HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-13, Page 8.4. -moi+ •1' +++++++++++++++++++4.+44++4#+++++++++÷.1.44+++++++++++++ NE ARE NOW READY TO SUPPLY YOUR 1WANrS IN THIIE VARIOUS LINES OF SPRING GOODS. '3Y,E WOULD BE. PLEASED TO HAVE YOU INSPECT OUR RANGE OF SEASONABLE GOODS AND GET OUR RPICES .WHICH YOU IWILL FIND VERY REASONABLE CONSIDERING THESE IWAR TIMES.. i t 1 ). 1 1 i DRESS GOODS A shipment of verges to hand, suitable for Ladies' suits Or dresses, in: black, navy, brown; wine. Also Panama ,cloths, Garbardines, etc. Silks Are 'very fashionable for spring and summer wear. ;We have a nice range to chose from in crepe du chene, Paillettes, silk poplens, habitues in waist and dress length Prices frons 75c to $1.85 per yard. Curtains Novelty Scrinm curtains in white and ,ecru at from $1.25 to $5.00 a pr. Curtain, scrimmis, bungalow netts, etc. 'a.terproofs Special value in. Ladies rain coats in black, navy and tan, 15 only while they last .only ,$4.75. Window shades A supply on hand which we are selling at the very low ,price o.f 40c each. New Wa i 1 papers In attractive designs. Sure to please you. We also have linolleums and floor oilcloths. A fine lot of rugs in different sizes, etc.` Seeds We are ready to supply your wants in reliable field and garden seeds at right prices. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND J. Gascho & Son 4. 4. +g, 4 • ser �'�;3 n;is;� .''`- Y.`r�r"`.,r.+T.C:!''l. ,, ?..'r'i_ ► !"La...:tH!t4.?�7 6:i1.�=' To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario. eep ens this year , <.r GG and poultry prices, the like of which hive seldom' or never been experienced, certainly snake it worth anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that + you are doing something towards helping Britain, Canada and the Allies achieve victory this y car+ Increased production of food helps not only to Iottlec the high cost of living, but it helps to increase the re urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export./ ,ese. It saves money otherwise spent for eggs and poultry i at high prices, and saves the labor of others whose; effort is needed for more vital war work. The Ontario Department of Agriculture will give every possible assistance by affording information about poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (address below). "A vegetable garden for every home" Nothing should be overlooked in this vital year of the war. The Department earnestly invites everyone to help increase production by growing vegetables. Even the smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience is not essential. On request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direc- tions for preparing soil, platting, cultivation, etc. A plan of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free to any address Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agriculture, Parliament ' Buildings, Toronto Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister air Agriculture Pint Et : dings Toronto 11 x.� t• 3�i3+st�#iilMi•";�F .r,.►tx�4xsq��gr,H:.,,��;�:�i3 : C7lel,z� atter. WANTED Will pay highest cash price for Cream Butter and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any°tilxie during the week. !;(I L HUDSON phone 5, ZTJRIO I HAY COUNCIL The regular mon,thlIy pee4p.,:,selj the Hay Council' ,was held iii fil .e Town Hall, tZuri(eh, On Setdrday, April 7th. A ressolu ion was passed, support- ing certain amendments to the. Telephone Actas asked by the "yin- dependent Telephone Association- an 1 a copy of same) will he Win;,. se .Hon F Cochrane; Minister ..c ..of Raise• ,ys and Canals. T'se following pathm+asters are newly appointed for this year; Div. 10 a D. ,Slsirra'y ; 15, 1W. Armstrong; 17, G. E. Trower; 18, E. Harberer, ; 25, G. Blackwell; 26, W. Blackwell; 27, S. Schroeder;29, Jos. Foster; 30, S. Martin; 2'; C. Vo1land; 33, J. Neuschwanger; 42, H. Becker; 43, E. Resteimeix , 44, J. Meidi:nrg+er; 