Zurich Herald, 1917-05-18, Page 8.mmicomigicaoplE,Eziosnog Cream, Eggs and Batter WANTED Will pay highest, cash price for Cream 0. But Z S �'�Y 'G GOODS WE ARE NOW READY TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN .THE VARIOUS LINES OF SPRING GOODS. WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU INSPECT OUR RANGE OF SEASONABLE GOODS AND GET OUR RPtICES WHICH YOU WILL FIND VERY REASONABLE CONSIDERING THESE WAR TIMES. DRESS GOODS A shipment of Berges to hand, suitable for Ladies' suits or dresses, in black, navy, brown, wine. Also Panama cloths, Garbardines, etc. Silks Are very fashionable for spring and warmer wear. We •have a nee range to chose from in crepe du ehenei Paillettes, silk poplens, habitues in waist and dress length Prices from 75c to $1.85 per yard. Curtains Novelty Struma curtains in white and ecru at from $1,25 to $5.00 a pr. Curtain ecrimms, bungalow netts, etc. Waterproofs Special value in Ladies rain coats in black, navy and tan, 15 only while they last only •$4.75. Window shades A supply on hand which we are selling price of 40c each. New Wallpapers In attractive designs. Sure to please you. We also have linolleums and floor oilcloths. A fine lot of rugs in different aft the very low sizes, etc. Seeds We are ready to supply your wants in reliable field and garden seeds at right prices. ":.: '1 � i j I'' reef• I• ,. A WELL ASSORTED STOCKN AOF GROCERIES ALWAYS J. echo Son • F§'r++dr€•fi+3-tF+o�i3'r3.4 :oL•f+4333 +•3 r��4+bII• r�rM+.•fi+i i ti3 H. a �1•tt••o•••e••••••••®®••�•M W•••NM•NN••••••i0011 • • • Implements ••• MasseyllarriS • -• :• • :0 .0 .0 • 1 0 2 quae • • F. Hess & Son • • Deal • '• • • tN0••••••••••••M•••••••A•••••••••••••••••0••••••!N We have been re -appointed Agents for the above named Implements and are prepared tc take orders of all kinds of Massey -Harris machines for next season. WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the same class of gads. Our Prices are always right A, DATARS, Travelling Salesman The Old Stand • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • +++++++++e+++++++++++++++41++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++1+•1�-F + •3--i-•1• �r�r+++++�F•r�edtar��-e��: •i�-i 1 - •�•F��i•�F�r+•'r�F•'�F•F••E + •A•F••1•+ •��3'++++ 3+ .� 50,000 FEET 4. SAW 4.4. MAPLE ',,1'1' ,+ LOOS WANTED A. ,'1' A. 4. 4 s 0. K 4.LtYLEISC ere 3 P1 NE 19 .y, ..:Ta..o 4. ?• +�: +i++i+++++ S 4 +4.+++++t+ :•++++++++• .++++++d +++++ f++++++b+3++II++s+3++ 50,000 feet good hard maple saw logs wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. Also all kinds of other logs wanted. Custom Sawing our Specialty ZURICH Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF HAY Notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assessment Roll of the iTownahilp of Hay will hold its .first meeting in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, the 2nd `day of June, A. D., 1917, at 10 *Volk, x n7, So,, n.1i;, 1•r',e; two one -year-old :steers for' sale, &1 Beehler, Bronson Line. FOR SALE-- One ',Jersey cow, 5 years old and (ond Holstein heifer, 1 year old. P. Koehler, Zurich. The Globe blare misled its sub- scriipti�cn price to $4.00 per year, owing to increase cost of paper, wages, inks, etc. Ourclubhing rate wit; Cie. Clob, 'eat leer) ee,e- ter and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. L HUDSON, Phone ti, .ZURICH w=ecNociom=emorsailitEprooc38438csacloxemecatwalliamica STANDING FIELD CROP COMPE1TITION Zur:ch Agricultural Society ;of- fers $75.00 divided as follow',: ;-e $0.00, 16,00, 12.00, 10.00, 8., 6, .a!r d 4 for the best field of white oats: Cay Ontario Department of Ag ieutiar•, will furnish the Judges. • Nature, of Competition- yield EiiC1e+ tor competition must coll- ate'. ci not less than five Beres and not more than twenty. Competi&ors-Competition wil'I be limited to members of Zurich A. Agricultural Society. Competitors. can only enter in one Society and and but one entry can be made by each competitor. Any individual can make entry for this competiti- on by becoming a member cif the Society and paying an entrance fee; of $1. • All competitors must be with- in 15 miles of Zurich. Applicati- ons must be in by the 15th day of May. Entry forms and further particu- lars may be had by applying to' Andrew F. Hess Secretary, Zuriele HAY +i --W COUNCIL A special ,meeting of the Hay; Council was !held on Tuesday ev- ening ;to consider the advisability; of appointing a delegate to at- tend the 'Win the War" convent, on, which !wi'1'1 bei held in Montreal on May 23rd, 204/th and '35th. It was resolved that if either Stanley or Stephen townshipssend• na delegate, Hay would also send olne. Mr. J. B. Laporte will re- present Hay tdwnship if the del-, egation ,fro,m the above towu.s4 ps ,attenfd,•a In early ,wars disease was even, more destructive than battles"; but the progress of military sanitation, has made even the Blritish trench- es in northern France freer !tune disease than the ho(<n.es of London. At least, the rate of illness there, cotunting even "colds" and influ- enza, is Bess than, the rate in Lon - dein, and the death rate from ease is !dnly three a year to each thou sand hien. In a test to prove that people eat too much, thirteen New York policemen dived three weeks on food costing twenty-five cents a day each. At the end of the time tali but one had gained in weight. IThat pne had lost four pounds. "It is calories ((Meat) units,} not the quantity of food, that counts."'wsa the comment of those in charge of 'the ,experiment. Three then - sand calories a day, it is claimed, is enough for hard-working per- sons, A person taking little ex- excise needs only 2,000. An ounce of bo'1ed egg contains about 50 calories; round steak, 52; whole wheat bread, 7,1; white bread, 16; butter 225. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The annual District meeting of the, Goderich District will be held in the Methodist church, Varna, on Wedges. day and Thursday, May 23 and 24. The Ministerial session will be held on Wed, afternoon and a public meet- ing will be held In the evening. which will be addressed by Rev. J. WV l3ed- iey of Nile and Rev. C. C. 'Caine :of Londosboro. Music will be furnished by the Varna choir. The general session will be held on Thursday... Mr. and Mrs. Wm Dowson tna daughter. lately returned from Alber- ta, are visiting at the home of Mr. Caivin Dawson. Henry Erratt and family visited friends in Goderich on Tuesday. W Taylor shipped a load of cattle snd hogs frem 13rucefield on Monday The price paid for hogs was $16.25 per cwt. Miss Sell.ie Smith of Lhncinn 'pent a. few ainve tit ttu bonne of ?,/e, C. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley .85 42 05 2 50 2.50 2.75 70 85 1 00 Buckwheat 1 25 Flour 7 50 8:00 Bran $40 00 uhorts 42.00 Low Grafbag 8.00 Live Hogs fob Hensall 16 24. Local News All finished work for the Red Cross given out by the ,Women's Institute .should be returned at once, We have tuist received a large, ahipmenit of auto tires' and tubes, which we had bought before the enormous advance. We also put, into' stock a large supply of aut- omobile accessories, such as spark plugs, vulcanizers, batteries, cem- entless patches, tine tale, rubber tire putty, blow out patches., re - liners, tire gauge battery test- ers, carbon removers etc. Cali in and see tie, price,s right at Hartleeb',s . The angel of dearth entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,William. ,Thiel early Friday morning and took away their infant daughter, "Selma' -Luarrettai aged three mon- 'the, lanae thirteen days. The lit- tle child hied: ,a hard strugg' 'during. her short earthly existence although_every care and attention was bestowed on her that could be suggested, she gradually weak- ened and the frail threads of life, was easily .broken. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to the Lutheran, cemetery and was conducted by Rev. H. Rembe ,pastor of the Evangelical Luther- an church, who took the basis of his sermon at the church the wiords; "Fear not for I hav,e re-' deemed thee, I have called thee. by thy name thota art mine" Isaiah, 43; 1. ,The eilncene and heartfelt sym- pathy is extet'ided to the parents i!n their haur of affliction. Four girls; Louisa Howja'ld, Janet Thiel, Maggie Fuss and Clara Weber act- ed he pall bearers. KILLED IN A'CtrION Word v.las 'received from the Militia Department, Ottawa, on Monday by Mr. and Mrs. S. Mc- Bride, Sr., that their son, Pte, George H. McBride, a member of the 161st Battalion., Was killed in action. (Thus another of " the Zurich lads has paid the supreme sacrifice for King and Country. Before his enlistment, Mr. Mc- Bride conducted