HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-23, Page 1ZURI Vol. XVI MOVED to LARGER QUARTERS You will find me at S. E. Faust's old stand in Hart- leib's block where 1 am better prepared than ever .to supply your needs in Harness and Repair Work. Bring in your repairing now before the spring rush. Sweat Pads,: Curdy Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. P. STADE - ZURICH 1111111111111111111 M...•. 41190111114110011111000•11000000,01,1110 Sale Prices Still Continue i VE -.ARE STILL SELLING OUR GOODS AT SALE PRICES OUR STOCK' IS STILL WELL -ASSORTED AND YOU CAN 73UY "�•'a,,TM ANY LINES "Afr 'THE OLID PRICES WHICH IF BOUGHT NOW ' W -4I 4LD , cOAT 'TWICE TBE SV ;1., you. EBD ANYTHING IN MEN'S YOUTH'S OB BOY'S A'`ICx WE CAN SUPPLY YOU •:WE• $AVE REC&IVED A LARGE NUMBER Op SAMPLES.. POR Ili+7' • SULTS. CALL AND SEE fPHEM. LD ZURIC F IDAY •s ir+.mo s LOCAL N:" IDlir SA* 11.y,",,v,04, ,�, t,; 411 >: iNG. MARCH 23, 1917. 00004Ms.000M.0..•00 hone Subscribers The song of . the robin ie again ^ pul)seribera of the Hay fFcl- hearrd in the land. Ophone System. can get new dir- •Wednesday, March 21st, was.,the tirs�t day of spring.eac�kories at Zurich or Dashwood *Miss Verda Fuse, Who has spent ',Centrals. Call 'for yours. 'some tinge in Detroit, has returned 1iiMlrrii0ii.s_M_._........11... to her home here. .Miss Emma. Heideman, 'of:De 11irs. Noah, Geiger and Mss. John; troit, is visiting at:the home of;liex En4 of parents,town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ileideraanr eiger,; of Pig here Mich., are vis - ?ting relatives at pred�ent, Ds E. S. Hardie, dentist, Wil bo One dozen of the celebrat+ed.Mas- at the •:Do:nminiou.`ltouae:, Ztiriea,.on 80 771I Li'ris walkizig plows 1\o. 16, Wednesday, and we.dnesdayoi'the ;21 and 30 received. *Will be said following week. Iaeajp. -- F.,Hees & Son. NOTICE—The Annual Business R. R. Gamey, M. P. P., for Man - Meeting of the ,Evangelical ihuz cii itpulin, passed away at Toronto Zurich, will beheld -On Monday;, .an Monday, after .undergoing an March 26th at 2 ,olcclaek p. jar in operation for abscess of the lung. 'the Baser ept of the church; n i Mrs. Dan,, Zinn„ wh.o has been, male members are requested to at visiting arel�ati nn here for some tend. By order •�f the 'Tru6teog� lme, has left for Michigan, where The people of 'Zurich are '. rye- she will. 'visit before returning to queetecd to gather up all thein, :ben hone im 1Cavalier, N. D. 000la Magazines, newspapers and, paerteboard, and have therm ready', for collectors by March, ?-8th. The.,. papers, anlagazines, ete., are ttic;. Le sold and .the money used tor;; Red. Cross work. According to the report o''tht :Briti•sh Red Cross. 'Fund issued bar; the Legislative of ••Asseialidy Onitarioo, up to October 1$th,' 91 'Hay Township's total contrilaittjon' to the fund \vas $1287.00 .11114 was the highest am,ounit con :iii- utod by towaitships. Stanley ?fol l0Ws with $1255.68, while, 491th. OUR ,TAILORING DEPARTMENT IS DOING BUSINESS THE was the .lowest with $5.741 !SAME AS EVER. • . , Letters addressed to France quire .to be prepaid at; the ra 5e for one ounce and 3c xar gi. ,WHERE'` QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN 'ososis. .sssr.•s.s.N.s..assmisss..s .=�'. '4+444:44+4:'+++-4++++,44+++++++++++++++++++4-,4+++++44+14 2 41, 41. 4- S. 44. k • .t. Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 • . 56:Branches in Canada A. General Bankinj Business Transacted_ , urce of r tcuon. of, an onut.e`IR01.1LAttUTTEIt.O' CREDIT *0,,,A-.1*."'.."-:-- v*k �+.p,1}� TCa p ....�y','kr °. ANg,- MONEY ORIDE[i. drEs,ed td' an+etnl3ers� of the Feed'-' - do a lar i l i�tontary Force.. in - Fa~a�iace} . � o a'n6 i,rher•e on the. continent:` re- quire prepayment the .same, only rag lettters addressed• to the 'United' R. T. DUNLOP, Manager PHONE 11 on 82] ELe�l Kingdom, that is 2v an ounce plus?•aimm~ the tVG'?a r Tax. E = - — 11NV111NI1111111Rillel011ikilli11 01011;,i!iHi!li1NI1111i.IIll1011iu;N!li 1111iNN!iiINNlllulill!'