HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-06, Page 5The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, German •-• 9.45 a, In, r Sunday School 11.00 a. m. !? Service English ...7.00 p.m. TuesalaY Jr. Y. P. A. 7.30 p. m Tuesday, Y. P. A, -.. ... 8.15 p. m. Thursday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p,m. Friday, .Choir Practice --- 8 30p. m. Ladle's Aid, First Tuesday of each Month. ... ...... 2.30 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool •.• --• 2 p.m. German Servicer, Sunday 10 33a.m, English Service Sunday., 7.00 p.m. Luther League, Friday 8. p. m. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p. m. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASK FOR SKINS & H1DES Tuari bint & Deic1.ert" or Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE •AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT 12ISi RANGE Herald Office Zurich NEWS LOCAL NEWS Mrs, A, Geiger is spending the week at Dash''wood, Mr. N. C. Camrtin, of St. Joseph, was a business v:sr.or in Zurich on Friday of last we'e'k Mr. E. Meyer 'of Elmwood, vis- ited hiis brother, Rev. F. B, Meyer, a f ew days as week. Will the .part'i'es who • borro wed my wire stretchers return the same sat once. .3 Preeter. The directors of the Hay Town- ship Fire Insurance Go. held 'a meeting here on Sal.urday. LOST — A ,small leather pocket case of surgical instruments. Find- er kindly leave rat Herald Office. Messrs. 'Cofora'1 Keller and Chas. Walper are assii:stim,g in 'merger's flax Mills at Hensall at present. Mr. John Sherritt, ex M. -P., - of Stratford, formerly of Stephens, was a visitor in Zurich last Sat- urday ;. Sat-urday,;. One dozen of the celebrated Ivla.s- sey-Harris Walking plows 1.7o. 16. 'fl and 30 received. Will be so'd ^heaip, — F, He & Soni. The Police Trustees will 'rake an example of the firSt one caught ri ling bicycle on any of our pub- lic sidewiallks. • Mr. J. J. Merrier secured first prize for his team of heavy horses at the Selaforth Spring Horse Show at Seaforth on Tuesday. Mr. Andrew F. Hers& has moved into the dweliling he recently pur- chased frdn>, Mr. S, E. Faust. The batter has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Ress''. Surveyors for the Hydro coni - were in tow on Tuesday. They surveyed the power line from tha Sarepta corner tofu• ich which wild be built soon. The junior high school entrance examinations will be held this year on June 201h, 21st ani 22nd The jinn,:o.r public school gra.•lna'i- ons will be held from June 1.5, 18 19, 20, 21 and 22. Mr. i{ouis Pramig rec2mtly cora-, preys? .;;* ege t trim 4 nut i;t torn •IVIS. Herb Bloch; Int consists of a g,alsoliniie engine which drives' a cement mixer alt Mounted on al convenient truck for ,moving from place to pilaee. ;The gravel and cement are ehowelfle:d into one side of the mixer and then dumped unto a wheellbarrow: on the op.. •posite slide throughly mixed. It is a very seom,plete rig and is' a; ,credit to the maker. 1 Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 insures your barn against damage by wind or -tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 -cents per $100 for 3 years~ No premium note and no extra assessment ed. G. HO ZZ Agent - Zuric Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING h i Prompt Service Moderate Charges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. Hr HOFFMAN LOOK!. Why mot use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- .mith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. C. Fe CASE & SON PROVE 35 HENSALL Cross Fertilizer .Co. BASIC' SLAG • Am now taking orders fo: winter delivery. The past s'eas`on has g .ia shown that Bash S as gives best satisfaction for grain 'and beans. For re_e-ence as;, farmers in this locality who have used it. Ontario Fertilizer Zurich, - Ontario I also sell the above . brand of Fertilizer macre by one of the larg- e:.t Canadian Compani-s Ageney '.'or Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose Classified Ads JOSEPH RL�D R N. , 2. Zurich. Ilure�, Weather %surai oe Mutual Oamparn3r LgGALL, DARDS. YROUl2FOOT, 1S.ILI,OItAA', & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pu'alie &o. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from I•Iamiiton St. Goderioh. Private funds to loan at lowest rates Pitovproor, K. 0. J. L. KzznoR4N. H. J. D. Comm, Kr, Cooke will be in tlensnll on Friday and Saturday of each week, G^ R, Hess & Ge© —•1JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS R4air ng a Sy5eczclty Protect your property against damage by storm or cyclone h`y a policy in a good live Farmer's Mutual, Company. Our nates are very low — Q 00 per thousand per annum._ 1'1''3 pay all louses of $1.00 and Iver from this date forward. Press ^'nt poreyho:ders note thisan- n ounc0men t. For fu'1 particulars see or phone ^my of the following agents; ..:Hardy, General Agt,nt, Exeter, R. G. Jarminthlsub-agent,s13ornh,okm, N.Og•den, sub -agent, Centralia II H. Hill, sub agent, Auburn. sor write the Secretary • L.na .Monteith,R.R.1N7a,obi as Note the change of Secretary. James Scott, Pres., Cromarty An interesting article appeared in a recent ii.;sslue of the Detroit (Times of which Mr. William H„ Smith. of that ;city, who is anative of this sections, is the author. It is a plan to keep peace through- out the worlds„ It is, in effect, a United States of the world, oper-, atirg under an international con- gress, with a constitution and a pi eside'nit. This congress is to consist of representatives from; men best q'aualified ,to draw up international law's. His suggesti- on, goes on to slay that the com- bined military force of the coun- tries constituting the congress will be able to keep the balance of military power. Countries enter- ing into the agreement will retain their own form of government. The tkrea'tened railway strike in the United Stat es has been avert- ed tbtrolugh the railways making a ctsmplete surrender to the railway btiotherhoods for a basic eight hour day, It will be involve sal- ary increases to over three hundr- ed thousand employees, totalling approximately •e'xty mit' on dollars 15; FORD MOTOR OIL FOR SALE -Any quantity. Geo. R. Hess. PREPARDNESS There are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your stipple of the celebrated D. & H. Laclia- wana Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut I� .A. Cantelon Uensall Phone:lO, iion1se Phone 1.Oa EGGS FOR HATCHING Settings of Eggs of thorough - red white leghorns Young strain -0c a setting, Juluis Thiel;Zurich EGGS FOR HATCHING ;Guild's strain of Barred Rocks eggs for hatching. $1.00 per setting. — Lee O'Brein, Zurich. VILLAGES TO HAVE LOCAL COMMISSION Important hydro legislation was introduced in the Ontario Legis- lature on Tuesday by Hon. I. 3. Lucas The bill will be of inter- est to tlw [Municipalities in that it authorizes the 'commission for hydro :purposes. Provision is root le in the pact to permit ,pillages to appoint hydro commissions without a vote of the people and an added clause inposes upon muni cipalities in the Niagara districts the oblig(ation to pay the average cost of power, notwithstanding a- greements with the commission. This is intended to cover the extra? expense to which the committee has been put in order to secure an' additional supply.- Another clause( provides that local commissions may not issue debentures without the consent of the provincial corn., mission.,Statutory approval of the Niagara Fens development is also provided for. 4;--110 MARRIED Beaver--Gallman--At Zurich, on March 29th, by Rev. Ii, Rembe, rsliss Mary, daughter of Mr. and Jacob Gellman, to Mr. E. Beaver of V ldei% . • EGGS FOR HATCHING Regal strain of White W y x1.00 n- dottes eggs 1 or hatching. per setting. Also fancy pigeons for sale• — Ward Fritz, Zurich. ----4---- RtiBS' & GASCHO A large number of accounts are still unpaid. We have decided to extend the time one week, until April 8th, when all must be set - 'led Kindly attend to yours. Wm S, Ruby. To Open a Pocketknife. Opening pocketknives is often very hard on finger nails, and a stiff hinged penknife or jackknife is practically useless to a boy if he can't open it readily. Tear off a piece of newspaper or writing