HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-27, Page 8'„ WE ARE NOW READY TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN 4* 4. fq* (THE VARIOUS LINES OP SPRING GOODS. 'WI: WOULD +� BE PLEASED TO -HAVE YOU INSPECT OUR RANGE OF ,'1i,, ,�' SEASONABLE GOODS AND GET OUR RPICES WHICHYOU + TWILL FIND VE1 Y REASONABLE CONSIDERING THESE T. WAR TIMES- 3 DRESS GOODS 4. A shipment of Berges to hand, Suitable for Ladies' suits F or drelssees, in black, navy, brown, wine. Also Panama :4047 .. cloths, Garbardines, etc. , t 4. 3 Silks Are very fashionable for sprang and Summer wear. We have a mice range to chose from in crepe du chene, Paillettes, silk poplens, habituas in waist and dress length ,N 4. Prices f'o'am 75c to $1.•85 per yard. 4. Curtains Waterproofs Special value in Ladies rain coats in black, navy and ,x. .L. 4. • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .4. 4. 4* 4. 4. 4* 4. Novelty Serimm curtains in white and ecru at from $1.25 to $5.00 a pr. Curtain seriatim, bungalow netts;, etc. tap', 15 'only while they last; only $4.75. Window shades A supply on hand which we are selling at the very low price of 40c each.. New Wallpapers In attractive designs. Sure to please you. 'We also have linoleums and floor oilcloths. A fine lot of rugs in different sizes, etc. Seeds We are ready to supply your Watka in reliable field and garden seeds at right prices. :, { ; 4 ,. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND J. Gascho & Son ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 • 4S1 PA*4.744"4. eeee- 3 „'= glar To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario. Keeens this year GG and poultry prices, the likeof which have seldom - Li or never been experienced, certainly make it worth anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that' you are doing something towards helping Britain, Canada. andthe .Allies achieve victory this year. Increased production of food helps not only to lower the high cost of living, but it helps to increase the. - urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export. It saves money otherwise spent for eggs and poultry' at high prices, and saves the labor of others whose effort is needed for more vital war work. The Ontario Department of Agriculture will give every possible assistance by affording information about poultry keeping, Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (address below). t'A vegetable garden for every home" Nothing should be overlook -ed. in this vital year of the war. The D' epar:ment earnestly invites everyone to help increase production by growing vegetables. Even the smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience is not essential. On request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direc- tions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, etc. A plant of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free to any address Address Letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Dcpartxnent of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Ontario Department of Agriculture W. 1.1. Hearst, Minister of Aericulturo Parliament Buildings Toronto 9 Cream, w gs and Butter W 4,., T E D Will pay high .s" cash price for Cream Butter and Egg.