HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-06-08, Page 844444+4,4444.4444+44.44+44.1tr44++i-4444,K4444441•44440»�44.1+� Cream, Eggsand.Butter.>r , Eggs SPRING GOODS rwg ARE NOW READY TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN THE VARIOUS LINES OF SPRING GOODS. WE WOULD t BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU INSPECT OUR RANGE OF }SEASONABLE GOODS AND GET OUR RPrICES 'WHICH YOU WILL FIND VERY REASONABLE CONSIDERING THESE WAR TIMES. •' I t cit DRESS GOODS A shipment of Berges to hand, suitable for Ladies' suits ;4 or dresses, in black, navy, brown, wine. Also Panama. .4. cloths, Garbardines, etc. j I 'I , i I 1 w i i (.: i •4 I Silks * Are very fashionable for spring and summer wear. ,4' ?We have a nice range to chose from in crepe du chenei 4. Paillettes, silk poplens, habituas in waist and dress length „1, Prices from 75c to $1.85 per yard. • Curtains 4. ,y Novelty Scrimm curtains in white and ,ecru at from $1.25 ° to $5.00 a pr. Curtain ecrim,m:s, bungalow nett9, etc. '* Waterproofs Special value in Ladies rain coats in black, navy and e4. 0 tan, 15 only while they last) only $4.75. ""vv ndow shades 4, ele A supply on hand which we are seilin:g at the ver` low ii en price of 40c each. = I l t ; '�' 4. New Wallpapers 4 4- In attractive designs. Sure to please you. We also have + linoieums and floor oilcloths, A fine lot of rugs in different t 4' sizes, etc. ." l.. , ''. L,�i 1..: 1.,.le,e1,1 ; 1 4- Seeds 4. ,� ,* We are ready to supply your wants in reliable field and + 4- 4 4 4, 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4. e garden seeds at right prices, ,)�'it;l . t k6lit , , 1 §. A ,WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS :,..+ ON HAND l IT *el 4 4 - tie ho & San 01+••••••641000•••••••••••••• 0•N••••••••N•N•••N••N • • • ImplementsMasey-HarriS •• •5 ti • • ,• 2 • ;• i ,• + • • We have been re-appoiarted Agents for the above 2 named Implements and are prepared to take orders of all kinds of Massey-Harrismachines for next season, ••• MASSEY ••. • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs s'nd Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman Squae Deal F. Hess & Son The Old Stand 1141:30113*1018C30C3811:38C38C3801911:31011M11=08C318190311MCR WANTED Will pay highest cash, price for Cream Butter and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. L HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH Q LIEEEAL ;CONVENTION The joint convention; of, the Iamb-, erals of South Hurons as constitut- ed foe Provincial and Dominion purposes was held at Hens:all on. .1 uesday afternoon. The hall was comforitably filled and much en- thusiasm was 'shown at the pros -a peel of to coming Dominion gen- eji t1 election. (The meeting w,ae addressed by Mr. (Thos McMillian, Liberal can- didate for this riding ; Mrs. Hyslop! ,Toronto, organizer of (Women's 'Liberal Clubs and Mr. Bowman, M{ P. P. The ;lo;lowing resolutions passed;— ! What the meeting go on record of ;placing the uucmlost confid- ence in the two leaders, Sir. Wile fred Lausier and Mr. N. W. Row- ell. were That the ;patronage system as now conducted was a ,great evil and 4:hat it betaken out of the pol- iticians hands and placed under a commission 1which should be non- pollstioa4. , . iThat to convention be called within sixty days to ;choose as candidate to contest the riding at the ;next ;election for the Ontario. house. , ,The ;following officers were el- ected .in connection, with the Dom- inion organization; Hon. President, T. Fraser, F. Hess,, Sr;, land A. Mustard; Pres., Henry ;Smith; let ,Vise -Pres. Mr, MeGinnes; 12nd ,Vice -Pres. W, Me- Murdie: 3rd Vice -Pres. J. Laporte; See.; R. G. Soldon; ,Treas., Dr. Moir. ' In connection with the Provinei LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran. Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs fob .35 88 05 2 50 2.15 2.25 70 85 1 00 1 25 6 50 750 $40 00 42.00 bag 3.00 lIensall 15 25 Local News • The cold backward weather of this spring has hard a 'bad effect, :QM the bee in.auetry. Many of the. bees have succumed to the cold and dampness, and con;;�oqujently the ,ouClook for the fu 'ure in this particular dine 4 rather gloomy ,While in some parts ofthe country the Glover • crop; is good, yeti ilea. Eery Sections, it IS poor, A NARROW, ESCAPE - a1r. Jacob •Walpler, of near, Brewster, had. a narrow escape from death the other evening. He event into a, small shed where he stores gasoline and the lantern al organization Pres. Essery,. eat, which he curried ignited the fumes, Vice -Pres.; Mrs. ,F.2 W. ,Gladm;an; I"". in,g n expeloe_eeee.