HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-07-13, Page 3To Tippling..
The person to whom tea is doing
the most damage is the person most
dependent upon it. A cup of tea con-
tains no nutriment other than that in
the sugar and milk.
Tea, like coffee, contains a stimu
lating drug, caffein. Some people
seem to carry off a good deal of this
drug without herrn. There is, how-
ever, a wide variation in susceptibility
to it. To most people it has a de-
cidedly stimulating effect. Stimu
lation means that you are borrowing
from the future and that the later'
years of your life—the time when you
will most need your physical resources
--will have to pay your early loans.
Tea is not, therefore, a desirable
beverage for children.
In making tea boiling water should
be poured oven the leaves, and the
brew should be light. Tho tea itself
should not be boiled.
One of the evils of tea drinking is
that it deadens the sense of fatigue.
This is often described as "refresh-
ment." ' It is a misleading term. Tea
does not correct the fatigue; it mere-
ly masks it. When you are drunk
with tea, so to speak, you do not
realize how tired you are, and you
are likely to go beyond your health-
ful limit. Fatigue is nature's signal
that poisons have accumulated and
that"you should take rest in order to
get rid of them. Tea only adds an-
other poison.
The swilling of tea is a harmful
habit for people who are already
• carrying; an excess of fat. The sugar
in the tea is fattening, and the in-
take of liquid with meals has a tend-
ency to increase the girth.
When used for washing down the
food, tea has a restraining effect upon
. the digestion. It may, therefore, be
harmful inderanging the appetite and
upsetting, the stomach.
Tea ie. particularly vicious for peo-
ple ' with weak nervous systems, and
even in normal persons may induce
nervousness and insomnia.
Strong tea contains enough tannin
actually to tan leather.
Rules for Living;
hate • every room you occupy.
.: buG'gof-door occupations' and
4. Sleep out, if you can.
5. Breathe deeply.
II. Food
6. Avoid overeater and overweight.
7. Eat sparingly of meats and eggs.
8. Eat some hard, some bulky, some
raw foods.
9. Eat slowly.
III. Poisons
10. Evacuate thoroughly, regularly
2,0 frequently. ,
11. Stand, sit and walk, erect.
12. Do not allow poisons and infec-
tions to enter the body.
13. Keep the teeth,•gums and tongue
IV. Activity
14. Work, play, rest and sleep in
15. Keep serene.
Under a Stable Government the Holy
Land May Again Prosper.
It is one of the romances of history
which will be noted more particularly
when the hurly-burly of the war has
ceased, that the advance of the Brit-
ish force which took the town of Gaza
was across the very wilderness in
Which the 'Children of Israel sojourn-
ed for forty years ere • they reached
the Promised Land. It is not improb-
able that the world : will learn some
morning of the fall of Jerusalem, the
accomplishment of a task which has
been in hand,off and on, for seven
hundred years.
The present derelict state ` of the
Holy Land must not be regarded as
its natural aspect. There can be : no
doubt that in the Bible diys it was
one of the most fertile lands in the
world. That was when primitive im-
plements were used in agriculture.
How much more fruitftri might it be
to -day under the stimulus of modern
methods ?
Ancient prophecy says that after
Armageddon the Holy Land shall be
restored to its ancient people, the
Jews, and it certainly looks as if the
fulfilment' of this promise were at
hand, or, at lealst, its practicability.
•1f a stable government under the
British or French be established,
there can be little doubt but tens of
thousands of Jews will return to the
Old Country.
Land 'Worked this year for the first
time will be in better shape another
year, providing it is cultivated 'she en-
tire season, keeping theweeds out and
the ground as mellow as possible.
The Poor ia11i's
Potato" has become the
rich man's luxury. Whether
at three dollars a bushel, or
twenty-five cents a bushel,
potatoes are not a complete
food. Two or three Shred-
ded Wheat isc vita with
milk furnish more real,
body-building nutriment
than a meal of potatoes or
meat, are much more easily
digested and cost much less.
Shredded Wheat is 100
per cent. whole wheat, noth-
ing added and nothing taken
away—gives mental vim
and physical vigor for the
hot days. ]Delicious for
breakfast, or any meal, with
sliced bananas, berries or
other fruits, and milk.
Made in Canada.
For Play and
In a short -sleeved shirt and a pair
of overalls a small boy can start out
to do most any of,; the things he wants
to do, such as making a railroad, dig-
ging a trench • or even lighting - the
ever vpal1��l,ss 1l ust ted
o. 7824—Doy s Over.J
"ls-•:,in twolengths.
