; Frieda Deichert 273,; Pollock, with whom she had made family otehearerspeauttlieweel-v Newell Geiger 254; Lulu Albreicht = her home for a numiber'of years• amid Yitihotivee iln t:o(wn d �' 253, Minnie Uttley 237; Gordon:Sch-I Mrs. /Wilson was born on Oct, 14th . Miss Traylor of London is visit- feetwalm 218; ,Gitbert .Dueharm,e, 168;;1816, and last Oct. she celebrated ing her brother Dr. R. H. Taylor, Anthony Mittedholtz and Lloyd'. her 100th birthday. In spite ..of mission ,Feast will be celebrated, Hey, absent, her great age she had use of : her the Ltutherlaln church :Sunday Sul. physical and mental faculties` till 15th: Rev. Lichtsinn of Toronto the hast, iShe ,was scarcely ever will preach in the German iangu sick, land he'd a remarkable mem; age in the morning paid in the ory. When the ,fast census '()vas being taken she could give the date . evening he will'give : a lecture nnl the Lutheran church in the Eng- of her 'birth emigration from 'Ire-. '1ish language. -In the aft'er'noon Herbert Graup- ner, son of the local pastor, • will be ordained to the mitnistery grad- uating from the Concordia Semin- ary of Sit. Lewis. Mrs. Balsam of Osnabrook, N. D. is visiting relatives here. , Miss Sadie ,Webster of Detroit's DASHWOOD L, Goetz and L, Edighoffer of Seaforth are home for the sum- mer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmerxiaai, of Stratford spent the holiday with relatives en town. Mr, Will Musser of Detroit is visiting his parents at present. A number from here attended Camp Meeting held at Mildmay during the week-elnd. Misses =Alberta and Lavine Koch' of London, anid Miss. Alma of Hen- sali spent the week -end with their parents here. Mr and Mrs. P. Schrader .znd'. family of Mitchel visited relatives in towin over Mon(d'ay. Dr. R. 13. Taylor was 'an out of town visitor over the week -end. Mr. H. Hofffman moved the fur- niture of Rev. Stirling of Fuller- ton to Fingal on Friday. Mac?: N. Brown of Auburn visited in town over the week -end. Mr. J. Zeller and son Louis, • of Stratford spent Sunday and Mon- day in town. Mrs.. Ed. Noll of Milverton spent a I ew days with Mr. and Mrs. L. Kleinstiver. We are pleased to ,say that . Mr. Tobias Guenther is iproving after his >riecentt iltkloss..': Miss Laird and Miss Finkbeiner are spenditng their vacation at their homes in Wyoming and Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tiematn visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. 'E. •Tiernan, over the holidays. Itev. P. Graupn'er-has returned .from the conference held at Mil - weal) during the last two weeks He eras accompanied by leis son Enbert of St. Louis, 1VX ss Miss .'ung di Venedy, 111.,' Mrs: Scheweh and daughter and sox' Arthn and Earl _of Fort Wayne.; Mies- Mary Ehlers of Kitchen_ ens, visite 1 at the home of Mr. 3. K. ,Ehlers, last week.• Mr. i•rnd Mrs. S. Adams and Mrs: Ashman of Lindsay are visitors in town at pr•esetnt. Mr. arid Mr's. Oliver Graybie'1 ett 'SVater•lco spent then' vacation with Seit . ,c ew r iw its..�. Mies Maida. Routledge of Jarvis is holidaying. with herparents. Mrs. J. Hoffman of Tavistock is visiting her piaretnts: Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Guenther. Mr.and Mrs. J. Hesseinaur and land, etc.,. with ,more readines than most of the young people. • Her: removal severs another of the ties that bind the past to the pres en t, �, (.Phe remains were laid to rest on Monday in the Bayfield cern-: efterfy, > I• , Mr. :Artie Keys spent a few days in Hamilton as delegate to spending her holidays with Mr. and. the Foresters' Convention. • Mrs. 1Wm. Head. Mr. Richard Robinson of Tucker. smith has been visiting friends in Stanley, Mr. Frank Keys of. Niagara spent a few days at his home in Varna. recently, Miss Beta Keys, who has been teaching school ,near Benxuiiler, has, returned to her home cin Babylon Line. Miss Rene McBeth, who has teen teaching is) Nd. 5, Stanley, foe -the past year has been engaged by he trustees to teach another yew, he schoi'lars have been making oo;l progress and everybody see eels to be'luiell satisfie3 with Miss past 10e\V wiee'kg• cBeth's .work.tephenson able to be out again Prou•dfoot, Killoran & Cooke 1W a are pleased, to see Mr, David have !rented the 1st floor of the t Oddfellows "block for their office Rev.'