Zurich Herald, 1917-04-20, Page 3WESTERN SIBERIA
OF 800,000,000.
Huge National Wealth Awaiting De-
velopmnent Between Ural 1%tts.
and Yenisei River,
Many think of Siberia as a land of
- desolate wastes, covered usually with
ice and snow and unfit for human hab-
itation. To such it will come as a re-
velation to hear that one section alone,
Western Siberia, between the Ural
Mountains and the Yenisei River, is
capable, according to reliable esti-
mates, of supporting a population of
800,000,000. Already this huge area
is supporting 9,000,000 out of the 11,-
1;' 500,000 that form the entire popula-
tion of Siberia. This startling in-
formation regarding the future possi-
bilities of Western Siberia is given by
the Department of Trade and Com-
merce of Canada, which is endeavor-
ing to interest British merchants in •
the market for agricultural iniple-
nients and other articles which should
open up in Siberia as soon as the
war is over.
Rich in Minerals.
Agriculture is not the only source
of wealth in Western Siberia. The
region is extremely rich in mineral
deposits, especially gold, silver, cop-
per, iron, and coal. If, after the war, ,
my s portion while his wound is being
Man's Staff of Life is
the whole wheat grain—not
the white., starchy centre of
the wheat rake rio mis-
take about that—but be sure
you get the whole wheat
grain in a digestible forge.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
contains all the tissue -build-
ing, energy -creating material
in the whole wheat, steam -
cooked, shredded and baked.,
A perfect food for the
nourishment of the human
body. A better balanced
ration; than meat, or eggs,
or starchy vegetables, sup-
plying the greatest amount
of body-building nutriment
at lowest cost. For break-
fast with inill< or cream, or
for any meal with fruits.
lViade in Canada.
Celluloid Found Extremely Useful in
Alleviating Pain.
Celluloid and shrapnel are two sub-
stances that occupy the attention of
our Red Cross hospitals to -day, for
the former has been found of valuable
assistance in the dressing of wounds
caused by the latter.
Acute pain is almost always Torn -
the present lack of good transporta-
tion facilities is remedied, the prin-
cipal obstacle in the path of develop-
ment will have been eliminated. It
is expected that the Russian Govern-
ment will take steps as soon as pos-
sible toward providing Western Si-
beria with means of communication
with outside markets.
Before the war ambitious railway
projects had been worked out for the
region, and, even while hostilities
were under way and the normal course
of life completely upset, some import-
ant schemes were brought to comple-
tion, among them the Kulundin Rail -
dressed. The removal of a lint band-
age from an open, sensitive wound is
particularly painful, and experts are
striving to lessen suffering in this
respect. They have now found that
celluloid placed over an open wound
not only proves of great comfort to
the patient, but is also particularly
helpful for dressing purposes gener-
Quite a simple device it is, too. A
sheet of perforated celluloid, softened
in acid and of convenient shape and
size, is placed over the open wound,
while lint bandages take their place
above it. When the dressing is re -
way, 200 miles long; the Altai Rail- .•quired to be changed the bandages are
way, 514 miles long; the first section first removed and the celluloid comes
of the Kolehugino Railway, 200 miles away quite easily, without adhering to
long, and the Minusinsk Railway, 276 the wound.
miles long. But these roads, useful Not one of the least dangers eon -
though they may be, are Tut an in- netted with wounds is gangrene, or
significant part of the gigantic .pro- septic poisoning. Here again celluloid
rani contemplated. c
seseera`'".�=x',11 i'.A'ir.,,7M!_�;,, y a o-,.. see
n additle?i. to railways it is planned
to build enormous grain elevators in
Western Siberia. Cold storage will
also be organized on a big scale, it is
expected; already 1,300 refrigerating charge .any septic matter quite freely.
cars have been put into service for The patient is put to very little dis-
the transportation of Siberian butter comfort, for the celluloid, through con -
alone, and ice -house reservoirs have stall[ soaking, is rendered both soft
been established all along the rail- i and pliable.
way lines. If plans at present in
contemplation are carried out West-
ern Siberia will have a cold storage
and grain storage system without a
superior in the world. spending his week's holiday at a farm.
