Zurich Herald, 1917-06-22, Page 4Maia1ed Thursday afternoon
from, the
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The intefnded July 12th celebr
ation •Goclexich has been cancel
led owing to the uins.atisfactory„er
ran,gements now existing.
(The oatmeal mill at Seaforthhas
been purchased by the C. S. Mor-
row So., New York, who willrun
it to fts full capacity. 1
The members of. the South Hur-
on Minister:al Association give
notice that hereafter they will
reftuse to' officiate at any funeral
'on Sunday, except in cases of ur-
gent necessity, such a3 contagi-
The other day an unfortunate
• accident ,occured at th,e farm of
Mr. Wm. Plecomb, Usborne,
when Paul Coats and R. D. Hunter
of Elimville fell from a beam over
twenty feet to the ground dur-
ing the raising of an .addition to
Mr. Pincoans barn. Both men,
a eceie ed es, ere shaking up and!
it was thought itor time that Mr,i
C.oates was in a 'very critical con -I
dition but luckily both esea,ped
without any broken bones and are
getting alolng nicely. The' se- I
cident happened while the plate,
T'lle June sittings of the County
Caurt opened at the pourt house
ea Tuesday of las tweek. There
were six oases on the doelt.et, but
they were all either settled or post,
poeed to a later date. The follow
lag is a summary of the different
Coombs vs.Hallahan,-This was an
action entered by Joseph Coanabs,
of Blyth, to recover on a promis-
sory note made by W. P. Hallaban
and Mary Hallahan, both of East
'Wawanosh. Judgment was enter-
ed against the defendants for the
sum. of 8361,76 and aosts,
Pharand vs. Gundry.—An action
entered by Josephat Pharand, of
Hull, QuebecT claiming to be a
creditor of Napoleon A. Cantin, of
Hay township, against Thomas •
Gundry, Of Goderich, assignee of
Cantin's estate, and Jean M. Cautin
and N. A. Cantin, both of Hay town
ship. The plaintiff claims that
the alleged sale of the assets of
the estate which took place last
year was without the knowledge
and consent of the creditors. The.
trial was postponed until July 18th
at 11.30 a. nat
Carter vs. DeLaval Dairy Sulp-
entered by David Carter, of Ea.st
IWawanosh, an agent for the sale
of cream separators on a commis-
sion basis. The defendants, itis
-alleged, have received the Noce.
eds of the Sale of seventy-eight
cream separators but have reufsed
to ray to the plaintiff the commis-
sione due him,. ?The defendants en
ter a !counter claim The trial of
John Clark, who receIntly sold
this action was postponed till the
his farm to W. Forrest, has mov-
W. C. Fritz of the Banle og'COM-f
-rnerce staff has been traneferecltO
another branch, A. ,V, Forty,e oi
Dunville succeeds hira here..
Pte. E. Harness, who 'Was, in -
',pried at the battle Of St. Eloi,
was given a rousing welcome
when he arrived home last week.
J. J. White Ica Outlook, .Saske.
eisited relatives here last 'week
He has returned to 'the west, ac-
companied by Mrs. White , and
children, who have leeen
J. Rautledge, of the Molsone
Bank staff jhas been transferred
to Aylmer. ',Mr. Ingram, of Tien -
sail will take his place. •
MT& Wenzel sprained. her
knee the other day when she
juenpsid out .of the buggy when.
the horse became restless.
Mrs Otto Brown tand children
have returned to their ledde en
Erie, Mich.
Freeman Iorlock Sost the tip of
one !finger while sharpening a
lawn mower.
Flower Day was observed in
the Methodist church last Stihday.
SVIelivn Brown of the,NorthWest
College, Naperville, Ills, is Spen-
ding his holidays here.
Miss Alice Reline 'of Naperville
visited with Miss Pearl Kraft last
week, r
Rev, P. Graupner is this week
attending conference at Milwau-
avsiss 8. Laird who has been ?mil-
liner for Inman & Edighoffer
during the phst season returned te
her home in Wyoming.
Ex eter ht. pre sen t.
Mr. Fred Meyer of Naperville,
Ills., spent the week -end 'at hie
home here.
Miss Vosp•er of Exeter is this
week presiding at the examinati-
ons held here. Miss McDougall,
presides at Bayfield.
Mrs. tWitie 'Ehlers spent the week-
end with relatives ip Kitchener.
Mrs. J. !Eidt land 'children'. epent
a ;few elays at Grand Bend.
Messrs. Jake and John Deicherti
of 'Zurich spent .Sunday in towns
December sittings of the. County
action entered by james Mc1VIurtie,
of Myth to recover on a primis-
sory note made byu Wm. P. Hall-
ahan, of East IWawanosh. This
action was settled between the
, parties,
action entered by H. Cook & Sons,
!flour millers and glrain . dealers, of
!Hensall, claiming damages by
reason of the failure of the defend-
ant, James aarnilto'n, of 'Clinton
to deliver a certain amount of
vain to them. The trial was
postponed o'n account of the ill-
ness of Oche defendant, Ito a day
agreeable to the Court when the
defendant is able to attend the,
thin r gave way 'overbalancing one ,Stewart vs. Sterling et al.—This
wha,fell against the other and both faction was the only jury ease on
were pars _ipated to the ground. the docket. It was ,entered by
„se.. ne.,.....„eeeseeesease---asesaeseseesecewarrr-are
An an outo accident occured about Stewart her next friend against
one mile !north of Seaforth, Sun- _Alexander and Mabel Sterling., all
;day morning to Fred ?Philips, G. of Colsorne township, for slander.
W. R. agent, Pinkerton, who, ac-
companied by this wile child and
his mother-in-law, was motoring
to Stratford. The party left
Pinkerton early in the morning
coming via Wroxeter and Seaforth
on saccotent of the good motoring
roads this way, and had intended
visiting relatives at Stratford over
Sunday. IThe car was running at
a fast clip, when without warning
one of the front wheels collapsed,
the machine immediately going ov
Or into the 'ditch, 'and turning turt
le twice, finally halting with the
Occupants pinned beneath the car
tunable to extricate themselves.
IThey were rescued by passerby,
tend the party conveyed to Sea -
forth, where medical attention was
flied, and the lasies tend children suf
ferei severely from, shoele land the
thrilling exp.erience. The latter
twill be obliged to rernain here
thele jaurney.
"ALL RAIL" - also by
" Great Lakes Routes'S's
(Season Navigation)
Your Future is In the West
The fertile prairies have put Western
Canada on the map. There are still
thousands of acres waiting for the man
who wants a home and prosperity. Take
advantage of Low Rates and travel vie
Canadian Pacific
District Passenger ',Agent
IThe trial was postponed to the Dece'
ember sittings ef the court.
Mr, Roy Appel, who has taken'
a dive month's course in the s
Eradley Polytechnic Institute,
Peoria, Ms., returned home rhe h
The band gave the first open
air concert: nine night last week,..'
The Jeme Session of the Huron
County Council was held in God-
er'ade ?Warden Dr. Milne of
Myth, presided. As the eapere
in Huron are not ,given an ateolea.
or the council proceedings by the
county clerk, we are only able to,
touch on a few of the important
matters brought up and dealt with
.a.t. the meeting.
A motion by !Messrs. Nairn and
that a peoperty in IG,oderich be pus
chased for a children's shelter for
the county. The committee to
which the matter was referred
ter ipsteectseg the -peepeetea;•!!'
tateekeeinalytathe building
recommended that a comnaitt.
be appointed to 'inquire ieto
possibility of securine. a mo
gieing a recital in the Town
Hall here next Friday evening.
ham conduCted the services blear -
mel church last Sunday.
'Miss Ester Feibold visited hee
home in Stratford last week.
The school grounds will belev-
elled and 'graded. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDougall, of
Delorane, Mane sre visiting re-
latives and friends here at prese
Llast Sunday was observed ae
Decoration Day by the Odcliellciws
illebekahs. The graves oi
,cleceased members ie the Union
and McTaggart's cemeteries were
/T. Murdoch has secured the con-
tract _tear eleliveringe,th.e ..eleaas, ages
li'e I The engagement is announced of
s.uitable building. They also cre
ommended that the sum* of $2,5
be set aside. for the -purchase
Unfortunate children from. Huro
ave been taken care of in !Stra
ord, butt it was felt it was aloe
?The voting dor the District Re
presentative for Huron County a
however, the vote was a tie, an
was declared lost by the Warden
Huron is one of the very le.
counties in Ontario that will no
appo:nt a District Representative
Whether it is the ease of not weet
ing to spend the .money 011 tag*ic
ultural improvement or not wed
not know, but each ,of the 4
counties in Ontario that h.ave on
say they could. not get along with
out him, The salary is only$50
from the county and the remainde
paid by the Ontario Government
The County Council has adopt
ed the Good Roads Movementl' by
a fine big majority, 'Only two
presentative of the Ontario Govern
ment was present and explained to
the county that it would mefen
that' they would adopt 300 miles of
roads and divide it over the differ-
ent municipalities but urged that
it be chiefly on roads leading; ta
market centres.
The members of the cowbell
thought it ,would be svell not t o
push the work until after the s at,
?The representative told them, 'that
ss Electra May Strong, claught-
er: of Mr. land Mrs. Walter 'Paken-
of ham., of Toronto, to Dr. William
e I,Edwin Dempster, of Exeter, the
',Marriage to take 'place quietly the
te latter part of ljune.
A quiet wedding took place at
Cavea Presbyterian manse, Exet
e Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Mitchell, of town
Mr. Jos. McDonald of Hay Town-
ie Norman (McDonald, son of
t aer. Wiliam Russell has received.
word .frone Ottawa that he had
- been recomrnend.ed for the pos-
e ition of postmaster at Exeter, te
• succeed the late Edward Christie,
6 his 'appointment to be gaaettedin
o few Idays ale. Russell is a re-
- turned soldier hind a capable man
for the position. Last' week it
A was stated that Mr. W. J. Carling
, of Brighton and a former eesid-
- ent of Exeter, was the choice of
the executive of the •Conservative
Assoclation for South Huron but
for some reason the sitting mem-
, ber has seen fit to reverse the de -
Mr, Russell is now iawaiting the
, official appointment before assum-
Christie 'will rearrain in the post -
office until Mr. Russell has a tho-
rough [knowledge of the work.