45, C. Gasicho; ' 52; J. Jeffrey; 53, C. Fischer; 55, Geo, Denomme; 57, L. N. Denomme; 67, John Keys; 74, W. Snell. In the .other .divisions last year pathmasters were re -appointed. The following were appointed. po:uncl keepers;— Jag. Ross, 8, Greb, IW. S. •,Johaysiton, J. W+eldo, Geo. Becker, J, W, Horner, T. Turnbull', and L. N. Denomme. Sheep Valuators ;-;W. D. Thom.p son, P. Haberer, C. L. Walp•er. Fence Viewers;— W. Caldwell, Jiro. Pfaff, E. Klopp, H. Steinbach and A. Hendricks, Noxious Weed Inslpectors; — Div. 1, F. Corbett; 2, W. Alexander 3, J. Pfaff; 4, D. Duchanme; 6, C. Schilbe; 16, W. Snell; 7, J. B. For- rest; or-rest; 7, Nelson Denomme. The following accounts were ,passed; 1 Bell Tel. Co., L. D. Tolle land 500 directories, $172.72; W. M, Nesbitt, buis{arr, for C. Rupp 39.00; Northern Electric Co. supplies, 12.60; Can. In'ii; Tel. Co. ditto lest, P. ildlcrsiaia.c, 3 months salary,$23 , W. G Hess, ditto, $300; J. Keller -1 man, fee re arbitration ,U. S. S. No. 9, 4.00 ;D. ITruemrner, rep for disc, 1.25; L. Kipfer, shovelling snow, 1.40; C. Deters, grading C. R., 4.00: Paul Bedard, 2 load grav- el, 2.00; Herald Printing Co., act., 31.00;0. Taylor, Tp. portion drain, $6.00. k 1 The council will meet again on May 54,1, at 2 olock. F. Hess) Sr. Clerk. LOST — .A .purse containing !a sum of money and other papers. Five dollars reward offered. Find- er return to Abraham. Geiger,Zur- ileh ; LOOK UP YOUR LABEL Oar 2nailinlg list has been cor- rected to April 4th. See thlat your lalbeil reads right. If you are pad to January, 191a, it will read Jan. 18. HYDRO WIRING MATERIAL We have bought the wire and all necessary material to wire up your houses. You are getting this material at cost;—Get yours wired. The Commission has com- menced building our line and ex- pect to be here with power about June 15th. POLICE TRUSTEES. BREAKING THE NEWS • Little Marie stood in the door- way, oor .way, one hand on the doornobfiFo%r a moment ehe gazed at her mother, who was preparing to go out. "Mother," she said, "do you know what I am going to give, you for your birthday when at coarses?" "No Marie," answered the mother "Pleaise tell me." "A nice hairpin tray with gold flowers on it all around," said the little girl. "But sty dear," exclaimed the mother, "T have a niece one like) that already." "No you haven't, lnotlier,'I' Merin answered, "I have jest dropped it on the floor." WE SELL FARM I4PLEMENTPS $14, prang, Zurich LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples., Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs fob Hensall .35 32 05 2 50 1.75 1.80 65 70 1 00 1 25 4.90 5.40 $40 00 42 00 bag 2.70 15 50 Local News FOR SALE—About 200 shade trees, Manitoba B+,oxelder, price 5 do 15 cents each according to size. J. Haberer, Apiarist, Zurich. KILLED IN ACTION Mrs• •Henry Deer of near Aub- urn has received word of the death; of her son, Pte. N. G. Prang. He was reported as wounded in the casualty list a few days ago. He enlisted with a western battalion; andhad been in the trenches for some time. Mrs. Geo. Thiel, Jr.,: of this village is a sister of the, deceased. . A :COLLISION , , O;n iTues;day ae'vennlug. two rigs eiseen by MesgrS. Henry Pfile, 454 t e 14th cont, and Lloyd Hayter,, of Stanleys got into •a bad ,nnix-; up at a crossing at ..the west end of the village when the two outfits came together. Mr. Villa was picked up unconscious but later. recovered. The buggies were badly damaged. Z. P. S. REP0RT The following is the standing of the pupils of Room IV, based on an examination net in all subjects prescribed for each foam ; the num- bers following names, indicate the subjects tailed pn. Sr. Grad— total mark 1200 pass mark. 720. Lorne D. Manson 1000 (honours.) Sr. Grad, total 1100, pass 660; Margaret Hess, 8.95, honours; Jean Cann,pbel4, 883, honours; Gra- ham Merner, 850, honours; Marcel Laporte, 755; Willie Manson, 751; Clarence Parke, 739. Entrance—total 900, pass 