In concluding its report on this new As he was retiring for the first
region of immense possibilities, the night the farmer's wife stopped him,
Canadian Department of Trade and "Now, what time d'you get up, sir?
proves helpful. A saline -lint dressing
thea -peter the perforated ee'liu1eid
for purifying purposes. The salt
liquid flows freely through the per-
forated holes, while, on the other
hand, the wound is enabled to dis-
Rural Delights.
Brown, the typical Londoner, was
Commerce says:
Aii these developments suggest
commercial possibilities that it would
be unwise to ignore. The trade of the of that for me! I never get up very
territory is more or less under the in- early in town. I like bed."
fluence of European Russia and is car- "Very good, sir! In that case, we
ried on chiefly by the great merchant won't have breakfast till half -{past
houses at Moscow, but that fact four to -morrow morning!"
should not prevent firms interested
from making a personal study of the
Commercial Possibilities.
There is, indeed, every encourage-
ment for them to do so. Not only will
there be huge demands for agricul-
tural, mining, and domestic require-
iirtents, but the illimitable timber re-
sources and the equally boundless
fisheries will also in due time receive
the attention they deserve, with the
result that the general needs of an.,
sections of the community must stead -
sly develop and trade increase with'
unparalleled rapidity. As it is, Si-
berian farmers and peasants are rela-
tively more progressive than those of
European Russia, and articles former-
ly, considered , 3 luxuriee now show
constant increase in sales.
Finally, it cannot be too strongly
emphasized that every manufactured
article, whatever it may be, has to be
imported into Western Siberia, as
manufaeturing industries are practic-
ally non-existent.
if a regiment of 1.,000 men, with
equipment of 60,000 pounds marches
10 miles, it does as much work as
laborers raising a weight of 260,000
tons a distance of. one foot.
The game 'of golf goes back at least
five centuries. 'One of the pictures in
a Dutch illuminated Book of Tours,
snow in the British Museum, is a paint -
leg of three seen putting at a hole In
the turf as in modern golf, Al-
though the Dutchmen did play mold
aint' golf, they did not write about it,
tao there are no records describing the
I suppose, being a Londoner, you ain't
very fond of early rising?"
"Early rising? No fear! None
Scientific facts prove
the drug, caffeine, in tea
and coffee is harmful to
many, while the pure
is not only free from
drugs, but is economical,
delicious and nourishing.
Made of wheat and a
bit of wholesome nap -
lasses, Postum is highly
recommalended by Iphy-
siciians for those with
whorn teaor coffee dis-
Postum is especially
suitable for children,
"There's 8t Reason"
Sold by Grocers.
Intended For Fortified Homes BY
.Builder in Past Ages.
Italy is a land of many leaning tow,
ers, among which the Tower of Pise
and the fallen campanile at Venice are
the best known. The strangest of
the leaning towers, ho vever, are the
• Torre Asinelli and the Torre Garis-
enda in Bologna, which were erected in
1100 and 1110 A,D. The builders in-'
tend :dor tified hollies, of;
which Bologna at one time possessed'
• as many as two hundred. The gloomy,.
smooth-walled brick towers standing
side by side malce a strange impression
Caton the person who looks up at them
.from the ground. Dante, in his In-
ferno, compared the giant Antaeus,
v.ho was bending toward hien, to the
1 Torre Garisenda ''when a cloud passes
over it."
The Torre Asinolli is three hundred
and twenty feet high and contains a
rough staircase of four hundred and
forty-seven steps. Frim the sum-
mit, which is four feet out of plumb
with the base, you have a fine view of
the city. The slant is unintentional,
and wa:l probably caused by the sink-
ing of the foundations. Torre Garis-
enda is one hundred and sixty-three
feet high —sixteen feet lower than
the Leaning Tower of Pisa,—and it is
ten feet out of plumb—only three feet
less than the Tower of Pisa.
