HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-05-18, Page 5The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES soutlay, German, • e . 9.45 a. m. " Sunday School 11.00 a, m. >'' Service English ...7.30 p.m. Tuesday Jr. Y. R. A. 7.3Q p.m: Tuesday, Y. P, A. ... ... 8.15 p. m. Thursday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice • • 8 30p. m. Ladle's Aid, First Tuesday of each Month. ... __.... 2.30 p.m, LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool ••• ••• 2 p.m. German Services, Sunday 10 30a.m" English Service Sunday, 7.00 p.m, Luther League, Friday 8. p. an. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each 'month at 2.30 p. m. JA Zurich Meat MARKET k, Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASE[ FOR SKINS&'II1DES DeieheTt Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. ,EIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOIN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich HI e~ LOCAL NEW, The Home Insuarnce Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177,25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and .no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods If you are going to have house painted this year, I save yieu money. ON THE JOB Estimates .cheerfully given er old work.. NEW WORK A SPECIALTY A shipment of J. Predter. Good 211.a viand sale. , C. Fr tz. GOOD MIKADO for Sate very cheap. L. Prang Zurich. Mr. ,Claris. ISch.oteh, of the 14th, con., is seriouslyill at present, $800.00 worth of boy's clothing must be sold at. once. Great Bar-. gains. E. Appel. your ;an 0n new H. H. LITTLE Hens all PAINTING, GRAINING, HANGING Also Carry a f11 line date wall papers. 1 cement art ived,. Lawn mower for, PAPER of up -to UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate Charges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. H HOFFMAN Zurich, Ontario Mr. E. A men's clothing, tweeds and wool- lens to Stewart Bros., Seaforth. He will sell suits by sample from: now on, and his gents furnishings will be sold at great saving pric- es. It wai not be long before we will see something like this in the ciety column; "The bride car - peel has disposed of his reel a beautiful bouquet of spin- a& and wore around her neck a string of genuine pia:utoes with a cauliflower pendant, the gift of the, groom". The teacher was worried about little Johnny . eo finally wrois` mother: "You must really give Johnny a both; he needs it bad- ly. In fact,thawgh 1; hate to say i't, Johnny smells."' " frhe mother wrote back to the teacher; "Johnny ain't no rose; don't 'smell him; learn him." t • AN ILLUSTRATION "We11, Jock," ;said the liard of a certain estate, "you areo getting Stang very bent; why don't y up straight 'like me?" ",Eh, mon," said 'Jock, "ye see that field \of corn ovre there?'Wee1 yeti nhtice ];hat the full i hoes hds- ang down and the ermp y s ,scan' right ;up." ISUabletieians estimate that the grain consurxsdd in the n?eking of t,telr int .the United States is ouf- fieien't Vo make eleven million loa- ves of bread daily,. War and, food scarcity are teaching lessons in regard to prohibition of the liquor traffic that cannot go un- heeded. ' •A man wished to introduce a friend to his wife at the seashore. When: the pair g,o't to the resort they found the wife in,the surf, Entering the bath h'o'rse the ,mieri. donned their sults and went inte. the waiter. The husband intro- duced his.tfriend. A week later the friend observed the woman he had met in the water sitting 'opposite him in the street car. He bowed. ,She look:' ed puzzled for a moment and then exclaimed; "Oh' how do you do? I didn't know you with your clothes ons" They left the ,crar' at the next corner. Notice to Cre IN THE ESTATE OF FREDER- ICK SCHRO,EDER, OF THE VIL- LAGE IL-LAGE OF ZURICH IN THE CO- UNTY 0.F HURON, RETIRED FARMER, DECEASCCi)t Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute In that behalf, the, all persons having claims against Frederick Schroeder, who died on 78th April, 1917, at Zurich, Ont., are required on or before the 15th June, 1917, to send by Post or de- liver to Solomon Schroeder, Zurich Ont., or John K. Ehlers, Dashwood, Ont., two of the undersigned ex- ecutors of the estate of the saiid, deceased, full particu'ars of their. TI3r claims; alnld that after the said last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard ronly to the claims of which they shall them have had ndtice, and thatt the said execut- ors will not be liable for the said assets or part thereof, to any per- son of whose claim they shall not, then have received notice. Dated at `Zurich this' 14th day oflVLay, 1917. John K. Ehlers, Dashwood, Ont.; Lydia Ehlers, Dashwood, Ont.; Solomon Schroeder, Zurich, Ont, Executors of the above nam- ed deceased. In order to imeet the peculiar con ditions .existing this year, it has been arranged that .the jury and non -jury sittings of the circuit courts in Ontario shall be conebin eel and most of the sittings have been ierranged to take place after harvest. ;The cls to for Goderich is November 5th. with Mr. Justice Sutherland as presiding In 'an organized effort to assist in conserving the food supply of the British Empire, a local commit tee xecethtly formed to help Essex County farmer's increase food pro- duction, will Tecommend to the Dominion Government that an or- der prohibiting theemkilling of made rabs calves, and young pigs, at !once. The 'committee estim- ates that at least 100 pounds of meat is lost every time alamb, is slaughtered. The