Zurich Herald, 1917-06-15, Page 7The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, German . -• • - 9.15 a. "' Sunday School 11,40 a. na, Service English ,..1.30 p,iun. nesd'ay Jr. Y. P. A. '1.30 p,!tu; :'Tuesday, Y. P. A. ; .. ... 8..15 p, ;Thursday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice ••• 8 30p.m, an. Ladle's Aid, First Tuesday of each Month. ... ...... 2.30 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Sehlool , 2 p.m. German Services, Sunday 10 30am. English Service Sunday, 7.00 p.m, Luther League, Friday 8. p. m. Ladies' Aid (meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p. m. Zurich Nett (IARKETA Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES 7iu gbiut & Deichert Andrew F. Hes CONVEYANCING, ETC. .FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich The Home Iusuarnce Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders Insures your. barn .agemst damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents Per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 Gents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Mich Dealer in Lightning Rods If you are going to have your . house painted this year, I ean save you aironey. ON ,THE J,oB Estimates cheerfully given on new ow old work. NEW WORK A SPECIALTY N. H. LITTLE Renal! PAINiTING, GRAINING, PAPER HANGING (Also carry a full line of up -to date wall papers, i UNDEHTAKI � Prompt Service Moderate Charges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario Lii LOCAL.NEWS :{What about a .ciA ie holiday fon. our viill'age. \1r. Bcl. Rupp :of Detroit visited relatives here this (week. Mir, F. Thiel, of Kitchener, spent Monday .at his former home here. Rev, F. B. Meyer, and family, were visitors in Blyth otn (Thurs. day. Buy your straw hat from E. Appel. He sells them at biargain prices. iWi11 the !party whioj has my wire stretcher kindly return same at •once. IC. Hat leen, ,Large catches of perch are being made with hook and line at . the. St. Joseph. cloak at present. Mr. 0. S. .Amanus of Braintford is visiting at the hlo'me of Mr. J. Gerber, Bronson Line, this week. ..Cliiidretn's Day in the 14th con. Evangelieal church has been r.,ost- poned from Sunday June 17th as formerly stated, to Sunday June 24th. The Hydro -Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario has acquired the assets of the Ontario Power Company for $22,669,000. The property was acquired without the payment of a dollar in cash. The Commission will now become a producer as well as a distributor. The man with a family of girls fan l boys of school age will be pleased to learn that the price of school books will not go up with other necessities. The govern- auent has closed co'ntracte with, the publishers that will enable the, publh to purchase books at thea old price. There will be ,a ,special issue of postage stamps for the confeder-t ation semicentenniai. The birth - ;dray of lthe Dominion falls upont •Sunday and the people of Canada( are directed to celebrate generally on Monday. iThere is a request to the churches that they conduct special confederation services on Sunday. ;Canadians who spemd thein vac- ations in the United States, and honeymoon (couples, where the man is between eighteen and forty, years of age, ((who, may have plan- ned their grlalnd tour across the .border, will be denied that privil- ge, t 1�, yearlnformaitio!n Act rhes 63.teri, ic* rsesueittionii av: "A iness is the only reason which will secure a passport if they wish• to, gjo .to the Unitech States. Michigan liquor manufacturers and dealers will be prohibited the, use of tmails for sending out ad- vertisements, letters and circulars advertising their products or sol- iciting orders after July 1.st. The order is based on the act of Con- gress enacted March 3, 1917. The regulation is a sweeping one and will strengthen the "bone dry' law enforcement, local federal !authorities say. THE 'WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, ONiT. (The dates for the western Fair, London, Ont., are September 7th to 15th this year. Several tho- usand Prize Lie•ts, Maps, Hangers and other advertising material will be ma'.led from the General Office. Domination Savings Building, in a few days. Any Jerson not re- ceiving a Prize List should drop Ia line to the Secretary asking fon ;one. and also stateng the kind of entry form required'', If spaceis required in any of •the buildings for tarn exhibit it should be applied for 'at once in order that siuitable iarrangem.ents may be -made. (The progna'mene of attractions will be of a very high order and will be fully announced later. All inform) ation regarding any department of the Exhibition will be promptly given on application to the Secret- ary, A. M. Hunt, Dominion Savings Building, London, Ont. Registered Yorkshire Male FOR SERVICE. Proved a great sire. Is of imported stock, and is of the long deep bacon type so much in demand now. Ii, K RUEG R EXETER Mrs, Kole .of Luean has moved here ep rea id°, Rev. leliuxworthy was elected. President of the Methodist confer-, encs (held at Loladool last week. Rarriet Hammond, welict of . the late aho'mas Hammond, paessd a- way on Jiulne 3rd, in her 84th. year: (After a few days illness, Mar- garet Edwards, ,relict of the tate Robert Roulston, died at the horn of her son On May 30th, aged 61 years, The remains were take» to Milverton, where interment wast made. CDr. C. tWood has, left for Lon- don