HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-30, Page 5ery VERY NE CAN do something for his country Some can bear arms Some can produce food Some can make munitions Some can give money It is the privilege of all to help. OU CAN SERVE by 'i titin g w or ging Saving -Giving This is NATIONAL SERVICE Are YOU doing your part? LL EYES turn now to the Canadian Farmer, for he can render the Empire SPECIAL SERVICE in this sternest yeah° of t�.. e war. But—our farms are badly under- manned -25,000 men are needed On the land. With insufficient help, the Man on the Land fights an uphill fight to meet the pressing need for Food. ITY and T WN can help. Municipal Councils, Churches and Schools, and other organizations, both of men and women; can render National Service by directing all available labour to the Land. Farmers themselves can exchange labour. School boys can assist. Were you raised on a farm ? Can you drive a team? Can you handle fork or hoe? If you can't fight, you can produce. Spend the Summer work- ing on the Farm. Let every man, woman and child in the Dominion who has access to Land, no smatter how small the plot, make it produce Food in 1917. For information on any subject relating to the Farris and Garden write: -- INFORMATION BUREAU DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA DOMINION DEPARTMENT )F AGII CULTLJ E OTTAWA, CANADA. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, MINISTER. The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CH'fTRCH SERVICES Sunday, German •., .,. 0.45 a. rn. " S-ueday School 1.1,00 a. m, 2 Service English. ...7.00 p.m. Tuesday Jr. Y. F, A. .-. 7,34 p.m Tuesday, Y. 1'. A, ... ... 8.10 p. 'im Thursday Peayer Meeting 1.30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice) — 8 301.. m, Ladle's Aid, 'Hirst Tuesday of each Month, ^, ... 2,30 pan. LUTHERAN CHURCH 'Sunday Schlool ^- 2 p.m. German Services, Sunday 10 30a.m. English. Service Sunday, 7.00 p.m, Luther League, Friday 8. p, Ladies/ Aid !meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p, n>,. Zurich: set MARKET: Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CAS Lt FOR SKINS & II1DES 7i brut Dei chert F Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich The Home Insuarnce .0 Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,5363177.26 Insures your barn against damage by.wina or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. LOCAL NEWS ID • Miss Vera •S:ebert is visiting with friends in :Detroit, • Mrs. W. S. Ruby war a vice r with, friends at Blake over Sunday. Capt J. Cantle, of London,sperrt 'Tuesday at his home in St.Joseph. Mee. R G. Nichol and daughter, of Hickson, are. visiting relatives bere •at' present, Mr. T, H. Newell of Exeter, agent for the Gray bort cars was in the village on !Tues•a'ay. LOST — A ,sma14 leather locket case of /surgical instruments. Find- er ,kindly leave 'at Herald Office. The ilex twill of A. Heideman Se Sons heave finished the se'ason's wior'k of >scutchin.g the flax, >Mr. teV.m, Siebert and fatn'1•r are this week moving into the house owned by the Peang estate op- rosete the school house. Mr. Geo. Blackwell, the assessor for Hay 't'ownship, is making his :annual rounds assessing of property of the tax. payers. Among those who attended the: fneera1 of the late. Mrs. Geiger ori Wednesday were; Mrs. John Geig- er and Mrs. Noah Geiger, Pigeon, Mich,' and Mrs. Schwanz o.. Col- borne. Canada's third desnes'tic • war loan has proven another u qualifi- ed : access. !When, a1? the returns ,:,re fin it is expecrteI that the over- subseeipt'on will reach one hundr- ed nations ion. Probably -only the :tuncdred and fifty millions asked for win be .taken. The fine spring weather we were enjoying was followed by a blustry snow storm, on Tuesday cen�l ,the temperature has sines hovered around. the Seeezing pont People who were pl•rnnins to maize a eitari in the garden had to post- pone it indefitnitely. Many ,ot the citizens of Zurich are going into fancy pou.try.tais- ng. Soime prefer I esehor. s,otherst take to Mi:norc•as, wh l ' dome pre fsr Orpingtons, but give us the 'r inary everyday hen. I: gen- erally comes across with 'the egg produ^-tion at all