HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-13, Page 5• The . Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH sEuviens Sunday, German set - 9.45 a. an. /I Sunday School 11,00 0. m. Service Eng1iSh -7.00 p.m. Tueeday Jr. Y, la A, --- 7.30 p.m Tuesday, Y. P. A. - 8.15 p. Thursday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.tn. Friday, Choir Practice 8 30p.m Ladie o Aid, First Tuesday of each Month. , ... 2,30 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool 2 pan. 'German Services, Sunday 10 30a,m. English Service Sunday, 7.00 pan, Luther League, Friday 8. p, an. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month 'art 2.30 m. p. ...1•110110.0110100M.M.01.0.0i.1.10110M1Oldmalsiello........M...1.14141 Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc litimmuicaorsosslaxmcarrntmosom*oms.... Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS I-11DES Tangblut, & Deichat' sommenaascar. ussuarOue.scamasmeaungm............F dip Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE CLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT Lo IN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich LOCAL NEWS The Home Insti race Co. 111 Mr. J. ,Watson of Seaforth was a 'slat= in town on Tuesday. Miss Fanny Kipper, of Kitchener spent .Sunday at her home in to Wis. Mr, Hubert lalo.pp of Toronto !spent lzhe aolkslay at bis home th.erc. Meseta. laiernea Silber and Earl Neale visited friends in Crediton on Sunday. number from the village at - !tended the Hensall Horse. Show, on !Tuesday, Mrs. Howie has returned to her home here after eaending several: weeks in Gorrie. 1/1.rs, Louis Foster and brother, Mr. Jos Eissershofter, :visited re- latives here over Sunday. Messrs Ed. Kraft, Harry Kraft and Ezra Tiernan were business 'visitors in town On lueSday. 1Nllessirs. ;Theo, and 'Leo. Mittel-, bolazz, ol Detroit eare speeding the week at their home, here. Mies Verde. Fuss entertained a number of h.er friends to a so: - ill evening, on Monday evening. Mis Mildred BrOWill of Crediton spent a few days this week with her cousin Miss Muriel Preeter. INEISSTEI. Louis Weber and Wm, Schenck, 'of Detroit are visiting tilde respective homes this week. Mr. G S. Howard is this week attending the annual meeting of - the Ontario Educational Associ- ation in iToronto. An 'appropriate Easter prograro was rendered in the Evangelical church. last Sunday evening. Spec- ial 'singing by. the choir was a feature. Miss Agnee Oastanier, is the guest of her uncle, Rev. Father A. A. Roadot, of Drysdale, Ont. Miss Castanier is the daughter oa C. C. Castanier of Bay City, ,1ich. faiiIeup Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177. 25 nsures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and 110 extra assessment guarenteed. G. HoLTz.... itAm Aged - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Mod.erate Charges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses FolDrocreslinetual H. HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario imationmetionsammiall"figlm LOOK!-- Why not use the best cool? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, FtirnAce, Black- smith and soft oal. Good supply on hand. 10•110.1•11..;•10•RIONOMMOMMINOMNIMINOMINOMMIMOIMIROLIMIMIN1.00138...... If you are going to have your house panted this year, 1 an Leave :you. money. ON TELE JOB 4stimates cheerfully given on new • or Old work. . NEW WORK A SPECIALTY -,..-Aremies.10611110•111 H1 H. LITTLE Hensall FAINTING, GRAINING, PAI?ER HANGING Also duty a' line of up -to date will papers, Messrs. Sol. Kiper Rudy Schwartzentruber and Dav Oesch attended the funeral this week of .the late Mrs. Andrew laipler at Shakespeare.' Deceased is the fOrMeV:S mother. lhe members of the Y. P. A. oa the Eyangelical church, and a nuan'eer failendai held a miscela laneous shower for Mr. and alts. Garnet A. Jacobe on their return' from their wedding. trip'. The presents were numermis and cost- ly and were much appreciated by, the young couple. A leadeng shoe manufacturer says that shoe prices will drop because Eugland has shut out not much rnore than a million dollars worth of shoes from. ,Oanada. If shoes drop because of the amount sent to England, what will 'happen to, canned salmon, which amounts to $5000,000 excluded from England. Cotton goods are also likely to be cheaper. How is it that people keep how- lieg over jokes at the expense of the Scot? Heres