Zurich Herald, 1917-03-23, Page 5The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES ,SUnciay, German ee --. --- 9.45 a. m. " Sunday School 11.00 a. nsn, it' Service English .-.7.00 p.m+ ¶¶uesdiay Jr. Y. P. A. --- 1.30 p.m Tuesday, Y. 1?. A. -. -.- '8.15 p. m, Thursday Prayer Meeting 7.33 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice 8 30p. m, Ladle's Aid, First Tuesday o£ each Month. --. 2.30 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool --• --- 2 p.m. German Services, Sunday 10 30a.m., English Service Sunday 7.00 p.m„ Luther League, Friday 8, p. m. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 .p. m. Zurich Meetk. MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HI1DES Tui,obiut sk D icheTt 40 ®o Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING}, ETC. FIRE IRE INSURANCE • PLATE. GLASS INSURANCE AUTOI{IOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN, AGENT•FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIpENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich The .Home. •i...lYl..i'MY aid.up-Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for'3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for. years. No .premium note and. no extra .assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZ AN Agent • — Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate:r'ha.'rges Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. 11. HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario FARM ,FOR SALE Lot 8, con,. 4, Stanley, 100 acres 80 ,acted cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and woodshed, frame barn, 40x60,barn 30x511, an stone foundation, Two, 'good wells, orchard, and small fruits, This farm is 3% miles from I3rueefield and Kippdn and is 6 mites from Henault Easy tern's. Apply ;Will. F, A.texa,n,der, R. R. No, 2, Hensall, phone 6-82 LOCAL NEWS i. •I4ast Saturday; Mar. l7th, was St, Patrick's Day. , Mr, Wm. Brown visited his home, in Crediton over 'Sunday. Mr. Alex, Foser and family mov- ed to Kitchener .this, week. Mr, J. Carlin, of Hensall, was a visitor in town on hued+cloy. Mr. Ede Stire of Dashwood wase in town Tuesday, on business. Mr: P. Farwell ,visited relatives in Waterloo county, nasi: week. Mr ,W. Siebert, of London hpent the week -end at his home here. Mr. C. Either is attending the A, 0. U. W. Convention at 'Toronto, this week. Miss Lydia Koehler Alas return- ed from London ,where elle spent some months, , Mrs. P. Kropf and ?MLe. Alton Fo:tter viate re roves in.Kitchen- er lake week. Miss Alice 'Geiser .of Sltipka is visiting her sister,, Mrs. Wm. Dech•- e2, fora, few, ,days. Mr. Chas. Stelck, of Varna, vis- ited friends in this vicinity for a few !days this week. Owing to an attack of tae grippe Rev. 13 Rembe, was tram al•: to bake .his wrok on Sundae. Mrs, Levy, of .'isi6e1her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. it 1. tam, nor a few days''easi week. •Fresh lettuce, Fruit' and- rananas always on hand. Ice Cream every Salurday. i. huepler, Mr. Sim Ireland, of Stratford, formerly of Dashwood, was a visitor in town on Monday. Mr. Albert Smith, of Detroit, vis - ted his parents, Mr. and Irs.tWen- del .Smi h, Goshen ,Line, south,last week. t11ie senior room of tee' Zurich Public school had a ho'irta° on:• Monday. and atesday e ; fig to principal being indrspos rt In spring, gather up ta bones which have accumulate- during the winter and bury these at the roots of trees, bushes, eta They make excellent fertilizer. It is estimated that the eoesurn- ption of lumber for the baking p1mp1194np-gaalalebeead other railing t!t a clean of , ealiinte•ts in xs n- Svn s ru 600, 600 square feet of me nufacc ured hardwood lumber and 50,000- 000 square feet of veneer. On of the finest 100 -act" farrn.s in this section for sale. First- class buildings, •plenty of good water, convenient to church and school, and only 3% miles from Zurich, Immiadiete possession can be .given. For particelars ap- ply to Andrew F. Hess. Zurich. Last Thursday night the house and contents of Mr. J'acub Link, J4hh con., Stephen, teas totally de- &royed IThe inmates narrowly es caped with .their lives. The fire is supposed to have been caused from hot ashes. Much sym,,pathy is felt for Mr. 