- delivered at my residence, Zurich, at a.ky time during the week, 1, HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH id i3c 3 , i F3zr; ' ro r ocasco eywar£ i3 ticoac3I1*3t c Y ontere lce of Evan. Association. demi Annual Corafer4uee of Ohs x s,a✓n+ge1ica9 Association ,. was, n.:nti zn xellueney, - 1911. isisisop S. C. Breyfogei, .0. D. of heading, Pa. occupied the .;nair;, un ulnarly, Apri. LLnd., It, Pietch was ordained Elder, and, Ezra Otodu•, !W'. B. .Uingrs, Penner, dud C. Reidt received. De- e COD'S e-aeons Orders. Field ISeeret'ary, Rev,. B. :R;, ,Wiener conducted the .,missionary services ,on Sunday afternoon and evening land the sum of $3100.00. was .received as a missionary off- ering. ff-erin . she ministers and presiding eld; ers were stationed as follows: EAST DISTRICT Cr D. Damm, Presiding Elder.. Aldboro, J. C. Moriock; .3z npri- or, L. iWittich; Blenheim, N. R, Ernest: •Camb:den, W. Drier; Ful- lerton, J. A. Schmidt; Gainsboro, A. F. Stoltz; .Golden Lake, W. S. Henrich; Hamilton, A. E. Plelsch; Killaloe, E. H. Dorsch; Hespler, A. T. Nash; Kitchener, J. P. Ilaueh and A. Y, Heist; Milverton, E. H. Bean; Morriston, To be supplied; New 'Hamburg, ,VV. 0. Hoehn; Nia- gara, H. A. Kellerman anal J. ' D. Fenner: North East Hope, N. H. Reibling; Pembroke, W. M. Sippel; Rainham, G. L. Gross and J. B. Dengis ; S'ebring t-ille, W. E. Seise; South E .ast Hope, C. R. Knuth; '1avistock, A. D. Gischler•; Toron- to. ( rv. Cinem.eranan ; - iioching- liana, L. riEL Pletsch. NORTH DISTRICT J. ,G Litt; Presiding Elder. Bridgeport, S. R. Kneehtel ;ches ley, 8. M. Rauch; Crediton, E. D, Becker; Dashwood '01. Meyer; E1-, mina., G. F. Brown; Elmwood, 0. G. +Halilmam ; Hangover, A. W. Sauer; Listowel, H. H. L.eibold,; Maitland, W. A. Campbell; 'Mildsnray, J. S. Burn; Niorm,an•by, S. E. Sehroed- er; Parry Sound, S. Schlotihaa•er; St. J!aciobs, M. L. Wing; Stratford, 1W. J. Yeager; NYialk,ertony, ,T. H. Grenz .bath; Waterloo, Emil Burn; iWa1tace, D. Ii. Brand; Zurich, F. B. Meyer; Port Elgin, E. M. G-iseh ler. NORTH WEST DISTRICT L al, Wagner, Presiding Elder Bean.sefour and Morris, E. Schro- eder; Didsbury, L. Amacher; Ed monton, J. S. Domiun and ueo Snyder; Good Hope, G.. W. .Mac- Cracken; Hanna, C. S. Finkb.einer Happy Land, E. E. Martin ; Irvine J. K. (Schwalm; Kenaston, Geo Be'acroft ; Medicine 'Hat, K Gretzenger; Melville, IC, Eidt Morse, H. J. Holtzman; Nendorf, E. G. Bloch; Pakowki, J. Golding Regina, A. Clemens; Rheim anc Esk, W, (. Wagner; Rosithern, J. G. Domain•; ISibervil'le and Mayton, to be supplied; W innip;eg, ,T. G, Burn. , t( BORN i Hess -At Zurich, on, Sunday, Apr- il 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew IP. 'Hess, !a, soln!, • DIED Jeffrey -At 14th con., Hay on April 24th, Louis Jeffrey former- ly sof. ZuPridh. t . Holt In 'Goderieh, on Wednesday April 18th, Philip Holt, in his, 65th. year. ' r ' , MARRIED Castle -Currie -At Knox C)urch; manse, Goderich, 'on Wednesday April 111th., by Rev. R. C. MeDer- mid, Laura Florence, second dau- ghter of Mrs. Currie to Thomas iWilliam Castle, both. of Hayfield, Cameron -Foster -At Varna, on April 14th, Annabel, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pos- ter. to Robert Cameron of Hen- sal'l. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter .35 Eggs 33 Dried Apples 05 Potatoes .. 2 50 Wheat 2.00 2.10 Oats 70 85 Barley 100 Buckwheat 1 25 Flour 6 00 ` 6 50 Bran $42 00 Shorts 4 u Low Grade bag 2.9u Live Hogs fob Hensall 15 50 Local News Seed corn. and timothy seed for sale, iT. L. Wiu,rm. One Deering disc drill and one Melotte cream separator for sale. Good as nes', L. Prang, Zurieh. JUDGE ,HOLT` PASSES .luuge Holt, wno since August last had been lying almost help- less a,c his home, Goderich, there., suit oi. a stroke of paralysis; pas- sed quietly away early Wednesday morning, of fast week, deeply mourned by the people of the town in which he had lived for forty years. Judge Holt h,adb een juniorludge of the County of Huron since