HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-13, Page 4IIEReateD Issued Thursday afternoons from the HERALD PRINTING . FFICE Victoria St., Zurich, by ;,idre`1. F. Hasa and Chester L.Smith lTeanas of subscription $1 per year lar advance • $150 may be charged SCHOOL :REPORT Easter examination tor fa, S, No, 12 Hay. Jr. I.V to Sr. IV._; Total 750 pass 460, Orville Steinbach, a20, Sr. 1I1 to Jr, IV total 829 pass 495 Vereon Schatz, 614; Alvin Walt- ers, 599; Sr. II to Jr. III total 700 pass 420. .Theresa Meidinger, 538; Jerma- i£ not sp paid, U. B. subscripti- i4neMIIte, 489. total 616 pass 390. One $1.50 strictly m advance, No Jrpaper discontinued until all Edwin Gascho, 632; Lillian Rose, . rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher, .the date to which every subscription is paid is demoted on the label. 622; Gertie• Schilbe, 515; Lillian Rader, 476; Albert Fleisehauer:175; Pt. II to Jr.,II total 250. Susie Walters, 231; Idelia. Schoch 225; 'Greta Schilbe, x18; Ervin, .tlutertising Rates— ,transient ad- Schilbe, 207. tertiselm+ents, 10 cents per line, e Primer Ito Pt. IL total 250. for first insertion and 4 cents l.er Beaitrice Klopp, 24.1; Agnes Meld line for each subsequent insertion Inger, 234; Edna .Walters,► 229; Small advertisements not to ex- Wallace Schoch, 219; Edgar ll'iasse teed one inch, such as ".Lost," 206; Gordon Miller, 201; Elizabeth, "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc,, in- Badour 201. serted once for 25 cents, and v S. H. Beacom, Teacher. each subsequen. insertion 10 cents 3+-4. Communication intended for pub- INCRE 1SED YIELDS LITTLE lication mast, as a guarantee of t`EYITRA LABOR good faith, beaccompanied by the name of the writer. The Year of Supreme Effort by the British Empire is 1917,when- iAddress all communications to EVER:' BRITISH SUBJECT, WILL THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. ' DO HIS DUTY .The farmer is 'asked for food large e uantities Lab SCHOOL REPORT Notice to ‘- 'ed.itors. In the matter of tee Estate of will the average seed used by John Westlake, late of the lawn- many, is :an es+tablish,ed scientific ship of Stanley in the county of foot. !Thelon, elon, uentieman, decea- '..1. s Fifteen .per cent. is a rational lvotice is hereby given, pursuant increase that can be, had from ev- :to the Statutes in that,t ehalf that +tui persons having clams against the s.s.aee of Johu.:!lake, who died on the Fourth c._ty of Dec- tember, 1916, at the Township of + Manley in the tour of Huron,' axe retina el to send :y host or de- liver to the undersigned Solicit- ors for the Executor of the said deceased, their Christian and sur- nam_s. lull a''.dresses and descripti ons, partite! ..s of their claims .Pte. E dearness, w and the nature of .e security', if and Niiibh but little at harvest timet any, held by theta ea) or before Careful Preparation• of the Seecl1 vexing from wounds in 1~ ng� the lith day of Al.ril 1917, and is Secret should be offen�der� proaucts in a g quantities—Lab- or — - - or as scarce, wages are abnormal •moving to 'Clinton. ly ,hagn,—.Brain power :must be ,Geo. F. Case is re.overing from; subs-.icuted for Physical power. his recent serious illness. BRAIN INSTEAD OF BRAWN EXB,t,B� •1hae large, plump seed will pro- duce more bushels' par acre than CORRESPONDENCE HENSALL Special Easter services were; held in the churches last Sun ay. 11Ir. John Lorimer is at London hospital 'talking treatment, (Word has been received line of the ,death of Pte..' Wm, Mclaa;yesan, of Eric I1'IcIC�ay, who etalisted with the 16i;st Hurons. He was kil- led in action. The "Countgry Doctor'.' evali bT presented in the Town Hall' )sere this evening by 'talent from Hur- o.n•dale, ]lir. G. D. Arnold, who has been visiting with his son here, lias re- turned to his horne in. London, Misses Alice Hoblcirk and C4ertie Zueile have 'opened a dressmaker, sihop in our village. Mr. and Mrs. lWm. Forrest. of, Marquis, Sank., have sold 'their land and have returned here.They intend to purchase a farm in this vicinity. 