one that wand- ered in and camped in the sanctum this weak; fTwo Scotchmen sat 'smoking in silence. At lengthone of them eemarked; "There's no muckir pleasure in smoking after aaa "An hoo dae you mak that oot, mon?" asked the othera‘Weel, ye see," said the first speaker, "if you're 'smoking your ain bacca ye're. thinking o' the awfu' expense a' the time, and if yere smoking some ither man's' bacca, yer pip's rammed sae tight that it winna draw," Your home newspaper heralded to the world your birth. It 'told of your entry into school. Mentioned. e our birthday party when you wore sweet 16. Applauded your graduat- ion from the High School, started you to college, and when you re - tinned .inentioned the first job you secered. Told of your marriage to the sweetest girl in town, and mentioned the advent (or event) of your first born. Told sf the hit of of pa and ana, sympathized with you in your ,sorrow, laughed with. .you in your joy, and when e,,ou die it will do its beat to get you through the 'pearly gales at only $1;00 e year. • C. F. GAL & SON illONE 36 H E l'1"ti ALL 1-Zuron 'Vrectitiler iu.suraace Protect your property against damage by storm or yclone by a policy in a good live Ellarrnera Mutsu: Company. Our nates are very low --- $2 06 per thousand per annum. We pay all losses of $1.00 and over from. this date forward. Pree- t pot' cyth odere note ths an- nouncement. For fu 1 particulass see oe phone any of the following, agents; S. Hardy, General A ger t Exeter. R. G .Jarmerthaub-agent,aiornieolim, N .0g den. sub -agent, Centralia •1-1 II, Bill, sub-agente Auburn. or write the Seeretary Chae.Monteith, R.R.No 1: iWoodb am, Note the change of Secretary. James Scott, Pres., Cromarty . seatreetreastestrae-sesaasareseerearreeres Classified i-s_ds 0ARos. PRIZES AT HORSE SHOW'S�1r. Mr. J. 3. limier again took lst. prize f or his heavy draft team at the Clanton Stock Show last Thurs- day, He also took a number of lat. prizes for his shorthorn eat- tle. IWilliam Decher captured and fer hie general purpose team anti also ,the sweepstakes in that class. Mr. H. H. Neeb also got the red ticket for his carriage team. !The 'above parties Were, E. a also winners ett the 'Henson ShoWl E. 16.00genbeTrY, Hy, Voaand, Jr. •on truesday. .. „ , , , , , • Auctioneer. Proprietor. . . rissos Alveda and Salem Weseloh of London, spent the holiday at their home hera. •Henstill PRO1.1O1'Q0T, KIL LORAN, & COOKE. • Bareieters, Solicitors-, Notaries Flialie am. Mice, on the Square, awl door from ilamilton St. Goderiela Pri vat o funds to loan at ieweet sates W. leeetearear, K. C. J. L IL J. D. 0OOR1i, Kr. 0m), will be In Bengali on Friday and Saturday of each week. C, WI, Hess & Co; ÷_+ • iEWELLERS • AND OPTICIANS A.efiairnig a Specialty PREPARB ESS Ther.! are cold day, e.oming Prepare, tor thew )1ov.. sec- • tiring p.,ur stipple the celebrated D. & FI. • Walla Alit hi melt e C',( -;t: We ha-ve a supply 01 uI size4. Egg, Stove and Chesnut D .A. Cantelon Plicn.e`1.0 bullae e 10a EGGS FOR HATCHING Settings of Eggs of thorough- ="na—asaaatee bred white leghorns Young strain HOUK/ wOR SALE 50c' a .setting Juluis ,ThielaZurich Fine modern new Brick Dwell- ing for sale in Zurich. Newly Built, snd a desirable home. Will be EGGS FOR HATCHING sold at a reasonable price. For •Guild'e strain of Barred Books further particu'ars apply to Wm. eggs for hatehing. $1.00 n -Je S. Ruby, Zurich. setting. - Lee O'Brein, Zurich. • HOUSE FOR SALE Storey and one half house for EGGS FOR HATCHING sale with kitchen. Situated in Regal stain of White Wyan- desirable location in Z urich. dottes eggs f or hatching. $1,00 Will, be sold at reasonable price. per setting, .A.Isct fancY pigeonseif4.,11artiii:ors appaa to Andrew le 'W Pritz Zuri e"'Zurich for s.ale. ai. , i.H t465, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC, talr• E. Bossenberry, auctieineer, has been instructed to sell by pub- lic auctSon at Babylon Line, Lot. 16, Con. 9, Hay, on Monday. Apr. 16th, At 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, the following; HORSES -1 general purpose mare, 4 yes. old, in foal to King Thomas; 1 general p urpose mare, 4 years old, in foal to King Thom- as; 2 working horses; 1 carriage gelding, 2 yes. ol, Parole; 1 general purpose gelding, 2 yrs. old. CATTLE -1 cow, 6 yrs. old, in calf: 1 fresh. cow, 6 years old; 1 Jersey cow, 4 yrs. old, in. calf ; 2 heifers, rising 3, in calf; 3 year- lings; 