HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-06, Page 4TBE B3E,EA.LP Issued Thursday afternoons from the '• HERALD PRINTING ;. FFICE Victoria St., Zurich, by :A'nidrew F. Hess' and Chester L.Smith ;Terms of subscription $1 per year in advance; $1,50 may be charged it n+ot ,s,o paid. ' 13. S. t;ubscripti- • ions $1.50 strictly in advance. No Paper discontinued until all ar- ' wears 'are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates- :Transient ad- vertisements, 10 cents per lind for first insertion and 4 cents per line for each subsequent insertion Small advertisements not to ex- ceed one inch, .such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., in- serted ,onee for 25 cents, and each subsequent insertion 10 cents -Communication intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, Le accompanied by the name of the writer. An Interesting Letter from Sapper R. M. Geiger. Crowborough, Feh.30, 17. Dear Y. P. A. iWOrJ. ers;- . !vivo, shower of letters from. our All - slice friends was certainly refresh - sing, and .our old camp hut was for llittlle while filled with an atmos- phere of home. Happy scenes aio- peared to our view as we read the accounts of your activities. for ,we cherished many pleasant mem- ories of the Zurich Y. P. A. itt would be impossible to answer each. note separately, wdchin a period of time, that would show gratefulness for kind remember- s{ ,and I have you all in mind, CORRESPONDENCE ...... COUNTY NEWS Pte. Fred Weir, who was report- ed the past week as wounded in France, has since died of wounds. He v,as a nephew of Mrs. Frank Keegan of l3ayfield. Mr. Wm. Ferguson and Miss Bruce were married in Kirton on Wednesday the 14th inst. ,.'They are going to occupy Lot 6, Conces- sion 5, Stanley, where the late neo. Elgie formerly lived. ane s, , A series of meetings were held as I am writing this letter in ehe last weak in Leeburn and benradi hope of hearing from you all a-1 er, when J.W. Purchell, assistant engineer of the Hydro -Electric Power Commission 'addressed the farmer: on the many ways in which hydro can be used. W. R. Davis, 'who has been ed- itor and proprietor of the Mit- chell Advocate for the ,past 57 years has retired from. business gain. The cross-examination to which some of you subjected me did not ellnbarass me at all, for I have only -met two ladies since I left Ottawa, and they are two kind hearts, who are in charge of a Isioldier'e ' club, of which I am ter. Alvin will have to a mem Address all communications to answer for himself, now that he is away on leave -a romantic soldier far away from his friends. Our -social advantages are rather limited .or perhaps Bette: describ- ed as one-sided. The churches, at least a Lew of them, are giv- ing much of their time to provid- ing entertainment for the soldiers but at best they are reaching a comparative few. The world is never slow to grasp an opportun ity, .alnd we know all too well that her influences are not very whole- so'me. I atm much impressed with the daughter of Mr. sand Mrs. " "John need of a healthy s'ocia'l atmos- Kleinfeldt of the 5th con..7sborne phere -for our young people, and, Just a few months ago deceased 1 believe the church is the tied- accepted asituat:on in London and through which. it ought to'bei, until a short time ago enjoyed[ provided. The church has •too her usual health, when, rather slid - long been content with devoting, denly she was taken down , with her energies to the developmen s (Bright's disease. She went to: of the religious side of our natur- I Victoria Hospital for treatment,. es, permitting other influences to but her condition became worse e tz o7 TETE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. SCHOOL REPORT Result of Easter Promotion Ex- ra'mination of S. S. No. 4, south Sian ley. Names in order of merit, those .marked with * obtaining honours. Jr. IV. - Hannah Steckls, Vic- tor Etue, Frieda .Talbot. .;Sr, III. - Levi Etue, Wilfred Etue. Jr. III. - Louise Etuo', Clifford ;Talbot'', Agnes Etue, Peter Etue. tSr. II. - Godfrey Etue. Jr. II. - Maurice Etue, Clarence Masse, Lawrence Tal'-ot. 7, Class. - Victor lYlasse, Joseph Eedour. Dorabel Pottery, Teacher. DASHWOOD Mrs. F. Preeter, who has spent the winter with her daughter in Lindsay, has returned to her home here. Mr. .J Kellerman made a busi