Zurich Herald, 1917-06-01, Page 1ZURICH MOVED to LARGER QUARTERS You will find me at S. E. Faust's old stand in Hart- Ieib's block where 1 am better prepared than ever to supply your needs in Harness and Repair Work. Bring in your repairing now before the spring rush. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, Acle Grease, Gall Cure R. F. STADE ZURICH setrosoneseOjos asposa..N...n•....i.ii•••iis mese ! $800 Worth Boys' Clothing Must be Sold at Once. +S!TILL HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BOY'S CLO11HIN3,, ALL SIZES. PRICES HAVE GONE ABUT WAY UP, BUWE ARE CLEAR- 1NG THEM OUT AT COST AND UNDER. DO NOT MISS THIS. OPPOR ,TUNITY Large stock of Gent's Furnishings tEVERTHING IN SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HATS, CAPS, ETC. XTRA LOW PRICES WHILE THE STOCK LASTS. Men's Suits HUNDREDS OF SAMPLES OF LATEST GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM. COME 'IN AND LEAVE YOUR MEASURE. ZURICH, FRt 5 LOCAL NEWS. au.s.eall.,e. _ a a z 7 no.yMR'hr':' • Dr. A. J. McKinnon ipeut a fe\v, days in Toronto Uhis week, Mr Louis :We'ber, of Detro,iti..,, vislited his home here over S"ti'h (day. Mr. Julius Thiel left for Kitchen er on Monday where he has aeee?t, ed a position, Mr. T. McMillan, liberal Candi late for South Huron, was a vts- itor in town on 'Saturday. Mrs. A, Groff and children o Bader; were visirors at the hong 'of Mr. ,and Mrs„ C. O, Smith last' week. Hay council meets tomorrow as a ICaurt of Revision for the 1917 assessment roll and for general Tits iness. WHERE .QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN lismosssseennsssseoomsseesseeeetnSssssMs,ssoNss tiRALD :;l0I ORNINGI JUNE 1, 1917. Highest cash prices paid for wool. Yungbllut & Deichert. Pentecost. Iwlas observed in the; ehurches on Sund'ay b'y special ser- vices. ( Mr. Ed. Johnston, mail cilerk, of London, vent the week -end with pais sister, Mrs. Julius Thiel,, iTho wire for the hydro power line from Exeter to .Zurich is be- ,ing placed on the poles this week. The brick walls of the new resi- `dence being erected by Mr. F. C. +albfieisch are nearing compl- etion. will e is� d' dentist,' Dr. E.S. Hardie, , D. at the Dominion, House, Zurie1r�r Wednesday, and Wednesday of:Oe e. following week. The Lritheran church has been Wired rlor hydro and •a number of new fixtures have been Instcl o led. !The lights will make agrea4 improvement in the interior of':the ' church. Mr. 'amid Mrs. G. A. Bissett and. son, Frederick, Mr. Robertit Bissett, land Miss Flora 'Hess, ."of Saltford Heights, were visitors'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hess, Sr., on Sunday. 1 4 Our idea of the hangdest old, Slacker that ever paced the barn- i ,F 'yia*i „is a hens that sets do some ! d $1.60' eggs for 16 dNays and then 1 au'mip,s the jojb. The joint annual meeting of the South Huron Liberal Associations wi11 be held in Hensall on Tues- day, June 5th,Addresses will be' ++ ++ + + +inlN iv n byT McMillan, L'ber 1, ' +ibt g eLiberal Can- dilate ;" ! ueni: Mn depo n�ald, M, P, P., G'!rill':9C!!II!illll!lilllilll!IIIIII!II!mill!BI(iillllllllllllllllllilll illllllllllllllUIIIIIIflllllll!IIIIIIi9Hli'IlHlllllllil!I'19 ',: !„ „,„ �I„„ III!!II„„„,,,„„ IIIillll„„„„„,, :,„;„!Illlplllllll!!Illll TwTorth Bruce and others. All who NO 48 #410•+ ++ ++ 0+a 01104, e+ ++1rMa•411ea SAFETY FIRST! ITS A GOOD POLICY IF YOU BUY YOUR SHOE NEEDS NOW. PRICES OF ALL MATERIAL USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SHOES ARE ADVANCING, THERE- FORE, "SAFETY FIRST.” OUR STOCK COMPRISES THE BEST LINES OF LEAD- ING MAKES. WE'LL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THE NE;W. (STYLES AND LASTS l 1 Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. 1 1 e. FRITZ, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes j "are interested in the, cause of Lib- eralism. should attend. 