Zurich Herald, 1917-04-20, Page 5The Chuo hes EVANGELICAL CRURCH 'SERVICES pinulay, German -' - ... 9.15 a. m, " Sunday School 11.00 a. m. V Service English ...7.00 pee. Tuesday Jr, Y, P. A, .•. 1.30 p. m Tuesday, Y. P. A. •.< 8.15 p, ni. Thursday Prayer Mecting 7.30 p.m. Fa]day, Choir Practice ••• 8 30p. m. Ladle's Aid, First Tuesday of fearh 'Montle ... ...... 2.30 pen.. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool ••• `•• 2 p.m. fSeximan Services, Sunday 10 30a.m, English. Service Sunday. 7.00 p.m, Luther League, Friday 8. p. m. Ladies' Aid 'meets first Tuesday of each month at 2..30 p. m. Zeri�h Meat ARK.ET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cast, Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES rumpb t & Deichert' Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. Farm INSURANCE PLATEGLASS INSURANCE ldl,UTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUND TO LOAN AGENT POR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. AoOO JNTS COLLECTED AOGI'DENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich The Home Insuarnce Co. wi Surplusfo Policyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assbssment guaranteed. Ge 1OLTZ AN Agee - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rha:rges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. H. NOFFNBAPB Zurich, - Ontario 111111111115141 !If you .are going to have your ]house painted this year, I •an Save ,yon money. ON (THE J.oB Estill ates cheerfully given on new or old Work. NEW WO1Ii A SPECIALTY H H. LITTLE Hensel) RAINiTING, GRAINING, PAPER HANGING , Also c aaz � a fullto date w;a11 papers. LOCAL NEWL:i Clean up, 7'l)c• house cleaners are at it a- gain. Mr, John iGascho was' in Loudon 'Tuesday, on buelniess. 13 hoe disc ,drill for stale cheap Yungblut & Deichert, Zurich. Capt. 3. Cantin, of London was a visitor in town on Tuesday. . Mr. land Mies. 'Woe Ruby are vise hung friends in London for a week:, Nle. iWLn. Siebert, Jr., G. T, mail cleric.. visited his home here over Sunday Mr. Frank :Farquhar, of Hensall was a y istitor in town on Wed- nesday. Messrs. L. Brisson' 'and C. Fritz were in London on( Wednesday on business. Mrs. D. Bennett has moved into her home which was occupied by Mr. and Mrs, John 3. Gellman. (The G. T. R. will put back the second train on the L, H. & B. at thf: end of the present month, making the- schedule the •same as formerly. (This will be welcome news for the travering public. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gallman have moved into the house they re eently purchased from Mrs. P. Faust., 1%1r. and Mrs. E. Siem who occupied the house have moved into Mr. Alanzo Foster's house re- cently vacated by Mr. W. S. Ruby. 117.r. E. J. Hese returned to this home here on Monday from Tor- onto where he is a student at the School of Practical Science. He leaves this week for Iroquis Falls, New Ontario, where he has accept- ed the position of assistant elec- trical engineer for the Abbitibi Power and Pulp Co. The Canadian Press Association has taken up with the Ontario pro- vincial ,authoricies the matter of amending the Voter's Lists Act, so as to allow a longer time for the printing of the voter's lists. Re- quest equest has been made to extend the time limited to 60 days, and the matter will he considered by the Municipal Committee of Legislat- ure hat its first meeting. The in- creasing size of the lists, owing to the extention of the franchise. -taaev,dnnreit; eotip1ed with the short4 age of help in all printing .offices would seem to make it particularly desirable at this time that the time allowed for printing the lists should be extended. NEWS NOTES ilhe Herald Solicits Lire News ,Items of interest to the (General Public TO ,CORRESPOND.I%NTS; Please observe the fol'iowing; 1. Sign your name to articles sent in as evidence of good faith not necessarily ;ro i,uLlication. 2. Write all NAMES as plainly as you can. Names familiar to you may 'not be familiar to the news editor. ,The News We Want Here •are a number of suggesti- ons ac, to the kind ori news we want. 1. Marriages. Give as full an iaccount as :possib.el 2. Births, 'State parents names date and whether a son or a daughter. ;3. Deaths, Give a short bio- graphical sketch of deceased, if possible. • ' 4, Removals. State where per- son& have removed to and any other information of public in- terest. 