„••.;.A9 , a re-. Exeter; 2nd ,Vice=Pres. J. Keller, man; 3rd ,Vice -Pies., J. McKay, •Tuckersmith, ,See. T. G. Shiliinglaw Us•bonne; iTreas, J. Preeter, Zurich, The chairmans for the Townships are as follows; Goderich, rE. (Wise; Stanley, •J. Anderson; Bayfield, L, :Thompson, 'Hay, C. Fritz; Usborne, i. Morgan, Stephen, Tim, Conine` and Mr. Penha.�e; Exeter C. Harvey Henstall, tDr. Malloy; Tuckersmith Black; Clinton G. McLennan; Rul- let, Mr. Watt; McKillop, J. Doe; Seaforth, Jas. ,Watson, The .constitution of the Provin- cial lorgasnization was amended so as to include ,the ttadies, who can, now become members, • r••••N•••N••M•••eeseer •N••N•••••NNN•••NNN 444-1 1 4-4-1.44++t'1'++++ ++++ 4r++++++4-1 1.44$+m+++++++++ N c.4.-4-744444-"4.44_44.414.:44_44.3. 50,000 FEET MAPLE SAW LOGS WANTED 50,000 feet good hard ,maple saw logs wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. ,Also all kinds of other logs wanted. Custom Sawing our Specialty 71. Co FL r ' TSC + 3 • ▪ PI!ONE 9 1111 ZURICH is;Paw� • 1 1-1++++ +++++ f ++44444 4. ++++++++ +++++++++ ' ” 0.11.1,,...-. 4. BORN Stelek.—At Edmonton on Sunday May 20Th, to Mr. and Mrs R. E, Stelck, (nee Stanbury) a son— Charles Richard. ' DIED Turner—in SS`,.akoley on June 3rd. Margaret Jams Tuner, aged 72 years The Ofilbea1 Romans Catholic Dir- ectory just .publishhd by P. J. Kennedy & Sons, New, Yerk,tgiv- es following statisties for pastyear, regarding London Diocese ;Bishop 1; priests, 60; missions With church, 29; total Churches, 69; seminary 1; hospitals, 3; colleges, 1; academ- ies., cadem-is , 6; pra'roehal schools, 26; or- phan asyllu n, 1; Roman Catholic poptr'ation, al.ou; 73.9.0. THE NEW VOTER'S LIST Changes to be made in the prep- aration pf the •voter',s lists so as to include the women of PProvince who have been; given the franchise privilege, have been issued in a memorandum for the clerks of the. local municipalities. The new act has been officialiylproclai•med.The. effect of the changes in the list means that in townships, villages,, and towns, other than country or district towns having a populati- on of 9,000 or over, the woter',s, lists will be (prepared in two parts instead of three., The third part formerly rconstained the names of persons qulalified t'o vote at electi- ons to the Legislative Assembly only, and ,this will be left out, Part one will contain the names of ev- ery reeidenit 24 years of age and. a British subject, who is assessed; as either a tenant or owner of pro, petty or for incomes of $400, or a farmer's son. Pant two will contain the ‘names of all men and Women qualified to vote at manic ip;.t1 elections only and will incluse. all none -residents assessed as Own- ers, tenants or foe income. In cities, and county districts towns having a .popu Won of 9.000 or ov er, only one hist will be prepared, which will include every person resident orf non-resident, 21 years of age, a British subject, who i5 assessed as owner or tenant of property to the require 1 amount or for incom,e of $400 or over.After the name of every worms entered "the list the clerk should d : i on h esrgW. nate whether she is mar.'ied, ow or spinster. ;A woman has t1n same right to appeal as , man. The clerk when making up the vo'ter's ligts must not enter • the names of any persons marked by u;1t: he` was ;badly,_ burned about the fee. and hands,' but he succe- bded in putting out the blaze be fore much damage was done, J3 RING US A BUSHEL EarlySaturday morning some un known ,p(airty left a l;ushel of pot- atoes on the porch of Mr. John GaIlman's residence. Mr. Gellman as'` very much in theodark as he hald mot ordered any and thinks i,erhaps an error was made _ hyl delivering them tri the wrong place. If the rightful owner calls for Flame he can have them A bushel sof potatoes is a valuable gift at the :present time and we would';nt mind if some kind neigh- bor, who hard some to spare, would; leave a bushel o•nl our front porch. IR'e would be very thenkful and would'mit slay a word about it to anyone. , S.S. Sc. Y. P. A. CONVENTION The meetings in connection with theabove 'convention, which was Jaeld in the Evangelical Church, Zurich, on !;Tuesday and Wednes- day of this week were largely