HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-16, Page 1Vol.. XVI I. 'ZURICH, FRIDAY' MORNING, MARCH 16, 1917, MOVED to LARGER QUARTERS You will find nae at S, E. Faust's old stand in Hart- leib°s block where l am better prepared than ever to supply your needs in Harness and Repair Work, Bring in your repairing now before the spring rush. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. F. STARE ZURICH 0000000S000.0604360606.041090900000008G0 Sale cepStill (Ttntin:ue WE ARE ST.'ILL SELLING OUR GOODS AT SALE PRICES OUR STOCK IS STILL WELL -ASSORTED AND YOU CAN BUY MANY LINES AT THE OLD PRICES WHICH IF BOUGHT . NOW WOULD COST TWICE THE SUM IF . YOU NEED ANYTHING IN MIEN'S YOUTH'S OR BOY'S CLOTHING WE CAN SUPPLY YOU. ', ii ; • , WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE NUMBER OF SAMPLES FOR MEN'S SUITS. CALL AND SEE ITt13E'M. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT IS DOING BUSINESS THE ' .l~9AME AS EVER. NO 87 N LOCAL N'EW'S ae04►.1vtt.v0v 4"2 'rjA�a ss Mrs, A. Randall has returned to her home in London after a few weeks visit with relatives Isere. A large ,number attended S. i J. Spencer's reale at St,. Joseph tin W ednes diay. Mrs. WM. Davidson, Goshen Line south, has returned from a „visit with, her daughter near Inge, ii. Messrs, 'W., .J Mason and W.,11, Maines of Blyth were busthess t`is- itors in 'town en Mondayand'Tues- day. Dr. B. A. Campbell was in Gad- erioh for a few days this week, attending the sittingsof the Slip-. reme Court. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion Houle, Zur ielr;on Wednesday, and W cdnesday oc the following week. The auction sale of the holjse- hold furniture of Mrs. Pauling Faust has been post:poned from March 24th, to March 31st, Mr. H. Talbot has scold h.is 'tine 100 -acre farm on the Bronson Line. Stanley, known as Evergreen Farm, to his song, .Mr. Merin C. T 11}ot who gets possession in April,/,,he 2essewseemettosi'ne ctmcneasetsc a ;4100104441a"+f fi fit: " 4'Z"�r 4em 24" e S bscribersi Subscribers of the. Hay .7.'cI-` ephone System can get new c'ir e,c'tories at Zurich or Dashwood Centrals. C,a'11 for yours. SOOK0e(14e u,e..; a eeeceoeeeece Mr. Isaiah Witmer has moved to the farm he ,purchased from Mr. John Wein, Goshen Line south. Messrs, A. Mittelh:oltz and Alex Poster, of Kitchener visited at their respective: homes here this week. . The 'sleet storm on Tuesday night anade walking an art the next morning and a fall was poi. an unusual occurrence. the weather has since turned colder.l4 I Once of the finest 100 -acre farms in this section for sale. Firs. - class buildings, plenty of good water, convenient to church and school, and only 3% miles from Zurich, Immiadiate possession can be given. ,For particulars ap- ply to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. former will mtove !unto the farm on the Sanrble Lines, Stanley, which he recently purchased from Mr, W. Evans, Mr. J. Doerr, superintendent hof the hydro service slti.tion at Ex- eter, ,wa!s x_eter,',was an +Zurich, on Tuesday in connection with getting the resi- dents of Zurich started in wiring their houses and business places for hydro, He met with goo3 encourcgement land many signed. up In Dashwood ", signed the coda ,:spas -. ". APPE L ZUkCH WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN *seeeeeeseesiesecomeseeeeeeeeeeoe elosesaaaaeesses eess dpapei' thae made 'ice appearance in fZ,irrc.er, The Editor is Rev, H. R:-rnbe, pas- tor of the Lutheran church, and the paper is devoted to news and reading matter of interest to mem- bers of that church and the work of the synod, etc. The first number made its appearance on March 3rd and it is a bright; newsy sheet. Incorporated 1855 The OLSONS S ANK CAPI'T'AL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General - Banking µ r1i'�♦P14�nnce ��Ep,ua.at*�V CFIittiLAa L'E7i`TER,OF' CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER Savin, s Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager _ : PHONE 11 on 82 11 ! 