, Cut in 6 sizes;
4 to=14 years. Price, 16 cents; Boy's
Shirt Blouse 'No. 6420,511 6 'sizes; 4 to
14 years. Price, 10 cents.
A fashionable combination of plain
and plaid gingham is shown in this
Grape -Nuts
Made from choice whole
wheat and malted barley,
this famous food retains
the vital mineral elements
of the grain, so essential
for balanced nourish..
anent, but lacking in
many cereal foods.
From every standpoint
---good flavor, rich sour
ishment, easy digestion,
convenience, economy,.
health from childhood to
old age--Grape-Nuts
- food.
"There's a Reason"
cunning frock, This is a practical as
well as a very smart infidel for a vaca-
tion frock for a small girl. McCall
Pattern No, 7'706, girl's Dress, in 6
sizes; 4 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents•
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer,' or from
the McCall Co,, 70 Bond St., Toronto.
Dept. W,
Unlike Human Beings, the Feathered
Songsters Never Make a Discord.'
It is a well-known fact that while
human beings must : be trained for
years and years before they can ar-
rive at any choral perfection birds
can, no matter in how`great numbers,
sing in unison and produce ':c,no dis-
cord whatever. Even the best of sing-
ers when singing together ''cannot
avoid an occasional clash of tone and
the production of disharmony. Man,
with all of the training which genera-
enera-tions. have given him, cannot approach
the birds for purity of tone.
Although every species of bird in
the forest met in: a glade and sang to
gether, the result would bepleasing
to the ear, Each bird warbles in a
different key, singing a song totally
distinct from its mate, yet perfection
is obtained, a fleet of fighting ships was prepared,
The explanation of this hes in . the and there .presently ensued a battle of
A Great Remedy
R 1. NDr; SOI' 5 Herb Treat-
ment (tablets), the groat blood.
purifier, will cure rheumatism, con-
stlpatton, eczema, kidney, liver, stain
acb and female troubips, Price 7.,
with guarantee, or 6 boxes for 35,
nost1aid, Henderson herb Co., Dept,
W., 7.73 Eipadina Ave., Toronto.
War Office for permission to spend
this further sum, and the reply came
back: "You are authorized to remove
sweep at all costs."
A Remarkable Example of One of
Natures Little Jokes.
Nature is not ordinarily to be ac-
cused of trying to be funny, but once
in a while she seems to indulge in
a bit of humor on her own accoul}t.
Of this a very remarkable example
is found in a species of Crab plentiful
in Japanese waters, it bears on its
back a Japanese face. It is the pace
of a fierce warrior of old Japan.
The Japanese have a tradition to ac-
count for this curious phenomenon:
The story harks back a few centuries,
to a period, when the seas that wash
the shores of their archipelago were
much beset by ferocious pirates.
To put a stop to their depredations
fact that birds, never singout of tune,
their notes are always pitched exactly
on the key and no gradations of tone
enter into the chorus to produce jar-
ring sounds.
Can be Averted by Feeding the
Starved Nerves With Rich,
Red Blood.
Nourish your nerves—that is the
only way you can overcome life's
worst misery, nervous exhaustion.
The fits of depression and irritation,
the prostrating headaches,the weak-
ness and trembling of the legs, the
unsteady hand and the imperfect di-
gestion that mark the victim of
nerve weakness, must end in nervous
breakdown if neglected.
Nourish your nerves by the natural
process of filling your veins with rich,
red, health -giving blood. Your
nerves are crying out for pure blood
and the mission of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills is to _make new, rich
blood. This: explains why these pills
,have proved successful` in so many
eoses .f,n voouediscasF that
narjr Aith eii `' 'For.
example, Mr. , Wilfrrd.:Donald, West
Flamboro, Ont., says :—"Before I
began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills .I was in a serious condition. I
was not only badly run down, but my
nerves seemed to be completely shat-
tered. I slept badly at night, and
when I got up in the morning was as
tired as when t went to beds •`I seem-
ed to be on the verge of a nervous
breakdown. At this stage I began
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
In the course of a few weeks I felt
much relief, and continuing the use
of the pills they completely restored
my health. I can now sleep soundly,
eat well, and am enjoying complete
freedom from the old nervous trou-
You canget Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine,
or by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Some Amusing Instances Which Com
From England.