When Ottone Garisenda began to
build in 1110 A.D., he apparently
wanted his house to surpass his neigh-
bor Asinelli's in oddity; and so he
inten;aonally made his tower out .of
the perpendicular. He found it im-
possible, however, to complete the
tower at that angle, and had to cease
work on it before it attained the
height of its companion.
A struggling young author of an
Iowa town took his first effort to the
post -office with great ceremony.
"How much postage will this re-
quire?" he asked of the postmaster.
"It is one of my manuscripts." •
"Two cents an ounce," said the post-
master. "That's first-class matter."
"Oh, thank you!" said the writer,
'Twas All Arranged.
"When he came in we all clapped,"
said the little school girl, who was
telling of a visit paid the school by
an ex -inspector.
"What did you clap for ?" asked her
adult companion. •
seepecauee,the teachersaid, ! ^ve•"had%
to," was the reply..
When the baby is ill—when he is
constipated, has indigestion; colds,
simple fevers or any other of the
many minor ills of little ones—the
mother will find Baby's Own Tablets
an excellent remedy. They regulate
the stomach and bowels thus banish-
ing the cause of most of the ills of
childhood. Concerning them Mrs.
Paul Dinette, Cheneville, Que., writes:
—"I can recommend Baby's Own Tab-
lets to all mothers as I have used them
for my little one for constipation and
diarrhoea and have found them an ex-
cellent remedy." The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Metal Coinage is By No Means the
Only Kind in Use. •
Most people have come to regard
coins as being necessarily made from
metal of some sort. This, however, is
by no means invariably the case.
Porcelain money is in use to -day in
Burma and Siam, and feather money,
manufactured from the short red fea-
thers from beneath the wings of a
species of parrot, is the ordinary cur-
rency of the Santa Cruz islanders.
The Loyalty Islands, which lie in
the Pacific to the east of Australia
are famous for their fur money. The
fur, which is taken from behind the
ears of the so-called "flying -fox," in
reality a large fruit -eating bat, is
woven into cords of various lengths,
and these constitute the ordinary cur-
rency of the islanders,
Iron money was put into circulation
in Germany on October lasts, In Mexi-
co cardboard money is in use, owing
to the disappearance of metal cur-
rency due to the unsettled state of
the country. Cardboard pennies and
halfpennies to the value of $350,000
were also issued at Toulouse, in
France, in September, 1916.
Many potato diseases are carried
over from one year to the next in the
seed. It is, therefore, important that
'seed be used which is as nearly free
from disease as possible. When
there is any evidence of common.
scab or russet scab, blackleg, etc., the
seed should be disinfected before it is
1 Vast iron deposits extending far un-
der the ocean have been foland in New-
foundland, On Belle isle one operat-
ing company has driven out under the
water to a distance of fully four miles,
and a thousand feet frorn the ocenn's
floor has been rewarded by securing
' a superior grade of iron.
There are five well-established re-
ligions in China --the Confucian, Bud-
dhist, Taoist, Mohamnieclan and
Christian, 'There is no state religion,
but there is a movement on foot to
have the first named adopted as the
state religion of the republic.
Iran Ore Deposits,
Ms vus What
Did For Her
Well Knowii Lady Makes a State-
ment Regarding Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
She Had Numerous Troubles, All of
Which Came;.+rom Diseased Kidneys
and Found a Cure in Dodd's Kidney
Pills .
Ayre's Cliff, • 'Que., Apr. 16th.—
(Special)..--.Mrs. W. Cowles Macdona,
of The Farm, a member of one of the
oldest families living in this neigh-
borhood has consented to give the
public the benefit of her experience
with Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"My trouble • started from over-
work," Mrs. Macdona states, "and I
suffered for two years. I was treat-
ed by a doctor, but the results were
not satisfactory. My joints were
stiff, I had cramps in my muscles, my
sleep was broken and unrefreshing
and I was heavy and sleepy after
meals. I had bad headaches, my ap-
petite was fitful and I was always
tired and nervous. I was depressed
and low-spirited, I had abitter taste
in my mouth, in the mornings and I.
was often dizzy.