5. Fires. Or any other accid- ental losses of property - 11. Property. Purchased or sold. 7. Visitors. Be careful not to say anything to injury the feel- ings oI ,dabble in private affairs, I', Accidents, Robberies. ,u. Business. New ors import- ant enterprizes. 10. Agriculture. Progress of. agricultural !operations, etc. 11, Public Meetings.. ;Home- makers clubs, concerts, social gath- erings, (municipal meetings, chur- ch aervic•es, etc. The News (We Don't Want Jibes, hints, insinuation's that only. a 'few may ,understand or that may'Ibe unkinfd and personal. Remember !Ghat "every lassie ha' ,her 1addies," and she does not like the ,public to know every time he ,calii,s on her, and remember, to ,that the .ptublie does not call* to knio w. Do mot take advantage of the ;confidence !placed i(n you• by using 'the paper to "get after" some- 11t b a.d t or •expense. c � a out Why not use the hast coal? ''TO A 80AL Chestnut, F tatir.tac :, Black. smith and '$0.11: car.. Good scup : y C Il& h• . ` ?d. °C 11 w ,p , rHONH 35 H z A L ' Lro2, e„,.. ther Insuroao Vi u tua1 Protect your property against damage by storm or cyclone by a policy in a good live ii'arnxer',s Nutua' Company. OU : rates are very iow - ante Si 0:) per thousand .per annum. tib' s pay all losses of $1.00 and over from this diate forward. Pree- ent pot:cyho'ders , note this'a:n- nouncomen t, For fu 1 particulars see or phone any of the following a•ents; c ,ti.Hard y, Genera/ Agent, Exeter. R. G. Jarmtnthcsub-agent,,Bornh,olen, Tsi.Ogdear, sub -agent, Centralia E H, Rill, sub -agent, Auburn. 'or write the Secretary C.has.Monteith, R.R.No 1. ,Woodham Note the change of Secretary. James Scott, Pres., Cromarty EGGS FOR HATCHING Settings of Eggs of thorough- bred white leghorns Young strain 50c a setting. Juluis Thiel,Zurich ----+----- EGGS FOR HATCR'ING .Guild's strain of Barred Rocks eggs for hatching. $1.00 per, setting, -- Lee O'Brein, Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCHING Regal et,ain of White Wyane dottes eggs for hatching. 1.00` per setting. Also fancy pigeons. for sale, - Ward Fritz, Zurich. New Ads -C. Hartleib, D. A Can- telon, L: Brisson, Cook Bros. Do not ,miss the moving picture concerts in the (Town Hall, Zurich, on the nights of Apeil 1st and Srd. See posters for particulars.., Mr, David Schwartzentruber has purchased the 73 -,acre farm on the Bronson Line from hie father, 1VIr. Chris, Sehwartzentruber, Sr:, The former gets possession at once. The proposition to plow up :,arks play grounds, etc., throughout Ontario and plant therein potatoes to be cultivated voluntarily by school children, elderly and leisur- ely persons, civic oificials, d"the working' classes," after hours, is an absurd fad -a crazye, idiotic idea, born of ignorance, which would re- ,s•ult }n, a Loss of nzon.ey, waste of labor, spoiling grounds and the pro duction 01 few if any potatoes. There is enough idle farm land in Ontario to grow more potatoes than 500,000,000 Irishmen could teat. Half the gardens in villages, to- wns and cities are not cultivated, as the owners or oceupan is are not inclined to work them -call it laziness, t•hrifilessnes or what you. like, 1VI.r. or Mrs. ,Social Reformer Busybody, but it's a fact neverth•�- less, -Bruce Herald. A BAPTIST UNPREFERED The mayor of a border town is about to engage a, preacher for the new, ,church. ",Parson, you aren't by any than ce s.a;pti;st, fare you?" Well no not necessarily. Why? '4Well, ;I was jut agoi;n' to say, we have to haul our water twelve, We have 5 used Ford cars ranging in price from $250 to $375. These cars have all been overhauled and ,are guaranteed to be in good running order. Call and see them. COOK CROS., Ford and Studebaker dealers Ont assaied, 'Ads , ... )ia,Ai.Y, & COOK. 13:.•,180.31'6, „eUr Ari, -, li(n,arieb 1.111 ,;: ,;�,, i ,., , - ' ,: agLui,ro,. 