Zurich Herald, 1917-04-27, Page 5The Clumrbes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, German -.. .. 9.45' a, en. " Sunday School 11.00 a, m, R' Service English. ,.•7.00 pen.. Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A. 7.30 p.m Tttesday, Y. P. A. 8,15 p, en. 'Intraday Prayer IV%eeting 7.30 p.m, Friday, Choir Practice -- 8 301. m. Lathe's Aid, First :Tuesday of earth. Montle ....,.'2.30 p.tn, LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool •.• 2 p•m, German Services, Sunday 10 30a.m English Service Sunday, 7.00 p.m Luther League, Friday 8, p. an. ,Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p. in, Zurich Meat MARKET' Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CAST. FOR SKINS & I31DES 7i gbh. t & 13,413.1111.1. IP Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, TO. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT Loii Co. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich The Home Insuarnce Co. ."aft- Paid-up a. Paidup Capital„$6,00Q,000 Sur lus to JPalioyholders $19,536,177:25 ' Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. G. ?T en - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate Charges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. IL HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario . If you are going to have your hoose painted this year, 1 . an save you money. ON IT13E J.oB Estimates cheerfully given 00 new OT old work. NEW WORK: A SPECIALTY H H. LITTLE Hens all °PAINiTING, GRAINING, HANGING NGING • [Also marry a . full lime (fate wall .papers, PAPER of up -to :LOCAL NEWS 1 Mr, (.''inti. Siebert and ons visite eel Crediton on Sunday, .WANTED — Barre;] Roelc Roost- ex, at onee. •''Ward Fritz, .idr, and Mrs..J' Peeeter were :vis more w .Dashwuu':1 un Sunday. Mr, Arthur Murley and family V' itecl relatives at Grand Bend on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, ,Wm. McGregor of Kippen visaed et the home of :fir. Jtonrt Oe,sen, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. R. ii'. Dunlop and Mr. :and Mrs. C. :hither were guests at the home or Mr. and Isere, d, .;ether, Sr.,, on Monday evening. Nearly every house needs alit- tleren•ovati•ng in the spring. So vi..it our C.ni-Nemel graning de- partment. You can do the gran - leg yourself as well as an expert, :We 'Sell you the paint and the a'u`�- Tiers and give you insttrwcLione on a piece of hoard how, to do it:Call; and learn to become an'expert house grainer, at Hartieibs, !We have (the following varied-. es of Rennies Extra selected seed, es of Rennies Extra selected seed corn for la ie ; (Wis'., Nip. 7 White Oap Yellow lent, Learning, Early, Bailey, M. 'Southern Sweet, i,nd; King Philip. Also Sorghum., Mengel and ,Turnip seeds. J. G,aischo & SOIL NATIONAL SARVICY'E CARES rine work of tabulating the re- turns of the National Service Cards has razor been completed, but So far the record of each province was as follows; Not a Scotia, 92,767; New Eruiis- wic•k, 70,927; Prince Edward Is- land, 21, 479; Quebec, 290.,866 ; Ont- apro, 627,152; Manitoba, 131,265; Saskatchewan, 149,649; Alberta, 88,277: British Columbia, 76,987. It was a little •out -hof -the -way.• village in France, and the High- land regiment was swinging iiong the road. Two Frenchmen, ob- viously, puzzhed by their costume, were having a heated argument on the ;Mamie. Said, one "Zey can- not be men, for look at ze dress and ze skirts!" Replied the other; "{Zey cannot be women, fon ze .have ze Mustachios." "Ah replied :tlie first speaker, "1 bats vita Ze re ze t7 .rat tmonz fta, Mdd e-• s � z .sex regiiment of-wh:otn; I `Biose' I heard sfo much. 411111. IA TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to May 1st, 1017, for renting of the Zurieb lair grounds. The grounds to be used for g[:,Whig hay and no horses or cattle to le al- lowed in the front field. For £urtht r particulars apply to the Secretary. . Lowest or any tender not nee. essarily accepted. Andrew F. Hess. L0 O K Why not ;use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, lack - smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. t1 F. SE SON eliONE 3$ liENSALL .BOG'S :FOR II. A;TCHXNG Settings of Eggs of thorough- bred white leghorns Young strain eOc a setting. Juluis Thiel,Zurieh EGGS FOR HATCHING .Gui1d'ts strain of Barred Rocks eggs for hatching. 