HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-16, Page 5,IL The Chuerhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICE Sunday', German RA a. m. 7) Sunday Shoal 11,00 a. m V Service English -.7.00 p,m, TueCtilaY ar. Y. Z, IA p.m Tuesday, Y. P. 8.15 p. m. Thursda,y. Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.m, Friday, Choir Practice -- 8 30pem Md, First Tuesday ' of each. Month. ... 2.30 pen. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool e• 2 p.m. GerMall SeraPass. Sunday 30 30a.m, English Service Sunday, 7,00 p.m. Luther League, Friday 8. p. LadiesAld meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p. m. 1.111111,61=1610=131•110.1111* W2111119.A1C101 Zurich Meet Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna SauEagee, etc Cash Price for Wool cAsa FOR SKINS & HIDES 671/11 , 1101111., Jj .44e4.11041.4m.4.14.-144.4=‘,...ct= Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETO. FIRE INSUR1NOE PLATE GLASS 'INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT POR, GRP:AT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. - .ACCOUNTS CoLtEcren AoorDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich ome uarnce . mop Capital $6,000,000• arpitiS to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 ' Insures your barn against damage 'by windor tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house kr 30 cents per $100 for e 8 years. No premium note and no extra asSessment guaranteed. C HOLTZMAN Aged - • Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods IIIMMEOZTERserEBIENESIMMElom UNDERTAKING +4, 1,00 27. Prompt Service Mod.erate:rharges. Tailor Shop Issuer of Marriage Licenses W. hi HOFFMAN Zurich. - Ontario egazemmvzmmonamoszugam FARM FOR SALE Lot 8, epn. 4, Stanley, 100 acres . .80 acred cleared. Good 12 roomed 'fraine house with kitchen. and • Woodshed, frame bar,n, 40x60,barn el30x50, on stone foundation. Two good welle, orchard, and email kituite, This farm is a% miles from Brucefield and Kippen and IS 6 Iles from Hensalll, Easy terms, Apply Nal. 111, A1examder L R. rg,' gOnhtall, phone 'LOCAL NEW-) I 44.4..IP.1...".444,444,4444.4.44..44.44.....44,44.4.4444.44..4...mgeamoome.44,4444wr. Potatoes for dale. C. Fritz Mr. Oiiver Davis spent Sun at his home in Exeter. o. Clayton I leffinan is teem fe,,,n au attack ofpneumenia, Mr. Wan, Elsie of Deashweed a visitor in town on Monday, Crow Ls heve beenseen in I numbers, Spring h4 iat hand Quantity of good seed barley cale, Ed. ,Stelck, 14tle Mr. and 1\1ts, EliDesjardinelef theit new borne in the west on Th day Fresh le trace,, Frn i ts 0 0 d Dan tiways., n hand. Ice 'Cm= et ittliellay. S. Kueprer, r Cornell flel Nina a, who .pent, elites months }tete, has niter hi .4 home near 'Fiske, Sask. Messrs, 'Werner Eilber and E Weld° attended the concert Crediton one n:ght 1a week. Mr. Peter Lamont shipped carload of cattle to 'Toronto Saturday Mr. H. Rose, of Detroit, is iting his parents on the 14th co Tor a few weeks. Mr. Harry Tice is bueUj e gaged in wiring business elacss the village for hydro. Miss Brown, of Crediton, vislt- ced at the ,ho.me of M, fund Mrs. S. Preeter on Sunday, iTho maple syrup season- is here again. The 'weather has 'been ideal for sap running and a go suupply is exported. day ring was arge for Hay. Cfor tits anae very has ned art a t on is - 11., in od ed e John Howe of London was fin $200 for one drink of whiskey which he received from anoth NEW ADS — J Gaseho & Son. Huron Weather Inseranee Mutual Co, W. S. Ruby, Depaement of Firretre Dominion Deear'ment of Agricultural. Mr. .and Mas. Ed. Il.leMurchie. who have, beeri visiting the latter's/. paeents, Mr. and M s Mess Grieer left for their home Semmes, • Sask., yeeterdaya J. Speecoy's