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Zurich Herald, 1917-06-15, Page 9
RUSSIAN TROOPS RUSH TO SCHOOLS "DARKEST RUSSIA" IS A THING OF THE PAST. Men Are So Eager to Get an Educa- tion That They Are Too Busy to Fight. Many of Russia's soldiers are so busy acquiring. an education that they haven't time to fight. They are crowding the children out of the schools. In many sections they have started schools of their own, says a correspondent writing from Petro- grad. Minister of War Kerensky has had tremendous success in instilling the fight spirit in the troops actually at the front, but there are thousands of fighters who still roam about freely Aover Russia or else have laid down the rifle for the schoolbook. Here, in Petrograd, a Jaeger.regi- extent to -day opened a "soldiers' uni- versity," where fighters are taught mathematics and history. At Poleeon the soldiers have usurped the desks of children in the schools. At Samara the munitions workers have felt the same yearning for knowledge and have opened schools alongside their factories. "Darkest Russia" is no more—and the people as a whole, now seeing the light, want knowledge to guide them in the dazzling glare of their new- found freedom. Extraordinary efforts are 'being made all over the country to back up Minister Kerensky's appeals to make the soldiers fight. Notwithstanding this all trains are crowded with uni- formed men, visiting their families or just wandering around. I witnessed the departure from Petrograd yesterday of the weekly Vladivostok express. Scores of sol- diers clung to the doors, the rails— even the roofs pf the cars—so desper- ate were they to reach their homes. I was told the sight was by no means unusual, These are the men on whom the 'Government is now exerting every possible persuasion to -make them see that the new liberty they enjoy must be fought for and won on the battle- field. Villages Need Food. To stop the practice of soldiers wan- t uLG.$TRt+?a n is uec ''an ' ill w iovernment conimissioners throughout the provinces to "take "speedy and energetic steps to return deserters to the front." Food difficulties still give trouble. Official estimates to -day put the total of Russia's wheat stocks at about 120,000,000 bushels—a goodly supply. But there are tremendous problems in the transportation of this grain. One other source of difficulty is the inclination of the peasants to hold their wheat among themselves and not sell it in the villages. The peasants claim in past years villagers have over- charged them for shoes and clothes. Many instances are reported here where the farmers have refused high prices in the towns—and then given their produce freely and without charge—to soldiers. At Soomsh, Tamboff and Shamlineff, where vil- lagers were literally starving for lack of food, the peasants' congress, now in session here, finally succeeded in persuading the farmers to relent, and sell their crops in the villages. Minister of War and Marine Keren- sky to -day ordered the establishment of a Government life insurance bureau for the benefit of Russia's sailors. FLIERS' PROPAGANDA BALKED. Germans Forbid Belgians Touching Paper Dropped by Aviators. A fine of $2,500 and three years im- prisonment are the penalties imposed by the German authorities on Bel- gians who dare pick up proclamations or objects of any nature dropped by allied aviators in invaded territory. The inhabitants are forbidden to ap- preach any flying machine that may be obliged to alight in Belgian terri- tory and are obliged whenever an aviator lets fall any object whatever io notify the burgomaster, who in turn must report immediately to the kom- inandantur. This measure is supposed in Bel- gium to be intended to put an end to propaganda by the aviators of the lielgian, French and British flying corps, who, have until now succeeded in keeping the Belgians 1'emaining in occupied territory more or less posted on the military situation. Boom in Bee -keeping. England is experiencing a bee -keep- ing boom. Many persons ere keeping bees in order to save sugar by sub- stituting home -produced honey. At present the demand is so great that there are no more hives available and dealers are at their wits end to meet `colt;irements. When You E,e t '►=read you are entitled to every- thing in the whole wheat grain. Dr. Wiley says: "Wheat is a complete food containing all the elements necessary for human nutri- tion." But be sure you get the whole wheat in a digesti- ble form. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is whole wheat, made digestible by steam -cooking, shredding and baking—the best process ever devised fon preparing the whole wheat grain for the human stomach. Two or three of these crisp little loaves of baked whole wheat with milk and berries, make a delicious nourishing meal. Made in Canada. Two Pretty Frocks • 'TIiIRfl'T iN toritsT Pints, Nine -tenths of the 10,000 Annual Fres Are Set by Inhabitants. There are estimated to be 10,000 forest fires in Canada t3VerY year oil all sizes and descriptions. N n 'tenths' are set by human hands and the damage runs 'from four to ten millions of dollars, not' counting damage to soil, to the value of watershed areas and many other factors. "Thrift in forest fires" is a now movement which the Canadian Fora estry Association has started amongst the guides and campers and sports- men of Canada with a view to cutting down the country's timber losses in. 1917. As is well known, the present- day causes of forest fires are not the railways as much as the settlers, camper's, hunters and fishermen. Thoughtlessness in respect to camp fires, the throwing away of lighted tobacco, matches, etc., has caused some of the woret conflagrations in history. During the months of May and June, before the fire season is well under way this year, thousands of out -doors men are being asked by the co-operation of the newspaper publishers of Canada to make 1917 a year of thrift in the forest, THIN -BLOODED MEN AND WOMEN Need the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actu- ally Make. Thin -blooded people do not remain so from choice but from indifference, in some cases from despair. People " who are pale, languid, with palpitation of the heart, some difficulty in breath- ing and a tendency to be easily tired are suffering from thin blood. They need only the resolution to take the right treatment and stick to it until cured. The remedy that can be relied upon is Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. With every dose they make new blood, and new blood means health and strength. The red cheeks, good appetite, increased weight and strength that follow•the use of these pills prove their great value to thin blooded people. Here is an example: Mrs. J. McDonald, Jr., Hay, Ont., says: "I honestly believe Dr. Williams Pink Pills saved my life. Some years ago I had anemia, and as I did not realize the seriousness of the trouble I soon became a complete wreck. I got "so weekI eould, llai i walk. I neither atenor she�l tlt*kl , and coil no g up stairs wit out 'ttopping to rest. At tunes I had an almost unbearable pain in"'my back and would have to remain Who can resist the charms of a in bed, I suffered almost constantly Georgette frock with bolero of filet' from a dull headache, and when sweep - lace? This dress is for a girl graduate and particularly suits the importance of graduation as it combines style, girlishness and dignity. McCall Pat- tern No. 7802, Misses' Dress; suitable for small women; in 3 sizes; 16 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. U. S. Seeking Our Wood. Mr. K. C. Clark, of Oldtown, Me,, in a recent interview with the St. John, N.B., "Telegraph," stated that United States lumber firms in the east are reaching out more and more into Canada for material, and that within another five or ten years almost all the large lumber mills in Maine will have been converted into pulpwood and pulp mills. SAS far Luntz ut It taitli into the afternoon's work. "There's a Reason", ing if I would stoop to pick up any- thing I would get so dizzy that I would have to catch hold of something to keep from falling. At times my heart would beat so fast that I would have a smothering sensation. My eyes were sunken and my hands and limbs would be swollen in the mornings. 1 tried several kinds of medicine without benefit and my friends thought I would not recover. Theis. I began taking 15r. Williams' Pink Pills, and before long could see and feel that they were help- ing me. I gladly continued the use of the pills until 1 was completely cured and I cannot say enough in their praise, and I strongly recommend them to all run down girls'and women." nyou can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. THE BUTTERFLY AND THE BEE. Methought I heard a butterfly Say to a laboring bee: "Thou hast no colors of the sky On painted wings like me." "Poor child of vanity; those dyes And colors bright and rare," With mild reproof, the bee replies, "Are all beneath my care. "Content I toil from morn till eve, And, scorning idleness, • To tribes of gaudy sloth I leave The vanity of dress." —William Lisle Bowles. •:r Southern "Kennels." A group of Northerners at a hotel in Louisville were poking fun at the par- tiality of Southerners for the titles of "colonel," " lr colonel, major, and � "judge." "What is a colonel hereabouts?" asked one of the group, and there im- mediately followed a discussion. Finals ly a colored attendant was drawn in. "Well, gents," said the negro, "dere's lots of ways to answer oat question. I'se knowed folks what was born kunnels—it jest run 'in de blood foh ginerations. An' I'se knowed folks what was jest app'inted to be latrine's. And' yit others what was. made kunnels by bein' kind to niggers. 