HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-05-11, Page 5Tke Chucrhes EVANGELICAL enrEcII SERVICES Sunday, german me,. "-•. 9.45 a, m Sunday School 11.00 a. m ' Service English ..7.30 pan Tuesday Jr. Y, P. A. - 1,30 p.,m Tuesday, Y. P. A. ... 8,15 p. en Thursday Peayer Meeting 7.30 p.m Friday, Choir Practice 8 301. m Ladie'a Aid, First Tuesday o eatrh Month. ... ...... 2,30 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Sehioot ... ... e. 2 p. German Services, Sunday 10 30a.m„ English Service Sunday, 7.00 p. Luther League, Friday 8. p. w Ladies' Aid .meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p. m. • • tn, Th Zurich Meet MARKET! Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS et HIDES Yun ibiut Deichert' or Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich The Home Iosuarnce C Ca lie] arphisto 'oficybci +ers $19,536,177.25 neures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $1:00 for 8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. H. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich LOCAL NEWS II 1000D MIK PirDO for Sale very cheap. L. Prang Zurich: Miss Emma Tleidemar of Detroit is visiting at the, Nome of h;er par- elnfts here ti $800.00 worth of boy's clothing must be rod at once. Great Bar- gains. • E, i4ppe7. ;M+r. Fred. Thiel and iyricie, lot Kitchener, Ontt., are spending they week at the holm& of the foa•zner'6< parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thiel, of, tbwin, /Flowers for M'other's Day wiA Abe Io(n isfale at C. Fritz's ,shoe store. text ;Saturday afternoon and ev-, en:ng. 1Hd.nor your mother by, wearing a flower next Sunday, Mils. J. Pregter• and Mrs. W. L. .Siebert were called' to Crediton;on (We,dneuday on account of the ill- ness sof Mrs, S. Brown, who had ;to undergo an ap,erat:on for ap- rpehidicitis, • ea fall of enlow (declared the ground, on We4neisw<3taY (mpttiia>ig. Mise Mary ,Kipper Of Godeljich Visiting her horrne here at palette (Two one-yelar•.olcl eteerls' f sale, ISoti B"eehier, Bronson Lit Many Teeiden�tis Zurich an viciuni�tiy hkave got their +'supply coal •lie £o!r ,next winter. Mr. and Mrs, J. I(, Ethlera, Dashwood, were vieritore intoe for a feaw 1wyis �thii u eche. Mies Carrie Gat:lman, who' ape the winter in •Michigan, return to her home here on Friday las FOR SALE -a One ;Jersey co W, 5 ydars old and (o.nd Hol tei''n '.heifer, 1 year old. P. Koehler, Zurich, The Globe blas nafis►ed its sub- serllpti�on price to $4.00 per yearn owing to i,nerease cost of papere wages, inks, etc. Our clubbing rate w'it'h the Glome has beenrrais eid to $4:75. FOR 'SALE-ial)ur and one half auras of land, situated near Zurich Road on the billed, Line. Suitable for giardenling or pasture. For particulars ,apply to A. F. Hess, Herald Office. Arbor Day was observed in• Z. P. S, on Friday. /This year in is nt, oar; ilex 4.EGA oA�RC,i.�c, orf f'RounroOTf' E Barristers, Solo tors, Notaries of Public ,c. Office, on the Square, 2nd n door from Hamiiton St, Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates nt W. Paovnroar, 1 . C. J. 14. KJLL0Birr, 11. J. D. Comm ed' Mr. Cooke will be in Rensall on Friday t. and Saturday of each week. 1 Ciassitied Ads11 A number of the men employed stead of sowing flower seeds th in !pu_ting up the hydrop�cles were, children sowed vegetable seed they are thus doing their "bit' towards an;ore p.rbdu tion•" BINDER 'WINE SHORT AGE A :shortage of bind;e'r twine faces, the continent. The ,supply of ship Ong to transport hemp from Man- illa is stnall, land: German ships will be utilized. This, however, - will not do away w'i'nk the difficulty of getting shipments east owing to the railway car shortage. The Brantford Cordage Co. stocks are getting very low. It has 140 car- loads of hemp at Pacific coast ploin�ts, which it cannot bring east owing to the railway- embargoes, If the trouble con.ti:nues the ;West will he deeply affected. _..