HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-09, Page 3• NOTES AND COMMENTS The. extremely large job which Ger- many baa undertaken in its efforts to blockade the British ieles is pointed out in a atatement just issued from t}u headquarters of the National Geograahic Soeiety at Washington. That' authoritative body does not heisitate to say it comes as near at- tempting the impossible as anything any reition hu yet committed itself to, It bases the conclusion on the feet that Germany is undertekhas to guard a "deadline of 1,600 miles, measured from headland to headland, 20 miles off shore"; to seal up 110 ports., all of which are admirably developed for businene and 80 of which aro navigable at low tide by vessels thatacan go in fourteen feet of water; to combat at onee dithe sinuosities of a shore line lendinei itself better to defense against blockade than any other of equal length in the world and the greatest navy civilization has ever een." "Wane if the Germans have 500 sub- marines constructed for the purpose of this blockade, as is claimed," it goes on to say "the total makes an average of only about four submarines avail- able for blockading each port." Fur- thernrore, "submarines, with even the largest radius which any of these peseees, are dependent an a convenient base or upon the service rendered by a 'mother nhip."They generally can carry a most limited number of tor- pedoes, without which they are ind- feetive, and in addition they are sev- erely handicapped by the very nature of their operations!' • • The rieliietance the submarine vain- paiga will meet in the ability of the liritieh to replace a large part af the. lost shipping, is also set forth. At' the end of 1915 there were 455 steam vessels under construction in British hipyarde, more than half of them -being of more than 5,000 tons burden. The aggregate capacity of these is more thin 1,788,000 tons, "so that both in tonnage and in number the new Fish Recipes. , does this apply just now to old pota- toes. Fish Soup (Russimi).—This soup is ' Under no circumstances add e made of one salt to the water h. cooking these, as very hearty. It zany b it draws out the juices, hardens Or several varieties of fish. Put twothe head, fibre, and destroys the flavor, pounds frash Ruh, including bones and in a saucepan, together with one All vegetables should be put over sliced carrot, one onion, several fitalks the fire to cook in rapidly -boiling pars- water, and in uncovered vessels. of celery cut into bits; sprigs of ley, one bay leaf and six peppercorns. 'Vegetables containing starch—riee, Cover With three quarts of water and potatoes, chestnuts—enust be boiled until boil gently one and one half hours. tender, but not a moment longer, Strain through cheesecloth into a.noth- or they will become heavy and soggy. er saucepan, add six tablespoons rice Old peas, beans, and lentils should be washed and soaked over night. In and boil until rice is tender. Add one- half pound 'uncooked fish, skinned, bon- the morning drain, cover with fresh m- boiling water, boil half an hour, dram, ed and cut into small pieces, and si and threw this water out. They are mer about fifteen minutes, Have then ready to be cooked according. to ready ane egg yolk beaten into one any recipe. This preparation is neces- cup of cream or riot' milk; add this to the soup; remove from fire without and in order to get full food value and to make them more digestible and letting boil any more, flavor with salt, , pepper and paprika and serve. , Palatable. It is important to rezziern- I ber this at the present time, as these Salmon Mold.—Drain .off the juice foods are amongst our best meat sub - from a can of etilmon and flake the s'titutes. fish, picking out every fragment of Vegetables containing volatile fla- bone and skin. Mix with the fish one ' veri"gcauliflowers, egg lightly beaten, the juice of a half , "kin, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, should be boil - lemon, a cupful fine dry dread crumbs, cd in salted water in an uncovered. and salt and pepper to season. Pack vssel, or they will emit a very un - in a buttered mold which has a tight- fitting tin cover, steam for two hours pleasant odor. Tho volatile matter . I contained in all these vegetables is and cool , !rich in hydroger. and sulphur, both of salmon collets. — chop rather coarsely the eontents of a tin of sal- : which are valuable