1''or instance, any man dat gives me a do'llah is a kunnel to me hencofo'th forevch." iuinesees niitiiuent dried P 1 einceeze, fif :f .. ARTS ' S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, cetiabMechanical and s etrci Engineering. HOME STUDY C iteateDegree wh one year's attendance. Summer School Navigation School. July and Ausust December to April 15 GEO. Y. CFIOWN Re(rietrir THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE, Colors of National Flag Symbolize Honor, Purity and Loyalty. Did you ever realize that the colors of our flag red, white and blue—aro used by nearly all the nations? Of the three, red is the one most common- ly met with, being found in virtually all the European flags. In heraldry red means "military fortitude," so it is not surprising that it should be se- ed as the color most becoming ng for a country's emblem. Military forti- tede means honor, and honor may mean sacrifice, and as red is the color of the blood that is sacrificed in de- fence of honor, red certainly ought to have a place, and a large one, in a na- tion's flag. White, according to some authori- ties, signifies "peace and sincerity." It also stands for purity, and, as some one who was recently explaining the colors of the flag stated, white stands for vision, that revelation of liberty for which our country is celebrated. Blue means loyalty and truth; and as it is also the color of Heaven, it stands for religion. Our duty to God and to our country may be expressed in our national flag. It is interesting to note that the great allied nations, Great Britain, France, Russia and the United States, have flag's made up of combinations' of red, white and blue, so that the four countries, should stand, and do stand, for the same ideals: Honor, Purity and Loyalty. Tlainard's Liniment Luinberman's Priend, To waste fuel in the preparation of an "economy dish" is not good econ- omy, • A dish that is to be substitut- ed foemeat or potatoes may be cheap �its,lf ut if it, requires long cook- ing .it shoulder be reserved for ironing or baking day when the fire will serve a double purpose. Aftor h©Wforr aairedeEtllyse nes Eyes—Sore u Syes - Elrngletad 3yeids• Resta NOVDS MnnoSaP meat for ey h$9te and smart. Give your19 os as sauce seuelovese sem as your Teeth 50c1 with the same regullarity. Care fef Them. You Gentle/ Buy IJe* Eyes; Sold at .lirng ami Optical Stores or by Mail. Asa inuring Eyed Remedy co., Chicago, ;or Nee Bee The, invasion of Belgium, the most flagrant offence against international right Europe had seen for centuries, proved that the German Government can not be trusted to keep any en- gagement, however solemn.—Viscount Bryce. MINARD'S LINIMENT is the on- ly Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the people use it. HARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C. B. To Destroy Plant Lice on Shurbs. Plant lice will soon be attacking house plants and shrubs, fruit trees, garden and field crops, sucking out the juices from the leaves and causing loss in yields. Nicotine sulphate com- bined With soap has been most effec- tive to control these insects in tests made by the Ohio Agricultural Ex- periment Station. INDIA IS FRED. Dominions Are Fighting For Liberty, Says 1V`ewfoundianda' Governor. The Mahraja of Bikanir speaking recently said:— "Those who say that India is held by the sword do a great injustice both to Great Britain and to tndla; British rule in India rests on firmer principles of justice, equity, and fair play. In the process of a constructive, healthy evolution it is inevitable that differ- ences should arise, but these are not more than a family quarrel to be set- tled between the parent country and the younger members of the Imperial household." Sir Edward Morris speaking of Newfoundland's pride at the part she was playing in the war emphasized that the part the dominions were tak- ing in the war was due to their love of liberty. A PERFECT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets is the ideal medicine for little ones. They regulate the bowels and stomach; break up i colds; cure constipation and 'in indiges- tion; g tion; expel worms and make teething easy. They are guaranteed to be ab- solutely free from injurious drugs and may be given to the youngest child with perfect safety. Concerning them Mrs. T. M. Forknall, Mission City B.C., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for mynthree little ones and have found. them the best med- icine a mother can give her children." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co,, Brock- ville, Ont. Nothing is gained by a boy who goes through college. The college should go through him. MONEY ORDERS. DOMINION Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. It looks like a short hay crop. Plant more corn. es "Veen' ed A. „Iris 'GI1j jj fpw t MADE U CANADA ,tea: + °, a e.e. Has been Canada's favorite yeast for more than forty years. Enough for 5c, to produce 50 large loaves of fine, wholesome nour- ishing home made bread. Do not experiment, there is nothing ii just as good. E G f LETT CO. ITC TOFtOI'tTO, OS, at}Ipf,! ig1Illll� WINNIPFO MONTRTEAL �ll�liiIl1JI ' ...yam -,•Yr :tib He that holds fast the golden mean, And lives contentedly between The little and the great, Feels not the wants that pinch the poor, Nor plagues that haunt the rich man's door. Ask for Minerd's and take no other. When watering the garden do it thoroughly. Make the watering equal to a twelve hours rain. As soon at the surface is dry enough use the hot to form an earth mulch and keep the water from evaporating. NEWSPAPERS POE SALE "()PROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. `.Che most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to lei WileSnTo Publishing Com pony. 73 SEISOM ra AN:EOU9 C4 ANCLR, TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC., B...1 internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before Co., Limited CollHellman lingW000.OnMedical AUS.'on+zo:axZEa Pon, SALE gip CADILLAC IN GOOD RUN- j. nthgILcond1tiofy. Has spare re. Price .lL.L d.erS°7 PassengerrTouring CarYE 0c trio lights and starter. Recently over- hauled and newly painted. Tires in good shape. Price $1,800. UDSON, 1916 MODEL, tt CTLIN- Ail der 7 Passenger Touring Car, with Eeeia iinard's Liniment in the house electric lights and starter, horoug s y overhauled in our shop and newsy paint- ed. Seat covers on all seats and doors. 1 Oversize tires. Price $1,200. lif_TUDSON, MODEL 87, 6 PASSENGER, 4 cylinder Touring Car. Electric lights and starter, in good running order and newly painted. Looks like a new ear. Price $650, • LIGE SEDAN: A VERY EINLI • looping closed car seating five, :Electric lights and starter, also inside dome light. Nearly all ` the windows open, which gives ample ventilation for summer driving. Price $700. When burying your , Piano insist on having an " OTTO .11 G V Pia N AOT/ON America's Houser 36g Remedies Hoop: ON DOG DISEASES And How t© Feed SIa11ed free to any address by the Author 13. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 3lst Street, New York Ira G.4 Rs lutea Burezl Enlargernenis, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- ness from Bruises or Strainer stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. n" Does not blister, remove the hair or la up the horse. $2.00 A bottle at druggists ��pr delivered. Book 11td free. ABSORB1NE, 3R., for mankind—an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. f; 1.00 a bottle, at drug- gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. to F.10309, P. U. F., 519 Lymans Btdg., Montreal, Can. absorbine and Absorbine, Jr.. are made lo. Canada. D—o—o__o—o—O—O ^ 0-0-0-0 •—O --O WOMEN I IT IS MAGIC 1 LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with fingers—no pain. 0-0_.••0—o-0-0-0 0 0 0-0-0-0 Just think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or sore- ness . A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com- pound and named it freezone. Any., drug- gist wall sell .a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. You apply a few drops ..directly upon a tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears, then short- ly you will find the corn I or callus so loose that. you can lift it right off. , Preezone is wonder- ful, It dries instantly. It doesn't eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels it up without even initating the surrounding skin. Bard soft or corns between the thee, as well as painful calluses, lift right, off. There is no pain before or after- rn% 'l i;a it ;wards. If your drnggiet heves/ •'reezone, tell hila to order a semi ll bat- eae ' tie for you from his wholesale drug ED. 7,. • ISSUE '24-'17. iaolise. UDSON, MODEL 38. 6 PASSEN- �t 13 ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order, at a special price, $860. HUDSON 1013 MODEL "5 " A kIIGH powered, serpassenger Touring Car. In good running order and looks like new, Price 3160. tt"1 TUDEBACKEIi., SEVEN PASSEN- i, ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order, Tires in good shape, This car was painted this year and looks very nice. ?rice $350. l AC1C$ON, 5 PASSENGER, /4 CYLIN- 9der Touring Car. Has electric lights and starter, good tires, and is o. bargain at the price, $800. USSELL, 8 PASSENGER CABRIO- suita▪ ble £ r a doctovery r.n Fr ce 31,000 car, We only sell used cars after the pur- chaser has had a deniorlstration and satisfied himself of the running quali- ties of the car he is buying. Call at our showroom next time you are in Toronto and lot our salesmen show you any of our used ears and give you a demonstra- tion. TEE nonsIr xoN AUTOMOBILE 00. Limited 146-150 Bay Street, Toronto. Ont. 'MIAMI NOW 1 ?mEcJT HEAL What Came From Reading a Pinkham Adve;l tisen-tent. Paterson N. J. ---"I thank you for theLydia E. Pinkham remedies as they have made ine well and healthy. Some- time ago I felt so run down, had pains in my back and sides ;Ty 'was very irregular, tired, nervous, hal such b ad dreams, did not feel like eat- ing and had short breath. I read you advertisement in the newspapers and deo ded to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. It worked from the first bottle, so I took a second and a third, also a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier, a'xd now I ant just as well as any other woman. I ad- vise every -woman, single or harried, Who is troubled with trey of the afore- said ailments, to try your evonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and I am sure they will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did ane." — Mrs. Basile J. VAN 17111 SANDE, d No. York St., Paterson, N. J. Write the Lydia E. Pintiha,n Medi Co., (confidential) Lynn, 'Vies:, is you need special advice.