HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-05-11, Page 6.1+++++l++II++1+1++3+•l++i++ iNG GOODS 41+ IW+E ARE NOW READY TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN * THE VARIOUS LINES OF SPRING GOODS. WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU INSPEOT OUR RANGE OF + SEASONABLE GOODS AND GET OUR RPICES WHICH YOU ..��.. TWILL FIND VERY REASONABLE CONSIDERING THESE 44 IW AR TIMES. DRESS GOO -DS A shipment of Berges to hand, suitable for Ladies' suits •41+ or dresses, in black, navy, brown, wine. Also Panama 4. cloths, Gaurbardines, etc. Silks Are very fashionable for spring and summer wear. We have a ,nice range to chose from in crepe du chene, 'Paillettes, silk poplens, habitue/Ls in waist and dress length Prices from 25c to $1:85 .per' yard. CIA rains Novelty Scrimm curtains in white and /ecru at from $1.25 +$, to $5.00 a pr. Curtain scrimnm,s, bungalow netts, etc. Waterproofs t Special value in Ladies rain coats in black, navyand +41. tan, 15 only while they last+only •$4.75. sa Wind ►w sh ides +1 A supply on hand which we are selling at the very low 4price at 4oc each. + New Wallpapers 4.4 a In attractive designs. Sure to please you. We also have lindleums and floor oilcloths. A fine lot of rugs in different 4 sizes, etc.+ seeds +"We are ready to supply your wants in reliable field and gardenseeds at right prices. WV.iiiii is is': ! I I• I ' a. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS • ON /HAND h esssatea. is=031130010**1441 ;„3/taaalst Cream, -egg., 110.1 01.)3✓ t A. N 11 • 1.1 . ) Will pay highest cash price Cleans Butter and Eggs' delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time •during the week. Phone 5, . ZURI( V ;POPE ICIOCIEICIPOOMPEICMX391121011:111111,* 201141610104 i..D.UDSON, w saa STANDING FIELD 'CROP COMPETITION ' !Zurich Agricultural iSaciety iaf- feas $75.00 divided as folL.owt9;-1, 4. $20.00, 15.00, 142.00, 10.00, 8., 6, amd4 3: for the belst field of white Oats'. Cz, Ontario Department. of Ag- • new: t..r: will furnish the Judges: Nature of Competition- Field enieae.. for competition must cou-, sass sa not less than five .teres anti + 4. + 4r + -g+ 4. 4. + & SonJ.Gascho4. a.;+3+ 4•44++++++++++++++++++4.4.4441+++++++++++++++++++++++++ .+l.+g..g++l.•g.3+3++pt..1".1.+P3.3.•II++++13++1+•g•4•+i+•'rd+3++S+++i3++1++b3++3r3+34+1•+++rd+33++1•++II+++1+ taW0!•0•SgOtDONl0•00000N 4911•O0NNg0•111•lN11HNe•N MasseyllarriS Implements We have beenre=appointed Agents for the ••,•• named Implements and are prepared tc take orders of, kinds of Massey-Harrismachines for next season. not more than twenty. Competilooas-Competition+will be limited to members of fZurich A, Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and and but one entry can, be made by each comn,petitor. Any individual can make entry for title co +'pfetiti=\ on by becoming a memb ' +t the Society and ,paying an enfi� e feel of $1. Alt competitors mlasPst in15 miles of Zurich t ons MIA be in by thel3he May. ne Entry forms and tali' lars may be had by"r Andrew F. Hess. S LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursd:,> . Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts .35 38 05 2 50 2.50 2.75 79 So 1 00 1 25 700 775 $40 00 4i.00 Low Grade bag 2.90 Live Hoge fob Hensel! 16 00 Local News All finished work for the Red Cross given out by the ;Women s Institute should be returned at once.. IWe have ju!at received, a large shipment of 'auto tires' and tubes,. which we had bought before the enormous advance. +Wealso put into stock a Large 'supply of aut- omobile accessories, such as spark, plugs, vulcanizers, batteries,cent, entle;ss patches, tire talc, rubber tire putty§ blow out patches, re- finers, tire gauges( battery test-• ers, carbon removers etc. Cali in and see nlq, pricea right at Hartleable . ,TWO SMASHUPS ' �• Two collisilans' occured recently lust wesit ,oft Zun'ich, whikch. might tM'ye eansdd s!eriou,s.injuries to the ✓!ties con�cetrned, , blit, luckily all. eiscapeld ',with ani✓aor iejurieist. On; Setorday (night the auto..driiven by Mr. H. /Wallters and the rig driven, by Mr. (H. Schoch camie together on• the Z1urrich road. with the result that the 1a;tter's buggy was badly wrecked, Schoch's ;horse ran away and was captuiied the next mern- ing near the .evangelical chure.hl shed • A moire serious accident happen- ed. an /Sunday night near the same spot. Mr. Philip Masse, wife and children, were returning home amid in Some areas, a collision took Illlaue betwleen his buggy and an auto owinedi by Mr. P. Mcisaac, of Dashwood. Both auto and (rig were precipitated into the .ditch, the auto landing on tap of the buggy. Luckily all escaped ser - ions injury, although the buggy wee a wreck and, the auto also was badly damaged. • all runs pus .1a.1sl eupu £uiaue v ,_ • ,.. , Ildea'naS tlI20N atil til stain i were »rrnQ "QTT•1 til a7Tt,}') 01;12 I nn passed; M. Neshitt, ;for C. Itopp to;;3unie • 1017 $39.00; Mtrr aeipal World :eiip•- • plies, 53.00; C.. Weber ezpre#0,;1.S5; . Crediton Tel. Co. 006 ae, 7.95; Bell Tel. Co. L. D. T. 'March, 47.90; C. • • Eilber woalk B. of H. 3.00; J. Sopha work amid 'tile a.50; P. Denomm,e •, .team, for drag C. R. 8.50 1 The colu+acii will meet again on June end lat 10 o`clock as a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll, • (and fo'r general work;. s,. • . F. Hesfsl, Sr., 'CLer1 . • _ • STEPHEN COUNCIL • The Council of the Township of Stephen convened ..in the Town, Hall, Crediton, on .Monday, the 7th • day of May A�..D 11917 'at 1 p. m, a All /members were present. The, minutes of the previous /meeting were read and adapted WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the saime class of goods. Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman 54a ae Deal F. Hess & Son The Old Stand :Mg••A/•••MN•fNN+•NtfN!•a•••N/•gNNN•M•••N• •50,000 FEET t MAPLE SAW 4:i :t. LOGS WANTED4 * 50,000 feet good hard maple saw logs wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. $ : Also all kinds of other logs wanted. I Custom Sawing our Specialty 1 z r0J . 4+ FLEISC1I +1+ PHONE 19 s ZURICH +.. Fe C 4 ssa¢.w a� +4444++i++�1++F'44+l++i•+l++l+•II++1+++++++•l+d++E++++++U++F++t+++h+l++i++�+Y'lt�i+4 14i -v 31r. John Brenner is erecting a, ,view stable at the rear of hies lot. iWe have ;the following varieti- es of Rcanies Extra selected seed es St! Rennie'. Extra selected seed; 4,,Lrn for eiabe; IWie. No. 7 White) > p Yel'lOW Dent, Lemming, Early) $siley, M. Stomalaero Sweet, and :Xing Philip. Also Sorghum, .Mengel and Turnip. seeds, J. Wistee o k Sion. Neeb-Mawhinney; That ` ' the Reeve and Treasurer be Aufthoriz- ed to sign the debentures for the, Hydro -Electric Prowler to be fur- nished to the Police Village of Dashwoodamounting to $1632.00„ and that the Clerk he instructed 'to affix the seal of the corporation thereto. Carried, Yearley -Webb; That the Court of Reivsion to consider ap- peals agaizys(t the assessment roll for the present year . be held on Saturday, the 216th !of May, at 10 h, an,. Ca!rriied. The following orders were /pas- sed; pas-seed; ' Hanna, LeSuer & McKinley. Sol- icitors' fees re; Lawson; $132•,19; Herbert Fanner, printing, $3.00; R. English, grate for ditch, $2.66; Wm, l4iawhinney grading Blks. 5;6, 7,. C. lad,, 8.00...; T. Webb and others grading, 25.00; Geo. Mason filling in washout, 1:,00; hTos Year- ley, teaming, 3.50; Gen.' Hepburn grading Let slide road, 3,00; {Keo. Walper jdrawing gravel, 50e. The cduneil adjourned to meet again in the Town Hain Crediton en (May 26th tett when gravel contracts 'with be let. ,Henry Balser, clerk Mr. E. Appel h(as disposed of his men's clothing, tweeds,•:uid wool- lens to ;Stewart Bros., Seaforth. He will {sell suits by sample frofti now ot, and bins gents furnishings will be sold ;at great ii Whig f►ric- da'5 •..