seasons, ®I ;The Ontario' e ucat'o. a' auehoeie. ties have sent ,circulars to the school teachers and irspee'o_s thru out the province, urging them to see that sichool p'to. s are used thi year for the proths' tion' of fcx stuffs, rather than ornamental hrubs and flowers as in the pas They ,claim that the children i phis way will be able to "do thei bit" towards product:ons this year Some thirty owners of vehicle in :Toronto have received notifi cation from the Provincial High ways Department that it is agains the: Iaw to have searchilights o cars. /The two headlights in iron are !sufficient. • One reason fo this law ie. understood to be th movable searchlight near the driver. if directed at the driver o anether car, would have a b: iridin effect and m.'ght cause an accident All clocks in the United King-, dos. it is ,anncunsed o'ficially, wi 1 be movedforward one hour at 2 o'eflock in the morning of April 8. The clocks will. be moved back a- gain on September 17th. MrJ. le, Rau delivered to Mr. P. Lamont, the well-known cattle buyer, nine head of cattle test Friday which .netted him he henth ome shim of nearly $1200.00 Mr Rau, better known among the hays as the "Colonel," was the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Zurich, fora number of years, and no better citizen ever left that 'village. Nobody ever left ,his hotel hungry, nor thy. J. le always had something for the :,taurash's slake and other in - is reifies The boys all feel pleased that the "Colonel" and his family are enjoying farm life and hope he will .altssays s.etl his. cat- tle for the long prices. 'terliAT AMERICA STANDS FOR Two vaudeville artists appeared on the -*ageof hCalifornia the.. acre. (Said one ltd the other, pro- ducing a French flag: "Whatdoesthat stand for?" Answer; "It stands for liberty, politeness and kindness." Then, ,producing a British flag ,sired, ciW:hat does that stand for? Answer; It stands for justice"iberty and equalrights to all." (Then producing an Anseric,an flag ked; "What doss that stand for?' G. HOMO Agent ® Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING Prompt •Service Moderate charges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses We . HOFF AN Zurich, - Ontario The threatened railway strike in the Uesited Stet as has been avert- , ed >thnougli the railways making a ctomp3.ete surrender to the railway brotherhoods for a basic eight (tour .day It will be involve sal_ siry increases to over three hundr- ed thousand employees, totalling approeirnatejy e'esty seinendallare I Sear: i f s d t n r s t n t r e f g •a L Why not use :the CF ANT o ALW Chestnut, .Furnac=;:, Black- ! smith end soft ccaa.' Good supply on n . ttd. alei3t coal? GN E CASESON 'Hid' 33$ SALL 1 Cross Fertilim. Co. An now taking orders for winter delivery. The past• reason has .geia shown that .i3asi 8 ag gives Leet satisfaction for gain and. heanr For re"eeen+'., ask farmers; in this locality who have used it. Ontario Ferf iter I also sell the above brand- of Fertilizer made by o.=e of the larg- est Canadian Compaei s Agency for Commercial Fer•il'zers for every purpose JOSEPH R N. 2. i, Zurich. lizazon insurance Mutual Cordpemy Protect your property against damage by storm or cyclone by a policy in a good Iive earmer;s Itlutua` Company. ,Ou:' rates are very low — .,ply $2 00 per thousand per annum. We, payall losses of $1.00 and over from thie date forward. Pres- ent po1'eyho'ders note this an- nouncement. For fu'I particulars see or phone any of the following agents; S.•Hardy. General Agent, Exeter. R. G:Jarmu�t'hlsub-agen!t,1Bornh,olan, N.Ogden. sub -agent, Centralia 1-1 H. Hill, sub -agent. Auburn. or write the Secretary Cbas.Monrteith, R.R.No 1. Woodha e Neste the -change of Secretary: ' jatmes Scott, Pres., Cromarty IMPORTANCE OF SECURING VIGOROUS POTATO SEED SIOCK Experiments conducted at the .L`omrn:on Experimen.a1 Station, Kentvhle, N. S. with eight lots of Gannet Chili potatoes secured rrom different growers in 1915 show A variation in yield of from, ;:t3 bushels to 22,4) busneis per acre, or a difference of 204 bushels per acre in yield when grown under uniform conditions. Seed from these eight lots planted in 1916 al.fed