Zurich Herald, 1917-06-29, Page 7Tke C'hucrhes VaeNGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES ouelai, German, ,..,;, ,.. — 9.45 a, ne ►' Sunday School 11.00 a. m, "' Service EDgash _1.30 pies. attses(iay Jr Y, P. A, ... 7,30 p,nn: Tuesday',*Y. P. A. 8,15 peen. TIverediay Prayer Meeting 7,30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice ... 8.30p. m. Ladies' ;Aid, first Wednesday eve ening of elaeh month 8.pan, LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool ••. .r.• 2 p.m. ;;German tServices, Sunday 10 30a.m, Einglish Service Sunday, 7,00 p.m, Luther League, Friday 8. p. rm Ladies' Aid ;meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 ,se. m. Zurich Meat 6 MARKET? Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Ptice for Wool CASH • FOR SKINS & HIDES �Yuagblut Zi01Ch8I't, Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT 1NSVRANOE Herald Office Zurich 1 The Home Insuarnce Co. idgtp Capital-$60OOQ,000 WArtil Roti bra hl 19,536,177.25 fissures your barn againstdamage by wind or tornado for 40 cents 'per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for .8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods Sf you ,are going to have your house painted this year, 1 ;an ®'ave you monney. ON ;THE JoB Estimates cheerfully given on new or old work. NEW:WORK A SPECIALTY H. H. LITTLE Hensel) PAINTING, GRAINING, PAPER HANGING ) + Also .Carry a null line of up -to date ,wall papers. UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rharges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W H. HOFFMAN Zurich, Ontario LOCAL NEWS ►fee++b+ic+++0++1 ++ +++,g.++ + +g:.,,+++4"l*"1 INO PAPER NEXT WEEK. The first week in July is our anlnaal week o f 'end no iseue ;Of the Herald ,will appear next week, The following Week's issue .+ will eontailn the +serial story ,for the t'wO weeks. OOOO.00011!SOeUOfs11M1>000O•O Sewing machine for sale nearly new, pit half ;price. C. Fritz, See our line of white shoes foe summer web.r. A large shipment, just received. L. Birsson, Drys- dale. Dashwood and Zurich baseball teams played La friendly game Coln the local diamond last evening. Particulars next week, The prize lists or the Zurich Fadi Fair are ready Tor distribution. Copies of same can be had by ap- plying to the cSeeretary, A. F, Hess. , CAUTION Do not think for a moment whet catalogue houses send out a price '28 for a first class steel range and do not give the weight that you are getting a bargain; Then they ask $45 and $50 for their better ones. This is a very l'ght ran,e and will burn out in a few years and is dear at any price.- Home town dealer. DOMINION DAY AT GODERCIf Goderich will celebrate the ifif= tieth anniversary of Confederation on Monday, July 2nld, with oneof the best Dominion Day programs ever given In the county town. In the morning these will be ti floral parade, with prizes for the best decorated autos and bicycles;' a baby ,show; and a program . o$ games for tchildren. (These ever' ente will 'take (place rota the,Sgn'ar no admission Tee. The afternoon program at the Agricultural Park will include two, horse races for liberal purses (free- for-all, purse 8250.; 2.40 purse $150) 'a grand patriotic '.demonstration, with a' ;chorus of 200 children's] voices; Highland .dancing, base- ball, etc. The 63rd Battery, from Queen's Park, London, is expect- ed( to give Ian exhibition of artil lery :drilil land the famous musical ride Goderich brass band in at- tendance all day. Admission to Agricultural Park 25c. All soldi- ers in (uinifoenr free. Free open -lair band concert on at .war." "' 4h, man," replied they the 'Square in the evening. Scot, "ye wad, wad ye? 'Weel,uftj You are invited to spend thehg; ye did, it wad take:a faur eleverell edayeee athe netty teem by lake nosy looking its best. Mr, Illy Randall of London was renewing lacquaintances here this (week , . e j A nutnber ;from here attended the Gamed social at Hillsgreen on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bock and 'family; of tCh•athann were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, E. Bossen, berry Past' ISaturd;ay. Mr. Land Mrs, Rudy ISchwartzeln- truber, Mrs. Sol Bech'ler, and Mrss es Jacob and John Deichert are visiting relatives in New Hamburg land other poilnts down east this( week. ;The Minister of Public Works has recommended that for %three years, ,comemenci'ng September 14, 1917, the ;purchase of sale of snipe quail or woodcock and partridge be prohibited. Canada will probably issue spec- ially designed Domilnion notes of the various smaller cdenomi.ntions, to commemorate the fiftieth an- fe ersary of Confederation. ;They, will 'be one!dollar, two dollar, five dollar and ;ten dollar bills. We have been informed that .of. the first 200 161st soldiers who went into the trenches in drafts 140 are now back In England wounded,and the other 60 the big percentage have made the supreme sacrifice. Whose going to take their place,; —Clinton New Era. Rev. and Mrs. Chris Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. .Sana .Schultz, Rev. and Mrs. Dan Lebold and M,r and Mrs. Moses Le:s, all of Wellesley, visited relatives and .friends on the Bron- son Line ,over ;Sunday. + They came by motor and returnedhome by way of Goderich. A Yankee, discussing with a Scot, Britian's share an the war exclaim-, ed; "You British are too slow; you cannot see your opportunities, f!ar less Seize them. Now, had you been at ;war with America we would have sent over one or two of our Nast •cruisers and towed the whole British fleet into New York harbor before you knew you were ,a".tne:,'tliat1 rlC. dust; tt '., tan diseo' er Aznerica,,the day after." TOMMY • Our' new serial story, 'iTonsmy" Eby Joseph Hocking begins in this issue. Do not fail to read it It is (a stirring tale pf theg treat world war. Read the first chap- ters. GREAT SNAP ON PAINT • IWe have about 40 or 50 Gais, Hollywood paint in la pasteform lot $1.50 seer gal to clear out. This is first class paint only are out of some colors and can not replace, Also some (Robinsons ',Paine :at same ptriee. At Hartleibs. LONDON, STRAYED, From my premises +Sauble Line Hay. a brindle etow. . Newly cal- ved and one horn shows about three inches. Notify Leo. Bedard, St. Joseph, or phone 13 on 87,, ;Zurich central, REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Bering 1917 Planting List now ready. Splendid list of Hardy Canadian Esue mei Ornamental Stock in - eluding McIntosh Red 4.pple, St. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. THE 'WESTERN FAIR, ONT. New illustrated catalogue on applications. The dates for the western Fair, Start now at best selling time. London, Ont., are September 7th Liberal Propositions. to 15th this yearSeveral 111°- Stone Cr Wellington usenet Prize Lists, Maps, Hangers and other advertising material will be mailed from the General Office. Domination Savings Building, in a few days. Anyperson not re- ceiving a Prize List should drop( a line to the Secretary asking fon one. and also stating the kind of entry fount required. If space is f the buildin s sent required in any o g for an exhibit it should be applied for at once in order that suitable arrangements ;may be trade. (The programme of attractions will be of a very High order and will he telly announced later. All inform] atoll regarding any department of the Exhibition will be promptly given on <ap•plication to the Secret- ary A. M. Hunt, Dominion Savings Building, London, Ord, Registered Yorkshire Male FOR SERVICE Proved a great sire, Is of imported stock, and is of the long deep bacon type so much in demand now. EGE I-1� SRU 12 The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) T0R0NT0 LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. C. F. CASE & SON PHONE 3B H E N S AA L L ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? NE HAVE A FULL LINE Elephant Brand Ready -mixed Paints Buildings, ilnside and outside Fidor Paints, Buggy Paints, Varnishes, cede, LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale ClassifiedN Ads 1 .4.'EC4AL CARDS. eROW:ROOT, KILLOBAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c, Office, on the Square, 2nd door from I-laMiiton Si.' Goderich. Private funds bo loan at lowest rates R'. Pneuproor, K. C. J. L. KILLpRAN, H. 3, 1?. CooRR, Mr, Cooke will be in Renal on Friday and Saturday of each week. G. RHess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Rej5airinb- a Sj5eczaliy THE CELEBRATED DEL] WARE AND HUDSON CO'S. L ACKAWAN A COAL THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE D .A. Cantelon Hensall TELEPHONE Office NO. 10. Bu No. 10, B t DAIN HAY 1 he BEST in the WORLD It is the ¢n+oet .popu'1at' and easiest running loader on the market Strap'le, tight draft and acne man cern easily operate it'. No twisted or crossed chasms, cogs or gearsor 1o'ng crooked crank shafts to use power and get out, of order, Make •hacyng a pleasure by buy- ing a RAIN LOADER. Famous t o. (... 'i?leury' Fiow PLOWS that ARE. PLOWS No other plow RUNS SO SMOOTHLY—has such EASE for HORS- ES end COMFORT for the PLOW,MAN as the FAMOUS FLEURY PLOWS. We h'ancdle the origin (al No. 21, the 'light, dralught No. 13, and (the best one-horse plow in Canada, lthe Na. 15a. Buy only ehe-ORIGINAL and BEST, 1 ' We handle pumps, piping, etc. L. PRANG ZURICH 20,000 TONS Cross Fertilizer Co. RAGS WANTED BASIC' SLAC Also all kinds of junk. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Will call's0oon Phone No. 35 A. Mittelhaltz Zurich FOR SADE Good frame dwelling house and three lots for scale. Good stable on premises. ;Situated in Zurich For ,particulars tapply to A. +F, Hess, (Zurich. NF�R' TAPS -Po. Bxa_s.> C„JFrtz,. Leo. Beidlaxnd:.. • FARM FOR SALE Lot -8, con. 4, Stanley, 100 acres 80 acred cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and woodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barn 30x56, on stone foundation. Twa good wells, orchard, and small fruite, This farm is 3% miles from Brucefield and TCippen and is 6 miles from Hennsa91. Easy terms. Apply,, ¶Will F Alexander, R. R. No. 2; Hensall,',phone” 62-482, Am now taking orders for winter delivery. The past season has again shown that Basic S'ag gives best satisfaction for grain and beans. For reference ask farmers in this locality who have used it Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made 13y one of the large est Canadian Company:s. Agency; for Commercial Fertilizers for; every purpose. JOSEPH RAD R R. , N .>rI. , •,2 7 ees Paint protects. Paint wards off rot and decay. Paint is a property improvement that increases the value of your whole place. Paint is an investment that pays a big profit in prosperous appearance and long life to the buildings. (Made in Canada) is saving the farmers of Canada hundreds of thousands of dollars by protecting their homes and barns from wear and weather; This pure, reliable paint spreads easily and is the cheapest in the end, because it covers 900 square feet of surface per gallon and lasts far Ionget•_than _the cheap prepared paint or hand -mixed lead and oil. 'Ask for "Farmer's Color Set" and "Town and. Country° ;tomes"s Just what you'll need in planning your painting.