� 4i 4y...1 t •1 t. FARMERS CAN BORROW MONEY TO BUY SEED Bon T. W. McGarry, provincial ,treasurer, announces that the Ont- ario Government has made arran- gements with the Bankers' Asso- ci9aioln, (tlininough the organization, of resources committee, whereby farmers who need money to pur- chals•e seed may receive, reasonable sredl:+: Qi. ,branches faL ,all banks' an give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay . Customers. FURNIY ^CAE NEWS. WIE HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0 F FURNITURE !WHICH WE ARU SELLING AT THE OLD PRICES AND HAVE A CARLOAD COM- ING ALSO BOUGHT AT THE QLD PRICE. THIS :WILL BE EXTRA GOOD BUYING FOR THOSE NEED,. ING ANYTHING IN FURNITURE. IN HARDWARE WE HAVE ALSO A LOiT OF GOODS LEFT +WHICH WE SELL AT' 'THE OLD UPRICE. WE HAVE OVER $1000.00 WORTH OF MARTIN-SENOUR'& 100 PER CENT. PURE PAINT AT ;TIIE OLD PRICES. COME QUICKLY IF YOU WANT TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE AB THE GOODS ARE GOING FAST AT TRE PRICES WE ASK POR ITH BM @. I4ARTLEIB, zuaicn HURON'SlLARCEST COMBINATION STORE romummuwwdmaw 1 e.Agie7 UTT.LEY-IW ILDS The .marriage.ceremony was sol- emnized on ;Wedne'sday forenoon; in R C. chiurch, Zurich, by Rev, Farther, A. Stnoe,der whein Erma,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Uttley, of !Zurich, was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr. Jos, tWilde, sloe of Ur. and Mrs. Marlk% /Wilds of Stephen township: The wedding party, and guests re- paialed to the home of the groom's par,einits in the afternoon where 'an enjoyralble time was spent, Mr. land Miis. IW(ilds settle on the finle farm an the Goshen Line Stephen., owned by the groom, where the best wishes of many friends follow them. DEATH OF SUSAN -NA SCHROE''D� ER On 'T•hurstday, last there passed. away •ajt iIher home iin-Zurich,•Miss' Susanna Schroeder, lin her 37th year. .Deceased thad been in fail- ing heallth' for some time and her death was /not /unexpected. Her; death, which took place so soon/ affter that lot heir lather, the late Fred Schroeder, has eas* n deep gloom over tithe relatives and f'rien,ds. Beelides her mother, is nuanber of tb'rothers and sisters, survive her. The funeral was held on ,Saturday afternoon, the re- maims, being interred ink the Byron. son Line cemetery. The funeral serviced were held In the Evangel - i411 church, , + We extend to all the ladies of Zurich and vicinity a cordial invitation to attend our Sting Millinery Openings, wluieh will be held on Friday and Saturday, Mar. goof and s/d and following days. In the Xew Mill finery Parlors in ,.111 ''s. Me'Cormicit's old stand. IDELLA E. KLINE &NYARMAWMAMWMMARIWWWWYMMIM Brighten -up your Home. Ladies' Department HOUSE-CLEANING IS NOIW AT HAND. IP IN NEED OP RUGS, LINOLEUM, LACE CURTAINS, ,ETC., NE CAN SHOW YOU ALL f.PHE LATEST. A f!ult line of Ladies' Wais'ts,'House Dresses, Middies, Chitdrell'rA► Dresses, Aprons etc. Why sit down to make your clothes whet& you earn buy therm. ready made at less than cost of making. LADIES RAIN COATS -$5. lead up, SPORT COATING. A nice 'range of sport coating in mitt r !I . + , • 1 lengths only. ,.. LADIES' MIDDY TIES. Just received a nice range of Middy tie* • ; .Something new. ` a SPRINR AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS In latest color* ani. I 1 i ; ' i patterns, CALL AND .GET. A MONTHLY NEW IDEA FASHION LEAF 1'REta4, Saturday Special 20c and 25c Ribbons at 15c a yard Men's Department COME AND TAKE A LOOK THROUGH OUR IMMENSE. STOCE OF NEW BATS, CAPS, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, ARROW COLLARS, GLOVES, SOCKS, ETC. SPORT SHIRTS -Our "tock of sport shirts is complete tan and white WB HANDLE ROYAL PURPLE SCALF MEAL. ROYAL PURPL* CRICK FEED GEED CORN LLND TIMOTHY SEED FOR SAL& ERwH GROCERIES Afr ALL T, T. 1. WORM Phone