HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-16, Page 8finr To City, Town and • Village Dwellers in Ontario A Vegetable Garden for Ev$71.37 lome N this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have ample supplies of food, and Canada is the great source upon which they rely. Everyone with. a few square feet of ground, can contribute to victory by growing vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables i. It saves money that you would otherwise spend far i, ee, vegetables. 2. It helps to lower the "High cost of living." '3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of i produce for export. , 4.. Growing your own vegetables saves labor of others . whose effort is needed for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; manu- facturers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage home gardening. Let the Slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home." Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing. In cases where it is impossible to secure suitable local speakers, the Department of Agriculture will, on request, send a Suitable man. The demand for speakers will be great The number of available experts being limited, the Department urgently requests that arrangement' for meetings be made at once; if local speakers cannot be secured, send applications promptly. The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to stimulate the work by offering prizes for best vegetable gardens. It is prepared to assist in any possible way any organization that may be conducting a campaign for vegetable productiou on vacant lots. It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert advice in the field. To any one interested, the Department of Agriculture will send literature giving instructions about implements necessary and methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop. A plan of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free of charge to any address. Write for Poultry Bulletin Bens are inexpensive to keep, and you will be highly repaid in fresh eggs. Write for free bulletin which, tells how tp keep h.ens. .., Address letters to. "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agricul- ture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. •, 0 Pa ntario Department of Agriculture W. 11. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Bement Buildings Toronto ANNOUNCEMENT! fWE 'AVB TAKEN OVER TEM GENERAL TOCK AND GOO le. WILL OF RUBY & O.ASCHO AND WILL CONTINUE IN BUSINESS THE OLD STAND. OUR AIM LS TO GIVE A FAIR AND SQU ABE, DEAL TO ONE AND ALL AND HOPE FORA CONTINUAN- CE OF YOUR VALUED PATRON- AGE 1 Gaga() & So OPFICRES1 AND SOLDIERS' DEBITS. As applications continue to be re Jeceived at District and 1VIiiitia eleadceuarters from tradesmen and eieivictuals for aseicance in the recovery of. debts due to them by ofiicers and soldiers • serving ire he Canadian Expeditionary .6'orcei or the Active Militia of Canada tied by Officers'. or Sergeants' Messes, Regimental Canteens, etc., it has been found desirable to sate publictly that the Military ..euthorities have no power 1,o en- force payment and they are un- able to assist in the recovery of private delete, Therefore-, all persons weo give credit to officers and eoldieie do so at their own' risk. °Meets. Non -Commissioned 'Of- ficers and men are as amenable to the Civil Law of the Country as any other class of His -Majesty'e subjects, 'with. this exception., that no execution can be taken 'against their .person, pay, arms, amraun- ition, equipment, instruments, reg- imental neceseaeles or clothing. FOR SALE - .Good hackney, rising years. Apply to Dan. Smith, near Blake. NOTICE Owing to dissolution of part- nership all accounts/ must be set- tled by April 1s0 to adjust our ,a ffairs. Mr. Ruby has charge te. the accounts and will be atstore to that date. Ruby • &Gascho, KNEW BuS.MEN' - The Irish sergeant was cheering oriels, men, ite.ileettlea... , • „e.e. "Men 1" he boated., *"ye are on the verge of battle, e'n I want to ask ye before ye evert, will yez fight or will ,t'tez run?" "Ne wilk," came the choeus, "Which will ye do?" "Fe will not," eays they. • "Thank ye me min! I thought ye would." Assn VIG1.13010111115. •;. TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DONHION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK eteMrsTleeeleereeeeee C r ITUDSGN Phone. 