same ration ,applies to calVes and milk pigs. Milhous of pounds of meat can; thus be slaved this summer. in Can- ada if such an order was' made ef- fective the committee believes. • DIG • If yon have a plot of ground Use for which you've never found Go ahead— Take a spande, a rake, a hoe, Purchase seeds with which to sow In a bed. Lay lout squares or rows, or both Leaving lots of room for growth, Plant your seed; Lettuce, cress and potatoes, Cabbage and ,tomatoes— Thing.s you need. Add beets and earro'•s to the throng Radishes—you can't go wrong— Cele 'em• al!l.; Cultivate and cut the weeds. You will reap these little deeds In the fall. • Water when the sun's strong rays, Reeling •down on summer days, Dry the ground. Give attention, care, and then Great wil(1 be your harvest when, One nolll;s 'round Not only food you've growing, but Cot of Living will be cut IMzglety big. Sheol your ,coaft—it won't be hard„ Go into your own backyard— ! Dig! Dig! classified Ads i LEGAL. CARDS. .'ROUD1! OOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, Solict ors, Notaries Publio &c, Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Iiamiiton St. Godericiz. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PxounrooT, K. 0. J, L. KILLoEAN. H. J. D. Coor{R. Mr. C9pk0 will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. G R. Hess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Rej5airing a SSecialty THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. L ACKAWAN A GOAL BUY YOUR SEEDS FROM ME Mangold Millet REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Snring 1917 Planting List ready. now Splendid list of Hardy Cauadian t u, a . •t Ornamental Stock in- cluding McIntosh. Red 4pplr, St. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent on application. • Start .now at best selling Liberal Propositions. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nueeries (Established 1837) T(')R0NT0 time. L. O Q K Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. C. F. CASE & SON PHONE 35 H E N S A L L STANDARD ANTHRACITE D .A►. Cantelon Mensal' TELEPHONE Office NO. 10. House No. 10, B A SNAP on Farm Wagons fl I PURCHASED A NUMBER O F FARM WAGONS AT A BAR- GAIN AND AM GOING TO GIVE 'THE FARMERS OF THIS SEC- TION THE ADVANTAGE OF TH IS PURCHASE. FOR SALE Good frame dwelling house and three lots for galle. Good stable on premises? IS,i:tu!ated in Zurich Fot piantic'ular apply to A;. F. Hess, Zurich. /eTet , ADS C. Fritz, E. Appel, Canadian Pacific, D. A. ,Cantelon, _ C. tAartlM1 We have 5 used Ford cars ranging in price from $250 to $375. These cars have all been overhauled and are guaranteed to be in good running order. Call and see them. COOK BROS., Sorghum Ford and Studebaker dealers Corn Hensall, Ont. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale • Have you renewed your sub- scription to the ,Herald for 1917? A cha;n,ce to buy cheap boy's; clothing. Vis(it R. Appel's . store at ignite. i IF NEEDING ONE CALL EARLY AS 1 HAVE ONLY A LIM- ITED NUMBER. Two De Laval Separators at old price TWO DE LAVAL SEPARATO ORS LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. Take advantage of this ALSO TWO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE AT THE OLD PRICE. Bargain on low-down manure spreader LOW DOWN MANURE SPRE ADER AT THE OLD PRICE. DO NOT MISS THESE c3NAPS • We handle pumps, piping, etc. L. PR NG ZURICH 0,000=P3 S RAGS WANTED Also all kinds of junk. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Will call s0oon Phone No. 35 A. Mittelholtz Zurich FARM FOR SALE Lot 8, con. 4, Stanley, 100 acres 80 acred cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and woodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barn 301.50, on stone foundation. Teel good wells, orchard, and small fruit, This farm is 35 miles fiom Brucefield and Kippen and is 6 miles from Hensall. Easy terms. Apply 'Will, F. Alexander, R. R. No. 2, Hensall, phone 6-82 Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAC Am now taking or-'.ers for winter, delivery. The past season has .,.gain shown that Basi S'ag gives best sfatisfaction for grain and beans, For re:erence ask farmers in this locality who have used it., Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Compani •s. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose JOSEPH RIJ R R. N ). 2. Zurich. Town and Country Homes can be thoroughly protected and beautified—inside and out—with MARTI GDSENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES (Made in Canada) There's a Martin-Senour dealer in y our neighborhood, who will help you to get the right Paint and Finish for every surface. FOR THE HOUSE — "100% Pure" Paint is absolutely pure White Lead and Zinc Oxide, ground in pure Linseed Oil to minute fineness by powerful machinery. It spreads easier, covers more surface and protects longer than most other makes. FOR THE FLOORS—"Senour's Floor Paint"—gives a hard, durable finish that stays fresh and bright—and it certainly does wear—and wear—and wear. FOR THE BARN—"Red School House Paint". A real wood preserver. Stays fresh and bright for years. Spreads easy— covers well—ready for the brush. FOR THE CARRIAGE AND AUTO—Martin-Senour Carriage and Auto Color Varnishes—easy to apply—choice of ten shades. FOR THE WAGONS, Machinery and Tools—"Martin-Senour Wagon and Implement Paint". A quart is enough for the average wagon. Protects against wear and rust. Ask for copies of "Farmer's Color Set" and "Town and4 Country Homes". Many good painting hints in each.