sale 'was'•nne.of the most snceseeFul nuetiem gales • ever held in this sectinn bv 1\ Tr Tiossen- harry. High prices were nlvained and everything went enielle. All those who have not settled there accounts. are notifyerl to come and settle by the 15th of March You will find me et C. -ilartleib's store. S. E. Faust, +The new war loan of the Dom- inion .Geveanment is now on the market. The seeurity offered is the, best ,anal the interest is over 5 per cent, per annum which makes ,the loan a most desirable in - Vestment. The boys and girls of Ontario are expected to • do their bit for their country in 1917 by snending all their leisure time th. the home vegetable garden. Alse they 'Ire supposed to raise chickens, and thereby assist in keeping down the high cost of living. The postage rate on letters to Belguim is 0 cenla*; to England; and Wales 3 cents` and to France 6: ceal.s. Notice of this has ben• received by thelocal post office,. Qulte a number of changes have taken place in this conamemlie; during the past week. Mr. Con. Simon has moved to his new home, the 'Wilsen farm near ilen- sall, Mr. IWilson and family hav- ing moved to Hewett. Mr. Jacob Meidinger has moved to Mr. Sie- mens farm on the Bronson Line, and Mr, Henry Badour has moved to Mr. Medinger's farm. Mr. E. Broderick and family of the Gos- hen Line have also moved tc their new home on the Parr Line, the farm of Mr. Thos Consittt, who has moved to Seaforth with hi& 441•4.44,44.4.4.trt COUNTY NEWS Clinton council will use tarvia on the streets of that town this y ear. Mr. Rainey Armstrong, of Rose - town, ,Sask, fromerly of Stanley, and Miss Margaret ,Wheatly, of Clinton, were united in marriage by Rev, F. ill Larkin et Seaforth on March albh. , „ CEMENT WOW( 4-* I am prepared to do all kinds of cement work, eueti as silos, tanke, stable floors, ete. G.DT MY PRICES • H. BLOCH Zurich, Out. LOO K! Why not use the best EViELLElie AND OPTICIAN Co. SNA on Farm agons 40404,44AmEalamr. • I PURCHASED A NUMBER0 F FARM WAGONS AT A BAR, GAIN AND AM GOING TO GIVE ,THE FARMERS OF THIS SEC- TION THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PURCHASE. NEEDING ONE CALL 'EARLY 4.8 I HAVE ONLY A LIM-, It ED NUMBER. yip() De aval Separators at old price 9 c tyiezin lig DE LVAL SEPR Si3e67a TWO AA SCRANTON COAL ------- ATOORS LEFT AT THE OLD PlI:CE4 Chestnut, Furnace, Black- tnnith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. C. F. CASE 87. SON PHONE 38 HENSALL Cross Fertilizer Co. BA810 SLAG Am now taking orders foc winter delivery. The past season has !gain shown that Basic S'ag gives best satisfaction for grain and beans For rellerence ask farmers in this locality who have used it, Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand .of Fertilizer, made by one of the larg- est Canadian Compani:s. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose, la L t4,444144,414,44,.^44,•44,44* -4,_ - jOSEP , 31 R R. 1\4 ). 2 • PIU REMMS/ are cold (lays corn Pret)are) for thew nov, by s wring y•grini. suppit ot owebrated H. 1,a,(4,.— Wa).14 AnthraCile ( have a Supply of tii; . Egg, Stove and Chesvut D cA.Canteitql ht11Sail Phcre. House. haute _fort Tfile, n=acmclensCavarai___ .a.p.:41-15,94,,, ICA 3141 kr. tt.4.11W. loather, Ill e advantage of this ALSO TWO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE AT THE OLD PRICE. 0117-4QW.11 M anure spreader LOW DOWN MANURE SPREADER A.T THE OLD PRICE, DO NOT MIS THESE SNAP'S' We 1.ndie pturips, piping, etc. e HOUSE FOR SALE Fine modern new Brick Dwell- ing for rale in Zuriaih. Newly Buil and a desirable h.orne, Will b sold et a reasonable price. Fo further partienars apply to Wm S. Riiby, Zurich, HOUSE FOR SALE Storeyand one half house for sale with' kitchen. Situated in desirable location in Z urich, be sold at reasonable price. For particulars apply to Andrew P. Hess, Zurieh,. AUCTION SALE Of Furniture, Implements, eta. n Zurich; on Saturday, March 17th t 1.30 ,oielock, E. Bosserebezry uctioneer; Mrs. M. Prang and outs Prang, proprietors. AUCTION SALE Of Holusehold Effects ia the et, aft 1.30' o'clock, ,p, Mre, 1 t, Consp.17.1.7 Protect your property against .d.semage by storm or cyclone by a policy in a good live Zenner s Comp an - Our rates are very low — ems. $2,00 per thousand per annum, Ws pay ail !oases of $1.00 and over from this date forward. Pres- ent porcyhol ders no te -th's -an- nouncement. For fu 1 particulars see 0.. phone any of the following agenl-si .Hardy, General Agent, Exetee. R. G. Jarmuthjsub-agent,%Borialeolm, N.Ogdon, Eallo.,.agent, Centralia E. Hill, sub -agent, ...kubrrn. or write, the Secretary O'xalli4oPtOh Note the change' 'of SeCretary.' 11•0114=11=1.. Zuricb.Paglina Faust, proprietores3; E. Bossenbeary, la,uotioneer. PE,..4,1.2 tw1T14,44411441t04,414 James •Scott, Pres.; Cromarty z imo Classified Ads 1-..;64,41... CARDS, PROUIROOT, HALLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, solieitOVP, Notaries Peal . e%, 011ko, 0 LI I he &plan), 2nd door r ifttuiiton St. Goderieh. Priva o funds t, loan at lowest rates. W, pautreetarr, K O. .1. L. lanecaAst. COOK. Mr. Cooke will be in Housall on Friday a rfri 6aturtlny of each week. • MEDICAL CARDS nu A. J. MacIaNNON late House Sureeon, Etie Couuty Hospital, Buffalo W. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, HospitalManhattan Maternity N. Y. city. Leto pf the 1.7.0.cat D.,,,Troraii;4L i\ledical School and Ilespital. Drug stere in connection. Office; Zurich Ont, -eiareaelatettetteseee..zeweeseoe.aewtergae., aeramare•ee W.C.01=1..2.11.02 THE FACTORY She must have F od for her Armies in the Field—for her Workers in the Factory—in the Munition plant—in the Shipyard—in the Mine. THERE'S DANGER IN ST—JT YOU eliri HELP Do YOU KNOW__ thatthe rapidly rising price of food stuffs means that the World's reserve supply is getting small ? DO You KNOW -- that a yorld-wide famine can only be averted by increasing this supply? DO YOU KNOW — that a "food famine" would be a worse disaster to the Empire and her Allies than reverses in the Field ? ementesmesaunwe.tanemext BRIT You CAN -- help thwart Germany's desperate sub- marine thrust on the high seas. YOU CAN -- do this by helping to make every bit of land in Canada produce—the very last pound of food aturs of which it is capable. AND Rgi'lf.17.MBER_ . that no man can sag that he has fully done his port—who having land—he it garden pateh, or farm, or ranch --fails to make it produce food to its Utmost capacity. .[N APPEALS T® CANADA 11 THE NEAREST PRODUCER OF STAPLE rows India and Argentina ore more than twice the distance away' and II Australia more than four times. Canada to Britain - India & Argentina to Britain - ye 2625 MILES atkia..2,zzAl 6000 M 1 LES 11500 MILES Australia to Britain mmtwa-szamasateagantwl±.0 lt; ,,,444144°,11i,4,1" 11•••••=10/0400•140SIMAY.121/Y.1•MIK.0101.1.1.1•Aontren..... C1.6.17GraisiAratrim THE FAR THESE FARM PROOUCTS ARE ['TEM F09 EXPNT EAT • OATS, BEEF, 13.41,;(nq RITS7, EUTTE.12.; POULTRY; EVANS ea PEAS '711,7 17 ilLX FLAX FERRE, DRIED VEG. TA L ES .1—auteltmeamera, " No matter what difficulties may face us, the supreme duty of every man on the land is to use every thought and every energy in the direction of producing more—and still more." Martin Burrell—Minister of Agriculture. The Department invites every one desiring information on any subject relative to Farm and Garden, to write— INFORMATION BUREAU E TET sor-rAwA rt ,lti5 A ICU URE '01 - ' Airr".7.4'