a flour .and feed bus6ziess in Zurich, but when the call came for recruits he dispos- ed of his stock and joined the 'Hurons" He was a courteous, upright citizen and was popular with all he came in. contact with. Much eirmipathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. McBride and the other relatives of the deceased living in this section. DEI CHERT --K ALB FLEISCH The wedding ceremony took place at the hofnte of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbfleisch, 15th • con., ,.Rayl 'on Wednesday, May loth, at 5 o'clock, p. lm.., when Rev II. Rembe, pastor of ,the Lutheran church 'aur, icb, limited in ;marriage their daughter. .To:lephine JL,,, and Mr, Victor Deichlert, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Deichert, I31ind Line. A large ,number of relatives and friends were present to witness the. interesting event. Miss Celia J. Hees played ithe wedding march, /he gifts to the bride and groom were numerous and included use- ful and rostly articles. !Mr, and Mrs. t)eiehert will settle err a 'arra ri.i til,` Blind Line, Hay. wh r'• 1' he'd wis'1„!3 17. a host of til ,, :.x t l'o,;. t`teyn, We give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay Customers. FURNITURE NEWS WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE 'WHICH WE NM SELLING AT THE OLD PRICES 'AND HAVE A CARLOAD COM- ING OMING ALSO BOUGHT AT THE OLD PRICE.. THIS WILL BE EXTRA GOOD BUYING, FOR THOSE NEED,. ING ANYTHING IN FURNITUR E.. IN HARDWARE IW'(E HAVE ALSO A LOT OF GOODS' LEFT !W'HIC'H WE SELL AT THE OLD UPRISE. WE HAVE OVER $1000.00 WORTH OP MARTIN-SENOUR'S 100 PER CENT. PURE PAINT AT THE: OW PRICES. COME QUICKLY IF YOU WANT TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE AS THE GOODS ARE GOING FAST AT TME: PRICES ASK FOR THEM e. I-1J(RTLEIB, z a.1 HUROP4'S'ILARCEST COMBINATION STORE Ir r ..� Vi=i p0114761111511A151/11,145;110 I �'� 761111511 �i 15 i1a, 45 IPi10 � l This,. epulr new serial story, is one of the very best written o11 the present. war.. The first instalment will appear in an earIy- issue. You'll like' Tbmsny ; it is a strong, sola -,stirring tale of the great world war that everyone in the family will enjoy. The hero is, a Laneas'tershire lad. He didn't want to go to war -not at fir t. "Let 'ern as wants to fight the Germans fight "em" said Tommy. Then one day the heard the cry of suffering Belgium ; he heard the call of his own motherland -'re gave up the best job he ever had and enlisted. He went to France; he fought a good• fight--- against himself as well as the enemy; he won the D.C.M. and - the 'best girt in the world. A. splendid story splendidly told. Watch for the first instalment. If your subscription is not paid up, aei'n1d t,n the money at once, and (make sure that you. do !not miss a single instalment of the new story. {If you are not a; regular subscriber, subscribe now. This new story is, worth the •full subscription price of $1.00 per an- num, or we will send The 'Herald to new subscribers in Canada toe the end of 1017 for 60 cents. tr Brighten -'up your Home. Ladies' Department HOUSE-CLEANING IS NOIW AT HAND. II,F IN NEED OI' RUGS, LINOLEUMS, LACE CURTAINS, ETC., (WE CAN SHOW YOU ALL (PHE LATEST. A full line of Ladies' Waists,',House Dresses, Middies, children's Dresses, Aprons etc. Why sit down to make your clothes when you can buy them ready made at less than cost of making. LADIES RAIN COATS -$5. fated nj SPORT COATING. A nice range of sport coating in coat lengths only. LADIES' MIDDY TIES. Just received a nice range of Middy ties Something new. SPRINR AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS In latest colors and( !t! i i• patterns, CALL AND GET A MONTHLY NEW IDEA FASHION LEAF PREF, Saturday Special 20c and 25c Ribbons at 15c a yard Men's Department COME AND TAKE A LOOK THROUGH OUR IMMENSE STOCK OP NEW HATS, CAPS, NECK TI ES, SHIRTS, ARROW COLLARS, GLOVES, SOCKS, ETC. SPORT SHIRTS -Our stock of sport shirts is complete tan and white. WE HANDLE ROYAL PURPLE SCALL' MEAL. ROYAL PURPLR CHICK FEED SEED CORN AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. FRESH GROCERIES AT ALL TIMES. T. 1. WORM It Phone 28 FOUND -In Zurich, u pa'r , of Our mailing list has beer)! e-ok.-. ladies kid ,'oven sl';:.^, s. Cad at reeled to May 1Gt's. S.;a that the Hertld 'Oft .c, i } aur labcl•rea t 'Ctr a -t.