HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-05-18, Page 1ZURIC Vol. XVI MOVED to LARGER QUARTERS You will find me at S. E. Faust's old stand in Hart .leib's block where .1 am better prepared than ever to supply your needs in Harness and Repair Work, Bring in your repairing now before the spring rush. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. F. STAD E. Se ZURICH ONe.•00000000000000N00N •••••••••••• ••••••••41141111111110 .$800 Worth Boys' Clothing Must be Sold at Once. +STILL HAVE A COMPLETE L INE OF BOY'S CLOhTHIN3, ALL SIZES. PRICES HAVE GONE AWAY UP, BUT WE ARE CLEAR - TING THEM OUT AT COST AND UNDER. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPOR ,TUN'ITY Large stock of Gent's Furnishings EVERTHING IN SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HATS, CAPS, ETC. EXTRA LOW PRICES WHILE THE STOCK LASTS. • Men's Suits THUNDREDS OF SAMPLES OF LAMEST GOODS TO CHOOSE .FROM. COME IN AND LEAVE YOUR d3ITEASURE. E. APPEL URCli WHERE QUALITY COUNTS - WE WIN 1MOOs1ls1N00000N0000000Y00011001, 011•110000rstisl111stN••1110 4 4 4 4 ..,t. ZURICH, .FRIO r re.reer.eokTo. rgel .s•cs,. '4 LOCAL NEWS Mr. John 'Torrance, of Cainl~on,; ;paid our town a visit on Tuesday'.. Mr. and Mra. ,Geo. Doth, of Dashwood, were visitors inr • town on Monday. Mk Johns Johnston, of Bruce field, was a business visitor i town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Preeter and Mr. 'Wm. Brown visited relatives in Crediton on 'Su(nday: j RING, M A Y t8 4 1 7 fighelst cash prices paid for 901. Yungbllut & Deichert. gr. T. L. 'Turin has moved in- ko the hedge o rne,d by Mrs. C. gess on the Zurich road west Miss Alvedia ;Weseloh, of Lon- 14 don ,and Miss Selma Weseloh of St. ',Thomas, attended the fune:•a1 v of their Mee niece on Sunday. 1 ' .Yesterday, Th'urdday„ was As- $' ce».'tion Day and was observed in "^ eemIe of the churches by special' services , I Td•efal weather has assisted the farmersin needing this week and Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will • be many have finished with the at the Dominion .House, Zurich, en grain crops. A large aeerage,0i Wednesday, and Wednesdayoithebeans is being put out in 'this r,ec- se following week. kWh ..,and the ground is now be - ,J 3, Merrier, M. P., who is attend, ani, got. in. readiTnesek. ing parliamenthe sitting t of the, Dominint Sint 1phe true standing of an editor *8. ac his ho re being appreciated after death' 14 Ir• and Mrs. here.T. Murdoch and € not before. A lawyer sent the fallowing words of consolation t ap daughter, Miss Ethel, of AT nsa,ll: a r xdow"I can r t t 11 h girl1444 i4�1.01. ill 44 44 44�r 4M NO 46 4&*i- 401iw100.11i-A/+I�ftiMlM_it 4►N4M14.&M14�F111i 4.0 f ! 1 SAFETY FIRST! ITS A GOOD POLICY IF YOU BUY YOUR SHOE NEEDS NOW. PRICES OF ALL MATERIAL USED IN THE MANUFACT1 URE OF ,SHOES: ARE ADVANCING, THERE- FORE, "SAFETY FIRST." OUR STOCK COMPRISES THE BEST LINES OF LEAD- ING MAKES. -WE'LL BE PLEASED TO SHOrW YOU THE NEW. STYLES AND LASTS Repairing Neatly and Promptly D Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. C. FRITZ, Zurich j The Homp of Good Shoes 'visited at the home of Dr. Campbell, on, Sunday. no e • Yo'n , tt o 4 Y I 404 Pained �'-.was � Ito hear that your 14!' fu"`;iIr;,rll,uli!NIIIIIIli1198111L'11111444411111111NHIIITI 1!?L'5111'!!1141111!IIIlI111141111111!!,lii,IIIllitlilll9!I!'P' ii, :i'"'If III!IIIII!I!L,:IItl1111111!Iih19,P- ;f.:, •hatsband has gine to heaven.',We f== Mr. and Mra. W. F. Finkberner: ve cs bosom friends but we neve: a:nd daughter, I3az21, of Stratford, Gan reset agTala, visited at the home of Mr. W. H. Hoffman over Sunday. Mrs. Cyrus Colosky is 'visiting her son, Mr. Harvey Colosky and, her brother, Mr. John Schilbe, of Detroit, for a fie*( weeks. ,Miss Carrie' Gall.mkan left this week for Sovereign, Sask., wherel lshe wih visit her brother,. 