HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-23, Page 4• H• 1 AUCTION SALE o '' PAI>M; TOOK .s.No IMPLEMENTS At Lot i4. Con. 13, ;Stanley, on 411Srida' March elhh, et 1 n'elpck rjli'�rp, the following; i iOR€RS—One Agricultural mare Winears old,, itn loa'l to Earl O'•Clay: la .Agrieulcuial gelding, 7 year yearn old, Luck; i. Agricultural filly,ris- jeg 3 keare old; 1 filly. rising 1 lieu old, CATTLE -- 2 cows, due to calf in: May; 1 fresh cow; 1. young calf; 2 wives rising 1 year old; 6 ca'ttel,,, rising 2 years old; 5fat .heifers, ; 3 steers, half fat_ PIGS — 2 .store hogs; HENS — 60 henys. IMPLEMENTS — Massey Harris binder, 7ft cut, has only cut 45 ac- res; Deering mower 6 -ft. cut, cut one ,season; Deerting hay rake,1D it wide; Noon drill, 12 hoe; Nox- pn disc harrow, four section diam- ond harrow; walking plow, Bain Wagon, nearly new, wagon box and spring seat, two hay racks; set Sleighs, nearly new; gravel box teed rack for cattle, one Mikado .buggy; fa'nning trill; set scales, 120d1bs, capacity; set heavy har- Iness; set plow harness; 2 new col- lars, new logging chain. (HAY — '2 :stacks of Hungariar end Millet mixed. Also a quant ity of Hay. Two tons feed kiln dried corn; 1 dozen of grain bags Eforse blankets; sugar kettles, eid- er barrels; stove wood; chains; Corks• neck yokes; whiffletrees; Shovels; etc., etc. POSITIVELY NO reserve is the Proprietor has rented his farm. TERMS— A11 sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that aoiount 8 months credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint rotes. Dis- count of 4 cents on the dollar will lee allowed on credit a-nounts. Hay and giiain cash. E. B ossenberry, Ro'5 t.W.Delgaty, auctioneer. Proprietor. EXETER - 'Miss Lulu Hastings has taken a position in t'ne Bank of Commerce L.ere. C. E. Robinson wee in Sti:atford last week as a delegate to the >!''xren•d Lodge of the Orange Order. Rev. J. •W, Baird was on the sick list .Last week. Mrs. (Dr.) Lindsay and son have left foe their home in the west. E. Hewitt has pux haled R. lOanneoe linen. . o (Y!dh'y St. Wm, Harding, another of the old residents of Exeter, passed away on March Sth in his 84th year. He ^wras ill for only a short time with pneumonia. Bev. Mr. Sharp under`tvent an tiperation at a Toronto hospital last week. Ed. Sh.orit of Stephen has purchas ed a house in, town' and will move tiers shortly.. COUNTY NEWSY D. Cotter, Farquhar, has pur- chased the 100 -acre Earn, of the late (Thos, Jamieson, of Russeldale Pte. Robert H. McLeod, of May- field was killed in action to the casualty ilislts of last week, Mr. S. Brokenshire of Stephen has received word from his O1 who is in a ho: epital in France that he had been wounded in both legis, but that the wounds were only through the flesh. • The Molsons Bank has opened pt branch at Brucefield wit h Mr, H. P. •Miadden of St. Marys as man- ager. Capt. the Rev. J. K. Fairfuil, who went to England last fall as chap- lain of the 16est Battalion, has re- turned to his home in Clinton. Chaplains cannot accompany their battalions to France. The National Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., bias been incorporated and they have purchased •the Doty; plant at Goderioh. Ships will likely be built at the works, also engines and boilers. On Feb. 28th, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dauneey, McGillivary, was united in marriage to ;Walter W. Mathera by Rev, C. IW. Baker, of Crediton. HENSALL Mr. McDon•a1d of Chatham has purchased •the butcher business of Mr. Wellington Johnston, who giv- es up possession on May 1st. Mr. McDonald has also purchased one of Mr. Welsh's houses in the east end. Mrs.R. Campbell and daughter are spending a few 'weeks with relatives in Lambton county. Mr, and Mrs. John Caldwell, Jr., of the west, who have been visit ing here this winter, intend re- maining in this section for the sunnier. Cook Bros. has received a lar- ge shipment of autos. Miss R. Eilber has again charge of the millinery department in E. Rannie's store, and Miss Innes in M. Ortweines store. Mr. :and Mrs. M. R. Rennie have resigned as choir leader and org- anist of Carmel .Presbyterian church. :Mrs. A. C. Hoggarth 'and child- ren have returned to their home, :a 4.:algary. ... Mrs. Jas. Johnston, accompani- ed by her father, J. Rathwell and niece; Miss Lola Dawson, have left for the fornserls new home in Alberta, FOR ducks, gain CORRESPONDENCE • i CREDITON • `. Ewald 'has returned to Kit- chener to resume work at the Dominion ',Tare factgry. Harry Beaver, who had an p•p eration •performed on his neck in Hamilton is recovering. Mr. and Mara. Holtmes have re- turned to their home in Scott, ;ask , atter a few thiontk's': visit with relatives here. A. Baker and G. Nicholson have leased the farm of the late .Mrs. E. Clark for a term. ef:.years. • Daniel Schwantz of Benmiller vis ited his sister, Mrs. C. Haist, for a few days ladt week. Jno. Lawson is seriously iI}• witle pneumonia. Mr. 