for the Miniazi system; so when this is allowed to es - mon, and mix in an equal bulk of bread crumbs, seasoning the lot ac- cape by over -cooking or careless cook - hg, there is great food waste. cording to taste. Then, with the aid of beaten: eggs, form a fairly stiff , A safe rule to remember is: Top - paste, which can be made into cutlets, ground, succulent, or green vegetables and each coated with egg or milk and should be cooked in salted boiling we- iroa nee o cut elm .. , , •lan ter. Underground vegetables, . the frying pan with dripping. This pro- i roots and stems of plants should be cooked in boiling, unsalted water. Salt to the limb factory and gets fitted. cess will be found az). economical one,! But. if not in such conditibn he is pro - as the fish lasts Imager Oxen if merely' should be added after they have been drained. vided With a "shrinker" and then give eaten as it comes from the WI. en .a pass (coupled with transporta- Fish Palties.---liemove all bones — Housekeeping Hints. tion) in order that he may go to his , ,o, ;,mig me Nib INN 11111 II III PIN III NO Mt mm • BM all imi,, oF, ,ettiragreike 113, 1 selan sit lilhossr,sa` —, 5. ei.oineyme •wo The Mending ffecTtional .•••••••••••ig ARTIFICIAL LIMBS FOR MAIMED MEN TWO TYPES OF ARMS, ACCORD- ING TO VOCATION OF SOLDIER. Government Artificial Limbs Factory ani Orthopcedic ;Workshop for Making Splints. The soldier who has lost a limb is met at the station on his arrival in Toronto—and all who have lost limbs are sent to Toronto, for there, close to the Convalescent Home, is the only Government artificial limb factory in Canada—and then examined by a board Of three officers. Then he is transferred to the Orthopoedic Hos- pital under the charge of Dr. Gallie. Then his 'stump is looked into, and if it is in a condition for fitting he goes from bout half a pound of cold fish. craft aro replacing those sunk by the Chop up a hard-boiled egg and add to enemy." this tha fieh. Add half a teacupful belled rice, a deasertepoonful of finely Ai. fh et the German announcement of chopped par and pepper and salt what was to be clone by the submarine to taste. Mix all well together. Make campaign was taken by many people half a pint of white seine and add to almost at face value. Since then the other ingredients. Mash half a there has been leisure for a little more pound of cooked potatoes and suffici- coneideration- ette say nothing of op- ant flour and dripping to make a nice „partiality for data showing the re. pastry. Roll out, and line some sauc- i 4 tea. As,aaione ers, with this; then with the mix- ly a aaah nhaimel, This, is aiitdeniaL she- ise iotritomitto4110040,0"4104450.66iiefte6 omassetoxlc.uan paper neffiewhatmoe critical eye. iug with the i•cst of the pastry. still has to prove it can name near "making good." A number of creamed soups can be home until such time as he is able to made with the water in which vege- be fitted. tables have been boiled. Theo, when he is able to be fitted, Very good wash cloths can be made he goes back to the Convalescent blum e. white stockings cut open. The Home and is fitted with his limb. edge can be crocheted with pink or Some men have to be operated on first. This is done at the General Hospital, as there are no facilities Pantry shelves are cleanly and at - f tractive painted white. Give them or operating at the Convalescent two coats of white paint, and last- Home. The. new Orthopoedic Hos- pitaLet.North Toronto will have such factig resi "“ Atilt* and an Orthopoedic werksledi for maii.fng splints, etc. A large number of men come back with immovable joints and stiff limbs, etc. Some of these are treated electri- cally. Some go through a baking pro- cess. Nerve cases are treated with hot air, with hot baths of various kinds, and .withielectric treatment. Straight masia.ges are given by V. A. D. workers. ,These are of great effi- cacy in muscle eases. Many cases are St. Vitus Dance is much more both nerve and muscle cases. common than is generally imagined. Best Aims and Legs Made. The trouble is often mistaken for The equipment of the Convalescent Sugar Substitutes . We .all need a certain amount of AFFECTS MANY CHILDREN 'MILITARY TRAINING. sugar, specially during the cold weathh —er, because it is a carbohydrate, or — Beneficial Effect of Universal Train- heat and energy giver. This Trouble Can be Cured ing on Health of Nation, In the first