"1 perspired with the least exertion
and I often had sharp pressure or
pain on the top of the head. Then
rheumatism was added to my troubles.
I have taken just two boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills and they leave done me
good, not only in one way,, but in
many. Even my rheumatism is much
better "
Mrs. Macdora's symptoms all
lowed, tllat.taee:i,idneys were `v�ron
......,....:........:,. .. ..... .,fir„
have- Ilnliai�., ur
S o [urea
'y A
Dodd's, Kidney Pills.
All Fighters.
Tiro holiday -making Newcastle lads
discovered a wasp's nest the contents
of which they immeriately proceeded
of which they immediately proceeded
to investigate. Soon they were kept
very busy with the enemy, who charg-
ed them right and left. The lads
withdrew for a short time for con-
"A'11 tell ye," Jack said to his mate,
"teak aboot fightin' for yor Name,
thor's not a conshehenshus objector
amang them!"
S8inard's Liniment for Bale everywhere.
Over a river in Mexico there is a
1,50 -foot bridge that is composed en-
tirely of mahogany, worth at the pres-
ent price of the wood almost $2,000,-
IlSinarrl's Liniment LLeiieves Neuralgia.
"Father," said a little boy one day,
"where is atoms?" "Atoms, my son!
You mean Athens, surely?" "No,
father—atoms, the place where things
are blown to."
,When Your Eyes Need Care
irrcMurine Eye Medi eine. NoSmartin g-1%ecis
Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weal,,
Sore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. aiuriue le
compounded by our Oculists—not a "Patent
Medicine"—brit used in successful Physicians'
Practice for many years, Now dedicated to
the Public'nnd sold by Druggists at 50c per
Bottle. hiurtne Eye Salve in AsepticTu),r.b,
Ole 50e. Write for book of the Eye Free.
Morino Eye Remedy Company„ Chicago, Adv,
To save labor in building roads a
cart; has been invented that spreads
stone evenly as it is dumped.
esinaraes Liniment Cures DandruE,
Christianity is not world -renouncing
in the ordinary sense, since it teaches
that. God made the world and made it
very good.
It not [wily softens the
water but doubles the cleans-
tng power of soap, and makes
t;verythirlg sanitary and
"Seek Safety First."
A perspiring Tommy, burdened with
abont five tons of equipment, climbed
wearily into a 'bus outside a London
railway terminus. There were n.o
vacant seats, and nu .me offered the
weary man a seat. He was dead -
tired, and so resolved to get a seat by
He fished from his haver sack a
small bomb.
"This is one of the things we use
out there, you know," he remarked to
the interested passengers. "See this
pin -here! When I pull it out like this,
it should explode fifteen minutes later.
They're pretty deadly, too! If I put
it back again the thing's harmless."
Then, beginning to search frantically:
"Gosh! Where on earth did I put that
The passengers rose in a body, and
scrambled for the door, tumbling over
one another to get off. Tommy
watched them go. Then, putting the
bomb back in his haversack, stretch-
himself full length on the cushion
ed seat.
!Slnard's y-0iniment Cores Burns, Etc.
"There, there!" said Mrs. Blue -
Myrrh, picking up her little boy who
had hurt his toe, "don't cry. Be a
man, like mamma!"
PAY your out of town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Orders.
Five dollars costs three cents.
That Explain It.
"Where did you get those scratches
on your face?" asked the thin man.
"Car turned turtle," replied the
fat man gruffly.
"Loose tire?"
"No, tight chauffeur!"
3 sretu ei tlY'S"'DIN'l.i ENT
the BEST'Liniment in use.
I got my foot badly jammed lately.
I bathed it well with MINARD'S
LINIMENT, and it was as well as
ever next clay.
Yours very truly,
The Height of Boastfulness.
"Isn't Blower inclined to be just a
little boastful?"
