HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-05-25, Page 1ZURICH -Vol.4_4RALD XVI MOVED to LARGER QUARTERS You will find me at 8. E. Faust's old stand. in Hart- leib's block where I am better prepared than ever to supply your needs in Harness and Repair Work, Bring in your repairing now before the spring rush. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. F. STADE ZURICH 04100SN4411The00INMNss. OMMIO 'MsNNNNINI. l 3 r $800 WothB'v� � ad Clothing Must be Sold at Once. STILL HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BOY'S CLOT}HIN x, ALL SIZES. PRICES HAVE GONE AWAY UP, BUT WE ARE CLEAR- INQ• THEM OUT AT COST AND UNDER. DO NON MISS THIS OPPOR TUNITY Large stock of Gent's Furnishings (EVERTRING IN SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HATS, CAPS, ETC. JEXrTRA LOW PRICES WHILE THE STOCK LASTS. Men's Suits HUNDREDS OF SAMPLES OF LATEST GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM. CO313E IN AND LEAVE YOUR MEASURE. ZURICH, FRI / i LOCAL NEWS **AO forbe 4r.Se era 4ra ea VD en .0 Mr. James Es1er, of Varna., Was Ia .visitor here on Monday. Mee. M. Fritz, of London, vas t- ed relatives ib,ere over Sunday, Rev, F. B. Meyer attended the, county 'Sunday School convention held at Kippen on Monday. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House; Zurich,ou 'Wednesday, and 'Wednesday of the following week. .Mr. Wendel Smith, Goshen Line, south, has sold his 25 acres In sou. 8, ;Flay. to Mr. 'John Bender,. -'<,rf near Dashwood, Mr. D. S. (Williams, of New Ham- burg, traveller for the :Hibner.Fnee niture Co., was a visitor at the home of Me. IC. L. Smith on Tu s- day. (Wet and cold ,weather this week has kept �arstr' rs off theland to f Snow fel .1 on ' Vednesday and th'ngs Werew everything butt pleas anal Owing ,to the death of .,Ti:. -G, S. Howard's father, no school et4e held in the senior room of }he public school ,the fore part 01 tliis; week. Dr. Elmer Truemmer, son of Dan tiTrueniner, Goshen Line south, has passed his final yiea.r:at`' the College of Dental Surgeons. in 'Toronto and received Chet de*' gree of D. p. S. ti Mr. J. Torrance of Clinton' re ceived a cable this week .an'nourte- ifeg .the fact that his .son,. Lieiit. E. J. Torrtance, b.atd been -wounded 'amyl teas now in a hospital. ''Ful-: they •p!articulars have sleet bean rt;= 'mixed and the. nature of his wound', is i of known �iuL the sable s ated fhe-yor¢rr ,an;ri;ual *beanie/. the South Huron Liberal Associations wild be held in Hensall on Tues- day, May 5th. Addesseri will bel givers by T. McMillan,,Lib:eral :Can- didate ; Wire McDonald, M. P. P. North Bruce and others. All who are interested in the cause of Lib- eralism should attend. LURCH WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN tomesom••••••••••••••••••••••••••sosseemeseesem Y MORNING, MAY 25, ;917. Highest cash prices paid for wool Yun'gbllut & Deiehlert. Messrs. IT. L. Williams and H. Cr. Mess were business visitors in Lean on Monday. Mr. and Mrs',. J. C. Kalbfleiselt anld "",Nims. F. C. Kalbfleiseli .visited the •County House of Refuge, Clin- tore, 'on Thursday. ' * t0'wit4rrTr0it tt+RMM•f•• pft,w1M'1111tflMtl sic *0iii es r. A large !number from, town at -1'* tended the memorial services held at Blake .church on Sunday after- noon for Pte. G. H. McBride, who fell fig'htin'g for his country.• Dr. A. J. McKiinootn is having a anbdern hen house erected on his premises and intends going exten- sively in'bo the egg production 1 us- itr ess. . There will be no farmer's exeur- silons to he Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph', during June this year, largely due to the fact that the railways are too busy'to spare SAFETY FIRST! ITS A GOOD POLICY IF YOU BUY YOUR SHOE NEEDS NOW. PRICES ;OE` ALL MATERIAL USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OP SHOES ARE ADVANCING, THERE. FORE, "SAFETY FIRST." OUR STOCK COMPRISES THE BEST LINES OF LEAD- ING MAKES. WE'LL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THE NEW 'STYLES AND l y . LAS!TE , Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. G. FRITZ, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes 1 the trains, and they have cut off trMMt111M1lttl Ni ttINNltif10004tA4Mr96tt 4e T 4'r th-e exeursliton rates. This announ- G'e!IIIIiICIIIIIIINIndHIIIIIe.,;i!!''