place, We must remem- ber that the refined white sugars, Through the Use of Dr. The NewYork Times prints alar l i granuated, powdered and cube, are tide ley Dr. Lucien Howe on "Univev liams' Pink Pills. and that the eal Training and its relation to the the most exPensive brown is pure, wholesome and actually Health of a Nation.," in which he re - sweeter, besides being considerably fere to .the deformities in school chielle aper .then there is a large amount reit .which could be corrected by mill - of sugar contained in raielas and oth- any training. Dr. Howe pointed out er fruits, and, ae we all know, there is that. tiredly, it IS probable that the an enormous amount of sweetness to health of the girls and of young wo- be had from maple sugar, honey and men would also be improved indirect- molaeses. BC:dile:4 these. actual sugars ly by the universal training of young the starchy footle have to be consider - men. As soon as the large percentage l ed as heat -givers, because starch is of physical imperfections among the and as chauged to sugar during the process young neon .became known, soon SS [be good effects of exercise !of digmstion. Layer Pudding.—Vour ounces of and of vigorous out-of-door life bo- !dried applies, six ounces of bread :lento apparent, the country would crumbs, brownie, in the oven or made eewalten to the necessity of greater of brown bread; four ounces of brown care of the health of other young peo- sugar, three ounces of butter, nutmeg, ple. I cinnamon, one-half pint of hot milk. Teacher% would find the public i Soak the apples and stew very gently ready to follow the advice long ago 'until quite tender. earease a fire -proof given be• sanitarians, and it would not ; dish and sprinkle a thick layer of of condition and can be cured by the, about a week or a fortnight to enable , be. surprising if the next change of , crumbs on the bottom. Cover this use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which the man to become accustomed to it, fashkuable posture would be to one I with a layer af the apples sprinkle limb, more hygienic than at ‘present. I ; ed with sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon Inetead of the sloping shoulders and I and add a few little dabs of the but- lop-sideet movements which character- :ter. Repeat these layers alternately inc the iackndaisical young woman of until the ingredients are used up, keep. to day, we would fled a straighter . ing one of the crumbs for last. Pour spine, trio head erect, mare chest room the milk evenly over the top, sprinkle and the alertness of body anil. mind with sugars put in a few more pieces aleo which accompanies military of butter and bake in a moderate oven metons. Carlyle has said somewhere ul that civilleation rides on a gun car- lilag"ah aiahpugdrl. Pudding.One pound of riago. to does the .genius of . public bread crumbs, one-half pound very health. The Spanmsh war initiated, finely chopped er grated suet, a little through its medical officers, another lemon juice, one pound of molasses, war -the one with yellow fever. The one-half pound raisins, Chop raisins battle against typhoid waswaged coarsely and mix them with the finely more vigorously and systematically in chopped suet, then add the bread the Anierican army than anywhere crumbs and the legion juice. Heat the. molaeses and stir well into the dry ingredients. Pour into a well -greas- ed pudding mold, and boil for seven hems. lives which have been lnui will be How To Prepare Vegetables eaven by these two victories of One of the duties of every Cana. seienve undout tedly exceeds many. dian housewife at the, present is to ROWS all the losses of the present war, make every home a thrift centre. • There are still avenues of waste in Antelope's Long Jump: every home. One of the most un - Some ktlid9 0:e antelope enol make a noticed of these is probably our me- leep of thirty-six feet in length and shade or preparing and cooking eer- tom feat in height. 