HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-04-06, Page 14'. ZURICH XV 11 ZURICH, FRIDAY ;M•, ERALD NINCr, APRIL 6, 1917. NO 30 MOVED to LARGER QUARTERS Ytu will find me at S. E. Faust's old stand in Hart- ,1eb/s block where 1 am better prepared than ever '°to .supply your needs in Harness and Repair Work. Bring in your repairing now before the spring rush. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, 1 Axle Grease, Gall Cure A R. E. STADE = ZURICH. .jiiil s eeimeeirssoseesssseesso sesesssssssssssssssssssee s ale Prices Still Continue WE ARE STILL SELLING OUR. GOODS AT SALE PRICES ,OUR STOCK IS STILL WELL -ASSORTED AND YOU CAN BUY • MANY LINES AT THE OLD PRICES WHICH IF BOUGHT NOW -WOULD COST TWICE THE, SUM IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN.MEN'S YOUTH'S OR BOY'S 4CLOTHING. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU. WE HAVE.:RECEIVED A LARGE NUMBER OF SAMPLES FOR WEN'S SUITS. CALL AND SEE ;THEM. OUR TAILORING DEPARTME NT. IS DOING BUSINESS :TAME AS EVER. or44:11"Mralraln. TV. 44"110 41b 411411 5 LOCAL NEWS tes Mr, (Wm. Snell of Da'shwood, . visited frise?nds here on Tuesday/ Mi. John Torrance of Clinton ares business visitor in town••on ,Tues • slay. • gr. Henke'. 'Geiger left • for his home '3inM/11ton, N. D+'or• Wed nesday,, A large shipment of supplies for the hydro equipment in Zurich hail arrived here. IVIr, ;T. Duchai'me ;of Detroit, spent a few ;days •at his Nome .on'j the Bronson Line. tMre. Ayres and child, of. Detroit WARNING y -w of ' the Village of 14u4e11, prohibits bicycle riding or coasting on expreps wagons on O ,j4dewa1kes, also rollerskating. ,til x,e fatted breaking this By - Will be severely dealt with. IThe Police Trustees. lareivts are requested to in - the r boys and girls to ob- _.,�:ie'?above By-law, 0sflssss00000801110•942 * camber • from Zurich attended theforth @took show on Tues - hay e.gisiseP. Geiger, ,o;f Sit. Paul, Min., isZrieri:ting at the home of her' is visiting her mother, Mrs, E. •father 'i"S1r. A. Geiger. Truemner, at ,present. Ors' •Christiain Bechier hias re - +Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver are .ttlr 0 to;his home on the Bron -'I se moving this week into the house son `1,iine aliter 'spending the win - ;vacated by Mr. W. L. Siebert , ;te„ "it' To'n,clon. Our New Shoes are here !rr We are now showing the new spring styles in Ladies' and`', send Men's shoes from makers of world-wide reputation. All the fashionable leathers through all the various colors and combinations offering you an unparalled choice. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. t J." e. FRITZ, Zurich j The Home of Good Shoes F ff'i tt nes p e syrup season was o:t ''}$sw�Or�glit4i�}QO�sOr� ers and Roller skates off the Pub . 111111111Itlll'I'lllti0111111'lli Ill'llilillllililll`I'III'IIU°'CPBII`i4111g1iii11111111111111111!ilil Hi�glll6'ill f i� � II. �� u.,LllIIIi4�D,�.aill lic sidewalks. — Ptolice Trustees.,; Miss E.. Guenther of .Dashwo ct. is visiting at the home of her' grandmother, Mrs, S. Rennie, at present. Bicycles, Express wagon Coastnia i short: �dpraltion" this spring. The rapid„;disappearance of the snow. •?and , Lae ,warm weather made the sap tit. s'tr"ong. • Mies Alice Trueznner, of Toronto;` is visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Truemner, of town. Dr. E. S. •Hardie, dentist,. will be at the Dominion Hou3e, Zurich, on. Wedne-sday, and Wednesday of the following week. The •postponed auction .sale ' cows end y; ;.ing cattle sf A. Johnston & Son will be held et the Dominion House, Zurich, on THE t Saturday, April, 7th at 2 o' loop,', Last Sunday night while dries ing out of Mr. J. Haberer'is lane, Mr. Peter Neuscliw•an�ger's horse became um,manageable and 'an a= way. The buggy struck a: e bss ; ing at the side of,,the ro d ane he ILh IL,il,t!1116ii!IlfillllillllVlllllllllllllllflililllllllllllllllllllli ' Incorporated 1855 The, OLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8 50,000 Branches in Canada ! retceral I ar kinj ' ' Business Transacted sCtJLAR LETTER OF ,.CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER Special Sale