One of the most amusing instances
of the fussiness of red-tapeism is told
by a certain officer who was sent on a
special mission to Liverpool, says an
English writer. He returned his ex-
penses to the authorities on the offi-
cial form, one of the items being
"Porter, 6d." The form came back
with the official instructions: "Major
-- should have returned the item
as 'porterage.'" Major --- me
the alteration, and then glancing
through the remaining items, found
"Cab, 2s. 6d.," which he thoughtfully
transformed to "Cabbage."
An officer who is a very busy man
once, in a rush, sent for twopenny -
worth of pins and a file for papers,
which cost him half -a -crow. Later,
he got an imposing communication,
set out on foolscap paper, pointing
out that pins being provided at the
public expense, a form—XL41578-32
-should have been sent in for diem,
and that Form YNP87690 should have
been sent hi to meet the Case of files
for papers.
A certain South of England Work-
house had been turned into a military
hospital. The matron wanted some
chimneys swept, and the local sweep
offered to do them for fifteen shil-
lings, On writing to the War Office
for permission, the Army sweep was'
sent from an adjacent town. He
climbed bodily into the lower part of
a wide chimney, and stuck there, The
local sweep offered to extricate the
Army sweep for fifteen shillings. An
urgent wire was despatched to the
the most desperate kind with the
pirate fleet—the buccaneers being
formidably organized.
The pirates were defeated, their
ships sunk; and, no quarter being
given, they were wiped out to the last
man. That was the end of organized
Piracy in.. those waters.
So far, the story is historically
authentic. One is at liberty to believe
or not the theory entertained by the
Japanese to this day, that the souls
of the men slaughtered and drowned
in that battle entered the bodies of
If you discredit the idea, they will
show you the crabs, every one of
which has the fade of a Japanese
fighting man on its back. Further-
more, the face, with its bloated fea-
tures, is that of a drowned man.
A curious point about this taira
crab, as it is called, is that it has a set
of supplementary legs, by the help of
which, if it happens to be turned over,
it can run swiftly ono its back.
WHEN ordering goods by mail, send
a Dominion Express Money Order.
Learn to Swim
ing is an accomplishment of
lin iorta.nce' to' 1'"nieli - "Yk ; 'bby"ii>
and.gils:than any of thepther sports,,
yet comparatively few can. swim. As it
is easier 'for children to learn than it
is for adults, they should be given the
opportunity whenever possible. They
love the water, as a rule, and if there
is no body of water near at hand, let
them don their bathing suits and go
out into the summer rain for a frolic.
As the suits are easily made at home,
the children could afford to have them
ready for a rainy day, especially as
they save good clothes and furnish so
much genuine fun. On an extremely
hot day, thus equipped, they may frolic
in the back -yard with the hose.
,When .Your Eyes Need Care
Eye No Smarting—Feels
Pine—Acts Quickly, Try it for Re
Sore Ryes and Granulated.ltyeude. Murine is
compounded by our Oculists—not a "Patent
atedicine"—but used In successful Physicians'
Practice for many years. Now dedicated to
the Public and sold by Druggists at 50c per
Bottle, Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tube,
25c and 50e. write for book of the Eye Fres.
Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Adv,
He'll Get Even.
"You've had plenty of rain •in your
"Yep, Hurt my crops, too."
"Will you lose much money?"
"No; I'll break about even by haul-
ingautos out of mudholes."
Ti¢inard's liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Watering Hanging Basket..
Here ;s one way of watering a hang-
ing basket. Take a small can and
punch a hole in the bottom just large
enough for water to drip through. Fill
and place in hanging basket, and re-
fill it every morning, In this way
there is no chance of the fern baskets
drying out, as the water has a chance
of slowly soaking into the earth in-
stead of all running off as when it is
poured into baskets,
ISSUE 7S`--'17.
0 Thou who giv'st what most I prize --
The love of little children;
No goln so precious in aline eyes—
The love of little children!
What hand but Thinecould e'er im-
part R.
The love of little children?
No wealth as this can fill ray heart
The love of little children.
How fair the hour that first begot
The love of little children!
How drear the day that lighteth not
The love of little children!
Within mine inmost soul inwrought—
The love of little children;
Oh, sweet beyond my sweetest
The love of little children!
—Gerald F. Joy.