5 ZURICH. IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable ist October, 1019. Interest payable. Mil -yearly, 1st April and lst October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of Eve per cant per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering t. par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay - .tent of any allotment made ender any future war loan issue in 'anoxia other than an issue ot Treasury Bills or other like short •lete security. Proceeds of this stock aro for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed o recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made ia aspect of applications for this stock which hear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of . iaance, Ottawa. ,EFARTIVIENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OcToBER 7th, 1916. : eelinalMen2MiZSM.353CEMEE`.e, • ZalF3feWIMIEZPPEEtiatAir,X3g3VeiCig*:,W, Butter d Eggs an_ ntnscription to the lisrall for 1917? Have :you renewed your S31113 - ANTED Will pa. :hest cash price for Cream Butter av- 0 delivered at my residence, Zurie,11 ny tithe during the week. =V= ttE24310e eeze‘...e7.414=311981r2011Zetettee /438;12401:2trerr • NOTICE TO HAY riELEPHONR SUBSCRIBERS Any subscriber wishing to take advantage of the arrangement of having free connection at Veil Steil° as, 'Hansen and Exetet,evill please call at the office of the un- dersigned to sign requisite doc- ument. FRED HESS, Sr.. CLEHIC. OP PUY., Zurich LOCAL MARKETS I e Led every Thursday. .u• Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats ..... ..... Barley Buckwheat Flour. .35 30 05 2 50 1.60 1.70 65 70 1 00 1 25 . ..... ..., 4.75 5.25 ilvan $40 00 Shorts... ... 42 00 L bag 2.70 Live Hogs fob lfensall 15 00 Local News ----- Geo.! ke •e. alf .o: sa e - Gellman Zu Mr. C u, nee woodeam lea, teen stepoithee se, retary-ereaeu...ee o. tee ,eleat.her u.. tea ce tee, pee. oa Mr. A. lte. niJ1ie, Wilo resigeet ,teasses. ea....e,ne are .opening u, new millinery parlors in ells. ett. eormieles oel stand this week. ...new have purchased the stock ot millinery igoods of the etores in town and will ,conduct an up-to- date "tore of hat faelhoins. (Canada's pension bill has now reached $300,000 a month, or $3,600 000 a year, and is growing rapidly Pension are being paid to 2,845 widt ows, 4,065 disabled soldiers, 641 other dependente arc seldiees,, 150 brphao children , ende4,9b5 Chil- dren' of peneioners, a total of 12,654 Some of the boys and girle who have made asuccess in life were at one time country corresponden, ts for newspapers. There are few better ways in which a per- son can help his or -her a Education and at the same time their own community, than by correspond.. ing for a home newspaper, like the Herald. IWe are desirious of se- curing permanent correspondents, at places where we have none at present. FOGG'S FOGHORN Fogg brought home sortie blanks so that they could make their own records. A few evenings later when his wife started the piton°, graph, he cried, "Heavens and earth, Martha! !What have you been taking, a dog fight?" "N000 said Mrs, Tlogg. "I put on a blank last night when you were aGleep. Perhaps you will believe now that you snore." TELEPHONE LISTNER3 BEWARE Listening to telephone con.ver- sations on party lines is going to be an unprofitable amusement in the future. Hon. L B. Lucas in- troduced in the Legislature, on 1Tueeday last amendments to the Ontario Telephone Act that will put a penalty upon such offenses. The attorney -general etated that for the present the penalty would: be placed upon those who listened to conversation not intended for them and repeated it. The pro- vision is also made to cover tel- ephone operators who repeat things heard over th.e,E line. The bal introduced provides for an inn - portant arrangement between Do- nein'on and provinae in respect to telephone connections. NATIONAL SERVICE The time for qthe return of the Naelontal Service cards by those who have not yet' returned them or have returned them. improper- ly signed has been extended to March. 31st, 1017, and further cards( have been isqued to the post- masters for d'str'butient among those who have made default. It is untierefood that the returns from this Military District ,:hahrve,e been enoSt grati•Pying. r e are however oven in this District a number who have not made their returns 'vile Nreeinnel Service Board has exeresseel the wish that eVervone in tho tl4strict will kVA 'his or her very best efforts in or- der to make the reams from thiS :Nettie AS afteler :as Tosellele, Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reservoir, high closet, ti'ed back, Scroll with mirrors on top, oven thermometer and a large oven, 20x22, Best Stove on the market, only $50. Full stock of HEATING STOVES at knockout prices. Call and see before you buy. All stoves guaranteed or no sale. I L I v fl HURON'SI,LAIRCEST COMBI The Stove Question We were lucky onceenere• hay- ing contracted for abeeit IQ stoves of ail Mods a year age, and sines then stove e have greatly advanced th prices. We are atilt Seting al the old prices. Call and eee the BIG STOVE BARGAINS. • SEE OUR Cook stove with resevoir for 1' " extenied for Ranges complete for " $20. *25. 