Zurich Herald, 1917-03-09, Page 4HER.t»l..l. issued every Thursdayaftern "ah a In the HERALD PRINTING ..E FFICE Victoria S. Zurich,b ANDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L. SMITH StiaSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR U. S• subscripton $r,5o strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS. Rates for dispL y and contract advertisements will be cnv iatton. on apph tatrsient notices such as legal, corporation, soci Ito.. to cents per line for first insertiru a,45 cents . .on for eat,h subsequent insertion. Notices of entertainments, socials etc, a which an *dmiss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken Nillbecharged for at the regular advertistng ra tes dtfotices of religious or other meetings the object o Width is the benefit of the community and not for per. oaalorsectarian interest or gain, will be chcerfuly Insetted free. Advertisments without specific directions will be isnerted untitl forbid and charged accordingly, Tran west advertismenrs must be paid for in advance, stray advs. $1 for three insertions, So paper discontinued until ail arrearages are paid. ethangcs for contraetadvertisements must be in the Mice by 6 p. In, Tuesday, otherwise, they will be left .tr:r untilthe following week. Address all communics ions to THE HERALD' Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, AZAR. 8, 1917 • FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS FOR SPRING PLANTING We have establidhed a hZsling teeputation for fair and square -dealing and are n• 'ow prepared to ]meet existing conditions b: offer- ing our high grade trees and planets direct to customers at ROCK BOTTOM Prices. Don't elay planting fruit trees and ` slatnts, as there is nt, ling pays ;better. Send for ou • illustratedi 'circulars of hardy v .rieties which wau can order direct and get the benefit of *gent's commission. Our prices will be sure to interest: THE CHASE BROTHERS COOP ON•TARIO LTD. NURSERYMEN. ESTABLI ' 7 ED 13 5 7. COLBORNE ONT.� ale+ !••F• €••§•dr•'"+++•1••T••I•o°++ 4••t••'i••€••II•• •.g•ne HONOR ROLL 181st BATTALION, C. E. F. {'T[' HURONS" .Andrew Price 'Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice Weber We have ber.,•t asked to add to IL Ronor Roll the names of the bo3,• from Zurich, who have enlisted in battalions in various parts of tb' country and who are serving their Ring. Arne Brenner (killed in action) Emerson Brown Peter Randall Emanuel Holtzman Abe Bender Albert Bender David Stetck Prank Uttley Ed. Fisher 3v./man Prang R Sierran Arlie Hildebrll It S ushall &Ale d'ohn Aaron Meyers. t. Gordon Goetz. Norman Johnston W Livingooc. (killed in action) Ecuy Geiger Alvin Snrerti3. lM. C Denomnie In addition to the above five from &rich joined the 1 61s but were re- tected as physically unfit, If the above list it not complete kindly inform us and we will be pleas- ed. to add any names we have omitted ttlel•+'r44•L•++•'e3 + •F• • i•»'r•'r H -e i -:"+dr++ 1lEPRE•SENTATIVE WANTED IAt once for Zurich and district floe "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' 'Stifling 1917 Planting List now heady, ' Splendil list of Hardy Canadian l"roi;i* air. ornamental Stock in - ;eluding McIntosh Rcd Apple, •51., lttlegis Everbearing •Raspberry, tend many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent oten application. Start .now at best selling time. ]Liberal Propositions. Stone & Wellington The Poet -hill Nuseries (Established 1837) TR Q N T O STANL x TOWNSHIP Rev. A. W. Brown is attending, r the big Temperance Convention air 1 Toronto this week.o A very '.targe crowd attended the sale of Mr. A. Dunkin last Fri, day and high prices were realized. ' Stanley Conned held their reg CORRESPONDS CE n;ar anealteig last ilittonday atVfr».a BLAKE A P !t l 'oroic Concert will be beide a r in No, 14 School house and eon., on Friday evening March 9th. Next Sunday will be Motherlsl Day at Goshen and Varna chug-• ches The meeting Will be pre- sided over by Mrs!. Nelson. Keys. Addresses rwi1l be given by Mrs. J .McKinley and Mrs. Jas McC•iy- ;moat, (The choir will also con- sist of the mothers oft the eo.n- gregaltiotn! a , •l+ -•r HAY t;OLNCIL The members of Hay Council met