'Link and family in their severe loss. Some of the boys and girie who have made a success in Lie were at one time country correeponden, is for newspapers. ,There are few better ways in which a per- son can help his or her e ducation and at the same time their own community, than by correspond- ing for a home newspaper, like the Herald. !We are desirious of se- curing permanent correspondents. at places where we have none at present. So loud is the call for help on farms in order to meet the de-. ,mand for increased production of food -stuffs that the minister of Education has again given the privilege to all boy's and girls too from 14 to 18 years of age to ob- tain their respective certificates at Easter instead of June by passing examination set by the teacher in charge of the class or classes and by obtaining the permission of their parents. A copy of all such papers set by the teacher must he sent the Department to see 'that a proper test has beers given, At the expiration of the three months term of service the Prin- Owing to dissolution q . part- cipal, the pupil and the farmer inerslhip all accounts must ,:be set - who employed such labour, must tied by April lets to adjust our a - :r ake a report to the Department (fairs. Mr. Ruby has charge of before obtaining the certificate. the iaccounitls and will be 'at store . Parents are urged to encourage to 4ihlat date. —+ Rhuby & Gascho. their boys to ien,liat for farm ser- vice beeasese by so doing they are MARRIED helping their boys, physically and Jacobe—Pfile--At 14th con'.; Jay, morally, and are encouraging the ton ,Wedn'e'sday, March 21st, by, farmers to. incre'ase production. ' pea, F. B. Meyiei', Mile, • Clara; "The inlo\v is our hope declared Angelina, daughter of M. and, fight :Hon: David Lloyd George Mrs. Benj. Tine to Mr. Oaenet of Great Britain.i • A. Jacobe, all of Hay Township, L. d } K Why not use the best coal" SCRANTON .!COAL Chestnut, Furnace,,. Black- smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. " Go . CASE 8 SON PHONE '35 H E N SALL Cross Fertilizer Co. SAI' SLAG Am now taking orders for winter delivery. (.Phe past eeaso•n' has .gain shown that Basle Wag gives best salt isfaetion for grain and beans For reference ase: farmers in this locality who have used it. Ontario Fertilizer. I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer male by one of the larg- est Canadian C'ompani .e. A•elire: foe Common' ial Fertilizers for every purpose JOSEPH RAJ R R. N ): Zurich. na.,„ `Weather Insu ,�a .ce Mutual Compaily Protect your property . against. damage by storm or. cyclone . by a policy in a good live .'arm',s er' 11Jutua.! Company. One rates.are very low — rJni j$3 00 per thousand per annum. tiV e pay ,all losses of $1.00 and troth irothis date forward. Pres- ent pol'cybo:ders note this an- nouncement. For ful. particulars see or phone any of the. following agents; ,S. Hardy, General Agent, Exete;', R. G: d`armrutth6sub-agent,+Bornhohm., N,Ogdem, rub -agent, Centralia :I3 RAM, sub -agent Auburn. Or write the Secretary Cha�e.Monteith,.,B.R,No. 1. yoodl a ni Note !the cha'n'ge of Secreta, yt' James Scott, Pres., Cromarty, AUCTION SALE tH Of oluseho'.d Effects in the Vil- lage ,of Zlwrich, on Saturday, Mar. 31s't, at 1.30 &clock, p. m. Mrs, Patulins Faust, proprietoress; E. Bossenberry, aucrtioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, e, rnilea south of St. Joseph, opposite school house, on Tuesday', March, 2'7th,. at 1.30 o'clock E. Boss'enberry, aucti oneer; A. Johnston & Son; :prop- rietors. Potatoes for .dale. C. Fritz. Quantity of good seed barley for sale. Ed. Stelck, 14th coni, dray. FOR• SALE — Good hackney, rising 4 years. Apply to Dan. Smith, near Blake. Fresh supply of Formaldehyde or hand for treating emus in grain at 'Zurich Drug Store. NEW ADS— Department of Ag- riculture, Exeter Motor Sales Co., A. Mittel'holtz, R. W. Delgaty. LOST — A ,small leather pocket case of surgical instruments. Find- er kindly �le.ave at Herald Office. HE COULD :WAIT A criminal whose dread day of hanging had arr.ved was asked by the jailer if he had any last re- quest to make.. "I have," said the eo.ndemned man, "and it is a very slight fav- or indeed." , "Well if it . is a slight favor I can grant it. 