833. r• 17"41.r 42( PHONE 13 9 ZURICH ki TOON eTCIFIE G I e .2111101.1E11103,3'.01.5b•WIRIMS rtu C at e- e in L.G. feies' Coats, ity oak Metes Suits, Furs tt, and overstocks at a great saving. DIVIens Tailored [Suits These suits' are well made, first class trimmings and sell at 823.00 and $25.00. On sale at $16.50 and 18.50. Tweed Overcoats Regular $12.50 On Sale at " 10.00 Pr. " 8.00 77 1 only boy's 7.00 )7 8.50 7.09 4.00 3.50 Mereff, Fur Collar Overcoats Regular $22.00 On Sale at $17.50 " 20.00 " 14.50 Now fora Bargain IWe have Still in stock about 20 suit lengths which we are going to clear at less than cost of raw material. 3IA yds in piece. Regular $3.00, $4.00, and $5.00 per yd. now $7.75 to $11.50 a piece. Ladies' Coats 20 Ladies' Goats Regular prices from 810.00 to , $16.0% While they last $4.00 .each. 1 only Ladies Esqumette plush coats, Beguiler $25.00 for 19.5Q 1 only Ladies plush coat with sable collar, Reg. 22.00 for 16.00 1 only ladies velvet coat Reg 16.00 for $10.50. • 1 only Ladies Cloth coat Reg. 16.00 for $10.50. Ladies' Rain Coats ehoonieley 1501,1e$fti,7i s toek FUReSj 1 only Natural Wcilfe Sett Regular $25..o0 for $19.50; 2 only Sable 1V1uffs 8.50 for G.00t .10 17.59 for5.W 10.00 for 3.04 . 1 Sable Stole 2.50 for 6.00 1 Sable Stole ff.50 for 5,00 Rain Coats Men's Engliph make Rain Coats good quality, $4.50 and. up BIG VALUE IN HOT ELWARE 15 doz. soup plates, Reg. 5 doz. 8 inch plates 1.85 for1.20 10 doz. 5 " 1.25 for 75 ne. (They are heavier than NOW IS THE TIME TO POULTRY WITH DR. HESS" PANACEA. EVERY PACK - T. L. $1.75 for $1.00' a doz. 10 doz 6 1.50 for 13S iThese plates are extra val- the ordinary plates. FEED YOUR STOCK AND STOCK FOOD AND POULTRY AGE GUARANTEED. ri n 28 IMPORTANCE OF SECURING VIGOROUS POTATO SEED STOCK (Experiehental Farm Note.) Experiments conducted at the Dominion Experimental Station, Keniville, N. 8., with eight lotst of Garnet Chili potatoes securedi from different growers in 191i show a variation in yield of from 36 bushels to 240 bushels per acre, or a difference of 281 bushels per acre in yield when grown under uniforne conditinos. Seed from these oight lots planted In 1916 yielded front 88 bushels to 212 bush els per acr6, a difference of 144 bushels per acre. The respective positions of the different lots were changed very little in the second year, but the lowest yield- ing ones increase somewhat and the highest yield was not so great. Seed from fifteen others of this variety was planted in 196 and the lowest yield obtained was 1E8 bush els and the highest 278 bushels per acre a difference in favor of the best over the ipoorest of 120 bush- els per acre. Ten lots of pure stock of Green Mountain from. different growers ranging from 180% bushels per acre to 313 bushels per acre, a differ- ence of 132% bushels. Seventeen lots of Irish Cobbler ranging' frernt 93 buthe's per acre as the poorest to 235 bushel& the best. a ail- feeenee in favor of the 14est.yit• Id - Peg ts,tirtelieeoi 142 btv011. would show that there may beast great a difference between potat- oes oof the same variety as there, is beween potatoes of different vac ieties, and (that it is wise tio secure stock from farms which have ha&1t. high -yielding crops. 13ecause the Green Mountain has failed in giv- ing a crop on a certain farm ist not proof teat this var'ety will met yield well there; it array have beenik due' to lofty vitality in the seed attack. Such reversionsc in yield nea-y have been due to disease, ar adeerse Emil or climate conditions which affected the crop at soma time, and it anay be better to dise clue' the stock entirely than to try to bring it up to its former -vibe ,ality by selection. . There is reaston to believe that the motor speed limit will be in- creased from 15 miles an hour int the city and 20 miles an hour tit the country to 22 and 25 mile an hour respectively, ' 1W(th coal 89 a ton and upwards in Ontario this winter,the publie • le certain to turn its attention:more% In the direction of electric heating Hydro townis are already using CA- „ ectrie rangesfor cooking purpOttt..s 03 which are.. proving ga rouehnne iin pro v enaep t over eoel. aneaM electric iight is oVer teal oil, Thee town of North Bay ‘lettlalready', g./90 cooking ranges, • .