nese trip to Sarnia on Saturday. Miss Clara Graupner left Friday for Elmira, where she will spend the Easter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rinker spent a few 'B'ay's in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Statton are this week moving to Parkhill where they will reside. Mrs. B. ,Stacey spent the week- end in Stratford. Miss" Pear•i Tyler and brothers, Albert and Victor, 'of Sarnia, are visiting their father here at pres- ent. Mr. W. J. Lang and family left last weak for Melbourne where they will make their future home. EXETER Three foreigners were fined by W. D. Sainders, magistrate, last week for trading in town without a license. Each paid $20 and casts. owing to illheai1h. He enjoys the unique distinction of being the :o'.d- est newspaperman in Canada to be continuously associated with one newspaper. John Lawson, of near Crediton, passed away on Thursday March 22nd alt the age of 76 years and 28 days. His widow five sons and three daughters survive him, The remains were interred in the;Ex- eter ceanetery. The death took place in `Yictaria Hospital, Landon on Monday;. Mar. 26th, of Miss Sarah Ann Kleinfeldt Notice to Creditors. In the m_a-ter of :.._e Estate of John Westlake, lat.: of the Town- ship of Stanley in.the county of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf chat ail persons having claims ageitst. ;the state o' Wi e1 who ...Iffx'4c.. o 'mn "2e ~ purr a •4O D`ee-. ember, 19e1, at ,the To\inlship of Stanley in the county of Huron, are required to send by post or de- liver to the undersigned Solicit- ors for the Executor of the said deceased, their Christian and sur- names, full addresses and descripti ons, particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if Jany, held by them, on or before .the 17th ,day of April 1917, and, that after the said last mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the ,claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Exeter the 23rd day of March, 1917. ;Gladman & Stanbury Exeter, Ont. Solicitors for Ex- iecutor. develop our social tendencies,with' and passed away as stat d b e. the result that many have cepa-- She was aged 27 years; '10;viiontlis ated religion from every day life. Experience in the array has stren- gthened my convictions, that we can influence lives for good, only gain their their as we confidence and that is possible for most of us, only .through social intercourse. q a 3iY lie v. . ,uy -e,R1' ;, }'d'a i15` ..:,... tat'`cher Pl ed beeause they "" do not 'understand the men's prob- lems, and have .not been able to gain their confidence by living and working with them. It is a .lues - tion to some to know what meth- ods .to adopt and the extent of indulgence, but it seems to me the problem is not so much in know- ing, as in a lack of willingness tn. :do what we believe to be .right, May our faith in each others sin- cerity in all the details of our lives be fully realized. IThe war is teaching us many] lessons, ,at least I feel that Prov- idence would use it as a means of ii•9'0••••••••••••••ID••14)•••• 090114®000000.90•0•0i00•li•!' and 26 dtays. Information has been received by the County 'Temperance - that the three cases Which', have been going the round of jthe courts, since last fall are, lilcel, to he wp air an earlyt dat FRUIT TREES of N. Cantin of St. Joseph, J.. Webber of Seaforth, and ;Thos. Berry of Hens -all. The Count -of, Appeals recently dismissed the appeals of. Meesrs. Cantin and Weber,' and'by agreement the Berry case was to drop if these appeals were; not successful. Action is 'now being taken to recover the fines `kx d the costs in each case, as the attorney general's department is o 'f the, opinion that there can be no' fur- ther appeal by these parties: WAR SERVICE BADGES It is notified for general infor- Masseyllarris Implements • Sweet Bros. sold their farm by auction on Tuesday of last week Will Sweet was the purchaser and the price paid was $10,000.00. IThe directors of the Exeter Ag- ricultural Society have decided to give a special list of prizes for farm and garden products grown by school children. Dr. J. A. Rollins, who is assist- ant su )erintendent of the Mimieo Asylum, has been granted leave of absence and has moved with• his f'a :lily to London.. Sam C. Hersey, a former well- knowr, grocer and liquor