The summer months are the most
dangerous to children. The com-
plaints of that season, which are chol-
era infantum, colic, diarrhoea and
dysentry, come on so quickly that of-
ten a little one is beyond aid before
the mother realizes he is ill. The
mother must be on her guard to pre-
vent these troubles, or if they do
come on suddenly to cure them. No
other medicine is of such aid to moth-
ers during hot weather as is Baby's
Own Tablets. They regulate the
stomach and bowels and are absolute-
ly safe. , Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
A late spring, labor shortage and
the extra amount of land to be broken
up for fall seeding will reduce the
area planted to roots in Britain this
Minard's t,iniment Curea Colds, Etc.
Glove Dust Cloth. .
Make a new dust cloth with an at-
tached glove and you will not have
grimy fingers and nails after dusting. Plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book 3M tree.
Sew a piece of the goods eight inches' ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for
Good Citizens.
Oh, give us men with visions clear;
With rugged hearts, who know 314,
Great men of prescience, brave and
Unshaken by the litre of gold;
Who fight for truth, whate'er their
The men, 0 Lord, to make a state.
aMinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Denman Medica)
Co.. Limited. Collinr;wood, Ont,
When baying your, Piano
insist on having an
6d OTTO 1-1/GEL,"
Dag Remedies
And How to Feed'
Mailed free to any address by
the Author
118 West 31st Street, New York
that make a horse Wheeze,
Roar, have Thick Wind
or Choke -down, can be
reduced with
also other Bunches or Swellings. No blister.
nohair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco.
nomical-only a few drops required at an ap-
square in the center of the cloth, leav-
ing one edge free. Mark the shape
of your hand on this square with chalk
or pencil and sew with the machine
around the mark, having the wrist on
the side left free.
mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful,
Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle at
dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free.
W, F. YOUNG, P. 0. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Cam
llbsorbine and Absorbine. Jr., are made is Cased.:
,,»d: fell from ,.a building end received
what the doctor called a' very bad• ,.i.
sprained- ankle,- and told- me 1 must
not walk on it for three weeks. I got
days I was out to work again. I
think it the best Liniment made.
Awful Loss.
Gertrude, aged 3, sat in her high
a axes.
You say to the drug store man,
"Give me a small bottle of freezone."
This will cost very little but will posi-
tively remove every hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether com-
pound applied directly upon a tender,
aching corn relieves the soreness in-
stantly, and soon the entire corn or
callus, root and all, dries up and can
be lifted off with the finger.).
his new way to rid one's feet of
ns was introduced by a Cincinnati
n, who says that; freezone dries in
no.nent, and' simply shrivels up the
n or callus without irritating the
rounding skin.
on't let father die of infection or
kjaw from whittling at hi's corns,
clip this out and make him try it.
your druggist hasn't any freezone
1 him to order a small bottle from
wholesale drug store for you.
r t4K'r 4i
Building 0
yc Needs Good
r£itects: Paint wards off rot and de
5vement that increases the value
y,� an investment that pays a big pr
along life to the buildings.
wyo PURE" P
(Made in Canada)
farmers of Canada hundreds of tho
g their homes and barns from w
.liable paint spreads easily and is t
it covers 900 square feet of surfa
ger_ than the cheap prepared pai
for "Farmer's Color Set" and a"
retry" Homes". :fust' what you'll
ting your painting. '
ositive Proof That Lydia
E. Pinkharns Vegetable
Compound Relieves
Bridgeton,N.J.—"I cannot speak too
ghly of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta,
ble Compound fol.
inflammation an d
other weaknesses. I
was very irregular
and would bave ter-
rible pains so that I
could hardly take e.
step. Sometimes I
'would be so misera-
ble that I could not
sweep a, room. I
doctored part of the
time but felt no
tinge,. 1 later took .Lydia E. Pink-
m's Vegetable Compound and soon
t a change for the better. 1 took it
til I was in good healthy condition.
ecommend the Pinkham remedies to
women as 7 have used them, with such
oil results. "—Mrs. Mn.Fonn T. Cvns-
Js, 322 Harmony St., Penn's Grove,
uch testimony should be accepted by
women as convincing evidence of
excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham's
s: ' r :i;its;; �` ;getable Compound as a remedyy for
1.::.^:� ::.. , • 'i � distreasir g ills n£ women sutsh as
pla:cein ents,lnflammation, ulceration,
'•; Tcache, painful periods, nervousness
1 kindred ailments.