510.; .Mildred Hoffman, 705, honours; Leonard Hudson, 637; Olive 'let - tel 631; Peaii Duehtarnie, 617; Jacob Haberer, 595: Ruth Hartleib 593; Theodore Leibold, 515; Fred- die Weseloh, 505; Frank Siebert, 482;.Ward Fritz 477; Lin dsiayWurm, 475; Russel Preeter, 473; Earl ;Zettel 467. G. S. Howard, Principle') 1'he following is the result of flies Eslster promotion examinati- ons in Room. III. Jr. IV— Those below 450 have failed • Edna Zettel Lee, honours; Lilliaan Wese'.oh 558; Dorothy Cam- pbell 547; Iva Kalhileiseh 341; Iv- an, Kalbflei,sch 528; 'Theo Wagner 504: Bert Siebert 508; Lee O'Brien. 477; Arinina Brenner 435; Inez i 4.wnigblut, 435, Lennis O'Brien 423 'Sr III— pass mark 4.95; Gordon) Walpaa' 598; Whitney Truenine 58.7; Hilda Neusehwanger 550; Emma IWurm, - 531; Dorothy Fritz 529; Ebbing Geiger 524; Gordon, IZettel 495, Jr. III— All below, 465 have fail- ed 'Veola Prang 579; honours; Era Fee 560; Evelyn Howard 553; Mabel Preeter 515; Theo Deiche.rt 541; Muriel Howaid 527; Irvin, Fisher 526;. Mary Mittelholtz 489; Pearl .Leibold 465; Chair Merner, 465;:'Ethel, Deltrich 415; 'Milton; Hey 411, 'Eleainor Dueh,arme 293; Ieo•nard Rau 384; Julia Davidson, '.3.87; Pearl mailman .371; • Luella. Deeher 355; Minnie iltt'ey SS0 I. Douglas Trach _+.•. . Note this Bargain. Large Ranges, with 'reservoir, high closet, tied back, scroll with mirrors on top, oven thermometer and a large oven, 20x22, Best Stove on the market, only $50, Full stock of HEATING STOVES at knockout prices. Call and see before you buy. A11 stoves guaranteed or no sale. The Stove Question We were lucky once more in hai►`.., i ng contracted for about 50 stoves: of all kinds a year ago, and singe then stoves have greatly advances in prices, We are still selling at the old prices. Call and see the BIG STOVE BARGAINS SEE OUR Cook stove with resevoir " extended for Ranges complete for for $2Q. 65. 633,, e.I-I2RTLEIB, ZpUR C HURON'S'ILARCEST COMBINATION ITORE Ndv'dAIMANYYIMi`dYldM7bri'UaiW1AtiiW / C%MY2'/02�� We extend to all the ladies of Zurich and vicinity aa, cordial invitation to attend OUT S.nins Millinery Openings, w hich will be held on ridgy and Saturday, Mar. and �/,, / and following days. I7 the JVezvMillinery Pa.rloi's i7L J!la°s. McCormick's olcZ stand. ID 1 LLA E. KLINE AiRAMWMAAWMAMWMPAPAAPMWMWVANCA Golden Opportunity Sale Great Values in Ladies' Coats, 1Vien's Suits, Furs and overstocks at a great saving. aMens Tailored Suits These suits are well made, first class trimmings and sell at $23.00 and $25.00. On sale at $16.50 and 18.50. Tweed Overcoats Regular $12,50 On Sale at " 10.00 " 8.00 1 only boy's 7.00 77 :a 8.50 7.00 4.00 3.50 Men's Fur Collar Overcoats . , Regular $22,00 On Sale at $17,50 " 20.00 " 14,50 Now fora Bargain We have still in stock about 20 suit lengths which. we are going to clear at less than cost of seaw material. 3% yds in piece. Regular 83.00; $4.00, and $5.00 per yea, now $7.75 to $11.50 a piece, BIG VALUE IN 15 doz. soup plates, Regi. 5 doz. 8 inch plates 1.85 for1.20 10 doz. 5 " 1.25 for 75 ue. They are heavier than NOW IS THE TIME TO POULTRY WITH DR. HESS" PANACEA. EVERY P ACK- T Ladies' Coats 20 Ladies' Coats Regular prices from. $10.00 to $16.00 While they last $4.00 each. 1 only Ladies Esqumette plush coats, Regular $25,00 for 19,50 1 only Ladies plush coat. with sable collar, Reg. 22.00 for 16.00 1 only ladies velvet coat Reg 16.00 for $10.50. 1 only Ladies cloth coat Reg. 16.00 for $10.50. Ladies' Rain Coats Only 5 left in stock your choice for $4.75, FURS! FURS! 1 only Natural Wolfe Sett Regular 825.00 for $19,50. 2 only Sable Muffs 8.50 for€.04 1 " 7,50 for5.00 1 " 10,00 for 8.00 1 Sable Stole 8.50 for 6.01 1 Sable Stole .7.50 for 5.00 Rain Coats Men's Engliplh. make Rain Coats good quality, $4.50 and up I-1O1ELWARI $1.75 for $1.00 a doz. 10 dos 6 1,50 for 8.$ These plates are extra a*al-, the ordinary plates. PEED YOUR STOCK Ail .STOCK FOOD AND POULTRY' AGE GUARANTEED. Iuq,e28