Dec- ernfi3er, ' 190,2, and for many years .reviou's to his appointment to the each had been prominent in muni - pal affa irs, as well as in his pro; We give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay Customers., FURNITURE NEWS WIE HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0 F FURNITURE WHICH WE ARIA SELLING AT THE OLD PRICES AND .HAVE A CARLOAD COM• ING ALSO B0[7GHT AT THE 0 L PRICE. THIS WILL BE EXTRA GOO D BUYING FOR THOSE NEED- ING ANYTHING IN FURNITURE. IN HARDWARE WE HAVE ALSO A LOT TIF C• ODDS LEFIT !WHICH WE SELLA ' THE OLD UPRICE. IR'E HAVE OVER $1000.00 WORTH OP MARTIN-SENOURla 100 PER CENT. PURE PAINT AT) 1THE OLD PRICES. COME QUICKLY IF YOU 'WANT TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE AS THE GOODS ARE GOING FAST AT THE PRICES WE ASK FOR iP 1 EM I411RTLEIB, ZvC�l'CFI HURON'SILARCEST COMBINATION i3 TORE 4iiaYYY{ivUMliVYtiYtihrWW4NwWWWW LriYYY W l 4 e)44"eixe;74 1 YVe extend to all the ladies of Zurich and vicinity a cordial invitation to attend 0157' Spring ()ve72in s, which will be held 072 Friday and Saiurday, Mar. .576r/ and.4d cancl f'ollowi'ng clays. �I7z the New .;Millinery :Parlors in Mrs. - �?ITcCo7'7nich's oicl .stcand, L� ra , A pretty wedding was, solemniz- ed at Fairfax Manitoba, on Satur- day; March 17, at 3.30 o'clock, ar, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamesi Honeyman, when their *Riese daughter, Helen Agnes, was united; in ,marriage to Mr. l`hiomas Dod- man of Twin Hill, Sask., formerly of the Salable Line, Hazy. The Rev. •Sm{alley of Elgin performed the ceremony in the drawing roomj which was artistically decorated for the occasion with emblems of Ireland's patron Saint. The bride, was bec'ommaingiy attired in a; gown of reseda green silk poplins Her veil Sof turtle was esiught with, a 'a rstaiuh of orange blossoms and; she carried a boquet of pink ear - nations. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs, Dodmain left for Regina and S'a►iikatoon where the honey-, moon will be ,spent before retiring to 'Twin fin, Where they will make, their future home. The bride tray elled lin ;,t snit of navy blue serge the Coat opened over a blouse of, raze crepe +de chem. A close, 'fitting hat and •a Set' of Persian: Laino 'fors completed the costume, The bride was attended by Misj Olive Honeyman,, while Pte., _;3,,c, Honeyman supported the ill 1th .. Zurich g,"M (DELLA E ALINE MNG1WRAMRAMMutPRR+tUtM IA Brighten.iip your Home. Ladies' Department (HOUSE-CLEANING IS NOW AT HAND. lTF IN NEED Oltzt RUGS, LINOLEUMS, LACE CURTAINS, ETC., (WE CAN SHOW YOU ALL IrHE LATEST. A full line of Ladies' Wais•ts,',House Dresses, Middies, Claildrenc'et Dresses, Aprons ete. Why sit down to make your clothes ss -her, you can buy, them ready made at less than cost of making. LADIES RAIN COATS -$5, land up. SPORT COATING. A nice' range sof sport coatling in Boat ; r • lengths only. LADIES' MIDDY TIES. Just received a nice range of Middy tie* Something new. ` >s SPRINR AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS In latest colors audt 1 ; , i patterns, CALL AND GET A MONTHLY NEW IDEA FASHION LEAP PRE% Satu rday Special 20c and 25c Ribbons at 15c a yard Men's Department COME AND TAKE A LOOK THROUGH OUR IMMENSE ;STOCK OF' NE'W HATS, CAPS, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, ARROW COLLARS' GLOVES, SOCKS, ETC.' fi SPORT SHIRTS -Orr stock of sport shirts is complete tan and'wnite, WE HANDLE ROYAL • PURPLE SCALD' MEAL. . ROYAL Rt7RPC,.Pi., CHICK FEED • SEED CORN 4ND TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. , FRESH GROCERIES AT ;ALL TIMFic;. • L. WLIRM Phone