'What is it?" "Iwaant a few 'peaches 'to eat." "Peaches!" exclaimed the jailer. "Why, they wont be Jape for sev- eral months yet." "Well," said the condemned man, "that doesn't 'matter. I'll wait" NOTICE R Hess Coo JONELLERS AND OPTICIANS Rej5airing a Specially PREPARDNESS There are cold days comiu; Prepare i'or them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated. D. & H. Lacka- wana Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all Egg, Stove and Chesnut .A. Canteloi -lensall Phone 10, House Phone 10a ,HOUSE FOR SALE Fine modern new Brick Dwell- ing for sale in Zurich. Newly Bui.t, end a desirable home. Will be Bold at a reaeonrable price. Por further parti'cu'ars apply to Wm. S. Ruby, Zurich.. HOTJ'SE FOR SALE ,.'Storey and one hale house for sale' with kitchen. - Situated in desirable 'location in Z urich. ;Will be sold at reasonable price. For particulars apply to Andrew, F. Hess;, Zurich,. A SNAP on Farm Wagons T MEC/CASED A NUMBER 0 F /'ARM WAGONS AT A BAR- GAIN AND AM GOING TO GIVE THE FARMERS OE THIS SEC-. T#ON TRE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PURCHASE. • Ib' ATEEDING ONE CALL EARLY AS I HAVE ONLY A LIM- ITED NUMBER. Two De Laval Separators at old price TWO DE LAVAL SEPARATOORS LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. Take advantage of this AL$0 tk1Wo NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE AT THE OLD PRICE. Bargain on low-down manure spreader LOW DOWN MANURE SPRE ADER AT THE OLD PRICE. DO NOT MISS THESE SNAPS We 'handle pumps, piping, etc. L. PRANG ZURICH 20,000 TONS RAGS WANTED Also all lcinlds of junk. HIGHEST 'CASH PRICES .Will call sOoou Phone No. 35 L hlitteIh®itz Keep up the 00 usilo y and s a el Make Victory Sure Zurich Classified fids LEGAL, CARDS, elROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitor-, Notaries Public Pic, Office, on the Square, 2nd door frons ha raiton St. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDPOOT, K C. J. L. KILLORAN. H..T. !} Coot:x,. ttlr. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday, and Saturday of each week. c AM aspired that my peofile will .re- spond to every call necessary to the suc- cess of our cause—with the came indomitable ardour and devotion that have filled me with pride and gratitude since the war began." His MAJESTY CITe. t LEORGE UR soldiers must be fed; the people at home must be fed. And—in spite of Germany's murderous campaign to cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking every ship on the High Seas—an ample and unfailing flow of food to England and France must be maintained. This is National Service— Not to the Farmer only .but to YOU"—to everybody This appeal is directed WEWE must unite as a Nation to SERVE `i —to SAVE and to PRODUCE. Men, women and children; the young, the middle aged and the old—all can help in the Nation's Army of Production. 'LIVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps d -J reduce the cost of living and adds to the Food Supply for Overseas. For information on any subject relating to the Farm and Garden, write: INFORMATION BUREAU Department of Agriculture OTTAWA PLANT a garden—small or large. Utilize your own back yard. Cultivate the vacant lots. Make them all yield food WOMEN of towns can find no better or more important outlet for their energies than in cultivating a vegetable garden. Be patriotic in act as well as in thought. Lke every means available -- Overlook nothing. Dominion Department of Agriculture OTTAWA, CANADA. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister.