Zurich Herald, 1917-04-06, Page 21 h 1 w FALI. OF ST. QUENTIN AND LHON NEAR ALLIES TAKE STRONG POINTS British in Tremendous Smash Advance Several Miles, Occupying Numerous Villages -French Push Germans Back. London, April 1, -The two wedges driven into the German line north and south of the important base city of St. Quentin may force its evacua- tion within the next few hours. Despatches from British correspon- dents on the western from report that the Germans have destroyed a large part of St. Quentin by fire and 'explo- sives. They add that the Germans have routed all the treasures from pri- vate houses, museums and picture gal- leries. It is believed, according to theseadvices, that the cathedral up to the present has not been damaged. The city is menaced by a vigorous onward sweep of Field Marshall Haig's troops south from Peronne and an equally determineUrench advance in force upward from Ham and Gummed. The rate of speed which these two armies have shown in the last few days seriously threatens St. Quentin on three sides. An improvement in the weather resulted in a tremendous increase in the intensity of the fight- ing .,1l along the line. The British have swept forward more than three miles over a seven - mile front toward the city, while the French were battling along headed for the same goal, and both allied forces have penetrated very close to the per- manent German defence line. On Saturday the British took five villages and towns, including the important centre of \rermand. The others were Heudicourt, Steemille, Marteville and Soyecourt; and following the capture of Heudicourt, the British forces made considerable progress east of:_ that point, capturing prisoners and ma- chine guns, and rested for the night. Heavy fighting took place Sunday west of St. Quentin, resulting in the capture by the British of the village of Savy. Later, British troops at- tacked Savy wood, about a mile from the village and only two miles from St.`s Quentin, and occupied that position. S ROU ED IN HOLY LAND Army of 20,000 Crushingly De- feated by British Force. A. despatch from London €ays :- The defeat of a Turkish army of 20,- 000 0;000 Tien and the capture of 900 soldiers, including the general corn - mending the enemy's force and the entire divisional staff of the 53rd Turkish division in Palestine was of- ficially reported on Thursday. The battle took place near the hstoric city of Gaza. Heavy casualties were in- flicted on the enemy. Gaza is 20 miles north of the Egyptian -Syrian b undary and about 48 miles south- west of Jerusalem. "The New Crusade." The newseapers comment en- thusiastically on the British victory, which naturally opens the way for much Biblical and historical reference and comparison. "The New Crusade", nd `r.Fighi� for ADVANCE IN ERACE NORTH OF SOISSONS In Touch With Foe on a Long Front. A despatch from London says: All reports now indicate that contact is everywhere established between the opposing armies along the Hindenburg line. But there is a distinct lull oc- curring while the advancing armies are bringing up their heavy guns and supplies and generally consolidating their positions. IThe weather has certainly hamper- ed operations in the last few days, but in any circumstances the allies do 'not intend to make a big attack until they are again able to out -gun the enemy. Despite this the, British gained an !important success on Friday, captur- ing the village of Ruyalcourt, which brings their line more than eight miles east of Bapaume. The official British report epeaks of shs.?'n•figh tat -1 11 ruined in some quarters to be the im- ; mediate objective of the invaders. ' Other commentators, however, think the British aim first at securing the whole coast of Palestine. In any case the newspapers con-' sider the blow dealt the Turks near Gaza will seriously cripple the effects o. Emperor William's visit to Pales- tine ani his entry into Jerusalem 19 ; years ago. Of this the Times says: "The political dreams which led to that visit are now in the process of being •'..atterotl. The Holy Land, it would „_.e}n, is on the eve of being rescued from the regime which'. thrn,.,h centuries has held it in bondage." The manner in which the British! have lits -h cl railroads across the i desert i. tr,'r_idered a remarkable achievement. Apparently hundreds of mile, of railroad have been con- structe.! across the desert since last August- RU' ff '1'() wEsT.I?RN L ANDS. Fig:'res fon' the Week Double Those of t.);.. Same ;Week Last Year. A close tt:h fl't ni Win tllreg says :- Permanent immigration let() i.'a.iada for the ,rose'•; c•r liitp; Meed: 7 more than :1"r.lbles the returns for the same week ?seri• year, according to figures issued or Thtrrii'1 a;, i'y Daminion Im- migrat: ':1 +f ivials. During the week just ended 1,25.1 pereeme entered the , country t..' settle .n1 'Western lands, as compared with fil.1 lest year. They b:',ui.ht with them :sinal cash total- lipg, $ISi5.tl81, Last year's figures show teeth amounting to only $91,058. Of the tete( number of people entering d r n„ the week t 1:1 were farmer, and farm Welecrs, a s -. ..'r x.„-, +Ma ler-south 'i}l,,t..._� e fi.'`''._ eu' xcourt, where a batch of German prisoners were brought in. The villages of Sorel -le - Grand and Fins, on the line toward Cambrai, have also been occupied by Haig's troops. A German counter- attack flung at the new British posi- tion at Neuville-Bourjenval, captured on the '28th, was beaten off with loss. MANY AME3 ICANS KILLED ��'' Y SUB Two British Vessels Sunk- With- out Warning --Official Re- port to Washington. Washington, April 1. -Two British steamers, the Snowdon Range and the Booth liner Crispin, both with Ameri- caus aboard, of whom a number are unaccounted for, were reported to the State Department yesterday to have been sunk without warning by a sub- marine. On the Crispin the torpedo, which struck the engine room, killed five men two of whom are believed to have been Americans. NORTH SEA DANGER ZONE EXTENDED BY BRITAIN London, April 1. --The British Ad- miralty announces that, in view: of the unrestricted use of mines and sub- marines by the Germans and Ile sink- ing of .:.erchantmen without any re- gard for the safety of their crews, the "arm of the North Sea which is ren- dered dangerous to all shipping by operations against the enemy will be extended on and after April 1." 22 RUSSIAN AEROPLANES RAID RUMANIAN PORT Bnial1Ss, Were l)x'ti pod 1n the Piers and Dock,, ai Braila, and Great Fires Caused. Peer egred, April 1,---A sgaadron of I�ua: iedr, aorc;planes; eii;:,sistinl; r,f 2'2 t in ac i i.es, made a raid on Braila (tau - Bombs lar a.l. were dropped ori piers, cruris t aalrl s:toren, causing groat fires. Tlaras,scrl by the aer.'.lplane% boat ; left Braila :tail -'ailed up th I)atlrlbe. After making rerpcattd at Leeks Aus- trian t''lrces yesterday were successful in penetrating the Russian trenches in the region of Kirlibaba, in the South- eastern Carpathians, says the Russian official statement i44suerl to -day, but they were ejected by a Russian coun- ter-attack, and the position was re- stored. Near Odobechti, Southern :'Moldavia, a Teuton airship was de- etroyed by Russian aeroplanes and anti-aircraft guns. Markets of the World 13rea.detuS'e Toronto, April 3 -Manitoba wheat - No, 1 Northern, 32.09; No, 2, 32,06b; No, 3, 3199; No, 4 wheat, $1.90, tract, llaY ports. Manitoba oats -No. 2 C,W„ 76o; No, 3 C.Mr„ 73c; extra No,1 feed, 723et No, 1 feed, 713e, all rall delivered, American Corn -No, 2 yellow, $X.2`9, track Toronto, subject to embargo. Ontario oats -No. 2 white, 67 to 690, nominal;, No. 8 white, 66 to 080, nominal, according to freights outside. Ontario wheat -No. 3 Winter, per ear lot, 31.87 to 31.89; No. 3 do., 31.86 to 31.87, according to freights outside. Peas -No. 2, nominal, according to freights outside, • IngBarley -Malting, $1.21 to 31.23, accord - to freights outside. Buckwheat,,- 31.32, aecordtng to freights outside, Rye -No. 2, 31.51 to 31.53, according. to freights outside. Manitoba tiour-First patents, In jute bags. $10; beeoncl patents, in