ou Saturday last. All were present Jac•oi' Kellerman, of .Dashwood waa appointed an arbitrator to change the boundries of U. S. S. No. 9, Hay and Stanley, in ac- cordance with a petition present- ed five ratepayers of that school] section. .A. petition presented by Hy W al per and 74 other ratepayers of; Hay Township to appoint Inspect- prs for the ipfuirpose of enforcing the Noxious Weed Act was grana: el. Eight divisions will be form-' ed iat the township, the boundaries.' to be the same 'ars the several pod -1 ling sub -divisions. One inspector will be appointed for each divis- ion and he shall see that the weeds are cut and destroyed and not al- lowed. to run into seed. Alli we eds must he cut between the 10th of J irate end the lQth of July in each ear. , lA motion was passed going in-, to effect pn March 1st that any , subscribers of the Hay Telophoec ' System have the option of pay- ing the 5 cent charge for each message for connection with Bell subscribers in Hensel] through Zurich central and Exeter subscr- ibers through Dashwood central or, paying $1 per annum extra or $13 ay ear for their telephone for such service. Subscribers wish- ing ish ing to take advantage of the $11 rate must sign an agreement. to that effect, otherwise the 5 cent charge' shall be made. F. W. Farneomb, C. E., will re - verve instructions to extend the repairs to W.B.N. Drain across the 214z~ic4Road_, and 5o?3t1> i :mess. ary. Mrs. Wm. McLaren of Homan, accompanied by Mr. n» Weis- miller and s'is'ter, Margaret, of Beverley, Sask., appear a few days last week with friends in this Vie - lofty. llMss Anniabell McDoeatd spent the paint week with friends in Hen- salt. ,Mrs. Wm. Catheart of Toronto spent the weekeen.d with her. mother, Mrs. Manson and other: friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sparks and little son of Seaforth visited at the home of Mr. Geo. Sparks lasti week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ester and children left on Monday for their home in the west after spending the winter with friends in; - this v ieiroity. DASHIWOOD Mr. Lloyd Edighoffer of Sect- forth spent the week -end withhis parents here, Miss S. Laird, of Wyoming has arrived to take charge of the millinery department of Tiernan & Edighoffer for the coining season. Mr. Pete. Ash visited with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Walper a few; days last week, before returning to the west. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kraft have this Week moved into their new home, Mr. Jacob Zeller of Stratford spent a fete days with relatives and friends in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kellerman spent .Thursday and Friday near Clifford. Mrs. Chas. Metz .called on friends in town on Thursday. Mrs. Calder and daughter of ',This week, it is our sad duty to McKillop are visiting at the home record the death of Fred Elsie, of Mr. and Mrs. Geoo. Sparks_;. which took pgace at the hom1e of Quite a number of the farmers, his .daughter, Mrs, D. Pfaff, un ane busy' teaming oats from Kip Sunday morning. pen which were shipped from the The deceased had been in poor west. health for some time suffering Mr. Sam Oesch is at present vis- from cancer of the stomach and iting his mother and other friends gradually had become weaker un - in this vicinity til the And came. Miss Isabel Manson spent the ,fR'Qelc-end with friends in Hens•il. IEXETER 1 T. Johns has moved into Mrs; Cassady's house on Andrew .St. A Patriotic (Tea was held i:.:. the Maim St. Methodist church last Friday afternoonunder the auspices of the Exeter Patriotic League. J J. Merrier, M. P., of Zurich, bur $10.00 wars granted to the South Huron Board of Agriculture. The fo_'lowing accounts were pas- sed. Can Ind. Tel Co., supplies, $7'81; P. Hese $ <So.n. grader rep. 2.00; Municipal World, supplies, 16 61; Oen. Expre-s Co.. 1.80; S. Huron B. of A 10.00 • E.. Klo pp, co1'ector,•' •postage 3 2;; Council ,"ill meet again en Sat- iurday, Anril 7th at 2 o'clock per? Fred. Hess, Sr., Clerk. ;.iNTY NEWS 0. N. Griffon, Wingha'n1's post- master, died Monday morning in his 69th year. He was also clerk of the 8th Division court. Wes Jones of Stephen deliver- ed