Wall Paper Beginning Feb 26th; we are putting on a SALE of Wall Paper at prices below manufacturer's prices today, for the purrose of inakin room. for our new 1917 paper. Anyone intending paper- ing this spring should secure some of these BARGAIN S. WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN rNst.01184sosoe••s9rssssssss eoesssmoolosif ssseemosse unhurt, —,T`hr ssaxle '; o .buggy:,: gave away and the horse <g'otfree of the: rig, which was b 'dly wreck- ed. The horse ran into Johnston's shed where it was captured. aurich -Branch:.... _ T. DUNLOP, Manager BLAKE PHONE 11 on 821 �•• ,�I: ' I III!Illllllll!!!IIH!limi!!11111Cillilt!IIh!!i!il!!!?illli!f?III!11!i!!i�'� ` ri;iilllHlllllllllllllll!ilillliill!llilllliilillll!(Il{IIG(lilipi�l!9?il?iHl!I!gill!G!11� ^8iuil!iiiil6rmDd,,t711d(IIIHllllilllilflllillllllillllli!1!1111 _ „_, e+=+,l,.g.,l++II+•€•++++,Y2•+i•,l•.1•.i•.l••1.++•l..l••?•344•+•E••3++II•'+h•+l• •++€++ • •II••1•.g•.l•4-1..g•, 'i•.l•.y+ + R...ei•+•l:.g•+ +"sL-3•.1••'rot.l•.seeeesses.g•.g.•eer.tesek•F'd^ • ••i•+F•+++t+++ ++•3•'i,•.i••1•++:+es :•i- e 3r •+•3••A•II•o°•y..l•d••1 i•1.•1.•,�•3•++esses•+•r•ke§••s.g•.1•.1++3r+ ++•II•3+44—es sseet4 -� -44 -4. -g. ests ese -e+ ..t, • • h' 41. -H .g. sMitn Sees our Special in Grey Cotton at 121/2c a yd. while it lasts. GO, THROUGH YOUR TORONTO CATALOGUE AND THEN COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRICES, AND GIVE US A CHANCE AND YOU 'WILL FIND BETTER VALUES IN OUR STORE THAN IN YOUR CATALOGUE. A TRIAL uSOLICITED. Hardware Section WASHING 1`IACHINES We handle the celebrated Home Washers, made in Canada• at popular prices. We also handle a number of other makes. HORSE CLIPPERS Alt kinds Hand Clippers, Also the genuine Stewart Ma _Hine per at $8.50. STOCK FOODS clip- Gardiners Pig Meat in 251b bag's RoYa! Purple Poultry and •Stock 26 ” 'Foods. PEERLESS WJR FENCING Now is the time to buy fencin•f before prices go higher. All kid of Home-made goods at reasonable prices. Our New Wall Papers are here PREETER i 0 �GoodsNew ssING .WEAP. RIGHT Nom' IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR NEW SILK DRESS OR SUITS FOR SPRRING EAR FIGURED SILK'CREPES ARE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR DRESSES. .OLDSHOWN INA'TTRACTIVE COMBINATIONS ARE NEW SOME A RE CUT IN DRESS LENGTHS. TIIERE ARE NO TWO ALIKE. IS THIS NOT A GREAT ADVAN T AGE? New Silk .Crepe in dress 'lengths in good colorings at 75c and 90 cents. New Violes in plain white and figured at 50 cents. New Spring Silks in plain and fancy weaves $1.00 to $1.75. PALa'VI BEACH SUI'TINGS .74 ees, see This cloth This is .one, of the most popular cloths this season and will be worn by everyone. comes 36 inches wide, 40 cents. Silk Georgette in pink, white, black and tan, $1,50. New Prints and Ginghams Buy now and get the pick of the patterns in gingham•s and Iprin'ts. Kingcott Ginghams are known by everyone and can ,,be relied upon for cloth strong at 15cents Prints et 15c and 19cents. NeW Flannellettes, dark and light at 12ge, 15c, 17c, and 20c yd. SHI.RTING_S and COTTONADES Now is the tinse.to put in your supply of skirtings and cottonadel at the low* price coreider- �^s at 18c up. Cottonades at 20c up+ color, being fast and the e ing what they `will be when we buy again. Sh'r`ine MEN'S WORK CLOTHES • A big :range :of work shirts,overalls, smocks, everybody'•s. pooket$. MEN'S SUIT LENGTHS 40 '•pleces.'of lien's suit lengths to clear at a Big Reduction, RUO•S 'aild LINOLEUMS We 'have at ;present the largest assortment of Rugs and Linol euros to chose from thtan ever before. RUGS—A large variety of pattern's and prices. Sizes to fit any room. Bought beeore the ad- vance so we cart give big values. DRAPERIES—A nice assortment. from. at a price that will suit etc., to select Call early noel *ease yoer par chases while Highest Price for Produce. Phone ;. -+A• : n'4ryti.p,l:yt,v7i*444:44**+C+' they last. +telet eetel+e's!' a 1", 44a* ': +:'-z ++ e4 se +sews +see ;. + +,! 4. 4 4. 4- 4. 4 + 4▪ , 4. 4 - e t` 4. 4. 4- &▪ + 4. 4- 4* 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Tr 4 4 +++44 :-4-1.-1...:,.÷4..44+44.+4,1-+i-4,11.-4--* 4