jute bags, $9.50: strong bakers' in jute bags, 3ti1.10, 'i'oronto.. Ontario flour -Winter, according to. sample, 37.75, in bags, track Toronto, prompt shipment; $7.35, bulk seaboard. expport grade, la4illfeed-Car lots, delivered Algnt- *real Pt sights, gage included -•Bran, ilex ton, $38 singrts, per ton, $40; good` reed flodi, per bag, 32,10 to $2.80. lzay - 1.7xtra No. 2, per tan, $x1.60 to $12; mixed, per ton, $8.50 to $11, -track Toronto, Straw -Car lots, per ton, 37 to $7.60, track Toronto. Country Produce -Wholesale. ,. Butter -Fresh dairy', choice, 3'3 to 40e; creamery prints, 43 to 450; solids. 42 to 43c, Eggs -New -laid, in cartons, 400;` out of cartons, 38c. Live poultry -Fowl, lb., 20 toa,25c: chickens, 20 to 25c. Dressed. poultry -Chickens, 23 to 26e; fowl, 2u to 22e; ducks. 22 to 25e; sgaaabs, per doz., $4.00 to $4.50; turkeys, 2.5 to 240; geese. 13 to 20c. Cheese -New, large, 26b to 27c; otwild, ns, 27large, to25r, 273te;wins, 28 triplets,to 27328ic. •to 278e; Honey -White clover 23-1b tins, 14 to 143 5-1b. tins, 1•ic; 10-11),, . 131o: 60-1b.,,13; buckwheat, 60-1b. tins,9! to 10c. (-barb honey-ery•a fine and heavy weight, per doz., $2.70; select, 32,50. to 32.75• No. 2, 32 to 32.25. Potatoes -Ontario, per bag $3',25; New it unswick Delawares, per bag, $3.4r1 to 33.50; Albertan, per bag, $3.25. Deane Imported, hand -looked; per bush., 36.26; Canadian, hand-picked' per bush, 37.35 to 37.50; Canadian prunes, $7.0U to $7.25; Limas, per ib., 123. to.,13e. Provisions -Wholesale fiuroked meats -Hams, medium, 2.3 to 27c; do.. heavy, 23 to 24e; cooked, 37 to Sic; robs 23 to 9le; breakfast bacon,, 29 to 82e; backs, plain, 21 to 32c,,,;,,bone- less. 33 to 84e, Lard -Pure lard, tierces, 23 to '233c; bs 23 t., 23%c' GERMANS EVACUATING ALSACE SAY ADVICES FROM ZURICH Generally Believed That Here, as on the Somme, Front Will be Withdrawn. A despatch from London says: A Daily News despatch from Rotterdam ; says that persistent reports are being received from 'Switzerland that the' Germans are evacuating Mulhouse and other places in Alsace. The Zurich correspondent of Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant states that information has reached Zurich that the' Germans have been busy some days o:. this operation. Many officials have left Mulhouse, and machinery has been taken away from the factories. It is stated that the population is going to the Black Forest in groups at a time. The whole. of the Baden bank of the Rhine, as well as the district of Lau- fenburg, has been declared a war zone. It is generally believed that here, as on the Somme, the German front will be withdrawn. SANG AS THEY WAITED DEATH British Soldiers Uphold the Tradition of • the Birkenhead. A despatch from London says: The British transport Tyndareus, with a battalion of the Middlesex Regiment aboard, struck a mine on February 9 off Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of Africa. The men were par- aded on deck, and after roll -call began to sing while they waited for the ship to sink. The Tyndareus, however, was saved and the troops were transferred to two rescuing steamers, having up- held, as expressed in the official Ad- miralty report, "the cherished tradi- tion of the Birkenhead." NAVAL CANDIDATES MUST APPLY AT ONCE 100,000 MORE MEN BY RE-EXAMINATION Legislation With This Object Made Necessary by the Military Situation. A despatch from London says: A bill giving the military authorities power to order re-examination of,men previously rejected for military ser- vice and also of men who already have served and been discharged in conse- quence of wounds or illness, was moved in the House of Commons on Thursday on second reading by Chan- cellor Bonar Law. The Chancellor said the bill was an absolute neces- sity owing to the military situation. Arrangements were made last August which it was hoped would give the military authorities the men required, but owing to the submarine menace it had proved impossible to, obtain the men expected from agri- culture or from the Admiralty and the A despatch from Ottawa says:- shipbuilding yards. The recruits ale - Young Canadians who wish to take ad- tained, he said, had fallen short of the vantage of the arrangement for the number estimated by not less than t. mpound. tier cr s; ' 173 to173d "' special entry of cadets in the Royal 100,000. c nreri meats Long clear bacon.. 