a load of 20 hogs last week to Exeter. The load weighed 5080 pounds, and the seller received $711.20 Mr. Jones kept track of all the costs of feeding, etc., and he cleaned about $203 on the bunch. The price paid was $14 per .cwt. (The other day while delivering a load of -wood at Clinton, Mr. Per cy Diehl of !Stanley, happened with an accident to his team which might have proved a good deal more serious then it did. In turning the horses they got over aa old well which had caved in , and which was covered with snow, both, animals slipping in. Fort - urate];, no serious damage was dor but for a fete minutes there was some e: • itement about there tAliee Mackey, aged 20, young- est daughter of Timothy Mackey of Biddulph Township, died Sun day from injuries received in the i destruction by fire of her father's]: farm -house early Friday morning aggravated by subsequent expos- ure arnd fatigue. Mackey, hist' son and two daughters were the house art the time, and the fire reached the girl's bedroom before they were caroused. Tramping barefoot and in her night clothes half a, mile to a neighbor's house proved too much., the young- er girl. rII•-+ BORN l We rren' r -In Hensall, on Tuesday, Feb. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. N. P. ;Warrener, a daughter. lie is sturvived by three daught- ers; Mrs. D. Pfaff, of this place; Mrs. Fred. ,Huiser, of Seaforth; and Miss Mabel of Detroit; and four sons; Hartman of this place; Wil- lia.m 'and Sam' of Detroit, and Ted of Aylmer. The follow,4ng is the report of Room I of the Dashwood Public School for the month of February The re: ort is based on attendance daily \ ork and demeanor: Jr I?- Lorne Tiernan, 80 ; Pearl chased Princess May, a yearl`.ng Garbe, 77; Ethel Gabel, 71; Elan-, Shorthorn, showing good milking the L' ng, 63; Clara Bender, 60. strain for $215 at T. Cameron's! Sr. I''. II- Emmet Gratupner, 84; Bale, Uslborn'e,, last week. The Loreen Balker, 83; Harold Keller - sale a•mouinted to over $5000. . main, 70; Alice Grigg, 66; Arnetta A Hastings has received word Steinhagen, 62; Eddie Hamacher, of the death of his sister, Miss 55: Altmeda? Miller, 50. Bella, which took place at Cross= hill, Ont. Wm. Pugsley, a former Weil- known resident of Exeter, passed away at Clinton on Feb. 24th izi; Leonard Bender, 58: Mee Will ;rt Jr. P.. II- IWeatlthy Schroeder, 71: Courtney Burmeister, 70; Waiter Stire, 65; Edna Wilds, 59; Olass I- Verna Birk, 75; Grace Guenther, 70, Alvin Kellerman 65; Clinton only about two mo chi' ago. Will B rows has enlisted with the 63rd Battery stationed at London. The death oceured in Victoria. Hospital, London, on Saturday 'Trait -10:r; 1" ` Class 11- Gordon Bender, 6S; Harry Hoffman, 65; Flossie Klein- stiver, 59. Class III- Mllfred Stire, 63; Ivin Lipperd, 58; Kenneth Wein, 51. Claw a IV- Garnet Burmeister, night of James Acheson formerly .70; Willie Eveland, 68; Louise of Exeter. Mr. Acheson was in his 62ind year and is survived by his widow and four daughters, M s Wm. Dunford, Exeter; Mrs Jaiuesi Kitchen,. of Toronto; Mrs. E. Kn Knight, of Ilderton; and Mrs. Wm. Letavett, of this city, and one son, W. L Acheson, of Exeter. CREDITON Edgar •Vuerth has left for Kit- chener where he has secured a position. Rev. E. Becker has returned front Detroit where the assisted in Evian gelistic meetings. E. Guttinger of Kitchener spent a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Trevethick recently cellebrated ,the 19th an- niversary of their wedding. • *u-•1- HENSALL Mrs. John McFarlane passed a- way on Feb. 26th in her 73rd year. She had suffered a paralytic stroke some time previous. Cleve Acheson, who enlisted, with the 161st, died of pneumonia. He teals a former member of the] Molsons Bank staff. Owen Geiger is ,getting material oar the ground for a fine new res- idence he intends building the coming stzmlmer. Mr. Wm. Weisimiller and sister, Miss Margaret, of Beaverly, Sask., are visiting relatives and friends here at present. iMr's. C. Liogan of the west is vis- iting relatives here. Word has been received here of the death of Pte. Robert Yuill in; the trenches. Be enlisted tout .west. Jas. Munn, Son of Mr. and Alex. Mato, has enlisted as a tial surgeon. Mrs: dere, DIED Elsie -At Dashwood, on March 5, Frederick Elsie, in his. 66th year, Staubus, 61; Luois Zimmer, 58; Adam 'Stine, 38. IA. Finkbeiner, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT Report for 'S S No. 12, Hay, for the month of February. Bas- ed otn good behaviour, good at- tendance and perfect work. The 'names are in the order of merit: Sr. IV.