from 68 bushels to 212 bush- els per acre, a .difference of 144 bushels per acre. The respective positions of the difSerent lots were charge t very little in the second eel'', bur the lowest yielding inereesc f .s'omewhat and the higher yield was not so great. Seed from fifteen others of this variety was planted in 1916 andthe lowest yield obtained was 158 bush- els .and the highest 273 bushels per acre, a difference in favour of the best over the poorest of 120 bush- els per acre, Ten lots of pure stock of Green Mountain from different growers ranging from 180% bushels per acre to 313 bushels/ per acre, a difference ,of 132'% bushels. Sev- enteen lots of Irish Cobbler ran- ged from 93 bushels/ per acre as the poorer:t to 235 bushels as the best, a difference in favor of the best yielding Amin of 142 bushels. This would show that there may be as great a difference between potatoes of the elanve variety as there is between potatoes of dif- ferent varieties, and that it is wise to secure stock from farms which, have hacl high yielding crops. Because the Green Mountain )rasa failed giving a crop on a .certain farm. is not proof that this vara iety will not' yield well there; it may have been i&ue to low viz ality in the seed sl tock. Such re- versio'n .in yield may have been ue to diseases, or 'adverse soli r climatic co'ndttions which ,af- ected the crop at iiome time end t may be bettee to discard the took entirely rr� 'rc ly than to try to bring t Sep to its former vitality by eel.l action. d 0 f ,Answer; "1 do not know but 1 s do knniow it has stood for a good des t, g r 11t, � 1 est�1 o years. t I I Classitied Ads LEGAL. a/RD&, enouDI'OOT, KTLLORAN, & 1:00KE. J3arristere, ,Solicitors, Notaries Public &o. Office, on the Square, 2r,d door from Hatmiiton 5t. Godorich. Private funds to !pats at lowest rates W. Pecteerooe, K. C. J. L lLIL7,Os t , H J. le. Copes. Str, Cooke will beeia Rensall on Friday and Baturdiseeif each week. Cr , Hess 4 . Co . +—ea JEWELLERS 4NJ OPTICIANS Rej5aiying- a Sfteciaity PR A DN 35 -There are cold days coming Pxepaze for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Lacka- wtana Anthracite Coal We 'have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut ,A. Cantelon Phone 10, House Phone 10a HOUSE FOR SALE Fine modern new Brick Dwell- ing for sale in Zurich. Newly Built, and a desirable home. Wi11 _be sold at a reas'onab'le price. For further particulars apply to Wrn. S. Ruby, Zurich.. HOUSE FOR SALE Storey and one half house for sale with. kitchen. Situated in desirable 'location in Z -stride be .soldeat ereasonable price. For' particulars apply to Andrew, F. Hess, Zurich,. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Ca)aada's Greatest Nurseries' Spring 1917 Planting List now ready. Splendi l list of Hardy Canadian -tel,• at: Ornamental Stock in - eluding McIntosh Red sepplr, St. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent on application. Start now at best selling time. Liberal Propositions. Stone Cr Wellington The Fonthili Nuseries (Established 1837) TOFZ ONTO CLUBBING LIST Heald and Daily Globe $8 75 Weekly Globe,175 " Daily Mail and .E- pire 8 75 Weekly Mail and Empire . 1 76 Toronto Daily Star 8 26 " Daily News 8 25 " Weekly Star1 76 London Free Press Morning Edition,8 60 Evening Editiou8 60 Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Mornieg Edition—. 8 60 Evening Edition..., 8 60 Edition Weekly Y 1 75 .Farm &. Dairy 1 75 'Weekly Sun 1.80 Fanners Advocate.,, 2 40 Montreal FarniIy Herald and Weekly Star. .......,..,, 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness t ss 1 85 " Canadian Country- Miall ICCO if If 44 ii fc St 4' TONS RAGS WANTED .Also !a1i kinds of junk, HIGHE;S'T CASA PRICES 11'1 call s0oon Phone No. 35 aElittelholtz Zuth h FARM FOR SALE Lot 8, con. 4, Stanley, 100 acres 80 acred cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and woodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barn 30x59, on, stone foundation. Ttvot good wells, orchard, and sre.ali4 fruits, This farm is 3e1 miles from 13rucefield and Kippers and is 6 miles from Heii a"il. Easy terms, Ap;. i'lVi1i. F. A:lexa:n'der, R, R. No, 2, Hensail, phone 6-82