dealer of Exeter, died at his late home in :Toronto on March 26th. Robert Russel, the little 4 -year old son of, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rielly, of Sasl. atoon, Sask., died at the hoane of R. T. Luker; London Triad 'r col. March 22nd. Mr. Rielly • • r • • A • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We have been re -appointed Agents for the abovz' named Implements and are prepared tc take orders of all kinds of Massey -Harris -machines for next season. WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF 11MASS EY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. ®' S 0 O. 0 i We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. Square Deal Our Prices are always ri gh t H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son The Old Stand •. 0 • 0 • • • e••s••s•••••G••n•••••g••nm •••e•••••o•••••e•••••••••• purging us from pregudice and; mation that an Order -in -Council 'selfishness. Human nature se' has been passed authorizing the ms hard to ,educate„ and I tear issue of four classes of War Ser - that all the 'warring nations ire vice Badges, viz... - loathe to leave their pedestal of self righteouusniess, and to be awakened from their spiritual a- pathy. The old problem of evil is brought black to us so forcibly, that I do not think it will be treat AND PLANTS FOR SPRING 1 PLANNING I iWe have established a lasting 'reputation for fair and square dealing and are n 'ow prepared to ,-meet existing conditions by offer- ing our high grade trees and Vents direct to customers at FROCK BOTTOM Prices. Donal 'delay planting fruit trees and !plants, as there is nothing pays better. Send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can order direct and get the .'benefit of agent's commission. Our prices will be Sure to interest, tyou. THE CHASE BROTHERS CO. OF ONTARIO LTD. NURSERYMEN, ESTABLISHED 18 5 T. COLBORNE; ONT. Good liaseburner for sale cheap. Apply at the IHereld Office. ery over sin. New ads -J. Gascho & Son. I'd" e 'W`' have a vast field of labour ure, sell, purcblase, or wear any. Trustees, Ward Fritz Lee O'Brien in -the .army, and according tic' other badge purporting to be for sand; aixwil3'.t 'tial bevisiting l;dere• sing Chri`§ xnas.' ••:I'he-' litt'e lad; ' had contracted a severe cold which developed into pneu- monia. • HENSALL 4.+++4.4.++++f+4.+++4.++4.4.4.+++''+4+4. 401 50,000 FEET 4. 4. wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. Also all kinds of other logs wanted. Custom Sawing our Specialty 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4r i• PHONE ,Clans A. - For men honourably discharged after actual service at the Front. 'Class B. --Por those honourably discharged after Six months ser- vice in, the C. E. F., or after. less( ed quite so lightly, as has been the than six months service provided tendency of many churches in the the discharge was by reason of -past. It is a reality we must farce some dislabLity due to Military Ser and hourible as it' may be, we can, vice. not make it less so, by trying to class C. --Por those honourably blind ourselves to its existence. diseharged -after less than '.six Men may .dispute about its origion mvo.nths service in ;the C. E. i+., or but we cam never disregard 'ts who have volunteered to enlist ruinous work for the evidences are too strong and convincing. If sin abound, grace doth much more abound,. and I fancy if Paul were living to -day, he would wel- come this opportunity of preach- ing Christ and .Him crucified. He etas convinced of -a power wh'c'h enables men to overcome temp- tation and sin, and he had faith in -himself to believe that he ' ou1d Le used by Christ to introduce men to His power: What a priv- ilege we have of doing a share in bringing joy and peace to the hearts of men, because of a mast - MAPLE SAW LOGS WANTED 50,000 feet good hard maple saw logs F. C. L LJtYLEISCI ZURICH Misses. Mary Johnston, Amy Reynolds and Mary Fee attended, the W. M. S. convention at London last week. A large number attended themillinery openings last week." The drama, "The Nev Minister will be presented at Exeter by local talent the last week in April. Robt Cooper, of Tuckersmith las bought the 50 -acre grass farm south of Kippen from Frank Grah- am. Four applications have been re- ceived. foe the position of choir 'leader and organist of Carmen church. Mr. G. Booth, who conducted evengelistic meetings here, left laist week for other fields of labor. CREDITON !and have been refused as medical- ly -unfit. Class D, - Par those who :have volunteered to enlist, -but whose services have been refused on the, ground that they, would be amore useful to the State in their actua'l. occupation than if they enlisted. There is a tprovisfo, to the ef- fect that n.o Badge will be issued to men discharged by read 'n "of the ceisaation of working p ,y, if they are still 'medically fits -for.. overseas service. This order provides for the free issue of these Government Badges and snakes it illegal to manufact- •' our faithfulness, do we enjoy re- such purposfes as are provided for sults. +I appreciate the honour of addressing my comrades occasion ally, discussing our problems in the hut and best of all the possib- ility of sl;eading an unselfish life in a strong Manly way. Let ars not be weary in well do- ing for in Blue season we shall reap, if we faint not. Yawls -Lor the Master. Sapper R. Geiger, 507269 Div, 1►op t of Agriculture. Rave you renewed your sub- Scription to • the ,Herald for 1917? Wresh supply of Formaldehyde ton hand for treating .smut ani grain at 'Zurich Drug Store. *SPRING MILLINERY OPENING il;'riday and Saturday, Mar. 30th land 31st. Mins -Innes, who has tb rge has visited Detroit and cindon openings, , Ii.TON W. OItTWEIN, Hensail. meszelrammin 19 +•444•44+ 4.++++++++++++. /4\\ 44 $PRJN : OUR STORE IS FILLED WITH GOODS YOU REQUIRE THIS•. SPRING. CALL AND LOOK 0 VER OUR LINES, WE CAN IN. TEREST YOU IN PRICES AND Q UALITY. ELEPHANT BRAND READY -MIXED PAINTS, HARDWARE ANI) TINWARE OF ALL KINDS RUBEROID READY ROOFING AT $1.40 PER ROLL. SWEAT PADS AND HARNESS REPAIRS¢. FLOWER, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. NEW WALL PAPERS AT A LL PRICES. WE SELL THE FOX SCALES AT REASONABLE PRICES. dee our new stock of Shoes NEVER BEFORE HAS OUR STOCK OF GOOD SERVICEABLE SHOES BEEN SO COMPLETE IN ALL LINES. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. WE ALSO REPAIR SHOES. FRESH GROCERIES RECEIVE D EACH WEEK. Farm Produce of all kinds wanted Our butcher shop has been clos- ed. G. Nicholson, who has been conducting it for some years, on account of other business callings has decided to discontinue it. Mrs. S. Brown visited relatives in Kntdhener last week. The eminual meeting of the Evan- gelical church was held last Wed- nesday. ' At the annual meeting of the band the following officers were elected Pres.. G. Sweitzer; Vice., Ever- ett Fainser; Sec., Alf. Wuerth; Treas., Moses F,aist; Leader, H. K. Either; assistant, Garnet Sweit- zer. The organization is in a good condition financially. Mrs (Rev.) Otto Brown and child- ren of Erie, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mrs. H. F. Eilber. AUCTION SALE in the Order -in -Council. .Any infr etidn of the proisi'si- ons of this .Order -yin -Council will be punished by a finle not exceed- ing $500.00 or by imprisonment ndt exceeding six months: ,Sometime must elapse 'beforethe Badges thrus authorized are avail- able .for issue, but as soon as they, are 'available they will be forward ed to the Districts together with, complete ansitruction9 regarding Sig. Co, ,Clrowborough ,England, ,tgteir iodate. t ! • L. BRISSON Ii onN 6 Drysdale Of .Clovis and Young Cattle, at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Sat- urday, :April 7th at 2 o',c'lock. Postp.onled from Mar. 27th, E. I3ossenberry, auctioneer; A. John- ston & Son, proprietors. The next meeting of the Wornens Institute will be held at the home of the Misses Lamont on Wednesday ev- ening, April 1lth. An interesting ptograln is being Prepared. A SNAP on Farm Wagons I PURCHASED A NUMBER 0 F FARM WAGONS AT A BAR- GAIN AND AM GOING TO GIVE THE FARMERS OF THIS SEC- TION THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PURCHASE. IF NEEDING ONE CALL EARLY AS I HAVE ONLY A LIM- ITED NUMBER. Two De Laval Separators at old price' TWO DE LAVAL SEPARATOORS LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. Take advantage of this ALSO TWO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE AT .TIIE OLD PR -ICE.. Bargain on low-down manure spreader. LOW DOWN MANURE SPREADER AT THE OLID PRICE.. DO NQT MISS TIME SNAPS ' We handle pumps, piping, etc. L. PRANG ZURICH