14++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • -ii -!4, Y -4. :The Cleveland Leader, for exam-` ple, says ;—"In proportion to 1)4 ,- ulation and resources, theUnited States, to achieve what Canada% has done, must raise an arrp.y;;xif. 7,000,000 men within two and a hilt: years, put 5,000,000 oil them in act-' ual war service and prodauce w fund���s,,-,. iathoun,ting to $12,ti6tt,000; E'en " b r11 Gene ir►n t ei3 " as Heavy sacrifices a2 Carjad'.i has willingly assumed but the ex- ample they afford ought tb have a stiffening effect upon the Amer- ican people in what lies before them." Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A. General Banking Business Transacted. ,P,.rIDW O iags Bank Department erest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Come and See our New Goods in Prints, Ging hcams, Galateas, Dress Goods Shillings, Ready-made Waists House Dresses, Aprons Pants, ,Shirts and Overalls Also men's and ladies' Unoorw*ea1. New Shoes. ;grew 1917 Wall Papers. Fresh tpck tti oceries.. Also : ne, c Formaldehyde ' n hand. • aumwiimingmaiimmumemsomm R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82] BLAKE ,;!;!i^ � ;I,!!IIII!Illlu'i iu+'n i611i'tll;l "- dNl{I•��II'�i'd,i!II"!il 9!U'I'I'Id! uhNlldl i 111!G�•II� tl •: a z ';I', IIL'll{III!}i;11'.ill illlll;llllllli;!!IC!il�i!111111!iI111ntlIN11111!IlNlllt r+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.1' +44++++. 4++M++++++++++++++ ++++++4 +4.44444.1-1-1.4+++++++++++++.1.4 4. +•• 4 4. 4 4. 4 4. 4 This is t 4. 4. 4+ 4 0~ 4. 4 • 4, 4. 4. 4 4. 4, 4. See our Special in Grey Cotton at 12%2c a yd. while it lasts. GO 'THROUGH YOUR TORONTO CATALOGUE AND THEN COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRI CES, AND GIVE US A CHANCE AND YOU WILL FIND BETTER VALUES IN OUR STORE THAN IN YOUR CATALOGUE. A TRIAL 'SOLICITED. Hardware Section WASHING MACHINES (We handle the celebrated .Iio me Washers, made in Canada at popular prices. We also handle .a number of other makes. HORSE CLIPPERS A1l kinds Hand Clippers. Also the genuine Stewart Machine per at $8.50. STOCK FOODS Gardiners Ntw Dress Goods RIGID NOW I5 THEEARE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FORDRESS OR DR DRESSES. SLTITS OLDFOR PATTERNS ARE FIGURED SILK ACTT SHOWN INA•TTRACTIV COMBINATIONS rI'I.S NOTENEW. SOME A RE A GREAT AD AN TAGEUT IN DRESS LENGTHS, THERE ARE NO TWO ALIKE. New Silk Crepe in dress lengths'in good colorings at 75c and,90 cents. New Violes in plain white and figured at 50 cents. New Spring Silks in plain an d fancy weaves $1.00 to $1.75. PALM BEACH SU ITI NGS one of the most popular cloths this season and will be worn by comes 36 inches wide, 40 cents. Silk -Georgette in pink, white, black and tan, $1.50. everyone. This cloth New Prints and C,anghams Buy now and get the pick of the patterns in gingh'ams and (prints. .Kingcott Ginghars are known by everyone and can be relied upon for color, being fast and they cloth strong At 15cents Prints at 15e and 18cents. New Flannellettes, dark and light at 12,l,e, 15e, 17c, and 20e SHIRTINGS and COTTONADES clip- of shirtings and cottonadea at the low price consider.- Nov is the time to put in your supply Cottanades at v0c up. Shirtings at 18c up. consider - bag what they will be when we buy again. g MEN'S WORK CLOTHES A big range of work shirts,overalls, smocks, etc., to select from at a price that will suit everybody's 'pockets. MEN'S SUIT LENGTHS RUGSpieces of Meng suit lengths to clear at a Big Reduction. RUGS and LINOLEUMS sand Linaleums to chose from than ever 'We have. at 'present the largest assortment of Rug 1tUG$—A large variety of patterns and prices. Sizes to fit any room. Bought before the ad - before. ranee so we can give big values. DR,A.PERIES--A nice assortment. Call early and make your purch i;es while they last, y d, Pig Meal in 251b bags Royal Purple Poultry and Stock calf 'a 25 " Foods, PEERLESS WIRE FENCING Now is the time to buy fencing before prices ge higher. 'All kinds of Home-made goods at reasonable prices. Our New Wall Papers are here J. PREETER 1 Highest Price for Produce. Phone ZURICH 4 .F, 4. 0 4.*�� ..:... ,'x'1"1' 141010.,11,14.44+114411440:041,.****44.4070*01010*000***0.7404510001W. „40.1014400.40+0,0,41A400.44