20 to Navy must have their application In view of the definite arrange - forms, properly filled in, together with ments made, not only by the British other documents required, in the hands Commander -in -Chief, but in conjunc- of the officials "of the Department of tion with the French, the Chancellor the Navel Service before April 15th, continued, such a falling off was most if they are tb receive consideration , serious. To a considerable degree the gc. r'et lt', clear bellies, 123 to roc. Montreal Markets Montreal. April 3-Oats-Cb.nadrain western, No. 2. 763e; do., No. 8, 75c;' ex- tra No. 1 teed, 75c. Barley ---Man. feed, 51.06; malting, $1.80. Flour -Man. ;prlug reheat patents, firsts, $x0.10; 1 seconds. S9.iu; strong bakers', 3.9.30 tills year. Candidates, who must be; shortage has been made good by a Winter piatents, choice. 39.25 straight between seventeen and a half and change in the employment of men in r l •� SS -D 8.30•. 5 4.1,0 to O lel , v .C, tU $ . do , bs$ $ rs'n 13o11ed oats-1;duels, $7:20 to eighteen and a half years of age, will the army itself, and by using behind $,.4,'- c3G• bags3 9G 11)3„ 33.533 ,to, $ ,60. °he interviewed in Canada by a Board the lines, to a greater y extent than �.3tee.4 r 11�� �° qi" 4 1 I �' b a , Begs -_F r e:.h, 38c. potatoes, nor Brag, I women behind the lines, but never - car lots, $s..,„ to $3,10. CONDUCTED BY BOAT. theless the bill was absolutely neces- >31axr to S 8hgrtw, + mit?ttdlYr,' 2 o lilt 1 . . e ,reit 3.4.. a ,. a, -, o >;l IST' officers, 511perv15e .. ,.... �, Y ... .. ... d by ever be or , mQ.,n, laxrftt to 0 on tYi. 0.::14e} ` . o> ra6 if°ect" the Naval :fnin l�'ie '.T iofta a .h ,,,r,b en �'rticsa 'westerns, 26� to c x%`25 to 26c,;utter-tiltoaesti made good further by employment of ;caster l c tear lery, 430; seconds. 40 to 41e, 'IONTREAL FUNERAL , ; sa1y, Winnipeg' Grata Winnipeg,1 ril 3 Cash i do., 31.87$: 4o. 3, do 31,514; No. 4, 81.723; No, 5, 21.5:1,1; No, 0, 31.219; 8,r d 0.,46 c;t'e. ti a No. 1 feed `V.0lic; No. 1 feed, t,1 �c No. 2. du., Clue. Marley -No. J, 31.173: No.4, 31; rejected, 87c: feed, 87, Flux -No. 3 N. i ,-32.6'3; No, '2 c'.\v.. 32 593. i A despatch from Montreal says:: The Chancellor said it would enable Streets flooded by the Spring thaw ne- cessitated a funeral in Tercet, a sub- urb of Montreal, being conducted in boats on Thursday. -The police, who assumed charge of the funeral ar- rangements, secured the boats and took them to the home of the deceas- ed. The boat conveying the casket was rowed through the streets till higher ground was reached by the of- ficers, and was followed by ten boats containing the mourners. p as n rr cos- the military authorities to deal with at _Ni'. 1 Northern, $L913; 1\io, 2, • United. States Markets llinrrr rpolls April 3-�-tVlreat- -l3ay, $1.008 to 31.011511y, $1.53,1 Cash- Wi n. 1 lit t1. 32.';o5=.111 Ln 32.003: No. 1 !Northern, u 3 1.084 to 32.026 No. 2 North - !ern, 31.043 to 52.023. Corn-No. 3 yel- low, $1.101 to 31,184. oats -No, 3 white, 0"7 o, 6270. Flour unchanged. Bran 335.00 to 330.50. Duluth April 3--Wheat---No. 1 hard, 31,953No, 1 Northern, 31.74 No. 2 !Northern, 31.383 to 31903, May. $g1.903r I.7uly, 31.848 asked. Linseed, $2,891; 1tuy, 32.008; July, 32.92. • Live Stock 11Garkets Toronto, April 3---•-Fanc.y baby beeves, 1313 to 314: choice Blaster steers, 311.75 In 31 ; choice heavy steers, $11 to 411.511: goori heavy steers, 310.40 to 310.60: butcher,' cattle, choke, 310.40 to wars: do., good, 310 to 310.15; do„ medium 39,50 to $9.76; do... common, .38.0'1 to $9: butchers' bulls, eholee, $9,60 to $,n: do., good bulls, 38,86 to 39; do `nualiunr bulls, 37.75 to 38.2..; do., rough !buil,. 