'tathi kinds of .rood, ei...._, .. Here are the mice for the cook - aa rata temps old camels are .at for ing of vegetables: Old vegetables or weesii but their strength begins to dee .those that are wilted should be soak - least half unborn. in elear,.celd cline at 25. years, although they usual: ,ed at ly live, te be 40. water before cooking. Particularly ST. VITUS DANCE more mere nervousness, or awkwardness. It usually attacks young children, the ages six most often between of Home is fine and the baths are splen - by the lim', f, which is practi- ACIV esight 50 per cent In One did. The erns and the legs supplied bactory cent Home on Spadina Avenue, but the men go from there to the one on College Street to get their artificial limbs. As regards the artificial arm question, 't should perhaps be said that the type of arm reeemmended is dependent a good deal on what the vo- cation of the man by whom it is need- ed is to be. If he is to be a clerk or an office man, a Carne's arm is de- cided on. If he is to be a mechanic or a manual worker, not a Carne's arm but one which will be of more practi- cal use to him is decided an. The men appreciate to the full the great value of the vocational train- ing which has been brought within, their reach. The majority of them — probably • about 60 per cent.—were manual workers in the days before the war. In connection with the classes in vocational training, there is a great run on bookkeeping and clerking, while the courses in me- chanical engineering' are also very popular. It should be mentioned that the Y. M C. A. admits the men at the Con- • valescent Horne to its privileges., and these are very highly valued by them. The Natural Comment London children certaiely get some quaint views of life. An instance of this recently _occurred in a London East -End Sunday School, where the teacher was telking to her elass about Solomon and his wisdom. "When the. Queen of Sheba came and laid gold and jewels and costly spices before Solomon, what did he say?" she asked, presently. One small giri, who had evidently had experience in .such matters, promptly replied. " 'Ow much (1.3rer want for the lot?" Doctors are so necessary in England that all of the British colleges have opened their doors to women students. Oil obtained from e80d2 of Brazili- an rubber trees hes hoar found an ac- t ceptable substitute for linee.ed oil by Britieh paint -makers. BLANKETS CARPETS LACE CURTAINS FEATHERS FURS DRAPERIES -flilieWNse S TAlaielaitgArEis - QUILTS GENTS' CLOTHING IV A Quick Service Excellent Work Send for our Catalogue on Cleaning and Dyeing We Pay Carriage Charges Ono Way. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge Street - - Toronto Timm: Doctor Tells How T Strengthen and fourteen—though older persons cally in one with the Convalescent Week's Tgme n any nstance may be affected with it. The most , Home, arevery satisfactory, the legs i t vit hin of the bein the lest artificial ones on the I common symptom tie c g muscles of the face and limbs. As continent. The legs seem to give theFree Prescription You Can Have ! the disease progresees this twitching men more, satisfaction than da the A Filled and Use at Home. takes the form of spasms in which arms, for the reason that a man us - the jerking motion may be confined ually expects more from an arm. to the head, or all the limbs may be The type of leg that is being used is affected. The patient is frequently wooden throughout with an ankle unable to hold anything in the hands joint, and also a knee joint if the am - or walk steadily, and in severe cases putation is above the knee, as is the the speech may be affected. The ease with a relatively large number. disease is due to impoverished The leg is fitted in the rough, but is nerves, owing to the blood being out not finished until it has been wan else. 'Phe building of the Panama Conal, largely for naval purposes, complacti the conquest of both yellow fev0i' and typhoid. The number of enrich the blood, strengthen the I and to enable any alterations found nerves, and in this way restore the necessary- to bo made. When a men sufferer to good health. Any symptom leaves with his new leg he is fitted of nerve trouble in young children with accessories to last him two years. should be promptly treated as it is The leg itself,. which is worth $1.00, almost sure to lead to St. Vitus and is the beet on the market, will last Dance. The following is proof of about ten years. An artificial arm, ' the power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which •does not get so much use as to cure this trouble. Miss Hattie leg, will last about twenty years. Cummings, R. R. No. 3, Peterboro, A man without a leg is infinitely Ont., says:—"I was attacked with better off than a Man without an what the doctor said was St. Vitus arm so far as his capacity for