'Mrs F. Haywood and family are DASHWOOD ?Mr. Norman Brown of Auburn spent the holidays! with relatives in town. Miss CoraSchroeder of Wiarton is spending the holidays with her parents here., Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Wil'lert of Ailsa Craig visited relatives here this week. Miss L. Schroeder, of Exeter spent Sunday at her home here, Mr, Harry Guenther, of iWind- sor is visiting relatives here this week. Miss Lydia Brown of London spent Sunday tat her home here. Messrs. L. Edighoffer, E. Schatz and L. Goetz of Seaforth are spen- ding the holidays at their homes here. Mr. John Hoffman of Ta'ristock spent the holidays in town. �Mitss 'Lillie Meyer is this weal. visiting in . Kitchen er. Mr. A. Tiernan of.Stratford Nor- mal is spending the holiday at his home here. Miss IT, Miller of Crediton is this week visiting with her mother Mr. E. G. Kraft has purchased the farm. of Mr. C. F. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner intend moving kto town. Mr. Aifrejd Zimmer and sister, Mae of Deltroit visited at their home here. Mr. E. Kaercher of Kitchener, visited his daughter, Mrs. N. Kel- lenman, over Sunday. Miss- 0. Weltin 'is at present vis- iting in Detroit, Mr. Homer Guenther is spending -this week in Tavistock. Mrs. Fred. Wells of Exeter spent the wtek-end ',with her parents here. Miss : rola Koch of Hensall spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Jack Eidt of Ailsa Craig spent tae holidays at his home here. ,1,—°r BLAKE 11ars;ELra Koehler and children of; Zurich spei1't- a few days recently with Mrs: Koeihlier'e parents, Mr. and Me N. Kennel. Mr. Leslie, who has been in poor health all winter, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Freokleton on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and :'hild- ren are at •present visiting friends down east. Mr. Wm. Erwin of Marlette,Mich. who resided in this vicinity many years ago, is at present visiting his sister, Mrs, Peter Douglas, and other friends in this vicinity. 1L was accompanied by his son Jam- es who returned home this week. The regular meeting of the Blake. Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. cH. C. Zapfe on Apr. the 10th. , Mrs. Alex Sparks and son of Hen salt spent a few days with friends in this vicinity. I'Ir. and Mrs. Bashart, and fam- ily of Baden spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Kennel. The Misses Stevens -are spend- ing the holidays under the par- ental roof. Mrs. J. A. Manson, accompanied by Mrs. Peter Manson, spent Sat - day with friends in Hensel'. Miss Dinning is spending the holidays at her honee in Strath - Toy. , Mr. and Mrs. -A. ir. Douglas and children spent Tuesday with fri- ends in Howell. Miss Myrtle Meyers of Seaforth is spending the holidays under the parelntal roof. Richard Parish of .the London Road (south died suddenly on March 30th in his 68th year. Mr. and Mrs., ,Weidenhamm�er of Oakville visited here over Sunday. ery (acre soared of the nserssar, J H Scott and family haveaiov= precautions uxeda g imate increase becoinea an error- Pte. G, Fittony Dental Co> l)s pOr^ mous .aanoun,t ; his )?agents this .Wheat .._ ... ... _.. 4,000,000 bushels onto, is visiting Barley _. .. 1,750,000 bushels, week. respected citiz Oats ... __. ... ... .. 17,004,000 bushels Mrs. Downs, a Peas ....... ... ... ... 500,000 bushels en of this place, passed away on "the -above amounts can be . April 2nd, in her 80th year. secured without the expenditure Mrs. S. G. Bearden has returned. of any extra labor at seeding time, to her home in Edmonton.' . n has : been Throughout are taken. ed to Toronto, where he has sec lhrough°ut Ontario the app.o:c- government position. leco • land, is expected home soon.,' . that after the said last mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- title- thereto ha,vi ag •, regard only. ;e gal• len � of li gtice : sce r the • 23rd clay of rah, 1917. Glarlea.aa & Stanbury Exeter, Ont. Solicitors for . ES:- eeutor. FRUIT' TREES AND PLANTS FOR SPRING PLANTING All necessary seeds.A number ofwere tap, properly cleaned and baggeddur- Lefore the 'magistrate las':' iwee1 ing the late winter season. Every for riding bicycles on alae. std farmer has timie to do this after �` alloy A rave of $2 was March first ,and ebefo.re seeding a uaeli, e ..s e Wi 1 t 1 ... nr.