81.00 per setting. — Lee O'Brein, Zurich, EGGS FOR HATCHING Regal strain of White Wy*an- dottes eggs for hatching. 81.00 per setting. Also fancy •pigeons, for sale," eae,Ward Fritz, Zurich. We have 5 wed. Ford cars rttn;,,iilL;• in pr ice from $250 to '*375 These ears have Classified Ads 1 X14 OAAD(S. LBOU1)1000T, KILLQRAN, & COOKE. 13urristors, Solicitors, Notaries Pulhlat• eke. Office, 0n the Square, 2rd deet £.roan Hamilton St. Goderioh. I'rrysa. e funds to loan at lowest rates W. I its cluroor, K. 0. J. L. liamonae, il err. Ct,..ke will � be in 13eusall .on Friday .•i£d daturday of each week, C. R. Hess Co l• --F• JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Re airing- a SIeczaliy THE CELEBRATED DELaWARiE AND HUDSON CO'S. all been overrhauled.and Bare, . No guaranteed to be in good �L 1 to ii, running order. Call and see them. • COOK BROS., .Ford and Studebaker dealers ell saII, Ont. ---,+_— NEW ADS -4T. L. Wurm, C. Haxt- leib. LOST—A crank for a Ford car between iHeneall and Gram?s cor- ner, Zurich road. Finder return to thes office or Cook'a garage, •Hengalti. The reflection of a big lire was seen by many lin :the eastern sky on Sunday night. It is reported that a large stone quarry in St., Marys was destroyed by fire that night. The fail wheat outlook in this, section is not so good at present as It was same w:eeks agb. Many r iielda::hake beezi4rozen,out, a*.i. gh st number of good ca:tehhes can( be seen. ;Wilen wheat is 82 a bush el ,or more the wheat crop becomes, an Important, factor in farming. :Gad weather ie hamperng seed- ing ,operation at present. The plan which many farmers adopted last season May again become nett eutary this spring. When a small. piece .of ground \vtas ready for the seed it was sown first before more was got ready. ;This was repeat- ed until the 'whole field was done.. (This plan .means more work butit. is a great means of getting gull a lot of the seed if wet weather interferes. HURON_.._— KILL FLEES AND SAVE LIVES. Kill et- once every fly you can find ants burn his body. Observers say that there are many reasons to hexieve there will be ;more i1.e•s this season, than for a :number of years: ahe killing of just one fly NOW. means.- there will be billions and tri111one less next sunvm,er. Clean up your own premises; see. and insist that your neighbors do likewise. Especially clean out- of-the-way-- plac.+s, ani eiery nook and cranny. Flies trvi'll not go where there is nothing to cat, and their principal diet is too filthy to mention. (The Fly is the Tie That Binds the Unhealthy to the Healthy. . The fly has do( equal as a germ, carrier, as many as five hundred million germs have been found on the body of 'a single fly. It its definitely known that the fly its the carrier, of the germs of tty:phoild fever; it is widely believ- ed that it i -s alsto the carrier of other diseases, including possibly infantile .parcdysis. Ole very ,presence. of tt fly a signal :and notification that a housekeeper is uncleanly and in-( efficient. Do not wait until the insect be-, gins to .pester; anticipate the an-, bo3tiance: April, May and June are the best months to conduct an anti -fly campaign!. , The farming and suburban dis- tricts provide ideal breeding places and the new borp flies do not re- main at their birth place but nil - grate, niising railroads and other mentis of transtportatuion, to towns' eeretary. 'and e iltiee. GOD TUE li