1 icalf, 2 months old. 1 sow in pig. 3 dozen hens. iral.PLEMENfiS-ti iMaseizy4Tarnist binder, 6 -ft. cut, new; Massey -Har- ris mower, 5 -ft. cut; McCormick fertilizer disc dral new, Frost as. Wood cultivator; Deering 10 -ft. hay rake, 4 secticin hainow; double plow; walking plow; sleigh.; wag- . on nearly new; hay rack new; double box with sheaves; Wood rack, gravel boa, buggy, cutte4 root pulper; 28 -ft, extension lad- der, 12 -ft, ladder, 20 feet line shaft, saw log bunks, wheelbarroW meW, 5 hoirse power Lister gaso- line engine, drag and circle saw; power emery grinder; hand grin- der, fanning aill, 20001bs. scaleS, cutting box, Fleury grinder, Char- lotte grinder, 2 water trougaa Empire cream separator, 50 cedar posts, brass mounted double har- ness, double harness, single harn-' es's, 3 set whiffietrees; 150 ft sling rope, hayfork, pump jack, power jack, oat box, horse blankets,block and tackle; 3 neck yokes, shovels, and forks, 2 45 gal, barrels, chains and s-ome furniture. TERMS OF SALE -All salts of $10.00 and tinder, cash. Over that amount 9 raorithe credit vill be given on. furnishing approved joist notes. Discount of 3 eetita on the dollar aaill be allowed on credit almounts, 20,000 TONS RADS WANTED Ala°sJ kid e of junk, HIGHEST CASH PRICES Will call sOoon Phone No, S5 Mittelholtz 12I1 Zurich CLUBBING LIST Herald and Daily Globe .$3 75 44 " Weekly Globe 1 76 " Daily Mail and Em- pire 3 75 " Weekly Mail and Empire.- ........ 1 75 " Toronto Daily Star ) 25 " Daily News 3 25 IC It "Weekly Star.. 1 75 " London Free Press Morning Edition.... 8 60 Evening Edition.... 3 60 Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition3 60 Evening Edition3 60 Weekly Edition 1 75 " Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 " Farmers Advocate.- 2 10 " Montreal Family lierald and Weekly Star 1 85 -Weekly Montreal Witness 1 85 Canadian Country- man 150 ft 11 Et 41 it Good haselmrn,zr salt cheap.. Appleat the Herald Office. Ileac you renewed your sub- scription to the 'Wall for 1917? NEW ADS- R. N. Douglas, H. H. Little, C. Hartleib, R. Volland, Jr., C. Finkbeiner. Fresh supply of Formaldehyde or hand for treating sanut in gDin atozetich..,Drug Store, Cross Fertilizer Co0 BA813 SLAG Arn now taking °pleas Os 116oter delivery, Tb.e past Season has :gain shown that Basil $ ag gives best Satisfaction for grain and beans. For re'ereace as% farmers in this locality who have used it. Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell. the abave brand of Fertilizer male by oae o: the Jaage eat Canadian Compel s A.gency. for Commercial Fersil:zers for every purpose JOSEPH RLJ R NI. 2, Zuyich. FARM FOR SALE Lot 8, con. 4, .Stanley, 100 acres 80 acred cicarod. 00 34 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and woodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barn 30x50, on stone foundation. Two good wells, orchard, and small fruites, This farm is r4 mres from Brucefield and Kippee and is 6 milefrom Hensarll. Easy terms. Apply Will. F. .Alexander, R. R. No. 2, Hensall, phone 6-82 REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Spring 1917 Planting List now eady, --- Splentii I lierof Hardy Canad'an .";'t as : Ornamental Stock in- cluding McIntosh Red apple, St, Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, arid many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent on application. Start now at best selling time. Liberal Propositions. Stone & Wellington The Foothill Nuseries 1 (Establitthecl 18137) 4. T RONTO •••• saaaaeMaaaaliSeataseatess W. C. T. U. BUILDING, TORONTO. HAVELOCK COURT APARTMENTS, TORONTO. tee int 1 you have got to paint your home, in order to insure it against ,• the weather. Paint resists the destructive action of sun, wind, ram and snow. Of course the better you paint, the longer you are protected. 0% E" FAINT (Made in Canada) is the greatest known protector of wood against weather because fit is guaranteed to be made only of pure White Lead, pure Zino Oxide and Pure Linseed Oil. You insure your home against fire—perhaps against lightning and burglary, Insure it against wear and weather by painting it with "100% Pure" Paint—the cheapest because it f overs more surface per gallon and lasts years longer. It you are painting this spring, call or write for a copy of otrrown and Country Homes" and "Harmony In Neu-Tone"- inftr books on home decorating. Free -of course. CHAS. HARTLEIB, ZURICH. 95