•+:,,lee• seat--_... ,,,,_� a os cation of foo'clstu_fs by care ful cleaning the seed? Perhaps pedigree seed canncit be secured. It not, select out of your at ,the Methodist paro"iiK�tge,Cied- granary ,aluifi times 'the amount ton on Tuesday evening April 3, of grain required for seed purposes when Miss Laura Blanche, .only By use of flea fanning mill, clean daughter of Mr. and Mrs.c Jonah and re -clean until you have just the bride �ulfielent for seed purposes. � Use it wind in mill and the - third Ic•.tr t . CREW ON , A duiet wedding was solemnized i0 e i 0 0 M 0 0 i 0 N 0 a 00 O O 0 0 0 0 se O 0 0. O O 0 O O - � �im.s, uC."�.,�e;. "e e ! I,. (Wilson, `merchant of Exeter, the s : proper sieves and plenty Ot a cerem - being performed by the iWe have establastlied a lasting `' rc!,nsining for shed will he the Pastor, Rev. C. � "- Bdaker. which'reputat Early Thursday morning Mar.28 dealingtore of Mr. andMrs. and are or n 'eve preparedir tod r�i goat ally laar;d e lth Pe oat st seeds, the home andri citron East sa of ' J Metz of meet existing con•,litiuns by offer- Do this before seedan g coin- ! ally destroyed by are at about •4 us- i¢ig our high grab trees and nidnees ' �'el . i- The inmates were aro plants direct to customers ated b� the small e r t s Do not hesitate to l,urcliase ped- ) ' a l of smoke and hur- P.00K BOTTOM Prices. Don't, agreed `seed at an advanced price. riedly dressing were able to sage (delay planting fruit trees and Two bu;sHlels of oats will so ata only .a few artidies. The fire • plants, as there is nothing pays acre. The extra return from good originated in the store adjoining abetter. Send for our illustrated seed will be from 5 to 10 bushel_ the house and in a short time the Circulars of hardy varieties which per acre, and decidedly more •in buildings were all ablaze. The 'alga can order direct and get the some cases. : 1 n b longinc; to Mr. JosephHaist Masseyllarris Implements We have been re -appointed Agents for the above name.] Implements and are prepared tc take orders of all kinds of Massey -Harris machines for next season. WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSE HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. `,r • 0 , g We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and i+ i • •• • 0. Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. Our Prices are k.'‘` aright 11. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son The Old Stand • 0•0860110000000•01000000001)(3 r90060000036 60005400000000000, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++(+++++++++++++++++++++++++44 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • 4. 4, benefit of agent's commission, Oar prices will be sure to interest ;THE CHASE BROTHERS CO.OF ,IDNTARIO LTD. NURSERYMEN, ESTABLISHED 18 5 ;. COLBORNE, ONT. 33icycles5, Exprees wagon Coast- -ers and Roller skates off the Pub- lic sidewalks. -- Felice Trustees. ' A. R. Carman writing in The Canadian. Magazine, states that the feeling againet the conferring Of .titles in Canada "is passing a- tway as the ease of Canada in im- portance in the ,British family may be iirn:mersed for 20 minutes, holidays ,.at the home of hen leads to an Imre ale in Canadian Spread oat to dry, and then place mother, Mrs. E. Robinson, titles in is a bold statement in new bags or in bags! that have W.ILTalbot and family have of the newspapers correctly inter- been treated in a similar manner moved to their new home on the meet public opinayn, John Ross ,and thoroughlydrIked, thus pre- Sauhle Line near Bayfield. . tLobersorr's refusal of a title won t•enaiing re-oontatmination. Roy Keys of London spent East- ath more esteem a than any Ce. ;Th„ adioptson. of thesis two sues- er (at 'his home here. g On' ever got by ht centilig .one. esti.ons would mean millions of Ed Johnston and John McKila- tAN UNANSWERABLE QUES'T'ION buslaels ,of grain extra with prac- ley have each'Thec had xed auto.ar alan o • .'Wiiliaan',s ;Mete w.xs avery tall tically -no appreciable extri labor. this .springs. tine looking man, while his father Your country tasks your careful the latter a Chevrolet. was very email. '.Killian) admired consideration and co-operation. Rev, E. Janes of Bayfield ec- *a s uncle and wished to grow upt Consult the nearest Da'strict changed pulpits with Rev. A. W,, like him. One day he said to his Rep'r'esentative of the Department Brown of Varna last Sunday The another. 