Kind Friends ;—,We, in a few
words desire to express our heart-
iest gratitude to all who so kindly
willingly and satisfactori'y, rend-
ered their services to our dearly
beloved mother, Mrs B.* Howald)
lettering her illness who deparl
from bur midst so unexpectedly.
And also the many kindnesses sho-
wn to are 'during the funeral and
interment The 'Children.
!The county council have decided
to take part in the good roads mo-
vement aind all the principal roads
in the county will be included in
time. ln Hay the Zurich roast
from, Zurich to Hensall will be
looked after by the county and
also the Goshen Line from. Zurich
to Wagner's corner. During the
war only necessary repairs and
upkeep will be looked after and
the county will bear nearly half
of the !expenses of the starne,This
Is a progressive anoverne.nt end
when the war is over Huron co-
unty will proceed to put the main
roads in Iperfect condition. ,
;Wedding bells rang merrily at
the home of Mr. Jno. Luther, near
Brewster, on ?Wednesday, when
Rev. J. Carriere, 01 Grand Bend
perforrned the ceremony which
united their daughter, Vera, in
marriege to Mr. Charles Genttiner
of Dashwood. Miss BlancheBloomi
field supported the bride, while Mr,
Herb Rinker performed similar
duties for the groom. Mrs, Gor-
don tTurnbull played and 11lissVen-
ette Ravelle sang during the 'cer-
emony. The gifts to the bride
and groom were fnurne,rous and
:Them will be no services held
in the Evangelical church on Sun-
rlay evenine, Stine 27th, as Child -
eon's Day will be observed in the N.,
toad improvement -now, the reev,-1
ernment svould pay 20 per cent of
of the cost, and if permanent roads
are built it would pay 40 per cent,
but the work must be done in la/
satisfaetory manner in the inter-
est of gbod roads.
The CouInty fathers also madean
appropriation of 88,000 for Petrie-
otie purposes. The amount of
Ray Township grant will be
8283,00, it being divided according
to the assessed value the same as
last year. All secieties doing
Red Cross work etre entitled to re-
ceive a share of this money.
A special meeting of the Conn -
was held on june 16tli' 10 con-
Ge,ocl Roads, Bylaws ,es,
The annual Garden Party will be
hel on [the church grounds here
next ITuesday evening. As thie
is alwaye one of tke last of its
kind h good attendanee. is looked,
A eyecital by Miss Elizabeth Ren-
nie and pupils assisted by 'Miss
Ethel Reynolds, reader, of London
master ;Walter Rennie, Violinist,
laccompanied by Miss ! Gertrude
Rennie, also of London, in the
frowr. Zmich, on Thursday,
June 28th, tinder auspices of Wom-
en's Institute, Proceeds for pat-
riotic purposes, ,Admission 25
cents children 15 cents.' See large
posters tor p'artioulare •
101 grat,
DAINTING season is here. Vie house probably
I needs re -painting, both for protection against
the weather and for the sake of its appearance.
There is nothing that will show better returns for
the time and money spent at housecleaning tirne
than paint and varnish used inside the house.
Come in and tell us what you wish to paint or
varnish and we will show you a Brighten Up
Finish that will do it, and do it properly.
Brighten•Up Pinishes
are a line 01 paints and varnish which do exactly what they -
are intended to do, giving a right treatment to each surface.
It is impossible to obtain one paint or varnish that is suitable
for a wide variety of uses, so it is very important to obtain
a product that is exactly suitable for the purpose you have
In mind.
Sold by J. Preetcr, Zurich
LondonLife Policies are
Ninety-seven per cent of the public when they attain ad -
Named age have little, oe nothing to AivEr-olponi..and,44t,,&
'dependent upon relatives or public'eharity for support.
Protect your future by a popular insurance policy in the
London Life.
All the popular plans of insuranca written.
Eor particulars apply to
Andrew F. Hess,: Local Agent
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4. Removals. State where per
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ether information of public in-
We have established a leafing
reputation for fair and square
e dealing and are n 'ow prepared to
'meet existing con.ditions by offer-
s Lag our high grade trees and
h plants direct to customers !at
ROCK BOTTOM Prices. Donli.
y delay planting fruit trees and'
o plants, las there is nothing paya
e better. iSend for our illustrated
cieculars of hardy varieties which
you ean order direct and get the
- benefit of agent's commission:
Our prices will be sure to interest
5. Fires. Or any other accid-
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S, Accidents, Robberies.
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?The News We Don't Want
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Remember that "every lassie
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confidence placed in you by using
the paper to "get atter" some-
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