- Norman Giascho, Tbeo. Steinbach, Roselli Schilbe, Annie Schilbe. Jr. IV- Orville Steinbach, Gor- don Witmer. t Sr. III- Vernon Schatz, Ada Witmer, Alvin Walters, Lillian GStrrerus. Jr. III-. Oscar Fleisehauer Ur- ban Pfile, l• • 'Sr.II- Theresa ,Meidinger, Jer- ntaine Masse, Lorne Fleischauer, -'rani; Badour. Jr. t11-- Lillian Rose, Edwin Gas- clr:o, Lillian Rader, Gertie Schilbe, Albert Fleischaruer, Lambert Wit - Hier, Nettie Meidinger, Myrtle Meese. • Jr. Pt. II- Ervin .Schilbe, Idel- 1a Schock, Greta Schilbe, Susie IW al'te ns. Sr. Pr. --Wallace Schoch, Beat- rice Klopp, Gordon: Miller, Edna Walters, Agnes Meidinger, Edgar Masse, Elizabeth Badour. Miss S. II. Beacon Teacher DRYSDALE The boys around Drysdale are catching a lot of trout, but very fete herring lately. Mrs. Peter Dwchiarme, of the Bronson Line visited relatives a- round here last week. Chopping done only once a week after this, every Tuesday. Mr. Leon Gelin.as, who has been visiting around here this winter left for the west on Tuesday, with a carload of horses. ,A bargain in sweaters as long as they last. L. Brisson. Mr. Arthur Gentles of Chatham is visiting his father's Mr. Joni G eines... 1 0141400(weloo,omecoo 9om,004040aNI►m(d0•PA6oe0,00 :000vse8 ed, • • • a M • • • • • • • 0 • • • Square • • • • Deal • • Qa Massey -Harris Implements We have been re -appointed Agents for the abovw named Im Implements znents and are prepared tc take e orderso 1 P kinds of Massey -Harris machines for next season, all WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs Cutters, end We repair the same class of goods. p°t and • •• • • • • Our Prices are always rig ht II. DATARS, Travelling Salesman • • _• •. F. Hess Son • •. • The Old Stand e., enagoemeeessooerno ceensissomE90Yfrtaseceoseoeceseo • d" 4. 4. 4. 4, C. KALBF'LIIISC .....E.4kilismodo l 9 !P+++4-4.4.+++.!71+44.4.4..1.4.++ +oo.1 •i.+. +++.1-e+++++.i..,. i r. 1 1. E• l a 3•.g.�r+l••fi.. 50,000 FEET APLE S LOGS WAN TED4 50,000 feet goodhard maple saw logs wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. Also all kinds of other logs wanted. Custom Sawing our Specialty r., 21,'R!Cti NEW SPhG OUR STORE ORE IS.FILLBD WITH GOODS YOr3. e''lenelee : hrb�•ALL ''AI5"te0 �.0 "4; E -it OUR Li'NBS TEREST YOU IN PRICES AND Q UAL1TY. ELEPHANT BRAND READY- MIXED PAINTS, HARDWARE AND TINWARE OF ALL KINDS RUBEROID READY ROOFING AT $1.40. PER ROLL. SWEAT PADS AND HARNESS REPAIRS,. FLOWER, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. NEW WALL PAPERS AT A LL PRICES, WE SELL THE FOX SCALES AT REASONABLE PRICES. See our new stock f Shoes NEVER BEFORE HAS OUR STOCK OF GOOD SERVICEABLE SHOES BEEN SO COMPLETE IN ALL LINES. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. WE ALSO REPAIR SHOES. FRESH GROCERIES RECEIVE D EACH WEEK. Farm Produce of all kinds wanted DryEdale L. BRISSON PRONE 1 on 86 Safety First Nothing is moreimportanttotheFur Shipper than doing business with an Honest -Reliable -Responsible -Safe Fur House. "Ship to Shubert" the largest house in the World Beating exclusivelyin Aram 'lean Raw Furs, where you will always recoiee an Accurate and Liberel Assortment. thet•Iiphest Market Prices and tho usual "Ohubart" Efficidnt, Speedy, Courteous sora.oe. Write for the incest edition of ' 11lle f§thuhert elhipper" containing valuable Market information you must hsva. A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. Dept C , CHICAGO, 25-27 4CICU.S.A. i London Life Policies are "GOOD AS GOLD" Ninety-seven per cent of the public when they attain ad- vanced age have little or nothing to live upon, and are eithee dependent upon relatives or public charity for support. Protect your future by a popular insurance policy in the. London Life. All the popular plans of insuranca written. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Mess, Local Agent