HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-06, Page 3FROM OLD SCOTLAND
What is Going, On in the Highlands
and Lowlands of Auld
The fishermen at Machrie Bay, Ar-
ran, are securing herring in large
The Duke of Argyll has presented
half a ton of coal to each poor family
living in Inverary.
The domestic servants of Edinburgh
have already contributed £1,884 to
various war funds.
The late John Duncan of 16 Royal
Terrace, Glasgow, has left an estate
valued at £66,060.
Dunoon citizens are using paraffin
lamps as a protest against the poor
quality of the local gas.
James Lindsay, solicitor, has been
appointed secretary and treasurer of
the school board of Inverary.
The Edinburgh Town Council will
use the corporation greenhouses for
the growing of vegetable plants.
The Edinburgh and District Ladies'
Egg Committee distributed 21,926
eggs during the month of January.
J. H. Martin has been eleeted a
member of the Dundee Town Council
to succeed the late James Perrie.
Major-General Sir Robert Pringle,
who was recently made a K.C.M.G., is
a son of Gilbert Pringle, Stranraer.
J. Scott Inglis is the newly elected
president of the Master Masons' and
Brickbuilders' Association of Glasgow.
According to the annual report the
Edinburgh Tramways System is in
better condition than it has been for
At a recent sale of yearling Ayr -
shires by James Howie, of Hillhouse,
an average of £87 was got for fifteen
The Corporation of Glasgow has
started the erection of twenty or thir-
ty tenement buildings for the laboring
and poorer classes.
Painters in the Glasgow district
have had their wages advanced one
penny per hour, making the standard
rate 111/d. per hour.
Major George L. Gulland, who has
received the C.M.G., was born in 1862,
and is a professor of medicine in Ed-
.inburgh University.
Future of -Canada Depends on Traiat-
ing • of Her Coming Citizens.
We believe that there is no nobler
calling than that of the teacher. And
we do not niean especially the advanc-
ed teacher, the learned professor with
his trailing degrees. We mean,
above all, the thousands of women all
over this broad Canada of ours teach-
ing thousands of little children the es-
sence of life. Those women, with
their humble, constant, patient, ill -re-
warded industry, are making the
future of this nation and the future
of the world. It depends upon them
primarily • whether democracy shall
work out to slow, enduring triumph
or to gigantic disaster.
They are 'conscious of the vastness
of their task and try to perform it
worthily. No doubt many of them
are careless and negligent -and think
mainly of themselves; but the great
mass labor tirelessly and with daily
prayers that they may put into those
children's hearts some little seed that
will go on and prosper to the glory
of God.
What the difficulties are no one
knows who has not closely watched
the effort. The children are so often
unresponsive and wayward and in-
tractable and easily misled, rarely if
ever appreciative of the care and love
bestowed upon them. The parents
are seldom thoughtful to praise, and
are often ready to find fault, convinc-
ed that, if Willie does notado well,
anyone but Willie—or themselves—
is to blame.
The reward is meagre in dollars; in
;hanks, more meagre still. The teach-
er must .find it ehiefiy in the conscious-
ness of having done her best, and
that is a consciousness often denied
to those by whom the very best Is
;lone, Only -rarely does one among
hundreds of pupils who come later to
look at their teacher's work with love
and gratitude think to tell her of it.
But what a ray of sunshine that
means! If you have prospered in
the -world and are ]Sappy and success-
ful; and feel that you owe it very
largely to her who formed your char-
acter' in school, write and tell her so.
You will give more pleasure than you
can imagine.
Willie Only Resting,
He had yelled steadily for twenty
mit Utes. Then he stopped, and all
.was quiet.
"I am glad to see you have stopped
crying, Z 'illie," said his mother.
"I ain't stopped," exclaimed Wil-
lie, indignantly. "I was only restin'i
Y eatiaaaaaa."
You Can Do Your Bit
in the trenches, in the home,
in the office, in the factory,
in the store, when the body
is nourished with foods
that build healthy muscle
without overtaxing the di-
gestive organs. Shredded
Wheat Biscuit contains the
greatest amount of body-
building nutriment at lowest
cost. It strengthens the
muscles of the stomach and
intestines by making them
do their normal work in a
natural way. A. better
balanced ration than meat
or eggs, more easily digested
and costs much less. Ready -
cooked and ready - to - eat.
For breakfast' with milk or
crearl,, or for any meal with
fruits. Made in Canada.
Styles for Spring 11
There will be two fashionable sil-
houettes this spring. The slim sil-
houette, with its straight, clinging
lines will continue to be first in favor,
as it has been all through the winter,
but the new barrel skirt will give wo-
men a chance to indulge in the bouf-
fant effect, which will, doubtless, be
welcomed by those who 'nave complain-
ed of being tired of the eternal
straight line.