future Dance. Both my hands trembled so manual work is eoncerned, With re- tie to be practically useless. Then gard to the type of arm required, the trouble went to my left side, and the view is taken that .ht eases of fecan that to my right leg, and left amputation above the elbow, (»Iles me in such a condition that I was not able to go out of the house, 1 took the doetor's medicine without get- ting any 'noena Then I tried an- other remedy with the same poor res snits. At this stage I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and small amount of good will be got from an arm,' but that, in such cages, Carne's arm, which has been greatly boosted in England, is a little more suitable because it has a wrist move- ment, as well as a finger movement, and, of course, an elbow movement. did so, with the result that they fully With the Carne's arm, a man can do restored me to health, and 1 have a lot of fancy things, but it is not not "had the slightest symptom of (it is said) as muchpractical use nervous trouble since. f can recom- fol' a man engaged in labor as thel mend these pills to anyone who is men with amputation below the el•H suffering from nervous treuble, and bow, and is particularly well suited hope they will profit by my expsri- for men in general labor. The Dor- ranee book appliance ha % a hand You ti can get Dr. Williams' Pink which tits over the hook, and if a Pills from muzy drug dealer or by mail man wants to go out he pets on the : at 50 cents a box or six boxes for hand, $2.50 from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Vocational Traiuing. Cm, l3raekville, Oni. There is mother Military Convalee- tondo:I.—Do you wear glasses? Aro you 4 viotim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so, you will be glad to know that according to Dr, Lewis there is real hope for you. iany ,hose eyea were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this won- derful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: "I was alit:oat blind; could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without any glasses and my eyes do not water any worm At night they would pain dreadfully; now they feel fine all the time. It was Ilko a miracle to me." A lady who used it, says: "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seems dinar. 1 ran even reed fine print without glasses." It is believed that thousands who wear glasses discard them in a reasonable time and tniltittides rnoro will be able to strengthen their t be spared the trouble and expense eyes so as o p of ever gettmg glasses Eye of many deseriotions may be wonderntlx bonefited by followmg the simplo rules. line 111 the presorip- tion: (3o to any art:vs drug store and get a bottle of lion-Opto tablets. Drop one Ion -Onto tablet In a fourth of a, glass of water and allow to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. Ynu should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation will quickly disorlecar. if your eyes are bothering you, even a little. take steps to save them now beiore it is too late. Alany hopelessly blind might have been 85'1?. if they bad eared for their syus in time. Note: Another ;weird:lent inlyeiclan to whont the above article MIA submitted, Said: "Ben•Odo le a very remarkable remedy. Its emedituent ingredients ars well known to eminent ere sDorlallsts and widely prescribed by them. The mantiterturere guarantee it to strengthen athlete MI per cent In one week.'s time In many lumancee or toltawl the money. 11 onn be .Matted teem snvnued druggist and 15 Inc ot site very tent Drop:nation.; 1 fool should Le kOot on bend tor 0414,0810 42'5 in almost every tardily. ' The 'V elotar Drug co., Store 4, Toronto. will nit your enters is your d”uggst cannot. 44* rrMarggSa • -VD'. EVE.' FARMER KNOWS That fertilizers are an absolute necessity to successful fartning. The only question that confronts him getting the eight fertilizer, 4 4,r4 w Shur -044n Fert :ors 1150 pr4.p0.rd enderatie einfervinion or =Tett tn135* bayavAd by forty reach rapittatterh ialt are gueseesteed no ea .oerfoette hefted itt fowls soS 'ery gob in humoe, gonna' fortillacra aro nroly grouhtl, stowing' an evel'., easy dIstri,botion. I-frr Imre of our tortiLimers We are heady ail tomes aiesieee givniNeoli m,410 r.e.omvoria The bept Eltted, thaidu it tap (+spe- nt/Ply iteeeseary Per fortliteer book and (AMA' ini4rYnntiOn, writ* Gunrui Limitea, West Toronto