paper about three inches square. Fold it across once and then slip the crease under the blade of the knife. Grasp the paper firmly be- tween the thumb and forefinger, as close to the blade as possible. Then pull rlteadily as if you were opening the knife without the paper. If you do not jerk it the paper will not tear. In this way you can open many a rustyy blade that has been useless tot months. HOUSB c'OR SALE Fine modern new Brick Dwell- ing for sale in ,Zurich. Newly Built, said a desirable home. Will be sold at a reasonable price. For further particulars apply to Wm. 8. Ruby, Zuricth. HOUSE FOR SALE Storey and one half house for ,t with kitchen. Situated in dnsirtna�ble 'loeation,in ' z•° urseh. Wild' be sold at reasonable price; Por particulars apply to Andrew, F. Ness, Zurich,. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Snring 1917 Planting List now ready. Wishing Them a 'Safe Voyage. "Mabel and George atter much quar- reling over the arrangements for thein honeymoon have decided to take the trip in an airship." "Well, I trust that when they get above the clouds they won't have a falling out." What snakes Tab discontented with our condition la the absurdly'. tom" Berated idea we, have of the happtta « othcxs- French 1Proscrb, , .k,..- Splendid list of Hardy Canadian hu.* ar.'. Ornamental Stock in- cluding McIntosh Rcd Applr, SL. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. 6 New illustrated catalogue sent on application. Start now at best selling time. Liberal Propositions. Stone Cr Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO 1911 CLUBBING LIST Herald and Daily Globe $3 75 Weekly Globe 1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire 3 75 " Weekly Mail and Empire 1 75 " 'Toronto Daily Star 3 25 Daily News 8 25 " Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press as it CC t{ it tt CI Morning Edition.... 3 60 Evening Edition.... 3 60 Weekly Edition..... 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition.... 3 60 Evening Edition.... 3 60 Weekly Edition...,. 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate... 2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star ....,,.1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 5.0 A. Mittelholtz Zurich man rve VERY ONE CAN do ,/ something for his country Some can bear arms Some can produce food Some can make munitions Some can give money It is the privilege of all to help. OU CAN SERVE by Fighting—Working— Saving—Giving This is NATIONAL SERVICE Are YOU doing your part 7 LL EYES turn now to the Canadian Farmer, for he can render the Empire SPECIAL SERVICE in this sternest year of the war. But—our farms are badly under- manned -25,000 men are needed on ,:the land With insufficient help, the Man on the Land fights an uphill fight to meet the pressing need for Food. CITE and TOWN can help. Municipal Councils, Churches and Schools, and other organizations, both of men and women, can render National Service by directing all available labour to the Land. Farmers themselves can exchange labour. School boys can assist. Were you raised on a farm ? Can you drive a team? Can you handle fork or hoe? If you can't fight, you can produce. Spend the Summer work- ing on the Farm. Let every man, woman and child in the Dominion who has access to Land, no matter how small the plot, make it produce Food in 1917. For information on any subject relating to the Farm and Garden write:— INFORMATION BUREAU DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA, CANADA. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, MINISTER. 20,000 TONS RAGS WANTED Aliso all kinds of junk; HIGHEST CASH PRICES Will call seootn PIrdnie No, 35 Canadian Country. FARM. FOR SALE Lot 8, con. 4, Shanley, 100 acres 80 aered cleared, Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen• and woodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barn 30x50, on stone foundation. ,Two1 good 'wells, orchard, and mall fruits, This farm is 3% miles from Brueefield and Kippen and is 6 miles from Hen,ssa'll. Easy terms,' Apply Will. E. Alexander,. R. R. No. 2, tensalt, phone 6--82