--_-+--.--. D Schroeder -At Zurich, on May 3rd'Sus+a.nnan Schroeder, in her 37th'. year. MARRIED :Wilds-Uttley-At St. Bonifa'ie R. C. church, oln• May 9th, by Rev. Father, A. !Straeder, Miss Erma, Uttley. of Zurich, to Mr. Jos. :Wilds, of Stephen: en'tertlained at the Maple Leaf Carib on :Tuesday evening and they re - .port having • had a splendid time much better than they' had • at walla of the neighboring places. ;Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. T. Dowson, and daughter, ;of Pakowki Alta., formerly of. the 14th con., Hay, !are vi•s:ting friencl,s and relatives +here at present. Mr. Dowson has sort his farm. out west and Intends to retire from the ^aictive duties of farming. Mr. C. Either has been appointed Health �Inspec'co'r of the Township of Hay for x191+'7. He/ avili .start out on the annual inspection tour May ay 2thth and before that date every yard, out house, school prem etc., should be thoroughlyu cleaned. Mr. Leon Jeffrey has been, ap- pointed manage:. of the St. Joseph. Brick yards in place ort the .late Jeffrey, and the business will. be conducted in the usual way.. The Company hats been fortunate in `aec.uaing the services Of Mr, Jeffrey as he hast had six years e. se experience in the work. of brickl CAtRD OF THANKS !and tile making, ,.• • 1TIie members. of the family o7 :Thew 8elason ..fea,e;Weitled trout the late . 'Riede OpIr cede ylv ,4 to •dre-ii a weekfiern Tues- extend that. thinks',t+otthe many diay, and alreacTy , applications for, friends who' So' kindly. /assisted licenses are bee�o.ming numerous, them, in thelere,eent sad bereave The catch of one individual is lim- meat.i ited to ten pounds a day, in no greater number than 30 speckled REPRESENTATIVE WANTED brown trout a .day through their m cobined w�elight is lee's than ten. pounds. The sale of trout caught is ,larohibited. A Scotchman who suffered ter- ribly from. insomnia, was advised to consult a s'heciartist. When the, eonsultlation was over the un- sophisticated old man asked what; there was ,to pay'. One guinea; said 'the doctor, and the old man paid 7t, Then he returned home, Later, recounting his experience, New illustrated catalogue sent he said wilds a, pathetic quaver in an ligation. his voice; "Yon' roan cure meS atV'now at best selling time. o' slepp�tesrsaress! Dae ye; ken, I Liberal Propositions. conldna' sleep fora hale :fortnight! Stone 8. ''2��1Y1 tail after thinldn ,oil whit I head to. g pey him, a' x In the days when the prices of almost everything are advaneeing the publisher has to discern sharp ly between what items he should insert free in his .paper and what should be paid for. People very often forget that the columns of :a newspaper are the publisher's stook in trade, and he can t o more giveaway his product than can a grocer .. give away his good or a farmer his grain and produce. We have to bear tier share of war /tax and give }aur share to this, that and the other thing, the same `as other people. In addition to this it is costing every newspaper in the ;catintry at least 50: to 60 per cent. more to produce their paper now than it did before the war, owing to ,the advance in paper, ink, type and other material. Dealer in Lightning Rods you are goirng"to have our lkiouse •_ painted this year., I ,e an save you money. ON THE JoB Estimates cheerfully given on new or old work. NEN WORK A SPECIALTY H. H. LITTLE Hensall PAINTING, GRAINING,. PA1'Rlt HANGING . •/Also decry a full line of up -to it date Wall papers. UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate r''harges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. H. HOFFMAN Zuxich. Ontario NINIONIMINIsmairamionimi At once for Zurich and district" for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' spring 1917 Planting List now ready, Splendid list of Hardy Canad:an 7•7u.' al.