'and Mrs. John G. Wein left. for Detroit last week where they will reside in future; BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Manson enter- tained a number of their friends on 1Wednesday evening of Iast week. Miss Ruth Keys, who was vis- iting friends near Shipka has re- pturpned home. Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Douglas spent. Sunday with friends in Hensail. Mrs. McDonald entertained her Sunday School class to a knitting, party on St. Patrick'is Day. Mrs, Quinn, of Exeter, spent the week -end at the home of: Mr and Mrs. Wm. Finlay. . Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch'spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. Robt., McL nchey, Goshen (Line Mr, !Wilbert McBride spent Sun day under .the parental roof. FRUIT .. TREES AND PLANTS FOR .SPRING . PLANTING We have establisthed a fasting reputation for fair and square dealing and are 'n 'ow prepared to. meet existing conditions by offer- ing our high grade trees and plants direct to customers a ROCK BOTTOM Prices Do 'k plants, as there is notching pays better. Send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can order direct and get the benefit of agent's commission, Our "prices will be sure to interest yoti. THE CHASE BROTHERS CO. OF SALE -- 1 pair Musco vey ONTARIO LTD. NURSERYMEN, 1 pr. Latnigshans, at a bar- ESTABLISHED 18 57. Frank Seibert, •Zurich. COLBORNE, ONT. Four Seater $1050 t. o. b. Toronto Subject to change without aotice, Style—Comfort Ort Power -Economy This new Overland Country Club Light Four is a distinctive and smart car in the low priced car class. The rich gray body, with black fenders and trimmings, is set off to pleasing advantage by red wire wheels that give just the right flash of brilliant color.. The two comfortable front seats move forward or back, independently, and a spacious aisle between gives free pas- sage to a roomy seat for two passengers in the rear. For riding comfort, the Overland Country Club is a revelation. An unusual demand for this model makes it necessary to place orders at once to secure spring delivery. EXETER MOTOR SALES CO. rr t EDMUND WALPER, DASUWOOD DASHWOOD Mr: D. Tiernan spent Saturday in London. Mr, ;Wru, Wilson;, of Qromtarty, visited phis sistper, Mrs. J. Routledge during the fpfast Meek. The: •DathWotoci Red Crost Soce iety has:. nude another shipment this week; conslistin.g of nineteen day shirts and :twelve pair of socks The ladies have great praise for their beautiful work and e.special- ly, for their hand-knit socks. Miss Josephine McAllister of Geand..Bend is -visiting with Mrs.. B. !Station at present, .Miss: Ethel Lipseith of Victoria Hospital,- .London, who has been. nursing Mr. Russell Wanner spent the week end at the home of Dr., Routledge. Mr. ,Salm,. Link of Detroit is vis- iting, his patrenits here. '• Mr. S. Ireland, of Stratford, is visiting friends and relatives here this week, Mrs, Geo:. Kellerman. left Tueee day to visit with her Son Rev. A. Kellerman at Fenwiek. Mr. John• Lippert of Grand Rap- ids, Mich.., visited his parents last week. The home of Mr. Jacob Link was; completely destroyed by iire early Thursday morning. Miss McDougall is confined to the house through illness. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr., Fred .Preeter has _purchased/. a seven -passenger Russell car from Mr, ;Wes. .:Sarell of Exeter. Mrs, J. Hartleib who is very was n"einioved to the hospital at London on el uesday to have aa opera ti .m performed. STANLEY TO WNlSHiP Me, D J. Stephenson is seriously ill at I resent with blood -poison - keg •bti, we hope; for his early re- covery. o Mr. :AV. .iH. Stephenson of Mar- lette; M•ieh., vas called here last kek om account of. the illness of Mr. LIoyd Dowson has sold •his, .driver to Mr. iVipffatt of the 2nd Concession Our a dung people, who gave Spell an excellent entertainment in the •Giashen school house some time ago, gave the same program, at Cole's •Goderich ;Township, last Friday evening. It was highly ,apprecipatetd by a full house, the proceeds arnmounted to $75.00. Nest Sunday morning there will he a special service for men in the Goshen church, when the choir will eonsislt'of men and the sub-; jest will be ",Christianity's' rhai- x lenge to men." Revival cervices will be started) • on Monday, night 'and will be cone tinned for two weeks. The past or. is. expecting Rev. F. B. .Meyer of Zurich to assist him on Monday •aind !Wednesday evenings of thel first week at Intact. TALBOT—KEYS A very pretty and quiet wedd- ing took place ,at, the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Wan,. L. Keys, of .Seatorth on Wednesday, Mar. 14th, when their daughter, •Mayne J., was united an holy matrimony to Mel- vir, C. Talbot of Stanley township. At the hour of noon the young couple entered the room to the Meatus of Lohengrins Wedding Marc!. played by Miss Annie G. Govenlock, cousin of the bride. The ceremony took place under an •arab of lilies and lily of the val- ley The nuptial knot was ;recur- ely tied by Rev. J. M. Keys, broth er ,of the bride, in ikhe presence of immediate friends and relatives. The bride was becomingly at- tired in a gown of silver barred Cane over white satin trimmed with white ribbon and speeded pearls. Her going away .tress`. was a suit of navy blue serge with a large;black velvet hat. The bn ids,'; and. groom were th.e recip ient en, many useful and costly ' presents. After the signing of the register the ,company partook of the wed- ding dinner. The young couple left on the afternoon train for London, Port Huron, Detroit and other points. Or their return they will. make their home at Evergreen Farm" Bronson Line, Stanley township. The good wiehee' of a host of fri- encl.t and relatived go with. them. 00000seoes•0000see0000ssso 000soft0000•000•000ar•oososo, t I 1iY Y o o oe • Massey -Harris Implements I • w • • We have been re -appointed Agents for the. • narne;l Implements and are prepared tc take orders • kinds of Massey-Harrisrnachines for next season. • • WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASS•t+Y • • HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS, a above of all • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 m•000.0•0.00000M10•0••••410 M41•ONMO•••ONO••••••••• We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the name clasp of goods. Square Deal Our Prices are always, rig ht H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son The Old Stand +4.+++4.++4.++++++++++4.+++++4' 3r+++3•i• •++i•3•✓r++++•i••1•• ++ I F+S?. .II. 50,000 FEET •t• •MAPLE SAW LOGS WANTED. 4. 50,000 feet good •hard maple saw logs 4.wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. 4. 4. Also all kinds of other logs wanted. I 4. 4. 4. 'l! Custom Sawing our Specialty I 4. ,l, .p, ,+ F. C. KALIFLEISC•I PH NE.l► 4. vo 19 e ZURICi-1 4. ÷ fi. -i•� :ro�•I•+•F•.i•?,f.�•.i..a..; •S••i••4••i••k•d•�f��l• e••D•3.4'++++++44+++4'+ f• :�+4+++++4•� 4. .-eaunestthiltnis FILIED W:CTH GOODS Ydtl' ItEQ'LT w , SPRING. CALL AND LOOK 0 VEP. OUR LINES, WE CAN IN-- TEREST YOU IN PRICES AND Q UALITV, ELEPHANT BRAND READY- MIXED PAINTS, HARDWARE ANI) TINWARE OF ALL KINDS RUBEROID READY ROOFING AT $1.40 PER ROLL. SWEAT PADS AND .HARNESS REPAIRS; FLOWER, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, NEW WALL PAPERS .;'1T A LL PRICES, WE SELL THE PDX SCALES AT REASONABLE PRICES. See our new stock of Shoes NEVER BEFORE HAS OUR STOCK OF GOOD SERVICEABLE; SHOES BEEN SO COMPLETE'IN ALL LINES. SEE US BEFORE: YOU BUY. WE ALSO REPAIR SHOES. FRESH GROCERIES RECEIVE D EACH WEEK. Farm Produce of all kinds wanted L1 BRISSON Plan 86 Drysdale: London Life Policies are "GOOD AS GOLD" Ninety-seven per cent of the public when they attain ad- vanced age have little or nothing to dive upon, and are either dependent upon relatives or public, charity for support. Protect your future by a popular insurance policy in the London Life. All the popular plans of insuranca written. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent 1TILLINE,Y OPENINGS March 22nd and 23rd Miss Olive Green:has just received a large stock of new and up-to-date millinery and extends a cordial invita— tion to the ladies of Grand Bend and vicinity to call and inspect her ,stock. Miss Olive Green Grand Bend pk