True to its name, the new silhou-
ette is in the outline of a barrel, bulg-
ing at the hips and drawn in at the
Dress of Pongee Showing the New
waist and ankles. There are many
ways of accomplishing this puffiness
over the hips. One is by the clever
St ady
Those Nerves!
If it's caffeine—the drug
in tea and coffee that's
causing shaky nerves, the
remedy is perfectly plain—
Quit both tea and coffee,
and for a pleasant, health-
ful table beverage; use—
Postum is a delicious
cereal drink, pure and
nourishing and absolutely
free from any harmful in-
There's a big army • of
Postum users who are en-
joying better health and
comfort since joining the
"There's. a Reason"
Canatlinn i'osturn Cereal Co„
\\'incisor, Ont.
draping of the material at the Waist-
line somewhat after the fashion of the
"peg -top" skirts that were used some
years ago. This type of the barrel
skirt is shown in the sketch, which 11-
lustrates a dress of figured pongee
with sleeves and belt of plain pongee
in natural color. The skirt narrows
down to two yards at the hem; for the
narrow skirt, especially in this toren,
is to come in with the spring, fasli;ign
authorities says. This silhouette has
also been named the "howling -pin;"
and looking at the whole silhouette
from shoulder to ankles, and not mere-
ly from the waist downward, the name
is indeed most appropriate.
Perhaps the most generally favored
of all fabrics this spring will be satin.
It is to be used for one-piece dresses,
for suits, and for sepal'ate coats. This.
material will also be in demand for
eveninggowns and afternoon dresses,
and for these its popularity will be
shared by charmeuse, which is very
closely related to satin. The suits
and dresses of satin will be decorated
with braiding and embroidery, and
much of the embroidery will carry out
the Oriental colorings which are dis-
tinctly in vogue this season.
These patterns may be obtained
from your locol McCall dealer or from
The McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Tor-
onto, Ont. Dept. W
Had Fourteen Fits
Li Doe Afternoon
But Ts Made Well and Strong By
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Mr. R. J. Thompson, of Uxbridge, Tells
the Story of His Terrible Trouble
and Almost Miraculous Cure.
Uxbridge, Ont., Apr. 2nd. (Special.)
—Mr. R. J. Thompson, living near
here, had fourteen convulsions in one
afternoon. The doctors did not think
he could live. To -day he is well •aad
strong. He says Dodd's Kidney Pills
did it. But let him tell his own story:.
"I am delighted with Dodd's Kidney
Pills," Mr. Thompson states. "I have
only taken eleven boxes and I feel like
myself again.
"I was taken i11 very suddenly. I ate
my dinner and went to take a man
home. I just got about three-quarters.
of a mile when I was taken with •a con-
vulsion fit. I had fourteen that after-
noon and the third day I had nine
o== 0otors said I• could 'not live
and if I did I would never be able to
do anything again, as I. had chronic
Bright's Disease. But thank God I am.
doing my own work once again, by the
use of Dodd's Kidney Pills." •
Bright's Disease is the most advanc-
ed stageof kidney disease. It can be
avoided if the earlier stages of kidney
trouble are remedied by the use of
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Leather Goods, Toys, Chinaware, Now
Made in United Kingdom.
Leipzig, Germany, has lost its fam-
ous fair. Bustling British traders
have grabbed it holus bolus and estab-
lished it in London town, says a Can-
adian in England. Germany had al-
most a monopoly o? the leather trade
before the war. But you should see
the splendid 'display of leather goods,
purses, handbags, picture Mimes,
writing pads, toilet and jewel -cases
they are turning out in English fac-
tories these days dressed and in suede
effects—not a shoddy article in the
show. The daintiest 'Viennese pigskin
jewelcase could not vie with those
which British workers are now mak-
Tin soldiers—whole divisions of
them—presently caught the visitor's
eye as he wandered among the
streets of booths which filled a huge
section of the building. Grenadiers,
artillerymen, infantry, army service,
engineers, and army medical corps
painted•in the bright colors of their
own regimental full dress stood
among cannon and howitzers, past
which squadrons of Lifeguardsmen
and Hussars charged with supreme
disregard for machine guns.
Toys to delight the heart of the
most fastidious child abounded in
this section. One dealer exhibited .a
rocking -horse whose front legs work-
ed like a pendulum, causing the ani-
mal to progress in stately manner
about a nursery as each see -saw of the
back rockers lifted the forelegs free.
What rafts of wooden animals, what
array of dolls, whose china heads,
hands or feet are no longer German
as of yore. Toy telegraph keys, and
one with an electric buzzer for teach-
ing ambitious youngsters wireless,
were among the features.
Numerous manufactures in which,
owing to indifference, the Hutt had
`almost acquired control of the world's
markets, Were here •exhibited, And
'the British article is almost invariably
a far better looking and more durable
affair than the cheap German . goods.
Germans are a cheap nation anyway
and they like shoddy goods. British
283' King Street East, Toronto
brushes, hair brushes, clothes brushes,
and even fine paint brushes for art-
ists were among the displays.
In china, England has always been
supreme in both the very best and the
very cheapest, In the medium and
largely dealt in grades, Germany was
a strong competitor, but from this line
Germany will henceforth be debarred.
England's .potteries are determined to
even here outdo her.
Quite likely the white buttons on
your shirt or your aprons are made
of 'compressed milk, treated with
acids:' Germany had control of this
mammoth industry before 1914. The
Huns called the material "Galilith."
England's chemists have discovered
a ,,good commercial process of mak-
ing this material. It has illimitable
uses., Brush backs, chessmen, but-
tons by the hundred million, check-
ers, poker chips are made from it, and
numerous good ivory imitations. Even
the, colored ivory -appearing ornament-
ation and the pretty green jade-look-
in'g edging on jewel and ladies' small
dressing cases are generally nothing
less than this substance.
Lead pencils are another line of
manufacture once in the hands of the
Huns to 'a very large extent. Remem-
ber the Faber pencils? English mak-
ers are fashioning as good a pencil as
ever the Hun turned out. England is
eonsufeing all the present output,
while China takes the culls. One
dealer told me he was full up with or-
ders for the next four months.
Stich are some of the many things
to be seen at the third annual fair of
British industries, held under the au-
spices of the Board of Trade.
Oats should be treated for smut be-
fore planting.
IT is always safe to send a Dominion
Express Money Order, Five dollars
costs three cents.
A frugal Scot, wishing to light up,
askeda number of fellow -passengers
for a match. None of them having
one, Sandy said resignedly: "Aweel,
I'll have to use yin o' ma ain."
MinarO s Liniment for sales everywhere.
ft 3{71trriiy o, life.;. it 1flr"h? f �i"ta
rya, t� e ma,gnTfi`ceatCdi3tanc . that
count. sarhe most wonderful rpt ever
travelled' lay straight and steep be-
tween a manger and a near -by hill.
To whom it may concern: This is
to certify that I have used MINARD'S
LINIMENT myself as well as pre-
scribed. it in my practice where a lini-
ment was required and have never
failedto get the desired effect.
C. A. KING, M.D.
The Russian Minister.. of. Agricul-
turehas been given power to create on
Crown lands reserve areas for the pre-
servation and breeding of fur -bearing
animals and of birds.
Miaiard's Liniment 12e1ieves Neuralgia.
Good Salesman.
"You waste your time painting pic-
"Yoii are wrong—I sell my pic-
"Which fact convinces me you can
sell anything. Why not take up in-
surance, or motors, or something with
big money in .it?"
Keep house plants as close to the
glass as possible, so they will have all
available light, and turn them around
frequently to prevent their growing to
one side.
Do not let plants suffer for water
or moisture, the sun drys out the soil
in, the pots quickly at this season.
Overhead watering or syringing will
be beneficial
On pleasant days admit fresh air
freely, avoiding cold draughts striking
the plants.
If insects appear they must be kept
down by spraying with insecticides.
Liquid manure can be used to ad-
vantage now that the plants are be-
ginning to grow, particularly for
plants likely to get pot bound.
Water seedlings carefully that have
been started in the house. Do not keep
them too warm, and give sufficient air
to make them stocky. Thin the plants
out so they will not become drawn;
that is tall and spindly, and transplant
as soon as they are of sufficient size
into shallow boxes of soil, giving each
plant sufficient room to develop.
This Simple Rule
Soon Strengthens
A Delicate Stomaeh
It really is unnecessary to dose your-
self with pepsin pills or artificial diges-
tives or to live on a miserable nursery 1) ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB
diet. If you will observe one easy rule
you can eat the hearty, nourishing; fonds Offices for sale 1n good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interestinsi
that your appetite craves and your body
needs. That rule is to take a teaspoonful
of Eisurated Magnesia in a half glass of
hot water with each meal. Ulsuratecl
Magnesia is non -laxative and harmless
and possesses medicinal finalities that
promptly overcome impaired digestion, ICYCL ES. NEW AND SECOND
fermentation, acidity, catarrhal condi- (li Hand.d$12.00 up. Send for special
magnesia is prepared in various ways be
tions of the stomach, gas. distress after pride fist, Varsity Cycle works, 413
Dating and other stomach disorders. As priceapadli Ave.. Toronto.
certain to insist on obtaining it in the r1 ANGER.. TUMORS, LUMPS,.ETC..
Bisurated form, especially recommended d/ internal and external. curedwith-
for stomach purposes. Sold by all drug- cut pain by our home treatment. Write
gists, d I us before too late. Dr. Deliman Medical
Co.. Limited, Colltngwood. Ont.
,aif err.;
'attain leak
TOSS des gests•
4'4'L 5,ty t e:.
oign NIs wig a.Lto
The most enviable of all titles is
"An Honest Man."
Sw;.tzerland leads the world in ex-,
penditures for poor relief in propor-
tion to population.
Kinard's Liniment Cures Euros, Etc.
of all businesses. Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto.
Taking No Chances. -
Mrs. Nurox (to friend)—Yes, the
clerk at the store suggested my get-
ting a pair of oLiry glasses for Jake,
but I said that I didn't want my man
always goin' out between the acts to
fill 'em.
reGranulated Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo-
, sure to Sun, Bust and Wind
quickly relieved by Marine
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
gar • e' colts rT' fic
.�. e
e ` : '"ihliii�i�
"�our }"lrggg'gt t �� � .
Druggists -or MurineEye Remedy Co., Chicano
Cook's Tour.
Butler—Madame, the new cook has
come and she wants to know where
she will keep her motor.
=nerd's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
"Clean BOlLER
Far All Boiler z oed Waters
Cyclone Shaking* and Dumping Grate
Ears for all requirements
Canadian Steam Seiler equipment
c., Linitsd
Tei. Garrard 36e0
20 Mc0ee St. - Toronto
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
ss O T TO H GEL"
And How to Feed
118115d free to Oras a4dress bI
the Anther.
tirditiMitV0, Inc:
118 West 31st Street, New York
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ant:Ars,
Lymphangitis, Poli Evil, Fistnl ;
Boils, Swellings; Steps Laud>nes1
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts*
Bruises, Boot Chafes. It ;s
SAFE &iiTiSEPTla AED 3E1P11'.7:iN
Does not blister or remove ii .
hair and horse can be worked. Pleasantt.a
$2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your +4.o
for special instructions and Book. 5 M free.
ABSORB!N n , ,Tn„ Orating;tic tinimcat far manl:i^_d.
duces Stmins, raizral, Knctte,i, Swellrn
trnita—ot,,r a few atop requtod c: in srpl;.aacn. ••n,:a
31 per boggle et ureters nr Sellrcred,
W F 10U110, P, 0. F..818 Lyrnans lids., Montreal,
Pysorbiue and Abssrbica, Jr.. ar• made in Can .:4
Hook "Patent Protection" Free
.BCC"Da 3
Nornaer99 Patent b. 1877
Branches: Ottawa and Washington
" Zang -Bok Is a valuable addition
to every soldier's kit," This re•
mark was made by Lieut. -Col. A. C.
R. Hamilton -Gray, R,C.11., Welling-
ton Bt>u,'racks, Halifax, N.S. Ho
says further:
" I can epeak from personal ex-
perience, as I have used Zam-Buk
myself for cuts, burns and rheu-
inaatism, and believe there is noth-
ing to equal it."
Zam-l3uk, the great herbal balm,
is a boon to the men in the trenches
—it ends pain and heals so quickly,
and instant application of Zam-fink
prevents all possibility of festering
or blood poisoning,
Don't forget to put some Zam-
13uk in your next parcel to the
front. All druggists, or Zara-Buk
Co:, Toronto; 60e. box, 3 for $1.35.
OIL is a scientific pre -
para t ion.
It is a pure mineral
oil, therefore t•annot
turn rancid.
It contains no colds, :u• i
so does not destroy stitrh-
F,ureka tones es, ail back
teatime makes it bright,
shiny,tdlable- •newloo1ine.
Throughout Canada r•
ED. 7.
ISSUE 14—'17.
Have a Bottle Handy!.
loan's Liniment is assigned its
place among the trusted family
remedies in thousands ofnledi-
eine closets. Confidence in it is
based on the uniform effectiveness
with which it banishes the pains of
rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, .lumbago,
sore stiff muscles, bruises, sprains and
strains. Cleaner and envier to use than
mussy plasters or ointments. It penetrates
and relieves quickly ' without rubbing.
At ell'druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1,00.
Puts a
Stop to all
And prevents others having the disease no nutter how ex-
t os,•.1. All 1,10(0 druggists and turf goods houses.
SX'0. airs' h7.111)1CILX, CA.,
Chemists and naoterioloitists, Goshen,. Ind., U. S. A..