HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-30, Page 1Vol. Irk11I ZURICH, FRIt".AY MORNING, : MARCH 30, 1917. MOVED to LARGER QUARTERS You will find me at S. E. Faust's old stand in Hart- leib's block where I am better prepared than ever to supply your needs in Harness and Repair Work, Bring in your repairing now before the spring rush. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. F. STADE ZURICH x00000090006®0®00000460006.0000:0`m600®0600®9000®00030 Sale �. ricesC rntinue 'WE ARE (OUR. STOCK STILL SELLING OUR GOODS AT SALE •IS STILL WELL -ASSORTED AND YOU CAN MANY LINES AT THE OLD PRICES WHICH IF BOUGHT 'WOULD COST TWICE THE SUM IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN MEN'S YOUTH'S OR BOY'S ". (CLOTHING WE CAN SUPPLY •YOU. ). .WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE NUMBER OF SAMPLES FOR 4 MEN'S SULTS. CALL AND SEE THEM. OUR .TAILORING- DEPARTME NT IS DOING BUSINESS :SAME AS EVER. i PRICES BUY NOW APPS THE ZURC� c trereeree.ctreeree-e.e-eeeseeseeeeee LOCAL NEWS 31 'bine Subscribers 33aymy..n ss�r-�• .�, Sunday is All Fool's Day: Subscribers .of the Hay 'Tel- WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN 416®000066065®8000 ®09000000 0000l000000000000f100090.A00 .1. "4. 1 NO3 99.000e0114010000111640611.000 "11600822A04.0010110410.4effOntsraff 44 4$ e►�1 epitome System can get new dir- Mr, G. Bock of Dundee visited ectovies at Zurich or Dashwood friends here over Sunday. 'Centrals. Call for yours. Mix, Gertrude Weseloh spent the Thom- w®�®�®��®®��•®�®��� • �� eJk en 1 Lo in :nc:oa and S'. as. Mss PaulinePause., of La. Grange Mer. Roy W. Faust of Toronto is Ills., renewing acquaintances here is visiting relatives here this . :for week. afew d'ayls 'this w,eeki. Me Fred. Sieinon and family. Mers•er$ N. Cook and J. Carlin of have mroVed into the house occup- ied by his mother. A. Large class: will be confirmed at the morning services of the Lutheran church next Sunday. Fresh Fruits', Ice Cream, ete,, at all times. We also handle wilt papers. W. C. Wagner, .Zurich. Miss Celia Hess visitingat J.Hes is the home of her sister, Mrs. G., A. Bissett, Saltford Heights,this week. Mr J. J. Merner shipped a car- load of horses to the westotn Tues; day Mr. Wm. Callfas acconxpani'. ed the car Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wednesday, and Wednesdayof the following week. .The Sr. Y, P. A. of the ,Evangel- ical church .will give a special Easter program on April $rd, in the forum of a sacred playlet en- titled "Barabbas." A cordialin- vitation as extended to all. Fifty thouerand men are wanted in :the militia for home defence to xelease the leave of thee name num- ber of men already enlisted for overseas service. Mein between ,'.rhe ages of 13 and '45 will be ac- cepted, and pay twill °bel ft $atxzx as for the active militi . • • Ela.:: a -teen x+, .ywance for-mtiiL,rdl. Recruiting for okrerselae sere cewii be carried on as vigorosesiy as ever,, asked the recruiting for home de- fence will in no «•!ay interfere with it. Hen,sall were in town Monday look iv„ up intending auto purclnas!ers. One dozen of the celebrated Mas - 'walking plows No. 16, AL and 30 received. 'Will be sold cheap, — •F Rees & Son. !The ladies of tele local branch of •the 1Women'p Institute this week Skipped 117 pair of socks and 29 9 'day shirts to the Exeter receiving station. fThle is only part of the goods being got ready by the lad- ies, a further shipment will he 'aerie to the course of a few weeks Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL. and RESERVE $8,801,000 96 Branches in Canada. A General Ranking Business Transacted CIRCUf.AR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK. MONEY ORDER , !fleetest` at highest current rates Zurich Branch. R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Our New Shoes ar .. here. We are now showing the new spring styles in Ladies' and and Men's shoes from makers of world-wide reputation. All the fashionable leathers through all the various eolora and combinations offering you an unparalled choice. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. i t e. �.r rich 1 F'11TZ,,iM The Home of Good Shoes '1'8114mo P4i;i;-Qf 1 a41)0Mal41i0&fna • !!!!111$111111$11llllll!111II11111111I11111ilillIfl11111111111111111!1!1!11t111II111111 1@11Nn1111!!NIt r ir! llµ !IIIIi0111l1111IIII!!!!ii(01111!r'I911!!!!!lrri! • .;• .': ' h' •'• t!! I,,::i11111f1!h' Special Sale of W-11 Pager. Beginning Feb 26th, we are puttin ;tea .; .1 t. of Wall.Paper at prices below mailAfaetmet's prices today, for the purrose of nuking i:ooln+fOr our. new 1917 piper. Anyone intending .paper- ing this spring should secure some of these `. <. BARGAINS. PI ONE 11 on 82; ',u l?i;!tail1111!IIII!1!I1111!11111111111$11!1!111111!11111!1111!!!111111111i11!11'::rl BLAKE. !I!illlul111UIGI!Ili"',G![:I11;!':!f l!!!;I!(i`"!!r'!111'!!1!!!!IIIIIII!111!I!!(1llriilr!II°i'!!1111i1!1!llie!!3iI!I!rn!!i!I!!GII!lnlf11@!1 • •14+++++•§g• ++++4444++++++++++++++++++ 4144-1-••II•+ 44 3+444, 4 •i.+ 4 ++ ++++++++++ ++*+++ i 4++4+•i l ++.1-1. €-eine .+4.•r+•r.4.4-1. dap .••s .i..i.+++ i4•2.3.4.•€ere t ++++ •r See our Special in Grey Cotton at 121/2c a yd. while it lasts. GO 'THROUGH YOUR TORONTO CATALOGUE AND THEN COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRI CES, AND GIVE US A CHANCE .A.ND YOU 'WILL FIND BETTER VALUES IN OUR STORE THAN ITN YOUR CATALOGUE. A TRIAL iSOLICITlED. • Hardware Section WASHING MACHINES We handle the celebrated Home Washers, made in Canada at popular prices. We also handle a 'number of other makes, MORSE CLIPPERS All kinds Hand Clippers. Also the genuine Stewart Ma7hine clip- per at $8.50. STOCK FOODS Gardeners Pig Meal in 25Ib bags Royal Purple Poultry and Stock 'calf " 25 " Foods. PEERLESS WIRE FENCING Now is the time to buy fencing before prices go higher. • Ali kinds of Home-made goods at reasonable prices. Our New shall Papers are line Men.finetwelelts. ,�y g 1 � .�� 1. � 11 �A�hone p � S:.'gv ighest ` rice f r r du e. - ress Go . NewNEW SILK DRESS OR SUITS FOR SPRING :WEAR RIGHT _NOON* IS THE Tali TO BUY YOUR 'FIGURED •SILK CREPES ARE E XCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR DRESSES. .OLD PATTERNS ARE SHOWN INATTRACTIVE COMBINATIONS ARE NEW. SOI E ARE CUT IN DRESS LENGTHS. THERE ARE NO TWO ALIKE. IS THIS NOT A GREAT ADVAN TAGE? New Silk Crepe in dress lengths in good colorings at 75c and90 cents. New Violes in plain white a nd figured at 50 cents;. eyel New Spring Silks in plain an d fancy weaves $1.00, to $1.75. PALM BEACH SUITINGS This cloth This is one of the Most popular cloths this season and will be worn' by everyone. comes 36 ,inches wide, 40 cents. Silk Georgette in pink, white, black. and tan, $1.50. New Prints and Gin grams Buy mow and get the pick of •the patterns in ginghams and [hints. Kimgeott Ginghaxus are known by everyone and can be relied upon for color, being fast and the cloth strong at 15cents Prints at 15e and 'Scents. New F'lannel'ettes, dark and light at 123Wc, 15e, 17c, and 20c SHIRTING'S and COTTONADES Now is the time to put in y our supply of skirtings and cott onade i at the low pries consider- 18c up. Cottonade•s at 20c up. yd• ing What they will be when we buy again. Skirtings at MEN'S WORK CLOTHES A bigrange of work shirts,overalls, smocks, etc., to select from at a price that will suit everybody's pockets. MEN'S SUIT LENGTHS S 10 pieces of ,Men's suit lengths to clear at a Big Reduction6 .RUGS and LINOLEUM. We have a.t pr eInt tbie largest assortment before. RUGS—A large Variety of patterns and. prices. S:res to fit any room. Bought l:e"ore the ogte vanee so we can give big values, DRAPERIES—A nice assortrnen t. Call early and mike your pur eheseP while they Inst. of Rugs and Linoleum to chose from than over •�,ia'.-: rirvq.n-.;Dent.,444+,4,4444++++ eel. 4„4,4444'4'4 +t. 44+4..,C..4 +4..