3)1 to 36.40; butchers' cows, choice, $t+,,,0 to 310; do.. good, $8.60 to 58.85; 1,10., medium, 37 to s7.25; stockers. r s, 37,50 !to 50.35; feeders 3`'.25 to 310..45; can- ueri' and cuttr'rri, $5.25 to 35.50; milkers, I goof-- to choice, $85.u0 to 3117.00; do., cern. and med„ each, 340 to 380; spring - ern, 3511 to 3110; light ewes, $10 to $13.60; sheep, heavy, 38,50 to $9.50; calves, good to choice, 312.50 to 313; lambs, choice, 314.25 to $15.35; de, medium, $10.311 to $12.5u; }rags, fed and watered, $16.25 to $16,50' Cia, weighed off ears, 416.50 to 316,7x; do . f.o.b.. 31n.5o. Montreal, April 3 --Steers, $3 to 311; bulls, $7 10 $10; rows $7 to $0; caarrdi nets' cows, 36 60: rales, 37.50 to $18; net e,K 1" 410: lambs 313 1 hops,, 315.60 to 310.50 for good selects off eats: sows, $13 to $13.50. RAILWAY WORKERS TO TILL THE FARMS. Arrangements Perfected With Rail- way Companies in the West. A despatch from 'Winnipeg says: Realizing the seriousness of the fat+m labor shortage in the West, the rail- ways have made a joint arrangement by which hundreds of track workers will be available for work on the farms this Spring. The railway coin - panics included in the scheme are the Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk Pacific, (Canadian Northern, and those of the McArthur interests, the latter inched- ing the Hudson Bay contract work. It 11as leen decided by officials of these lines that during the work of Spring seeding, or tither necessary fal'1i1 work, aiming toward more production, the railways will not attempt any work along the lige of improvements or betterments. FLOUR SUBSTITUTE GERMANY DISCOVERY A despatch from Berlin says: -Ger- man chemists have discovered a method for making a flour substitute out of linden and beechbuds. They claim that the substitute has the nutri- tive valve of barley flour, with four times its fat percentage. WOMAN A FRENCH ATTACHE. Mlle. Jeanne Tardy First of Sex to Hold Position. A despatch from Paris says: --M. Metin, Under Secretary of the Min- istry of France, has appointed Mlle, Jeanne Tardy as an attache in his de- partment, This will he the first time in the history of France tin t a woman has held such a position. Mlle. Tardy holds university degrees in letters and law. 1,000,000 men, and they estimated that at least 100.000 amen would be avail- able within the next three months. They here proceeding on the principle that every fit man should go on the firing line. HUN CANNOT STARVE BRI AIN Teuton Hopes Are Illusory, Says the First Lord. A despatch from London says: In answer to questions from the repre- sentative of the Associated Press con- cerning German submarine activities, Sir Edward Carson, First Lord of the Admiralty, said: "German statements are exaggerat- ed, but no one suggests that the sub- marine warfare does not cause very serious damage, both to neutrals and belligerents. The losses, however, do not exceed the estimates on which we have based our policy, and after the most careful consideration it is abun- dantly clear that German hopes of starving us out are quite illusory. So far neutral countries have suffered more from German methods than have belligerents." FRENCH WIN IN CHAMPAGNE POSITIONS LOS i MARCH 28 "We Threw Out the Enemy and Captured 63 Prisoners,'" Says Official Report. A despatch from Paris says: -The French troops in Champagne in a counter-attack have expelled the Ger- Mans from positions they captured March 28, according to the French of- ficial communication issued to -night, North of the Somme and between the Somme and the Oisc the Germane bombarded French positions. The conemnnication says: "To the west of Weems de Cham- pagne a spirited counter-attack by our troops permitted us to throw out thelinto the city. reside at Livaclia, in the Crimea. j enemy from the elements of trenches i in which he took a footing on the 28th 1of March. During this action we. 1captured 08 prisoners." 