!0111NIIItioiAllIC;4;,IuCNlllllallil11<RiD!iNNiIIII111111N111111iIlp1111111t liBtNN£It 1 Protect Your Shoe NO 38 with a pair of good rubbers. Shoes are advancing in price. A pair of rubbers will make them wear longer. We have all sizes and styles. Also 1 Heavy Rubbers for Mau or Boy. Prices Right. 1 Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. .. . C. FRITZ, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes •f11011+li41rk1lN1111/4114111.l4ti.111ii4110111MPii110llMii#l40eSifli 9i4IMiR6+. 1111;11811111111111i1111111i148➢,!111!101111111111flIBINI Il 11111IiiQIn111011111ig4U(IViIIf I ENNISIiIIIIINii 4111101V111111]illtHI l!liiirlll:!'1dIT,I1!'i,',T kllu,i11;11111ul1,1 11 Interest at highest entreat: rates Zurich Branch Special Sale of Wall Paper, Beginning Feb. 26th., we a°e putting ort a SALE of Wall Paper at priees below' manufacturer's prices today, for the purpose of making roojn for our new 1917 paper. Anyone intending paper- ing this spring should secue some of these BARGAIN S. R. Ns DOUGLAS Seeour Specirul in Grey Cotton a 12/2c a yd. while it lasts. -GO iT1HROUGH YOUR TORONTO CATALOGUE AND THEN COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRI CES, AND GIVE US A CHANCE :AND YOU 'WILL FIND BF)`TTER VALUES IN OUR STORE THAN .It2i YOUR CATALOGUE. A TRIAL !SOLICITED. OMNI Hardware Section WASHING I'1ACHINES Ve -handle the. celebrated /Tome Washers, made in Canada at ip6iiular prises. We also handle a number of other makes. HORSE CLIPPERS All kinds Hand Clippers. per alt Aleotthe genuine Stewart Ma_hine clip - STOCK FOODS !Giardiners Pig '14leal in 251b bags Royal Purple Poultry and Stock elf ri . A " Foods, • PEERLESS WIRE FENCING Now is the time to buy fencing before, priees go higher, Ali kinds of ,Flom,e-made goods at reasonable prices. Our New Wali Papers are here J New Goo s. . RIGHT NO)W IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR NEW SILK DRESS OR SUITS FOR SPRING .WEAR FIGURED. SILK CREPES ARE E XCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR DRESSES. OLD PATTERNS ARE SHOWN INATTRACTIVE COMBINATIONS ARE NEW., SOME A RE CUT IN DRESS LENGTHS. THERE ARE NO TWO ALIKE. Is THIS NOT A: GREAT ADVANTAGE? • New Silk Crepe in dress lengths in good colorings at 75c and80 Bents. New Violes in plain white a'nd figured at 50 cents. New .Spring Silks in plain an d fancy Weaves $1.00 to $1.75. owls a PALM BEACH SUITI NGS This is oneof the most popular cloths this season and will be worn by everyone• This elo{h comes 36 inches wide, 40 cents. Silk Georgette in pink, white, black and tan, $1.b0. New Prints and Ginghams Buy now and get the pick oi; the patterns in ginghams and Iprinl s. Kingeott Ginghams are known by everyone and can be relied upon for cloth strong at 15cents Prints at 15e and ?Scents. New Plannellettes, dark and light at 12y_,c, 15e; 17e, and 20c SHIRTINGS and COTTONADI S Now is the time to put in y our supply of shirt;,ngs and ing what they 'will be when we buy again. Shirtings at yd. color, being fast and the cott•onade3 at tke low pri^a eorsider-- 18c up. Cottonades at F0c up. MEN'S WORK CLOTHES A big range sof work shirts,overalls, smocks, etc., to select from at a price that will slAit, everybody's ,pockets!. MEN'S SUIT LENGTI-LS . 40 pieces- of Mena suit lengths to clear •at a Big Reduction, RUGS and LINOLEUMS AVe have at ;present the largest assortment of Rugs and Linol emus to chane from thpx over before. 1 RUM —A large variety of patterns and pricer. S:zes to fit a ny anes so we can give big values, DRAPERIES --A nice assortment. Cala early and make your purchase- while they la':'•. room. Fought t-e`ora t't,,e a!' PREE1'ER Highest Price for Produce. Phone 9 ,.., • -. ,... mo . :..,.. �.. '• , ..0 1 44.4,4044,44:4-::41,14114-1, . S. -.Ya � 4 ,.4r. -:C. ^� S.•L � .« .�.: a �.4 J, � ..�..f....0.j+.4.'+ 4 C , 1. e,_.y �4 i.' _♦ •t. ". a4. a •e.Y.?e �'a G �. d' e . ���.. .,�,.. � 'b:�- "ti. e:.�..asw acre. �. *�+g..p;; �1+3d's•o"^� �ti� ti a . �,i! �-}... �'J�.:Ma��l• .� °a a.��;, e,?t,. i^+, .. i�-r�i i� .. � 3� . 3 f• . , .. . -, . 3+.�'r�%� � d•. � •r r ..a �r3 4+-r•ir+J� . .. M� .« �ir•� . x�!o � i�.r��x .4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. +fr 4 4. •i~ 4. 4. 4. 4. a- 4 7. 4 4 40 40 1