HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-07-13, Page 1RALD Vol. XVII I ZURICH,."►.� MORNING. JULY 13, 1917. Na I You Should.. Worry:.. When you can buy Single Harness, Trunk, Club Bags, Suit Oases, Water Proofs, Lap Rugs, .Dusters, Fly. Nets, etc., at almost the old price. Homing bought a large stook early enables us tod os0. We also carry a full line of harvest Mitts and Gloves, hook up your Binder Canvas and if,ithey need repairing bring them in early and avoid the rush. We also handlenew ones. F. STADE ZURICL sorts ovisee sseetram sesNNossr sssammto ostrefeemosss®. iood Range of Boys' Suits and OVercoats still in stock. All sizes. Prices less than- present wholesale prices. Fx„ 3OYS' V °AA%U SUITS at, half pricewhile they last. en's Straw Hats Big Reduction in price. Men's Suits ' RUNDREDS OF SAMPLES OF LA'llEST GOODS TO l `ER0M. COME +IN - ANI) LEAVE YOUR MEAStRE. LOCAL aws.s.on.ar O' Ls.' Miss hazel Finkbeilner, Of'. Strat (ford is the guest of Miss • Mildred. Hoffman this week. • . Misses. Margaret Hess anInez ez Yungblut are spending a feWwe •eks vaca'ti(on at Kitcherner. Rev. 3. Litt, 'presiding elder,,, eon; dulted communidnhs'ervices in the Evangelical church on ,Sunday. Dr. E, S..!.'arrle;'den.tist,' will be. at the. DOtYyinion•.House,.'G•' urich, oz, Wean esday, and-. Wednesday of the following M>, and.Mns. (PV, 0. Kneehtel -anrl faruilvrt n' ' :r ; .. n a Y is�ted at lite, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter this week. Mr. and 1vlra Joh' F' M `t e turned last veep from their Nis''ars Falls slid the to Toronto, g John: r Mr. 4S, E. Faust of 'Kiteh'cner, (1"/"4 "e# 44 44 44i104t4tf �t4l ft 4t wlmet ,Pent Sunday at his home here. Mr. land .Mrs. Louis Peine, of ' .Xew Hamburg, visited relatives ere S e -one day last week. ' !ALan,ure Spreader good as newfor sale at yiourr own price or will lend nut by the day. — Prang,Zurieh :LOST -A small vest pocket m,em- •ax'anda book, with imitation black leather' cover. Please return to this office. Dr. and Mrs. B. Campbell, Mr. P. Lamont and sister, Mrs. A. Mc- Conlnell, 'of near Brucefield, spent last week and the .lore part of this •Eek fat. Mt. ,Clemens, Mich. 1 Tn• the baseball +mlatch between ¢ 'Zurich land Dashwood iintermedi- fstte teams the other evening on the lboal ,diani;ond the former defeat- d the latter by the score of Li orz z r trip i o 3• Messrs. E. Appel, E. Axt and J. . Thousand Islands...R.iekbeil spent a few hours at "`4094 4fs 44 44 44 44 4. 441041001 Outing Shoes We have a complete line in White canvas, Running Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Sport Shoes, . etc Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. C. FRITZ, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes ' • ,yt. �Tosehth o T6'ron o are visz o� s is ing They caught bot en' iotien fi sh returned 'home well repaid for their time and. � p troubl:e. • john ohn �' rh and d .�,,, i nx mau"*ht n g or p e other d4�y perch pliNlllll{Illi!IIID!hlli!IIIIIIIIIIIIIi119L'lllBlilli�ll�IlP,tlq!tII!llllillllillllllllllllllllllillllllll!IIIIlIIIIIIIIIII!liwillllllllllllllilli!!IIIINIilllllllliilllil!Illifllllliill(IIIIIJIIIIIIIillll�ilIliilIIUIIIIIIIIIIDL.11lllllllil� Dorothy, f t , t 'fishing. � about sec_ _� at the' home of T:iAltr. and Mrs. A d of theand F. Hess this w'etek. Mrs, . Chas . Fritz, and son Ward; and Mrs. Taylor and daughter, Frieda, of Sarnia, spleirit a few malumminamillallnimmluaummmilll days 'visiting relatives:: at Listo \Voll. Mr. and Mrs, IW. J. ` D'�4ay d M Bones -of London, and Mr. :aand {{r s.•st',Kelly of 'Lambeth we're} 'iisitiars 'at the home of Mr. and Mweers.'k...J. ,W. Horner, 14th coin. last Mr. and. Mrs. E. H. Restezneyer, of (Cavalier, N. D., visited frieni. and relatives here last week. l` Restemeyer remembers'Zurich" when it consisted of only a. few "houses and noted the present np t to -date Appearance of its dwellflg • ter( 'ie ..:'. of !Children's Day will be given in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. songs, etc., ,willl�bebgiveenitatioAn. WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN are welcome. 'The services in the forenoon will also be on similar 4sssss9NsdssNs•ss.Na.ows I�sssOss•sNlssssssgsssss�s lines, .but of more interest to the .parents, Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Bankini Basiriess Transacted °on MO - .01 .4 Savings Bank. Department Interest at highest current rates urkch Branch R. T. I)UNL®P, Manager Come and See our New Goods in Prints, Ginghams, Galateas, Dress Goocls Shirtings, Reach -made Waists House Dresses, Aprons Pants, Shirts and Overalls Also men's and ladies' underwear. New Shoes. New 1917 Wall Papers. o cries» Also n,w stock` o natti !Ai 6++++++++++++++++++++++4.44+++++++++++++++++++++++4,84, 114++444...1•44+444•++++++++ !pg { :4 • House dresses with 'aprons and dust leap .to snatch in neat stripe t3• patterns trimmed with • color maternal made in. the very best- lash - IT. . ion and good sizes at $1.00 and $ 1.25. t . Dress Goods .,. ,* *. ,... „. aII• ,* .* , , !Three meat styles, with or w about pockets or belts, made of 4. t good quality,' repp, '-sizes from. 23 to 30 inches waistband, at $1.25 1.50 and 2.25. House • Dresses Serge, all ,wool, old and permanent dye l n navy blue and black 50 .to 51 inches' wide, A splendid }material for suits and sh ruts iV'iom 1.50- to 3.50. White Wash Skirts. Special Value Middy Blouses 1 Five ;different styles for your choostn•g, All white and color 8 ti' mmed, made of excellent quality white Bream special values at 85c. $1.00 1.25 1.50. Ladies White Voile Waists ' The biggestt waiat value for the very lowest brie, plain) and fancy w+piles, long sleeves, lane or embr Oiidery .trimmed sizes 34 to 42 in wonderful watlhP at $1.25 2.50, 3,00: 74. Children's Summer Dresses In plain ehambry, stripe and plaid ,gingham, made in plain combination colors, some with new pockets )atnd belt effect, sizes to ,16 years, 'b1g range to chose from, price 50c to $2.00 J.PREETER or 2 R. e • DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82] BLAKE IiIIICU1111111NIIIIIii111111IIIDIIIIDili11111111111111!I N. iW'I!i!! 111111IIIl111111111111111111111111111111111!1111111!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllillllllllllllllllililllllllllllliilR Q111111NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHDi111111IIIIIIIIIII1111 gild!' 44.1.44++++++++++++++++44+4444+4;:t7+++++.14++++++++++++++++ 3-34-1.4.+44.1.+++++++++++++ +44++ Ladies' Sill Sweater Coats In the new coat .style, shades in blue Green (and pitnh at $9.00 each, Men's Straw Hats A splendid display of mens straws for summer wear in all shapes and Vices. AIM Mens Sport Shirts In plain white and fancy stripe all sizes from price 1.00 to 5.00. Men's Ties Light as dark colors, four-in- hand Style. 25c to 75. Men'sSuit s Now is the time to ,purchase your suits. All the old dyes and prices, See our special $15.o0line. Men's Felt fiats In navy blue, greys;, and green All ,the new' styles 'at .2.50 each. Highest Price for Produce. SI4SO4Bh1 HARDWARE Lawn Mowers Screen Doors and Windows Fly Swatters Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens New Perfection and Puritan Hammocks, Ropes, Machine Oils Washing Machines Also auto supplies of all kinds. Phone 9 444. a 4 r►+a *1 +4,1 4,44 4 l/ '�i44 1b 4444 a. +tom^ 4i +++++++ Fos • ++4i s.a• t,. :iii ZURICH 4 • 4 4 4 4. 8 8 4 8 4 4 444+110144 i +t ti -t +• +114 i t :ftP