HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-13, Page 1Vol. XVI MOVED to LARGER QUARTERS ... .. ..... _..... oma.... _.. You will find me at S. E. Faust's old stand in I3art- leib's block where 1. am better prepared than ever to supply your needs in $arn9ss and Repair Work. Bring in your repairing now before the spring rush. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs,1 Axie,Grease, Gall Cure R. P. STADF _ ZURICH .00000ON®rB00®+0002®0®09/1009 00x0000000 4D®00900000000001 Sale ric s Still C ntinu a4 MB ARE STILL SELLING OUR GOODS AT SALE PRICES OUR STOCK IS STILL WELL -ASSORTED AND YOU CAN BUY MANY LINES ANT THE OLD 'PRICES WHICH IF BOUGHT NOW :WOULD COST TWICE . THE SUM IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN MEN'S YOUTH'S OR BOY'S 'CLOTHING WE CAN SUPPLY YOU. WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE NUMBER OF SAMPLES FOR MEN'S SUITS. CALL AND SEE THEM. OUR ,TAILORING DEPARTME NT IS DOING BUSINESS THE *AME AS EVER. APPEL WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN sesemotasooese ente0e0000NOil•emeos009000000000e + 144444 +++++++++++++f+++++++++..+++,+++ 44++++444 4. 4 K .4 .4. .4. 7 4. 4 4 1• E TER 414, y�+ R'444'1"0444+r.. rpt i.x bi;1•0.+bo 1,4-:.-1q4+1144••/444-.1-trill ZURICH, .FRIDAY. trra4rairpt.area^ra 4'1 411 \A LOOAL NEWS, 0 44. m.- 4l.y by e a 411. fry,'a NINO, APRIL 13, 1917. Mr. (Sam Qlascho: is recovering from. am !attalck of Ipne,u}rnuonia.. Mr, iWm. Lehman of London, visited his mother here over~Sun-, day. , Dr. A. J. IMcKi!nnnjn has -exehang-, ed his ,run!abioixt fro a•new Ford ,tounin!g Saar. 'Misses' jE1i abeth Ramie and( IE1va IHeyiodk, of London, Spent Easter !at their home here. Dr. E.. S. Hardie, dentist, w11 be at the Dominian Ruins, Zuric'a, on Wednesday, and Wednesdayo,.the following week. Mr Ferdinand Howald,'•.or the LutnnraIr; Seminary, .Waterloo, ills ,spending the holidays' at his home her , �Irs. G A. Bissett; of •Seaford, Heights, spent is fei\7'mays this week with her parentsy Mr. and Mrs F. Hess, Sr., of town. IRev. and Mrs.. F. B. Meyer left for IMilclim;ay this. week. They wit remain for the conference of the Evangelical church which will be held at that town next week... Rev. Mr. Damm of Edmonton will. conduct a an islslion+ary service in the church Mere cnext Sunday ev- ening, Mr. Henry Volland, Jr., of. the Babylon Line, has sold his 100 -acre] fah•nm ;to A. Johnston & Son of Zuiiclh., who get possession at once. Mr. Volllalnd intends moving to Kitehenier with his family. /Her is haviinlg. +an` auotioln sale of his stock, etc., next Monday. ,The enforcement of the By-law, prohibiting bicycle's,. coaster wag- ons and roller 'sk,a.tleson 'the side-, w&12, tis, a good..,grove and a pro teetron to. "olc 1,efe,ut nnzr;c'. y.;uunier "'ge aeration treci,uests the village .fathers to pass. a by law: fixing- a speed limit for autouob- iles :run the vil'iage and the strict enforcement of the bate provided, for the blowing of the horn when nearing a corner as a protection to thein. Na 4 k 1 000P6000ING 0061116410616if ft f tf� Dff ff 4f1lwOff f4 ir4 i 1 • -law of the Village of I Zu 1.-. .4-ohibits bicycle riding or 1 soar f ,* on express Wagons 01.11I the , flcw+vallis, also rollerskating.1 ii.,o3 Is I: found breaking this 13y- 1.0. law i•i1 be severely dealt with. I" The Police Trustees. P»" '1:a eats are requested to in- Gro,' 1.6;e. boys and girls: to yob -1 aar, e the above By-law. ' I' 4'6% .,','L G. Sheriff, of Merlin, spelt t l ; s'""' end at tb:e home of Mr fro YS than 18,000 lots are 31- vertn;e cl for sale for taxes in Ecl- Monte,' newisSaperst 111Ir.x ;tined Mrs 18'. Witmer of. Ex- etet• north visited at the home of their daughter, Mrsl. D. Ko'eh- ler , wtsr 'Sunday. 1lliss Muriel Preeter and Miss Mildred Brown of ,Creditor; 'lefc on. T'ue'sday morning for Mildnir y }t here ...they will remain for the EVangelioai Conference next week. Incorporated 1855 The .. LSONS BANK l`AL and RESERVE; $8,800,000 'anches in Canada r 1 Banking Business ;Transacted Witt T.' TTEn'QI' CREDIT t t)13EY : a ±t Our New Shoes are here. We are now showing the new spring styles in Ladies' and and Men's shoes from makers of world-wide reputation. All the fashionable leathers through all the various colors and combinations offering you an unparallel choice. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. e. J°, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes 4.44,4044fff94}61444f f3 •ff i,' nli�',Ll i.'u,ltl llh•., I' ! I'.. , �.'' I' i; l�llllil!III'JII14'hI'hlt�' . i YI, ifNIPTi'1111IIIINT1111111111iP111111fil! '='i 'I,!.glpNl@ll@II mei Come and See our New Goods in Gingha s, Galateas, Dress Goods Shirt-ings, Ready-made Waists House Dresses, Aprons Pants, Shirts and Overalls Also men's and ladies' underwear. New Shoes. New 1917 Wall Papers. esx,stock af+Orc crass Also: -tie* story'"• '1= lugs Bank Department �skarest athighest current rates Zurich Branch G T. DUNLOP, Manager P1iONE 11 on 82 }i ��III-Irl ti �Jiliillill+ll }Ill i if ��IIII�I I+�) h ir...'wl�'•� � UIh11lIN, I �aJ uii I}I,I �,.. R. N. . DO UGLY' ■ BLAKE r, :131111111111111±1 ot +H+4++3"+§ +4++4+++4+++4++b+F++++d++P4+F•II++E+++4+++i' fi+++++ 1.4, : +F + : ++ +++ : + +++++3 +:+ •: ++ +++++++++++did+++++++ +s +i-1, ++? H + f+++ir+: + .:,+., «;..;.: .;. . J See our Special in Grey Cotton at 121/2c a yd. while it lasts. GO (THROUGH YOUR TORONTO CATALOGUE AND THEN COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRI CDS, AND GIVE US A CHANCE AND YOU WILL FIND BETTER VALUES IN OUR STORE TH.tiN IN YOUR CATALOGUE. A TRIAL SOLICIa'ED. Hardware Section WASHING CIACHINES (We handle the celebrated ](ansae Was.hers, made in Canada at popular prices. •We also handle a number of other makes. HORSE CLIPPERS .All kinds Band Clippers. .Also the genuine Stewart Dia :hire clip- per tat $8.50. STOCK FOO DS Crardiners Pig Meal in 251b bags Roya! Purple Poultry and Stocl: " calf '„ 25 " Foods. PEERLESS WIRE FENCING Now is the time to buy fencing before prices go higher. All kindsof Home-made goods at reasonable prices. Our $yew Wall Papers are here New Dress oods RIG-H•T NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR NEW SILK DRESS OR SUITS FOR SPRING NEAR FIGURED SILK CREPES ARE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR DRESSES. OLD PATTERNS ARE SHOWN INATTRACTIVE COMBINATIONS ARE NEW. SOME A RE CUT IN DRESS LENGTHS. THERE ARE NO TWO ALIKE. IS THIS NOT A GREAT ADVAN TA GE? New Silk Crepe in dress lengths in good colorings at 75c and.90 cents. New Viole.s in plain white and figured at 50 cents. ,a it :,w; New Spring Silks in plain and fancy weaves $1.00 to $1.75. PALM BEACH SUITINGS season and will he This is only of the most popular c 1o tii:s this comes 36 inches' 'wide, 40 cents. Sill, Georg'ete in pink, white, black. and tan, $1.50. worn ey everyone. This cloth. New Prints and Gmghams s Buy no -w land get the pick of the patterns in gi•nghanis and (prints. Kingcott Gingham are known by everyone and can be relied upon for color, being fast andthe cloth strong ',It 15cents Prints rat 15c and 18cents. NOV' Flanhellettes, dark and light at 12! c, 15c, 17c, and 20c yd. SU.IRTLNGS and COTTONADES Now is the° time to put in your supply of shirti,ngs and cottnnadel at the lois` prke consider- ing what they,'' Will be ,viten we buy again. Shirtings at 18c up. Ootton•ades nt £Oe up. NEEM' ';:,WORK CLOTHES A big range of 'work shirts, overalls, smocks, etc., to select, from at a price that will suit . everybody's MEN'S SUIT LENGTHS 40 pieces . of Men's suit lengths to clear at a 13ig Reduction, RUGS and LINOLEUM$ We have at present the largest assortment of Rugs and Linoieums to gliosis from than ever before, RUGS -A large variety of patterns and prices, Sizes to fit any room. Bought lie^.ori the a:L "<ance so we .can give big values. DRAPERIES-A,niice 'assortment (.,11 early and make your pur rh,.M es while they last. Highest Price for Produce. Phone *s+3++ +s .`•4,4+ 4,1.4•*.2'1, !40'.' ' " 4' 44+;44-1.+114104.4.44 l+ • .4.4. ++4^s +:w!+ ++ +++.4.1 +4,44,41+4,+i i+++"$ 3 F+ •F :.., ++ya.l+.f.+1 1 ` '* 4. 4- 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. +t- +.�G. .x. ..;. 4 4. 4.