at- tended. (Many interesting ad- ,dre.sses were given by local and 'outside speakers, and it is hoped that •much good will result from the' lectures land discussions. The election of officers held on Wednesday forenoon resulted as follows; Rev. F. B. Meyer, Free.; Rev. E, D: Becker, Vice -Pres.,; John Preeter, Sec.; J. H. Holtzman, iTre?as, On .Wednesday evening it was voted o ,eland carried that the c;aln•vention be tbeld 4xt year at Dashwood, (WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The next regular meeting of the local branch of the 'Wom,en'e In- sltibute will be held at the home of Mrs. Jno, Douglas, Town Ling, next Wednesday afternoon. All Ladies wishing to attend should hand in ',t+heir names to Mrs. B. Campbell before that day. All are• requested to meet at the home of Mrs. 'Campbell at 2 o'clock. At the recent annual meeting of the •Society, the following officers for 1917 were eleeted; Pres., Mrs. B. A, Campbell; let. ;Vice -Pres., Mrs. C. Fritz,;, 2nd Vice -Pres., Mrs. J. Douglas; Sec.-Treas., Miss Mar- garet Lamont; Directors-- Mrs.W. O'Brien, Mrs. P. Manson, and Mrs. W. L. Siebert; Auditors Mrs. J. Preeter, Mrs. J. Hey, Jr..; Program eosramittee; Miss T. Douglas, eon- tile. assessor upon the assessment* venor; Misses P. Warts, 3. Veatch, roil VA hetes an alien. ,. L. Koeh:e: and. stirs. P. B. Meyer. We give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay Customers* FURNITURE NEWS WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0 F FURNITURtE !WHICH WE ARA SELLING AT THE OLD PRICES AND HAVE A CARLOAD COM, ING ALSO BOUGHT AT THE OLD PRICE. THIS WILL BE EXTRA GOOD BUYING FOR THOSE NEED- ING ANYiTHING IN FURNITURE. IN HARDWARE WE HAVE ALSO A LOT OF GOODS LEFT !WHICH WE SELL Alt THE OLD UPRICE. (WE HAVE OVER $1000.00 WORTH OF MARTIN-SENOUR'$ 100 PER CENT. PURE PAINT AT THE OLD PRICES!. COME QUICKLY IF YOU WANT TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE A9 THE GOODS ARE GOING FAST AT THE PRICES WE ASK FOR int EM e. I-IIIRTLEIB, zvkictt HURON'SlLARCEST COMBINATION STORE ,O -MY Cz �.—.�Yi� ,�=s;•�4'illiu:Tar�mom�'T, I�if �1j.. ,t?Sel .Cies , • This, our new serial story, is one of the very best written Deli the present war. The first instalment will appear in an early issue. You'll like Tommy; it is a strong, soul -stirring tale of the greats world war that everyone in the family will enjoy. The hero is a Lancastershire lad. He didn't want to go to war—not at firms, "Let 'em as wants to fight the Germans fight 'em" said Tommy, Then one day he heard the cry of suffering Belgium; he heard the call of his own motherland—he gave up the best job he eve had and enlisted. He went to France ; he fought a good fight— against himself as well as the enemy; he won the D.C.M. and— thenhest girl in the world. A splendid story splendidly 04 Watch for the first instalment. a . If your s b5cr� torr is o ya u pl>r net paid up, send *n'tke money at once; and pnake _ sure `ttha,t you, do not miss a single instabanlent of the new story. I1 you are not a regular subscriber, subscribe now. This . new sftory aa, worth the fust. subscription Price ,$? ;r,,. num, or we will send .The "tient to new scubseribei s in Canada "At the pend of 10117 for 60 cents, Brighten -up your Home. Ladies' Department HOUSE-CLEANING IS NOW AT HAND. IF IN NEED OA RUGS, LINOLEUMS, LACE CURTAINS, LE,,TC., WE CAN SHOW YOU ALL nu LATEST. _A full line of Ladies' Waists,',House Dresses, Middies, Children's Dresses, Aprons etc. Why sit down to make your clothes whe you can buy them ready made at less than cost of making. t1ADIES RAIN COATS—$5. la'n;d up. SPORT COATING. A nice eatnge ;of sport coating in Boat , I 1 lengths Only,. ' LADIES' MIDDY TIES. Just received a nice range of Middy treat Something new. SPRINR AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS Int latest colors 1 1, i. I t i I I s patterns, and, CALL AND GET A MONTHLY NEW IDEA PASHION LEAF. PREF Saturday Special 20c and 25c Ribbons at 15c a yard Men's Department COME AND TAKE A LOOK T HROUGH OUR IMMENSE STOC7l OF NE'W BATS, CAPS, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, ARROW COLLARS, GLOVES, SOCKS, ETC. SPORT SHIRTS—Our stock of sport shirts is complete tarn and white: WE HANDLE ROYAL PURPLE SCALE' MEAL. ROYAL PURPLD CHICK FEED SEED CORN AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. FRESH GROCERIES AT ALL TIMES. T. L. WURM. Phone 28 It pays :�o advertxso,