2nd du,,, ,:, ;t n, ;a t. Godorieh, Pro c t,•,a 1 , ):,,.a, 11. lowest rates 1'.1'x1,. rout, a 9 la.lLxtx.oxally. H. it COOK, Ji; wl'r, Will ia, lln,si',ll on Friday oat u: i' y yr ewe, week. 44. Co. .e.44 416 1E11 L'S 4.:, .9- PTICIAW3 20,000 TONS RAGS WANTED Also all kinds of junk, RIGHES T CASH PRICES Will call s0oons Phone No. 35 A. Eitlelholiz Lula!! 19I1 MN LIST Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 Weekly Globe 1 75 1Zg a ,.S f>eczaliy �1 Daily Nail and liarax pine 3 75 THE CELEBRATED DELEWARL' " Weekly Mail and AND HUDSON CO'S. We ,have a full stock on hand, all sizes, CHESTNUT, EGG aid No. 4. Secure your supply early this the prices are low. season while D !Am Carate on TELEP.HONE Office NO. 10. House No. 10, B HOUSE e'OR SALE Fine modein new Brick Dwell- ing for sale in Zurich. Newly Built, and a desirable home Will be 4' 1? {1 11 Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily altar 8 25 " Daily News 3 25 " Weekly Star1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition8 60 Evening Edition3 60 Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition3 60 Evening Lditiou3 60 Weekly Edition-1 75 1'arrn & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1,80 Farmers Advocate2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly St 1 85 NSVeearkly Montreal. Witness 185 Canadian Country- man 150 sold at a read+onable price. For ---- further particu'ars apply to Wm. Good baseburner for sale cheap. S. Ruby, Zurich.. RO1TSEc. FOR SALE Apply at the Herald Office. ,Storey and Onehalf house for 'Have you renewed your sub- sale with kitchen, Situated in desirable. location in Z. urieh. 4ii1I be sold at reasonable price For particulars' apply to ' An dre'w F. Hess, Zurich„ Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG Am now taking or...ers 10:' Winte11 delivery. The past season has .again shown that Basi:: 8 a gives best saatisfaction for grain and beans. For reeerenceas:t farriera. in this locality Who have used it. Ontario Fertilizer I also sell the above brand of I"erti'izer ma le by oae of the larg- est Can•ad:an Compa::i s Agency, for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose JOSEPH RIJ R , rd ). 2. Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Lot 8 , con. 4, Stanley, 100 acres 80 tiered cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and woodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barn 20x50, on stone foundation. Two( good wells, orchard, and small fruits, This farm is 311 miles from Brucelield and Kippcn and is 8 miles from Hensel'. Easy terms. Apply 'Will. F. Alexander, R. R. No. 2, Hensel', phone 6-82 REPRESENTATIVE WANTED) At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Spriag 1917 Planting List now ready. Splentiii list of Hardy Caead'an este' as Ornamental Stock in- cluding McIntosh Rcd 4.pp11, St. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent on application. Start now at best selling time. Liberal Propositions. Stone G. Wellington scription. to the pHereli for 1917? The Fonthiil Nuseries ' Fresh, supply of Formaldehyde I (Established 1837) `t i! .h�a"nt3 ..fo'r treating 'sar,art._..-allies : -.--r-o, R. . 0 7 .Co grain at 'Zurich Drug Store. •• may.,esie J�.�JiiseesJiJ..•}'J:•C'��J \.L...`�L'.:..f .?e,J}.tir V: .\.':St Cover the scars of wear and tear on walls and floors and furniture. A wall're-tinted-a floor varnished -a hall painted -a chair or dining room set re -stained -the whole house made fresh and bright, spic and span. There are for every surface -for everything you want to "do over". "NEU-TONE"-the washable sanitary, soft tone Wall Finish, in pleasing tints. "WOOD -LAC' Stains make soft wood look like expensive Mahogany, Walnut, etc. "MARBLE -ITE" Floor Varnish -for hardwood floors. Won't mar or turn white. "LIQUID WAX" -for floors. Easily applied, Dries hard, Shines easily. "SEINOUR'S FLOOR PAINT" -the hard -drying paint for the floor thatwears,and wears,andwears. "VA RNOLEUM ' brightens up and protects Oil Cloth and Linoleum. These Finishes have proved their worth and wear and economy in a great many homes. We have handled them for years and can guarantee results. FRUIT JAR LABELS FREE -a handy book of them -printed in colors And ready gummed, given away. Ask for thein. 96