'Mr, Alf Gafllmian, for a few months.' Nest Thursday is Empire Day annicl a pub'ic Holliday. Make it a real Empire Day and plant.so.m,m garden seeds thus helping ,along the production campaign. The little talo -year-old child Ot E Broderick, Parr Line, had ;a:: narrow- escape. from death ors Saturday: It ss alit,'a'1=r? rile Ochi; ssrapett"llke' a s az,' Whicfilodged in its thro'at. Dr. Campbell wase hurriedly s•uanmlon'ed and he found it •necessary to put the child und- er• chloroform before the object could be removed. A few rninn- u'tes longer and the child might have chockTdd'to death. Incorporated 1855 The OLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 .96 Branches in Canada General Banking Business Transacted II16APaT!CEROF CREDIT d BA? K MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Come and. See our New Goods in .Prints, Ginghams, Galateas, Dress Goods Shirtings, Ready-made Waists House Dresses, Aprons .Pants, Shirts and Overalls Also men's and ladies' underwear. New Shoes. New 1917 Wall Papers. Fresh stock of Groceries. Also new stock o Formaldehyde on hand. N. DOUGLAS1 PHONE 11 on 82] BLAKE 7.1 1'. IiQli!''.II4HIIIIIIIIIIN!IIIUh{u'{ITIJVIi ;:'I h h, } ,;;,•' (; ,gaIG111',, a V,;,, $1+++-i.7.:,+++++44.1-+++++++.+44+ _: ++_ lllli6 ,Jliil,:rl14111111111111111111,.f111(IIIIfIUIfiIIIIIIIIli11g111iC 14+++++++44+++++++++.14+++++++++++++++44++++++++4+44+ �,4.4.i••E••F• •P - g••s .g •E•.II ;.d•,i•• 4:4 &!• 444 + -i. •' ++.3••1•.4;.•€ +++• ++.r++ 'F'.••i�•I.•l•.y..g.g..g44.i..g. �•'�"�"�•Q'•F�°"i',�"j"�„�'ht",{"�"�"£"II"ty'04'�":�"F���Y"�"i'•:"i M'i'l' :"�'"�"a 'g' See our Special in Grey Cotton at 121/2c a yd. while it lasts. GO THROUGH YOUR TORONTO CATALOGUE AND THEN' COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRI CES, AND GIVE US A CHANCE AND YOU WILL FIND BETTER VALUES IN OUR SNORE THAN IN YOUR CATALOGUE. A TRIAI. SOLICITED: •'r • 4 Hardware Section WASHING MACHINES I HORSE CLIPPERS 44 rer cat $8.50. 4 PEERLESS WIRE FENCING We handle the celebrated Home Washers, made in Canada at xxopaalar prices. We also handle a number of other makes. All kinds Hand Clippers. Also the genuine Stewart Machine dip - STOCK FOODS Gardiners Pig Meal in 251b bags Royal Purple Poultry and Stock " ,calf ''T 25 " Foods. • ++44-,0}4.4-144,44, 44. Now is the time to buy fencing before priees go higher. Ali kinds of Home-made goods at reasonable prices, • Our New Wall Papers are here J. PRE•ETER New Dress Goods RIGHT NOW • IS THE TIME TO BUS: YOUR NEW SILK DRE FIGURED SILK CREPES ARE. E XCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR DR SHOWN INA'TTR•ACTIVE COMBINATIONS ARE NEW. SOME A THERE ARE ` NO , TWO ALIKE. IS THIS NOT A GREAT ADV AN New Silk Crepe in dress 'lengths in good colorings at 75c and, New Violes in plain white and figured at 50 cents. New Spring Silks in plain an d alan•cy weaves $1.00 to $1.75. SS OR SUITS FOR SPRING, WEAR ESSES. .OLD PATTERNS ARE RE CUT IN DRESS LENGTHS. TA GE? 90 cents. PALM BEACH SUITINGS This is one of. the most popular cloths this season and will be worn by everyone. ernes 36 inches wide, 40 cents. Silk Georgette in pink, white, black and tan, $1.50. New Prints and Ginghams Buy now and get the pick of the patterns in gingh•am,s and ;prints. Kingcott Gingham' are known by everyone and can be relied upon for color, being fast and the cloth strong at 15cents Prints at 15c and 18cents. NOW FIanneilettes, dark and light at 12J c, 15e, 17c, and 20e This cloth yd. SKIRTINGS and COTTONADES Now is the ,time to put in y our supply of skirtings and cott onadea at the lowrile co ing what theyWill be consider -- n e buy again. ain. ShirLings at 18c up. Cbttonad es . MEN'S WORK CLOTHES A big range of work shirts,overalls, smocks, etc., to select from at a price that will suit everybody's ,pockets. MEN'S SUIT LENGTHS 40 pieces 'of ,Men'a suit lengths to clear at a Big Reduction. ;RUGS and LI NOLE U MS We have at present the largest assortment of Rugs and Linoleum' to chose from than ever before. RUGS—A large variety of patterns and prices. Sizes to fit any room. Bought be:ore the ad- vance d-oance so we can give big values. DRAPERIES --A nice assortment. Call early and mike your pureh'.ces while the,, last. Highest Price for Produce. . Phone 9 ZURICH 1 k%•4P4 '404 -4r-r . .a.;,..: i •i,r, :.ys i°� �Y ` + exl,,1; tf ','hetitA' ! .ti w 4 •+t.•, N .tit 4! t� v"rs" t�.pti .t�:� r•"i $M 1,�r�`�ti �, A�Rha,e� C:'a; 4. 4. 4- 4. 4. 4 .1r, 4 4. • Sh i y a Y q R >'V .Y