'M`amm,a, how chid uncle of Agriculture if you ane not fam- services were in the interest of the allama' sv big andMar with this work, or communi .Women's Missionary Society and tall"' !His mother said r "well, web ea- Cate with the Department of Ag- the Sister thank offering which ricuiture at Toronto. - �t'a8 'taken at the close of the ser de was a small hay hewas al- vices received a liberal responce. ways 'a very a•° 3d loot/,, and tried 3.—+;+ alias Beta Keys who as teaehing school near B,enmilier, is spending the holidays at her home on Bab - tall." (William thought this over lan Line. Iseriously for a 1,evr minutes, then Of Farm Stock, Implements, Etc,. 3' iaaitl: '/mile south of Dashwood, on Miss Ella Dowstin has lieen spend (t a . �, - , - Tuesday, April autC ion 1 o'clock. ing a few ,days in 'Clinton • the ;siamirlla, 'tit hrad of ' o eer Chris- guest of her .cousin• Mrs. Bartlett `�'�s „parat4"' E. Bossenb r y, t `tian 'inbelne1' '.proprietiti 1 - L D vis4 t . • . t I 'The market 'value of the increae )a n the Taylor farm caught sev- edyield tman the additiol'o era1 times from flying embers but outlay seed that ,can' be made ion 3;t was well guarded and no dam- g•ood seed 'per acre. tat done, ;The buildings of Mr. Vigor s 'seed grain is just as es- bSotz were insured for $3,800. sential as vigor in live stock. ' PREVENTION OF WASTE E. cfrietz ail Q. Finkbeiner have Many thousands of bushels °f left tor the west. . oats are lost annually due to th l Feist (Erns. have purchased a new pod car. ravages ,of simut. This waste tan be largely elim- inated by proper treatment of the seed. Secure 1 pint of formalin for every 20 to 30 1,us,helsh of oats re- quired for seed purposes. Dilute with 42 gals,. of water, and use n barrel in, wilicl'n the bags of grain STANLEY TOWNSHIP !Miss Annie Armstrong of 'See, - froth spent ,Easter ;at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Rtpt, Armstrong. Mrs. Margaret Errata of the Ie- aconess ,Home, Toronto,.spent;• he 50,000 FEET MAPLE S. ,. LOGS WANTED, 50,000 feet good hard maple saw logs wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. Also all kinds of other logs wanted. Custom Sawing our Specialty • C. KAIIBFLEISQ * PHONE 19 4. �m = • ZURICH +++II+ i+ ++++.t. ++++++++4+++++44 4•t 7•+++++4+�++ e+++++++�E+ eie NEW S'RiNG GOAD OUR STORE IS FILLED WITH GOODS YOU REQUIRE THIS SPRING. CALL AND LOOK 0 VEIL OUR LINES, WE CAN IN- TEREST YOU IN PRICES AND Q UALITY. ELEPHANT BRAND READY -MIXED PAINTS, HARDWARE ANI) TINWARE OP ALL KINDS RUBEROID READY ROOFING - AT $1,40 PER ROLL. SWEAT PA DS AND :HARNESS REPAIRS;, FLOWER, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. NEW WALL PAPERS AT A LL PRICES, WE SELL THE FOX. SCALES AT REASONABLE PRICES. >tO do what w(;ss, right at all tinges, , 'iqo God let hire grow up big and AIJCTION SALE Mrs. A. J. McDonald pent a few days with friends in Bruce - field and dlensall. The Missies Pfaff of Creditoln spent Easter at the home of Mrs, Joe. O,esdh, COUNTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster, Var- na, announce the engagement of their daughter, Annabel, to Mr. Robert Cameron, of Hensall. The marriage will take place in April, The leading sock knitter of Mit- chel land, we believe, the one who 'lies the proud horror of knitting! 1l'ie largest number .of socks for the (soldiers since the war cora- inenced,, is Mrs. Alex. Linton, whol is now knitting her 400th pair of socks This lady has knitted as pair complete in five hours. See our new stockoda Shoes NEVER BEFORE HAS OUR STOCK OF GOOD SERVICEABLE SHOES BEEN SO COMPLETE IN ALL LINES. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. WE ALSO REPAIR SHOES. FRESH GROCERIES RECEIVE D EACH WEEK. Farm Produce of all kfnds wanted L. BRISSON PHONE 1 on 86 Drrdale +, S. .; Farm 3, agons I PURCHASED A NUMBER O F FARM WAGONS AT A BAR- GAIN AND AM GOING TO GIVE THE FARMERS OF THIS SEC- TION THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PURCHASE. IP NEEDING ONE CALL EARLY AS I HAVE ONLY A . LIM- ITED NUMBER. Two De Laval Separators at old price TWO DE LAVAL SEPARATOORS LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. Take advantage of this . ALSO TWO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE AT THE OLD PRICE,: Bargain on low-down manure spreader LOW DOWN MANURE SPRE ADER AT THE OLD PRICE. DO NOT MISS THESE SNAPS ' We handle 'pumps, piping, etc. PRANG..._ ,_.