!IIP!nN!niellI'11.0!:le'rr'I'!I'IIee1111L1I11,111111L..d, !!!1,1T, .,,- E;111111IIIIIIIli111111111111111111i1I'I"!I'9"!%1111111111111111111111111bif1 celflent will not ereat any sturpr'se °= ha last year the excursions were, albsely 'attended. inonamo Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A 6enerat,.Banking Business Trsasacted BANK MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager 741 Come and See our New Goods in Prints, Glitghams, Galateas, Dress Goo ds Shirti'ngs, Ready-made Waists House Dresses, Aprons Pants, Shirts and Overalls 4-49,m. en's and ladies' rt dcrwear. New 1917 Wall Papers., feriw orrna • e Lit o«n and. BLAKE R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82] ailulll'PilYl'nl!IIIIIIII"(III �I !!.�i! i •.I`i''!'!�'•!" "U!! "NiiPa'•;u�I�IPII!��!."1P�'I , '��1:��1�� I;II I,,,��,� Ii,�IIGIUN!IIII(Ili!!I!IlllllllllllilNllf!iiillfilil!1!II!UI!IIII!IIII!!C?i!gifEl 44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 01-14+41 4+++++++++++++++++'++++++++3•+++++++++3•+•b+++F++++•F+01-143r3 4++++++++++++3 +++++ +++44+++++++++++++++++++.1 -H -144-t-1-1-1-14++++++++++++++++ 4.444.+4.÷.1-1-1.4444+4-14+4.÷:•+++++ ..4 d+. See our Special .� �.! 11 S /Z Cotton 4. 4. •c' 4. 4. 4.. 4. 4 4 4 _ Nevv Dress Goods V 121/2c a yd. while it lasts. .�, -4: 4 -4. -4. .4. _4. 1. 4. 4 4. -4 Q New Prints and Ginghams lra,ndle the celebrated ,Home Washers,made in Canada at Buy row and get the pick of the pattern's in gingharus and (prints. 4 ee popular prices. We also handle a slumber of other makes. gcott Ginghams are knower byeveryone and can be relied upon for color, beim fast and the' Kin' g c . HORSE CLIPPERS LI PPE R� sloth .strong at 15cents Prints at 15c and i8cents. 4 Nety Flannellettes, dark and light at 123 e, 15c, 17c, and 20e yd. '4 re 4. c T �1 `j''�j' N A �•. 'iM .`�r. Alt kinds Hand Clippers. Also the genuine Stewart Machine clip S H I R i I N G S and CO a O ` "` D "'"'° per a+t $8.50. ' Now is the time to put in y our supply of skirtings and $e up.de . at the low price consider- .F. g Cobtonades at 30e up. ' ing tviha�t they will be when we buy again. Shirtirr sat 18c up. GO THROUGH YOUR TORONTO CATALOGUE AND THEN COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRICES, AND GIVE US A CHANCE AND YOU WILL FIND BETTER VALUES IN OUR STORE THAN XN YOUR CATALOGUE. A TRIAL 'SOLICITED. Hardware Section WASHING MACHINES RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR NJ'W SILK DRESS OR SUITS FOR SPRING (WEAR' FIGURED SILK CREPES ARE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR DRESSES. OLD PATTERNS ARE SHOWN INATTRACTIVE COMBINATIONS ARE NEW. SOME ARE CUT IN DRESS LENGTHS._ THERE ARE NO TWO ALIKE. IS 'THIS NOT A GREAT ADVANTAGE? • New Silk Ciepe in dress 'lengths in good colorings at 75e and,90 cents. New 'Voles in plain white and figured at 50 cents. New Spring Silka in plain an d fancy weaves $1.00 to $1.75. PALM BEACH SULTINGS This is one of the moat popular cloths this season and will be worn • by everyone. This cloth comes 36 inches wide, 40 cents. Silk Georgette in pink, white, black and tan, $1.50. 4 STOCK FOODS QGardiners Pig Meal in 251b bags Soya! Purple Poultry and Stock.. " .e&lf 'r 25 " Foods. MEN'S WORK CLOTHES A big range of work shirts,overalls, smocks, etc., to select, from at a price that will snit everybody's pockets. 4. 'PEERLESS WIRE FENCING MEN'S SUIT LENGTHS 40 pieces of Men's' suit lengths to clear at a Big Reduction. n/� c 4 4 Alt is the Ho to buy fencing before prices go higher. RUGS and LINOLEUMS All kinds of Home-made goods at reasonable prices, We have at ;present the largest assortment of Rugs and Linoleums to chose from then ever 'before. RUGS—A large 'variety of patterns and prices'. Sizes to fit a ny .room, Bought bola's the ad- vance so we can give big values. DRAPERIES—A nice assorttuen t. Call early and eneke your pur r}r>ae? while they last. .4. • Our New Wall Papers are here PREETER 1 Highest Price for Produce. Phone 9 ZURICH 4+144444444+444444444444.44.4444+.44444444110#1, i444444+++4'$444.4444.(4+441+4 P+++++4*++++r 4++•a4*++++4 i4**+it+++•+++++.144i 4+ li 4. a