where he willassist Dr. Mof- flatt, ,dentist. Hy Gould and family have mov- ed to (Windsor where they will re- side. A hors'ra (attached to a wagon owneel by P. Coates rain down Main Street the other day and made things lively. Luckily Ono! damage was done. CASK IMOSE ,Where can a main buy a cap for. his knee? Or a key for the lock of his hair Can his eyes be ,called an academy? Because there are pupils there? In' the crown of his head what gems are set? tWho travels the bridge of his nose? • Can he ruse when shingling the rota of his ;mouth. iThe nails at the end of his toes? What does he raise from a slip of of his tongue? Who plays the drum of his ears? And ;who can tell the cut and style Of the coat his stomach Nears? Can the (crook of his elbow be sent to jail? . And if so, wheat did it do? How does he sharpen his should- er blade? Hanged if we know—do you? ----+---- IIoior Roil KILLED IN ACTION Arnold Brenner 0 Warren Livingood N. K. Pr{ang George ('H. McBride WOUNDED Pester Randall Norlman Johnston Maurice Weber REPRESI'N.TATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's ;Greatest ,Nurseries' '.rte Splendid list of Hardy Canadian i tats' axl'Ornamentat Stock in- cluding McIntosh Red apple:., St. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent on application. Start now at best sailing time. Liberal Propositions. Stone 8. Wellington The Fonthill Miseries (Established 1837) T0R0NTC L$OK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL. Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. Good /g supply on hand. OE F GASE & SOH PHONE 35 HI EN SALL JUST R'CEIVED A SHIPMENT OF Puritan and New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves Get Our ipricee .before you buy Carharrt's Overalls and Smocks • OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale NOTICE I'T,resplassing on my pasture tield farad In my cedar grove strictly forbidden, Henry F. 'W eseloh, enrich. Classified Ads LEGAL, QARDS'- , PBO.1Di'OOT, KXLLOR N, & COOKE. .Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Public &c, Office, on the Square, 2xxtl door fon Hamilton St. Goderich, Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. Pacronroor, K. C. J. L. lirx.r oaAI, If, J. 0. Comae Mr. Cooke will be in Homan on Friday and Saturday of each week. G IL Hess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Rej5airing a S eczalzy THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LA101114 0_ L THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE D .A. Cantelon Densall .TELEPHONE Office NO. 10. House No. 10, B FOR S!AD,,E Good frame dwelling house and three lots for sale. Good stable on premises. Situated in Zurich For particulars ,apply to A. iF. Res's, Zurich. KEW ' ADS— E. Appel, P. C. Kalbfleisch, Cook Bros. DAINBCAY 1 he BEST in the WORLD It is themostpopu'iar and easiest ruining loader on the market Simple, light draft and one man can. easily operate it'. No twisted or crossed .ehaitns, cogs 'or gearscr long crooked crank shafts to use power_ and get out of order. Make haying a pl'asu,re bybuy- ing •a DAIN LOADER. • ous Pie PLOWS that ARE PLOWS No other 1-.1ow RUNS SO SMOOTHLY—hes such EASE Cor HORS- ES and COMFORT for the PLOWMAN as the FAMOUS FLEURY PLOWS. We handle the original No. 21, the light, draMght Now 13, and (the beck one -house plow in Canada, elle Ne, 15a. Buy only the ORIGINAL and -We handle pumps, pipiug , etc. ZURICH 20;0 0 TOMS RAGS WANTED Also all kinds of junk, • HIGHEST CASH PRICES Will call spoon Phone No. 35 A. Zurich FARM FOR SALE Lot 8, con. 4, Stanley, 100 acres 80 acred cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG Atn now taking orders for winter delivery. ,The past season has .again shown that Basi-! S'ag gives best satisfaction for grain and beans. For reverence ask farmers in this focality who have used it. Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of Ferti'izer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Compani s. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for, woodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barii every purpose. 30x50, on stone foundation. Two good wells, orchard, and small fruits, This farm is 3X miles from Brucefieid and Kippen and is 6 miles from Hensa'll. Easy terns. Apply ''Will F. Alexander, R. R. I . ,�. D. Z. ..No. 2, Hensall, phone' 6-82 JOSEPH LI/ Zurich; .,. veecis tzeeexes._ie.:.. aa.. Yi r•: . €(A. A • is the Paint that covers the greatest surface—that -takes the shortest time to apply—that wears the Longest. Martin-Senour "100% Pure" Paint does all three. Here's the proof. "100% Pure" Paint covers 900 square feet of surface per gallon. Hand -mixed -lead -and -oil, and cheap prepared paints, cover only about 500 square feet. The greatest cost of painting is for labor. It takes less time to apply Martin-Senour "100% Pure" Paint because its fine, even texture spreads much easier. 661 O,! Ur (Made in Canada) is guaranteed to be exactly as represented. The purity of the ,White Lead and Zinc Oxide—the high quality 'of the Linseed Oil —the minute fineness of the grinding by powerful machinery— insure a paint that gives years of protection aid beauty to your home. Why use. cheappaint—that is expensive to put on—when Martin-Senour "100%' Pure" Paint wears nearly twice as long ? If you are painting this year, you'll be interested in our books—"Town and Country Homes" and "Harmony In Neu l'one'r. Call or write for copies --free.