"Boastful? Well, I guess yes. Af-
ter a beggar has touched Blower for
a nickel, he will tell you that he has
just been giving a little dinner to an
acquaintance of his."
It is more b essed to give than .to re-
ceive, but the majority of us know it
merely from hearsay.
levernesa. aexeS x'O13, SALE
offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses, Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com.
pally, 78 Adelaide tit„ Toronto.
Li Hand. 4:12.00 up. Send for special
price .ist. Varsity Cycle works, 413
Spadina Ave.. Toronto.
internal awl external, cured with-
out pain by our huree tt patn,ent. Write
us before too late. br, kiellman Medioal
Co„ Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
`Glue itil"G06AMEtian
For All Boiler 'Feed Waters
Cyclone Shaking and Dnrnping Grate
Bars for all requirements
Canadian Steam Sailer aggeipment
e. Llmitae
Tel. Gerrard 3660
20 McGee St. - Toronto
Pioneer 14. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc.
Dog Remedies : 118 West 31st Street, New York
And How to Feed
Mailed free to any address b
the Author
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
" OTTO H G L "
A Shoe Boil,Cappe
Hock or Bursitis
will reduce ifieni` and leave ,eto blemishes.
Stops lameness promptly. Doss pot Pa-
ter or remove the hair, and horse can bo
worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 M free.
ABSORBINE, JR.. for mankind, the antiseptic
linime,t for Bolls, Bruises, Sores. Swellings, VA,icnse Veins.
Allays Pala and Inflammation. Price SI and 32 a bottle at
druggists or delivered. Will tell you more if you wine.
W. F. YOUNG, N. G. F., 516 Lymans Bldg„ Montreal, Gan,
5bsorbinc and Absorbine. Jr.. are made 15 Canada.
Apply Sloan's Liniment without
rubbing to the sore leaders and the
pain will soon be relieved.
For rheumatic aches, neuralgia,
gout, lumbago, bruises, strains,
sprains and muscle stiffness, have
a bottle handy.
Quickly penetrates and soothes, cleaner
than mussy plasters or ointments, does not
stain the skin.
At all druggists, 25e. sal, and $1.00.
Purely Herbal -len poisonous coloring
Antiseptic—Steps !risod•poisen
Seething—Ends pain arid smarting, et
Pure -Desi for hsby's rashes.
Reale All sores.
50c. bax. Alt Druggists and Stores
K ' rr bi"k 't,r',',"g`PN' e tr i.
CLv khd.; ,,,
IED. 7.
ISSUE 16—'17.
softens harness,
makes it tougher,
Penetrates into the
leather, closing the
pores to water--lea-
tiler'sgreat est enemy.
COMPANY, Limited
Throughout Canada
e6Mo) '
'ttvr'tr rt t n to. cF<a���iv`a it foto ..elm ss /bid
ea. 'Y` A re Ca G l
showing our full lin, of Bieveles ,for
Men and Women, Bova rued Girls—
Tires, Coater l raires,'Wees is, Inner
Tubes, Lamps, keels, Cyclomuters,
Saddles, F'.v.ipit at and Pants fot
recycles. Yeti c. n buy your t=upplfea
from. us at�whcls alo gra is ec. q
• T. . �' PJ . I", 0YD �C.`Q SON,
1 ,
27 Notre Dame aver... m,?+
3�mlfs Eine;, tusrzooxro,
SKIFF:07G r'n1vnn,,
Sure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at
any age are afflicted or "exposed." Liquid, given on the
tongue; acts on tate blood and glands; expels the poisonOia5
' germs from the body, Cares Distemper in ?Jogs and Shoop
and C".1 ultra in poultry. Largest soiling live stook remedy.
Cures La Grippe among lrn.an beings, and is a Sine :Kiang
O remedy. Cut this out. Keep it, Show to your druggist,
who will got it for you. Free Bookle.t, "Distemper, Causes
and Cures."
soar steisaarps rt poasss',amayr,
Chemists and Eaoteriolegiste, (?oaken, Xad„ :7. 5. A,.