401 Shells Thrown into Rheims in One Day. A despatch from Paris says: The city of Rheims for the pest few days has been the object of special attack ! on the past of German ,artillery, On j irediaesday 401 shells were thrown 5,000 FARM WORKERS WANTED Britain to Organize for Produc- tion to the Last Ounce. A despatch from , London says: thousand skilled American farmers on English soil would go a long way toward combating German's plan to starve us into submission. through her submarines," Sir Arthur `Lee, head of the ne'3vly-formed Food Production Department, told the As- sociated Press correspondent, "I told you recently," Sir Arthur continued, "that we intended to bring from America some two thousand tractor ploughs for night ploughing. We need the skilled American farmers to sup- plement them," Sir Arthur Lee was British Mili- tary Attache with the United States army during the Spanish-American war, and later Military Attache at the British Embassy in Washington. He has seen service in the present war. 13is present post is an outgrowth of the intensified submarine warfare be- gun on February 1. Sir Arthur is charged with the gigantic task of making every available foot of soil produce its maximum amount of food. "I hope that we may be able to at- tract to these shores at least five thousand skilled farmers from the 'United States," said Sir Arthur. "We will, of course, get some skilled agri- cultural help from Canada -from the great northwest -and we are already benefiting to some extent by the labor of Canadian farmers who have come over to fight for us. But we cannot have too many. Skilled farm labor is our crying need at this moment." Sir Arthur said the introduction of the American tractors on the large scale contemplated would also wit- ness the more universelee employment of women on the lane' "I hope to see," he said, "as many of our wo- men cultivating the soil as I saw French women on the land of glorious France during one of my recent visits. There I saw nothing but women. They were everywhere. The picture spoke volumes for France's efforts. O'er women are just as patriotic and will fill the gaps on the land if only they are shown the way." British Will Not Make General Attack Until These Arrive. A despatch from London says :- The Germans are now entrenched along the front over which the French and British have been advan'lr} ac- cording to a statement on Thursday by Major-General F. D. Maurice, chief director of military operatic :, at. the 'War Office. He st id that whether the positions taken up by the Germa7.s fci'xned the mr ch advertised Hindenl'urg line would not be revealed until the French and British armies had brought all their heavy artillery. "Our advance has slackened, owing to the difficulty of fee'ling the troops in the devastated country," said Gen. Maurice. '"We are also suffering from the fact that we nnist cover the Somme battlefield, while our allies have -clearer ground. They also have the advantage of not coming into touch with the 'enemy in as short a distance as our forces, for in making a straight line, the Germaias had to withdraw to a greater depth on the French front than • n out's. "While we. are still engaging the Germans in the open there is no doubt they have reached a trench line. fror•1 which they are not; likely to withdraw until we bring ep war trench destroy- ing guns. Hoare we are hardy like- ly to know •.vhether this forms the much -advertised Hindenburg line un- til we arc prepared to assault it. In the meantime our forces aee.not great enough, nor have they had' t'rrie en ough to build an oppos v ; line of trenches." DOUICIIOIiORS WISH TO RETURN TO RUSSIA The,, Russian provisional Goveen- ment, says a Reuter's despatch from Petrograd, is disposed sympathetically toward the wish expressed by the 10, , 000 I)oukbobors in Canada to return to. Russia, The question of their liability to military service Will be determined by the judicial committee of the pro- visional Government. GR A NTF,D PERIS'USSION- TO LIVE IN ('lUMEA- A despatch fromPetrograd says: The Government has granted the re- quest of Maria Feodorovna, the form- er Dowager Empress of Russia and the mother of the .deposed ]tmporor, to