1lli!iYfl!fllillciliilii!li!!IP,m09i'l:drliil it shits'. i, igl :'.i,, ,14'„11 i I � Protect d: with 4a pair of good rubbers. Shoes are dvalicirig in price. A pair of rubbers will inane thein wear, longer. We have all sizes and sty es. ' ISD Heavy Rubbers for Maul or Boy. Prices Right, Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter uirzd e exchange for shoes. ITZ, r The Horne of Good Shoes '~iifi�rv�9$ i"'•Ililgl;,ii�u.,iHi,ull�,l,�;:I�lt,l�!ipiip1111111t,lll�l L x i'��i,. '�'I ln�lii;IGllillltlii!II!ilUlli1818111C'�i!t!!i.l�!!i:'iullli'll!,4'liii''�M .:-,ir,i�i�'+' Special Sa e 11 Beginning Feb. 26th, we are putting on a SALE of Wall Paper at prices below manufacturer's prices today, for the purpose of rakim: room for:, our new 1917. paper.. ” Anyone intending; paper- •l, is spring, should secure some of tiu Tti DOUGLAS BLAKE i '1: WJ!irrt;li+.ll�IL'IPfllf„h,;;i,`;,".AIEC,'d;16€ (14++++++++++++++++++++.1:+44++++++++++++++•+++++++++++ 4+++++i'+•F'++++++++++++.1: 44l•+'i•++++++ •i+++•+++++++++++ si•+?'++++ < : ++++: +++++o`'+-;•• +++++. 3 ++++ '+ :4++ow3's•+++++t•+fig''++ ++'F+ oa ;•,i+R' r+ <•~`++-; +1- i -'i a•+ ++ •1'++++4•.i,^ --H•.1 R'•2 4 4 14i .e See our Special in Grey Cotton at I2��c a yd. While it lasts. GO (THROUGH YOUR TORONTO CATALOGUE AND WIEN COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRI CESS, AND GIVE US A CHANCE AND YOU 'WILL FIND BETTER VALUES IN OUR STORE TF! a N IN YOUR CATALOGUE. A TRIAL ISOLICIT)ED. ardware Section WASHING I1ACHINES IWe handle the celebrated !Ielne Washers, made in Canada at popular prices. We also handle Ia mlumber of other makes. HORSE CLIPPERS All kinds Band Clippers. Alsotho .genuine Stewart Ma':hine clip, per at $8.50, STOCK FOODS Gardiners Pig Meal in 251b bags Royat Purple Poultry and Stock calf 25 " . 'Foods. PEERLESS WIRE FENCING Now is the time to buy forming before prices go higher. Ali kinds of Home-made goods .at reasonable prices. Our ilev Wail Papers are here RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR NEW SILK DRESS OR SUITS FOR SPRING WEAR FIGURED sILK CREPES ARE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FOR DRESSES. OLD PATTERNS ARE SHOWN INATTRACTIVE COMBINATIONS ARE NEW, SOME ARE CUT IN DRESS LENGTHS. THERE ARE NO 'DWO ALIKE. IS THIS NOT A GREAT ADVANTAGE? New Silk Crepe in dress lengths in good colorings at 75c and90 cents. New Violes in plain white and figured at 50 cents. New Sprung Silks in plain an d fancy weaves $1.00 to :1.75. PALM BEACH SUITING5 This is one of the most popular cloths this season and will be worn by everyone. 'Mus cloth comes 36. inches wide, 40 cents. Silk Georgette in pink, white, black tali tan, $1.50. New Prints and Gin _ ms Buy now and get the pick of -the patterns in gingh,ams and (prints. Kingeott -Gingh'ams are known by everyone and can he relied upon for color, being fast andthe doth strong at 15cents Prints at 15c and ascents. New P1annellettes, dark and light at 12yt_,e, 15c, 170, and 20c yd. S I•RTINGS and COTTONADES Now is the time to put in y our supply of shirt:,ngs and cottonadel at tine low pri-s (-w der- iaag what they will be when we buy again. Sh'.r:ings at 18c up. Cottonades at MEN'S WORK CLOT CLOTHES A big range sof work shirts,overalls, smocks, etc., to select from at a price that Y;'ill gun everybody's :pockets. MEN'S SUIT LENGTHS 4.0 pieces of Men's suit lengths to clear at a Big Reduction, RUGS and LINGLEL7S ;We have at present the largest assortment of Rugs and Linoleum to chose from non acv, r 3refore. Itug• S—A large variety of patterns and prices. Sizes to fit any room, Bought l,e'or.7, the ad- van ee so we Tan . give big values. - DRAPERIES—A nice assortment. Call early and make your purchase- .while they last. FTETER Highest Price for Produce. ,:'>;: 4�, . +.:c+.2. ri .'Nay i 3• ... 1 , �, �" "'M ., •, S z e k a x , . .,'u Y v' . x. Y, a t t .Yr i..r k. l'++1`,�•� i•.r=a"rri h , .. `C�Y1�n'h ..':"'$., � ..^R,.•�"4' . Y - .�".' 4 . � G"J"y , . Phone • "k ;Yv . `gip, 4',0'4`'4y4�` �',*'.''K'tl'' 'a' `• .w 40°^rA ii,i; ,i -*`v' +11,1,- ti ' �,� 7'. 4 lin+, , L '+'. 1 'l a '!44 .�` .1. d . .. ''3`L�'Y.'4"�.�'�"� . 'k >� . ': '� 1, 'h 1 '+�'.•Y 'i• �..,'�► � .• `C•' .. �"1 , 7;"i"P'' t i '�4'e"i"1 'e •Y `Yw'� � 'l"},",�"i'"."• a 1l" 4