.' Mr. Moore of St. Pauls' church, preiachled to the Orangemen last iS'undiase f \ ;Dr, J. A. Mcdiarmid has retiree- ed from London where he under- went ,an operation' on one of his eyes. Miss Bessie Urquhant, dean of Elm College, N, C., is spending a few weeks at her home here. Mrs. Jas. Patterson, of Toronto as. visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. land Mrs. 3..W. Ortwein at present. `. \\f w �1'� lIJU9 AAI ,1 ,'I MAY, 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TU ES DAY "ALL RAIL” - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes'_',' (season Navigation) Your Future Is in the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the /nap.There are still thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Low Rates and travel' via Canadian Pacific W. B. HOWARD District Passenger Agent 'rOEoNTO BLAKE The annual lawn social under the auspices .of the ,Presbyterian church will be held on P. Malnson's lawn next Tuesday evening. The Kit -- tie Band and Highland Pipers have been engaged for the occasion. A good time is looleed for. HENSALL The Sterling Bank Of Canada have 'opened ,a branch in D. IW. Toss' block. JL A. McBwen of Toronto is acting manager. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Li;ndenfeld of the west visited relatives here the fter being confined to the house. or some months: through, his .sev- re illness. Although not alto- . gether better he is able to get a ronind Joy the use of crutches). and we hope thla't he will soon be able to get around, as well as before his HAY CROP 'O:E SALE About 36 acres hay erop for sale. 'Senile will 13e sold at reas- onable price. • South east dorner of St, Joseph. 'Apply Ed '.)3ais- son, S€ Joseph • estern! Fair London, Canada Sept, 7th to 15th, 1917 Half Century of Sz ooess ",.,,1 17 The Great Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario $32,000 in Prizes and Attt A very interestine.Programirxe, including Military and other features—TWICE DAILY, FIREWORKS EACH NIGHT TWO SPEED EVENTS DAILY REDUCED RAILWAY RATES Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary. Linux. -Cor,, W. M. GARTo Iona, A. M. HUNT, Secretary President Don't experiment when you paint your: house: experimenting has . been done` for you, and the result of years of experience in making Paint and of innu. anerable practical and scientific tests is SWP, Sherwin Williams Paint (Prepared). There isan exactness in the formula, and a thoroughness xitt , the mixing andgrinding of the pure ingredients that insures, perfect painting results. A gallon of SWP will cover. -mo 'esus w�i1Y'�'rcx."'wi �'Y'i ff':�fs .yam � � its color so well that its use is genuine economy. Soldby J, Pro.etcr, �u London Life. Policies are SiaffEares "CCC 7D A S .GOLD" Ninety seven per cent of the public when, they attain ad- vanced age have little or nothing to Uiive upon, and are either dependent upon relatives or'public;•charity for support. Protect your future by a popular'i'nsurance policy in the London Life.- All ife. All the popular, plans of ilsuranca written. For particulars apply to Andrew IF. Hess,® Local Agent DRYSDALE• After many mio(nths of suffering from the dread disease, of dancer, Mrs. Louis Durand passed away at her home north of• here on Tuesday Deceased was of a pleasant dis- position and had made many warm 'friends during her lifetime. Her sorrowing husband and five small children survive her. The remains were laid to rest in the R. C. ajeanietery on Thurs- day. FRUIT TREES. IWe have establisfhed a • lasting reputation for fair and square dealing and are now prepared to meet existing conditionsby offer- ing Our high grade trees land plants direct to customers bat ROCK BOTTOM Prices. Don% delay .planting fruit trees and plates, las there is nothing pays better. Send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which' you can order direct and get the benefit of Agent's commission. Our prices will be sure to interest yeti. THE CHASE BROTHERS CO,.QF ONTARIO LTD) NURSERYMEN, ESTABLISHED 18 5.7. COLBORNE, ONT, 1917 CLUBBING LIST • Heral • if 1 " if r 1* air 1r d and Daily Globe.. $4 75 Weekly Globe.....:.1. 75 Daily' Mali and Em- «> Tire 8 75 Weekly Marl and Empire. ... 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 8 26 " Daily News S 25 " ' Weekly Star1 75: London Free Press Morning Edition8 6OE Evening Edition3 6OE Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition .... 8 CO) Evening Edition8 60 Weekly Edition1'' 75 Farm & Dairy 175 Weekly Sun L80 Farriers Advocate2 401 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star ...�..., .....,. 185 Weekly Montreal Witness 186. Canadian Country- man 156 1 '4 11 .a 4' rt .r to ti