-: ornamental Stock in- cluding McIntosh Rcd Apply, St. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. • BUY YOUR SEEDS FROM ME Mangold Millet Sorghum Corn NOW IS ,THE TIME TO BUY LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale 1 The Fonthill Nuseries. (Established 1837) R0NT0 LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. Good (1� supply on hand. Cr F. CASE & SON PHONE 35 H E N SA LL G� R. Hess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS 4--•h Rej5azing a Specialty THE CELEBRATED DELEWARL AND HUDSON CO'S. L ACKAWAN A C THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE D .A. Cantelon Hensall TELEPHONE Office NO. 10, +House. No. 10, B FOR UDE Good' fra77ne dwelling house ant three lets for sate. Good stable on premises'. !Situated in Zurich For pfar'tieulare lapp!ly: to A;, F. Beset17.{uxich, .�.i Nr `' ,",:,'�'. �' •it;�.. E, rl. fel ulna 1i:txl;� eifie,^ U. A. C&iitelon,• C.. Haatiei' A SNAP on Farm Wagons I PURCHASED A NUMBER 0 F FARM WAGONS AT A EAR* GAIN AND AM GOING TO GIVE THE FARMERS OF THIS SEC-•' 'PION THIN ADVANTAGE OF TH IS PURCHASE, IF NEEDING ONE CALL EARLY AS I HAVE ONLY A LIM- ITED NUMBER. Two De Laval Separators at old price TWO DE LAVAL SEPARATO ORS LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE.. Take advantage of this ALSO TWO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE AT THE OLD PRICE; Bargain on low-down manure spreader LOW DOWN MANURE SPRE ADER AT THE OLD PRICE, DO NOT MISS THESE SNAPS We handle pumps, piping, etc. L. PRANG ZURICH 20,000 TENS Cross Fertilizer Co. RAGS WANTED BASIC SLAC Also all kinds of junk. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Will call s000n Phone No. 35 A. Mittelholtz Zurich FARM FOR SALE Lot 8, con. 4, Stanley., 103 acres 80 aered cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and Am now taking or :ers Io: winter, delivery. The past season has ..gain shown that Baei: S"ag gives best satisfaction for grain ancl! beans For re"e-ence ask farmers in this locality who have used it. Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of L'ef'ts:iter male by one of the larg-. est Canal:an Compa :i s Ageney for Commercial Fer ilizers for w0oodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barn' every purpose x50, on stone foundation. Two good wells, orchard, and small jfruits, This fnrm is 3% mites f.o.zi I Brucefield and Kippen and is 6 s>' I miles from Hensel'. Easy sY terms A 1 a. .:=� "W'31 x' •All d .R:. B. , p 1 � No. 2, Efensall, phone 6-83 j il. at. IN A. JaSEPH Rkij Zurich. eel �'° • ef ar: 1111 1101111 Paint protects. Paint wards off rot and decay. Paint is a property improvement that increases the value of your whole place: Paint is an investment that pays a big profit in prosperous appearance and long life to the buildings. We have 5 used Ford cars ranVing in price from $250 to $375. These ears have all been overhauled and are guaranteed to be in good running order. Call and see them. COOK BROS., Ford and Studebaker dealers Hensall, Ont. Have you relneeWed your sub- scription to the Herald for 1917? (Made in Canada) is saving the farmers of Canada hundreds of thousands of dollars by protecting their homes and barns from wear and weather. This pure, reliable paint spreads easily and is the cheapest in the end, because it covers 900 square feet of surface per gallon and lasts far longer'_ than the cheap prepared paint or hand»mixed lead and oil. :Ask for "Farmer's Color Set" and "Town and Country Homes". Just what you'll need in planning your painting, - ti a